I have a feeling there is more than one at the BLs that would make the WalMart pictures list.
Here is the difference. I don't care. I don't care if someone (fan or hater) is overweight or has frizzy hair.
Why is it some women feel they have to attack another womens looks? To feel superior? Do they think that makes them look better or feel better about themselves?
All this outing and publishing photos over the years has accomplished nothing but make the outers and those that ridicule look childish. They are an embarrassment to all women.
Being a size 2 does not make you any smarter or accomplished than being a size 20.
Wow, this is how they spend their days? Gulping booze and fantasizing about "the sheeple?"
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 9 I was sitting on the patio sipping (okay, gulping) a Bahama Mama, and thinking about the sheeple. What would happen if Milo and her Merry Minion, aka Zigfield Tola and Zigfield Ziglet, Defective, Hole-in-Heart without the D, Sienna Sheep (whose American Girl doll watches videos), Stale Cereal Brownie, Kisser-upper Carlene, Goofy Goody, Uggs and her plethora of hot friends, and a host of others would show up at the Kate Kompound, with Lauren driving her school bus, and Hero BV leading the pack.
Why am I not shocked. "Hole in the heart without the D" .... very classy thing to say Nameless.You defiantly are one of the Twitter haters in disguise on 15mins.that Admin doesn't like.Wonder what her Twitter handle is.
This is one of the stupidest things Becks has written and believe me there have been many.
To use Joan River's death as a way for karma for Kate is appalling.
Grow up. No one cares about Kate as much as you and your obsessed bleeple.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post "We all worked on 'the career.' As if it were a tot...":
It really would be sweet justice if Joan's final act is to see to it Trump fires Kate while all of Joan's fans watch. Like we said karma does come round
What's she even talking about? Joan's, from the grave, "final act" is going 'to see to it' that Trump fires Kate from a show that was filmed and in the can months ago? That will be "karma" and all Joan's fans will be watching? Kate being "fired" from a show that everybody on the show (except for the winner) gets fired from is going to be "karma?" It happened months ago but will "come around?" And THAT will be "sweet justice?" "Justice" for what? What's this woman smoking? Seriously?
She has no idea how immature and delusional her deep hatred is over someone SHE DOES NOT KNOW but is so jealous of it has impacted her life and all of her stupid followers.
For them, it always comes back to Kate. So twisted, using yet another death to slam Kate. Micha, exactly. Bl makes no sense.
Bl thinks it's a big deal if Joan smacked down Kate? Bl, do a little research, that was a huge part of Joan's comedy. She cut into much bigger names than Kate (like Elizabeth Taylor). But, Bl thinks it is all significant and meaningful if perchance Joan had something to say about Kate. Yes, maybe Joan using Kate as a joke will awaken the masses. The people will finally rise up and take their pitchforks and torches to the gates of the Gosselin home. Lol Oh yes, and a judge will appear and give total custody of all the children to Jon who will be sainted, knighted or something to that affect.
Just when you think the BL can't say anything stupider, she tops herself. She can't actually believe that her stupid little blog factored into Kate's decision to film again, can she? If she wants to talk about mental illness, her first step should be to a psychiatrist for her own evaluation.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 80
Even the filming is somewhat of an F-U both to Jon and us. The money is an added bonus, but most of it is about the F-U. I don't know what kind of mental illness that is, but it sounds like hell to live that way.
I don't think Kate has to worry about the sheeple showing up, it would be the short bus arriving at the gate with a jealous lawyer who wants Kate's life. People who have the rage level in them like that blog owner has, should be off the streets. She has a problem dealing with her fantasy of what someone else has in life, while she is stuck in a rut in hers. She needs praise every minute of her life, did her parents kick her to the crazy curb? When you can't disagree with an opinion on her blog, it's a controlled abusive relationship over there, too bad that many people want to belong so bad somewhere, they lower themselves to have internet friends who does this to them. It's shameful what she has done to them, and someday, hopefully her name will be all over everywhere, now that would be her karma.
What is her obsession with mental illness? Since when is living your life your way a mental illness? I highly doubt Kate really cares about what they or anyone else thinks of her.
Even the filming is somewhat of an F-U both to Jon and us. The money is an added bonus, but most of it is about the F-U. I don't know what kind of mental illness that is, but it sounds like hell to live that way.
Oh, so Kate's main reason for doing new episodes isn't about getting paid - money is just a BONUS. The REAL and MAIN reason is because Kate wants to say "F-U" to BL and her group, and to JON, of course! LOL This woman should really be wondering what kind of mental illness would cause her to believe that anything that Kate does is really "mostly" about saying "F-U" to her and her minions. Sounds like an extreme paranoia/narcissism combo to me.
