Do the haters ever rest, take a day off, or just stare at the wall? Here it is the beginning of summer and the BL's are still cranking out the mistruths and hate. How do they do that all.the.time? Altho, today they attacked the Little Couple. For those that don't watch them on the evil TLC channel, they are a very loving couple with two adopted kids and are little people. The little couple is just a brief stop over for them as the main target is Kate. The Little Couple do meet their criteria as for having a show but, they can't hate them too publically, other than calling them 'freaks' (sigh) wouldn't be PC. As evening falls and Memorial Day (newsflash to the loyal readers of 15 minions: Memorial Day is for honoring those that have died for our country) comes to an end it is time to get back to hating Kate. The latest? Kate has a baseball cap on. I know, I know. Apparently, according to one of the posters who is from PA, people stare at women who wear baseball caps with their hair in a ponytail. Who are these people??
People online has a clip of the upcoming special on June 25. This will give the haters weeks of enjoyment to fantasize about how Kate looks and what she is thinking in the 60 second clip.
To see clip of upcoming special go to |
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 212 of 212Ah, so the BL says they are doing fine now? Oh my, did Jon tell her the truth?
No word from Jon since his award winning appearance on the nasty VH1 failed project. Gag orders on deadbeat Dad's are not hard to obtain. Now if the BL would tell her bleeple that 4 days a month, and not always does he have the kids, is not 50/50, no matter what state you live in. Is their another fake lawyer on the internet? Just asking of course?
"It's on Kate to raise the issue if she doesn't like that, sheeple. Go whine to her."
I wish one hater would address why they shouldn't go whine to Jon as he gave up legal custody which allows Kate the right to film the kids any time she wishes.
Remona Blue has left a new comment on the post "The Big Tip":
I was also wondering about buying the new book on Kindle, but for a different reason than you. In my case, I WANT to buy the new Kindle version AND keep the original Kindle version! I will also purchase the hard cover book. I can't wait!
LOL there's a live one for ya, Bob. Someone who will by the book on stalking Kate!
Hello Sagettes!
When will the Gosselin special be on? I hope it's in summer.
Bleeple, it was your leader, Bl, who said it was an underhanded, shady, cloak-and-dagger deal. That was one of her initial spins of why it just couldn't be so. Everyone else realizes it was perfectly legit.
Ha! Yep, the court talk is old. Bleeple,resume your normal programming on Kate's boobs, her bra, hair, her big toe, Milo, Steve and anyone who tweets to Kate. Don't forget to mention cupcakes every 10th comment with a nod to potty training.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 167
Yeah, this court nonsense is getting old. I know very little about
the law. But if the fans are accusing Jon of making some
underhanded, shady, cloak-and-dagger deal, well, then they need
to blame their queen for signing off on it.
June 9, 2014 at 5:12 PM
I think it's on the end of June, two parts. It's been in the can, but the bleeple think they know everything about it already. It's a special, no long filming for months and months. You know the spin----the kids are worked to death. :(
Would anyone take any parenting advice from any Bleeple, (said no one ever. )
Does anyone know who Hoff's great legal team is?
Farkle, I have no idea. I saw the haters mention some name. But, they also say he has a publisher. LOL
BL really really wants people to quit mentioning that Jon doesn't support his kids. And, she really really wants us to believe her hate blog is about "child labor laws where it's appropriate for the public to speak out" and "exploitation of children, which should always be the public's business." LOL
PA has a new law, they have a handle on their child labor. So, why is BL still yammering on day in and day out? Kate's good bra has so much to do w/child exploitation.
Also, I don't remember BL praising PA's child support system when Jon was required to pay. BL was crying foul back then. (Administrator) said... 163
It's good to be a strong advocate for your client and present the strongest case possible, but as you point out, if an attorney or other advocate gets too involved, they may lose the ability to see or accept a "best outcome" result.
Yes that's one concern. For me it's mainly about understanding this isn't your battle to fight and to keep remembering it's not personal to YOU. You have to focus on the people who are actually involved and what their wants and needs are. You can't lose sight of that by being caught up in the battle. Maybe their needs are that they do want a huge a battle, and that's what you're there for. But maybe their needs are they just want this over with, and you have to be open to that and understand this is their life not yours.
Anyway how this relates to Kate is I frequently see her sheeple take up for this woman when she has given little to sometimes NO indication it's even an issue that concerns her. This is what I would tell her sheeple. This child support thing is not your battle. We're not talking about a matter of public concern like child labor laws where it's appropriate for the public to speak out. From everything I have read, PA has a very good handle on their child support issues. This is not an area that needs some kind of massive overhaul. And it really is something that is the family's business and no one else's. The same can't be said for the exploitation of children, which should always be the public's business. It's like they're trying to make it the same thing, and it's so not. At a certain point it gets embarrassing to watch them fight so hard a battle Kate hasn't given an indication she is interested in fighting. It's just not a healthy place to be.
June 10, 2014 at 10:04 PM
I can't believe that she can say "it's just not a healthy place to be'. What is healthy about running a site that encourages hatred and allows Kate to be called a bitch over and over again,while stating blatant lies as facts.What is healthy about grown women sitting at their computer writing nothing but negative comments and searching for any and every tidbit they can find about Kate in hopes that they can find something new that they can tear her apart about. In the event that they can't than they go back to their old standby of cupcake gate.Yeah that's all real healthy.
I would like to tell the BL, good Fathers that care about their kids needs, pay cs before they eat, drink, and party. Every state has child labor laws, what the H has she been doing for years researching such laws. Filming may be different, but a few short update on the family is no biggie now. PA gets tax credits for everything filmed in their state, it's a dead issue now. PA loves the money, just like CA. Many more kids work in that state than anywhere else.
We have family's without jobs, war, wounded soldiers, poverty, food banks, and many problems she should be addressing, instead she maintains a birth fetish site and a hate blog. What a great American she is. :( She's loser fish that can't swim with the big fish. imo
Jane has left a new comment on the post "The Big Tip":
And let's not forget that it's all Jon's fault. Someone's getting desperate, hunting down articles from 2009.
CJWhodunit @CJWhodunit
JG blew 1000s of $$$$$ on drugs/alcohol&women but refused 2take care of 2dogs while ex Kate took care of 8 kids!#SMH,,20305132,00.html …
No self-awareness...from the blog that reposts Kates tweets from three years ago and videos from 7 years ago. And lets not forget about the kids cupcakes that are talked about ad nauseum.
Yet they call us stupid. LOL
It's likely that Jon's CS deal would never had been made public if he hadn't whined about paying child support when he wasn't even paying it. It was Kate's attorney who set the record straight, as well she should have!
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