KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD - THE RISE AND FALL OF A REALITY TV QUEEN [Kindle Edition] Robert Hoffman (Author), Jacqueline Fox (Editor), Lopita Bhakta
(Editor), Angela Rosario (Editor)
Here is part of emails that Angela/Hoffman sent me. Hoffman is a bullshitter and as I have said he tells you things he thinks you want to hear. I was on to him from the beginning and led him on. I don't know if what he is saying is true or not but, he was emailing me and had sent me at one time a page from Kate's contract with TLC and pictures of the kids that have never been made public.
(the 15 he is referring to are the posters at the BLs):
Angela Rosario <angela.rosario66@gmail.com>
to me
.....A lot of the 15 posters appear to have mental issues....
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Jon sells stories to the tabloids as often as they will buy them, period. He brags about how much money he makes from doing it.
I think I mentioned hollybaby before. That was a big deal because when Jon/Ellen sold the story to them about Kate sending days old food to school in the kid's lunches, Kate finally had enough and put her lawyers to work and threats were made to hollywoodlife. They cut off contact with Jon/Ellen, but only temporarily. Now they're back at it again. Chloe Melas was the go-between between holly and Ellen because as I mentioned, she came here and met with Jon back in the day.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 242 of 242I have always thought that RH was a good part of the reason that Kate threw Jon out of the apartment... She found out he was entertaining the paps in her house when he was having his custody time..
RH says he brougth a box of donuts for the children even though Kate did not allow them donuts.
Isn't he nice!! It's like, I do not allow candy for my children between meals but someone does it voluntarily just to go against what I think is best for MY children.
That might be one of the reasons Kate was not friendly with RH.
No wonder Kate put a lock on her bedroom door.
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Whoever said the lusting comment was projection is spot on. There is not a breath of any suggestion there is something sexual here. So why in the world would you even think such a thing if not because you have thought it? THEY lust after Kate. THEY are women obsessed with this woman and her reputation in a way that is just odd and certainly suggests something romantic.
I don't understand why we give these particular sheep attention. Maybe we should just not bring it to the blog at all or discuss it. Sometimes I think they LOVE that Robert did a whole post on them even though he made them look deranged. You will never win with these sheep, even when I tried to explain myself they either ignore it or twist it some more so I stopped trying to explain themselves to them ages ago. Not only do I owe them an explanation for anything in my private life but they have not shown me a shred of respect that suggests they even care what the real explanation is or would be able to digest it in any kind of reasonable or rational manner. They just want to fight, so I'm not gonna play that game and neither should Robert. The smoking gun about the party web site was even worse. Hey sheep, ever heard of REVERSE chronological order? Get a freaking GRIP.
Well Becks, I saw your birth fetish site and I read the comments YOU made on that site. I have no respect for you and by the sounds of it you are the one losing your grip.
Happy Canada Day!
Something tells me that Becky does want and apology & can't ignore this site. She's hurt by what Robert told Sage.
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This manual is completely legit.
Among other things I can confirm Jon's number does indeed start with that area code. Busted Kate.
Did ya all read that? BL can confirm that is Jon's area code. Whew, I bet NE is glad that it got that confirmation. lol
Wow!! I hope BL doesn't quit her day job to become an expert investigator! She does have a day job, right?
Oh - & I also remember when BL "confirmed" that she was privy to the names of Jon's new high powered attorneys & that he would be suing Kate for custody any moment! That was months ago.....meh.
At least now she's claiming to "confirm" things that are easily googled so she doesn't look like a 100% asshat when her stories don't pan out. She's so desperate. LOL
Well I give Becks a heads up. My area code is 815. So if she ever sees that area code written anywhere its me. ;)
Over In TFW's County
4:08 PM (7 minutes ago)
to me
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I went to the store this afternoon to pick up a few things. While waiting in checkout, I picked up the Enquirer. I was thinking of Auntie Ann in her crocs and sunglasses. The lady in back of me said, "Why in the world would you waste your money on that? We already know what a bitch she is." I told her that her fans claim that everyone who meets Kate loves her, The woman said, "Bulls**t," followed by some expletives that I won't post here. I bit my tongue and didn't say anything else, but I did laugh the whole way out the door.