Does BL really think that because she spends her whole life thinking about Kate Gosselin that it must mean that Kate Gosselin in turn is spending her whole life thinking about BL?
Today's No Self Awareness award goes to Millicent. I believe that previously she won the Martyr Mother award. I hope she has a trophy room.
Millicent said... 112
As annoying and foolish as I find these sorts of fans, I also feel somewhat sorry for them. I think there must be quite an emptiness to their lives, leading them to get so caught up in a fantasy world. If you have a lot going on in real life: friends, family, a spouse or significant other; children, work you enjoy; a home to take care of; activities you enjoy, etc. - then when would you have the time to get so completely absorbed into a celebrity's life?
What fantasy world is she fantasizing about? The one where she and her haterbuddies critique everything Kate does based on an edited TV show that was on TV seven years ago. The one where they know every move Kate makes and every word she says even though she is no longer on TV and they live nowhere near her? The one where the people who do live near her make up any sort of story they want, never having ONCE come in contact with her? The one where they believe any negative story about Kate Gosselin as long as it makes her look bad? The one where their idol is a deadbeat dad who curses his ex and wishes death on her on national RV? They think THAT is real life? They are living in the biggest fantasy world I've ever seen!
Every time the BL mentions mental illness, makes one wonder if she has been told by a doctor that she has a problem. A no name in case law tells lots for all the mouthing she has done for years.
Guess I'll have to step it up and post more so that Millie doesn't feel like she has to talk to herself all day. LOL!
What a bunch of nonsense. Bl sees "red flags" regarding the Gosselin dog. It just drives her crazy that Kate's dog likes to be outside and roam the property. Bl loves dogs so much, she can't believe they'd have their own doggie instincts to hunt and kill. Bl is as clueless at being a dog advocate as she is at being a child advocate. She must keep her dog locked in and make it be like people (whether it likes it or not).
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 92
Yeah but then she'll find something else to prey upon. She's scary like that. *** I suppose that's true. I know nothing about the proper care of birds other than basic common sense, but I do know about dogs. She used to do this with Shoka, throw out all kinds of crap about him that would drive the dog lovers nuts. In particular she really made a point to claim how much he loved being outside, the wild animals he would kill and eat, the roaming he did, all huge red flags for anyone who knows about dogs and their behavior. The nutcase even started writing blog posts from his perspective further justifying all his concerning behaviors.
But this went on for years and after awhile it was hard to keep up our outrage. I think she lost interest too because now, she hardly mentions him. September 10, 2014 at 11:58 PM
This went on for YEARS? She truly shows her delusion here... Shoka has only been back with the G's for a couple of years and Kate doesn't even mention him that much.
I was thinking about this one last night, wondering if she gave up. What's it been....a year since Kate said her book was on the nightstand and promised that she'd read it? ------------------
Almost a year.....
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · Oct 6 @nicolergould your book is on the table next to my bed.. It's my next read. Thanks again! #topofmybookstack
Hmm, remember this tweet from Mother's Day? I wonder if Kate was reading Nicole's book. Nicole even wondered the same thing.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · May 11 Mother's Day following the bday of over 60% of r family means new toys 2 play w while mom lounges in bed, reading a book. #IMeanWhoAmI? #AHH
Nicole Gould @nicolergould May 11 @Kateplusmy8 hope it's mine! :)
So if Kate was telling the truth(ha ha) last October when she said it was her next book to read, then she would have read it. But I doubt it and she's just ignoring Nicole because she doesn't want to admit that she has no intention of reading it. September 11, 2014 at 7:26 PM
And they call us pathetic.One was just thinking about Nicole the night before and this one saved SC of the the tweets Nicole made to Kate.These people eat, breath and live for Kate and her fans.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post "We all worked on 'the career.' As if it were a tot...":
Here's my thoughts a bit more in depth about why it's a double standard for men and child abuse.
Women are wired differently than men. I think we compare ourselves to other women much more than men compare themselves to other men. Many people have a sense that we are a community of women. Perhaps this is evolutionary, when we all gathered back at the caves and often worked together for the good of the clan. Men didn't have to do everything in groups or work together on everything, but women did. We are wired to see each other as all aligned.
If we see another woman doing something really terrible, including hurting a child or hurting someone else, many of us have an instinct to either deny it, or downplay it, or otherwise excuse it. In the ancient days we would banish her from the tribe but since that is not an option and we are stuck with her, we have to figure out some other way to get rid of this bad act and one way is to just deny it. The reason for that is that if another woman could be that evil, then that means we too could do something that terrible, or any other mother out there. I think we are actually wired to see us, womanhood and motherhood, as one collective body. I think people take it personally when womanhood and motherhood is violated.
I don't think anyone is consciously thinking that, but I do believe that is the psychological reasons behind why many sheeple just cannot accept that Kate is a bad person and mother who abused and exploited her children. To accept it is to admit that the sacredness of motherhood is a myth. No can do. I think this phenomenon played into why Casey Anthony was acquitted too. They just couldn't get people to go there on such a heinous level.
Of course since I deal with women doing terrible, terrible things to their children every day, and do not believe whatsoever that all mothers or even women should stick together, it's much easier for me to accept. You bet it happens. For whatever reason many other people here are also very capable of accepting such things happen when it's such a struggle for others.
You rarely hear a man say us men should stick together! They'd be met with ridicule. But I hear we mothers/women need to stick together. All the time! //////////////////
My thinking is that you rarely hear a man say us men should stick together is because there are always stupid women who hold them up and protect them...for example women who make excuses for a lying, cheating, lazy, deadbeat father.
Again, I'm embarrassed for the bleeple that they swallow Bl's nonsense. Bl is so all knowing about how society works. She believes women can't accept child abuse at the hands of the mother because it reflects on their own mothering and because primitive women stayed in groups while men worked alone. Lol, does she use these kinds of baseless arguments in the courtroom?
Not sure what world Bl is living in, but society in general is quick to jump on moms and offer judgy opinions.
I guess it's only men who call those CPS hotlines.
Bl is so uptight that she can't even allow an opposing opinion against her own. Once again, here she is answering back without posting the full comment. BL said it, so it must be true and fully accepted at once. xxxx
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 177
Where did you come up with that opinion? I have many friends, all women, and none of us would deny, downplay OR excuse it. What makes you think that??
Easy, the sheeple and many other women who excused people like K over and over. And over and over and over. With no other explanation. But will easily hate a man for the The same exact thing or even not as bad. It's very hypocritical. September 12, 2014 at 9:25 PM
LOl, Bl can't even let through an opposing comment by a regular. Her bleeple should be insulted. Her bleeple should also be offended by Bl's reasoning that women excuse child abuse inflicted by a mother.
Bl is always using Sandusky as an example of how child abuse is ignored and continues. That is a good example of how those horrible things happen. Her theory on women and motherhood doesn't fit with that situation. However, I'm sure Bl has some long-winded explanation of why her theory is still correct.
Go on bleeple, curl up together under Bl's blanket statements. If you don't, she won't let your comment through and you'll be banished from the tribe. ;)
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 179
I don't think it's a matter of being weak URL. I think it's a matter of having great difficulty accepting that one of our own could be so bad. If you have a better explanation for why so many women have such a hard time with this have at it. September 12, 2014 at 9:29 PM
The haters are on such a different universe that there is really no point to even talking to them, is there? The media doesn't take them seriously, instead media manipulates them by writing salacious articles about Kate because they KNOW the haters will rush to comment and comment on those articles.
These are people who define child abuse as not giving a child a bagel after she had cereal but wanted a bagel that her big sisters were eating. THAT is supposed to be "child abuse?" Don't the haters still go on and on and ON about that? Are rational people supposed to patiently tell them that, yes, moms make mistakes sometimes when they parent. That doesn't mean they are abusive parents who should have their children taken from them. Is saying that a 'defense" of "child abuse?" To the haters, it is.
Let them go round in circles thinking that Kate is an "abuser" because she took all of her kids furniture shopping when one of the kids hadn't had a bowel movement in a couple of days. They think they are on a "high horse" and are morally superior for judging a parent for every tiny thing they do. Really they are on a "crazy horse" where if you are not a perfect mom who does everything right all the time then you shouldn't have your kids - they should be taken from you. Are any of these women mothers? I know BL isn't, which makes her rants all the more pathetic, but some of them must be.
I have a feeling that BL wouldn't last too long in the cave once the other cave women caught onto her penchant for parlaying the mutilation of their genitals into a tidy cache of fire sticks for herself. Plain and simple, she's a nut.
Jane has left a new comment on the post "We all worked on 'the career.' As if it were a tot...":
ECJ shared this video on Twitter recently. It's one I hadn't seen and didn't know existed.
Robert wrote of the young Amish woman who made a gift for Kate and delivered it to her house. This gift was later found in the garbage by Robert. The video shows her speaking to the paps and leaving the gift.
Over And Out has left a new comment on the post "We all worked on 'the career.' As if it were a tot...":
Jane (12)...