LOL no where I ever heard or seen this happen no matter who is on the cover. But, SURPRISE it happens to the bleeple all the time.
No wonder Hoffman could bullshit them so easy.
Carole has left a new comment on the post "Discussion Thread: Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10...":
I think many people just jumped to the conclusion that Robert knows specifically who Milo is because they, themselves, want to know. I personally feel that Milo is just an over-the-top fan (way over) who thinks she has a special relationship with Kate.
I agree w/you about about Milo - obsessed sheeple. If I were a fan I'd wonder if the disks Robert has contain the e-mails I might have sent her. Although I doubt he'd ever do anything with the info, for some of the more rabid sheeple, especially those who have attacked him, I don't think I'd be completely comfortable thinking he might know my real ID.
The bleeps aren't comfortable with Hoffman having their real ID? I wonder if it is because he called them mental.
LOL, Becky actually said that about his area code.Well she sure told Kate didn't she. LOL. Becky, you're making this way too easy.
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That rant reminded me of those 22 page letters with no paragraphs that people like Christopher Dorner leave behind before going on their rampage.
Sheesh, did anyone read her recap of the show? Word after mindless word. I mean it really, did anyone read it? Bleeple?
BL=textbook narcissist.
....with delusions of grandeur.
mmmmmmm. Interesting column by Al Walentis.
Quiltart, it is very interesting. How people can take what Hoffman is saying without any sources is beyond me. Al is making a valid point.
Have to remember also that Al knows Hoffman or knew him and dealt with him while at the height of Gosselin drama. He knows what he is capable of.
I remember Hoffman bragging to me as Angela how he gave a made up story to Al.
Do any of you remember the chicken story. Hoffman told me he and Jon made that story up of Jon and a 'friend' meaning Hoffman got drunk and let the chickens out. He then gave that story to Al.
That right there shows that Hoffman has no qualms of making things up to get notice....lack of creditability.
Hoffman's only goal was to destroy Kate. He will stop at nothing. If he cared about the kids and if he thought they were in danger, he would have done something five years ago to rescue them.
Hoffman can "preach" to his "choir" of haters and they can swarm the few articles and rant about Kate like they do whenever any article is written about Kate, but I see a lot of disbelief from non haters regarding some of his "claims" as well as many comments about how rough it must be taking care of 8 kids whether they are babies or 10 and 13 year olds. Not everybody is falling for the hater agenda to have everyone hate Kate. I think the reverse is happening and it stirs up understanding and sympathy for Kate. Sorry haters. NOT. lol
Over In TFW's County has left a new comment on the post "Discussion Thread: Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10...":
From ROL: "Gosselin even forced the nanny to clean up the flock’s droppings daily. “It was a total pain,” the onetime babysitter says."
I thought she was referring to sheeple poop!
And here I thought it was Hoffman's poop from lurking around outside.
Is the BL for real? As a nanny she "encouraged" her employer to be a more involved parent and assumed the role of mental health counselor with the children? WTF? The word "boundaries" really is not in her vocabulary. The more she talks about her nannying days, the more convinced I am that "her narcissist" fired her and that's why she's so bitter. Poor baby had no choice but to earn a living exploiting genital mutilation victims instead.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 111
When I was a nanny I saw troubled kids who were in pain and desperately missed their mother who was gone all the time or not interested in them. Was I to not judge, or was I to try to do something about it, like try to encourage her involvement more and try to help them work through those feelings? We had lots of
long talks about how they felt and grew very close as a result, and I don't regret "judging" the situation. I could have just ignored it and pretended it wasn't happening, but isn't that just enabling it and being insensitive to a child's feelings by giving the impression I condone such neglect? I don't believe in being an enabler.
It's extremely funny to read BL tooting her own horn about how fab she is. Someone needs to break it to her that if she was really as FAB as she seems to think she is then she wouldn't be spending her time dissecting and critiquing the life of a woman with 8 kids. She'd be living her own life and would be too busy with her life to think about Kate living her life!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post "Discussion Thread: Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10...":
Don't they have anything more productive to do than marathon watch episodes they've probably seen a million times? Wtf. Get a job. A hobby. Friends. Better channels on the tv. Something shmoops.
I just checked in. Sheesh don't the beeple have anything better to do than to read Kate's tweets and fantasize what she is thinking or what the kids are thinking?
The bleeps need to get a job or a hobby or just step away from the computer for a half hour.
This just proves my point. They know what Kate says and thinks. Talk about animal abuse this bleeple has a bleeple cat reading the BL!
AuntieAnn has left a new comment on the post "Discussion Thread: Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10...":
Sorry, my cat hit publish. (omg!)
Terri, I think they know better than to ask. They've grown up with her and know what buttons will set her off. I think the subject of Jon is taboo unless it's a negative remark. That's how sick she is.
What a bunch of bleeping Bleepers they are.
You are too funny, Sage!
TLC stinks has left a new comment on the post "Discussion Thread: Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10...":
I just started reading Robert 's reissued book. Much easier read.
With her bizarre tweets today and what I can stomach so far in the book, I am really concerned what will happen to the kids when they are a financial burden and no TV show is interested. I am frightened for them.
No need to be frightened TLC Stinks. Didn't Bob (oops, sorry, Robert)say that he would give all the proceeds from his book to the Gosselin kids? After all no one should make money off of the kids. ;)
Ya know Auntie Anne could have something there.
I could see the National Enquirer putting on the cover 'Bleeple Cat Sends Kate Gosselin a Message SHOW US YOUR BOOBS'.
It could work and a few bucks for auntie.
You're on a roll tonight, Sage!
My cat was using the tv remote and decided to watch 7 Little Johnstons. The family went to the state fair and was playing carnival games. One of the prizes was...wait for it.....a fish in a baggie filled with water! Cat wants to go and play the games now.
Over And Out has left a new comment on the post "Discussion Thread: Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10...":
Sandie @SandieBellz 2m
@ConcernedChick what grown man lays in a ditch snapping photos of private moments? Creepy. ;) @Dave_White67 @DdissidentT @Kateplusmy8
What grown woman gets sloshed, sits in a NYC bar and lets a strange man lick her foot? Creepy.
What grown man goes on camera for a tv show and masturbates? Why Jon of course.
Exactly Sage, there is nothing that can top Jon's handy dandy show on Couples Therapy.
Good one, Merryway!
LMAO Francie
Happy Independence Day to everyone at The Sageway Express!
SG is obsessed with Kate. She brings up the toe sucking all the time.The way she talks her life & family is just perfect. She's a RL Stepford wife.p..pretend perfect on the outside, empty/hollow on the inside.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB has left a new comment on the post "Discussion Thread: Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10...":
Nancy said... 38
How on earth does that driveway belong to someone who is piecing and patching the up keep alone would be insane and that's just the driveway how much more is there we don't see. Not that I care but as my Dad would always say when someone tried to sell him a "bill of Goods" don't pee on my leg and say it's raining!
That's Kate rubbing her loyal fans noses in the fact that she's rich and the're not. Did she wish them a Happy 4th? Didn't think so
Your comment says a lot more about you Tweet, than any of the fans.
Happy 4th everyone.
Reading your posts Sage, LOL!!!
I put a holiday post up. I will keep this post open for Gosselin comments.
I finally got to watch the specials and the kids are adorable. Kate is doing a great job raising them.
Agree, Shawn.
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same mag says Elvis is alive!
Same mag also said John Edwards was having an affair. They were spot on.
They're right sometimes they're wrong sometimes. They're not always right or always wrong. Neither is the New York Times or any publication. The fact that they may have published some really off base stories from time to time doesn't mean this one is wrong.
Doesn't mean this one is right either.
Because they got John Edwards right...how many years ago?...means everything they write about Kate is the absolute.
Bleeple logic. Maybe we should call these little gems bleepisms.
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