Yes, I remember seeing that and thinking about the Twitter sheep. How would they feel if THEY were the ones who made a gift like that, only to have it thrown into the trash? Have any of them acknowledged the video? I believe that Robert said he retrieved the gift and gave it to a member of his family (wife, mother?)...
Of course, the sheeple would say that this never happened. The video was staged and the whole thing was fake, set up by Robert who wanted to trash Kate for not appreciating a fan who took the time to drive to her house and leave a gift. Is that Robert in drag...or perhaps Jon? That would be their spin on it. The Ph Minus the D Sheeple says that if there is no photo, it didn't happen. This is better than just a photo, so they'd have to figure out a way to claim it never happened. //////////////////
Of course stalking Robert would never lie! I am sure he gave it to his mother...Bob is like that, sainted like his good friend, Jon.
I betcha Hoffman is laughing his ass off seeing how stupid and gullible these people are.
It's funny, The Bl has a tribe of women over there, man I knew she lived in a cave, her thought and opinions are so 5000 thousand years old. ROTF.
Notice she has women friends, no men want to be around her at all. She couldn't carry on a conversion with a man, he would see the stupid fast from her. imo
Hope everyone is enjoying the fall weather and scenery changes.
Sadie, if only she would take her own advice. I don't understand why they have to mock everyone who tweets to Kate. It's so mean but must feed into their superiority complex.
Bl did manage to let through some comments disagreeing with her blanket statement that women are wired to believe that another woman would not abuse a child. Bl's trying to backtrack, but she just has to be right about everything. lol, Who knew that Cafemom had following of people who excuse child abuse? Of course, Bl's blog is special and they don't excuse it.
How can her posters stand Bl's stupidity? They already ignored her having a birth fetish site, they follow her blindly about parental alienation as a mental disorder, they believed her lies about Jon having 50% custody and that is why he doesn't pay child support. And, they still ignore that Jon gave Kate full legal custody. It's just pathetic. Their hatred is more important than their pride.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 34
Millicent that is why I said many. Not even most or the majority or most. One need only look at the sites suggested like Cafemom to see that many women support and excuse child abusers. One need only look at this site to see many do not. But the double standard does exist for many. September 14, 2014 at 8:28 AM
I really do think the BL has about 50 socks, if you follow the conversation there, she asks the questions, and she answers them to make her blog look important.
She really needs to shut it down, she is a bore, and I mean a bore. It's the same crap, just repeated from years ago. She should be teaching real law there, (although I don't think she knows much) might help her move on from her low day job.
They search all day to find something that remotely could be compared to Kate and the kids in a bad way.
By one little ole tweet from Kate they have spent the entire day enraged that Kate could be filming or heaven forbid, signing up the kids for school activities that she can pull them out of when the filming ends.
No where in Kate's tweet did I see anything about either of the above scenarios.
Don't forget the "it will be awkward for them to start an activity in the middle of it." School has only been in session not even a month. I don't know about where they live but, a lot of school activities here have just now started or getting ready to start.
And then there's Layla, blathering on about how Kate has nothing going on. Yeah, Except for a a TELEVISION SHOW. ********************* Layla said... 191 I'm playing catch-up again, and I'm struck by how boring Kate is becoming. For so many years, even after the show was cancelled, she always had something going on. A talk show, a magazine cover, some kind of appearance. But nothing since the paltry "media day" in June before the first special. It looks like the Today show/Access Hollywood/tabloid programs are over her. Now TLC is all she has left, and who knows how long that will last?
LOL Kate's life isn't "entertaining" to "Layla." Merely raising 8 kids seems BORING to her! She wants MORE from Kate's life. "Layla" really does need to "catch up" to understanding that the life of a mom (of 2 or of 8 or of 19) is never boring to the mom, even if it doesn't seem "exciting" to her. Oh, "Layla." LOL LOL
Ex nurse I don't think it's because the abuse happened a long time ago. The Sandusky abuse happened mostly in the early 2000s and no one batted an eyelash to crucify the entire university. I think it's mostly because she's a mother and a woman and much of society will stop at nothing to protect the phony sacredness of motherhood.
Bitter much Becky? Dr Quinn really ticked you off didn't she?
OMG, it's so belittling to compare the sexual abuse children suffered at the hands of Sandusky vs. the G kids being spanked. Unbelievable. That's so insensitive!
BL get a grip. Other than the bleeple and Robert, no one cares. They have two instances of a mother's perception when she was overwrought and the children were toddlers.
Do they honestly think that Jon didn't spank the G kids?"
In the meantime, Kate is the one keeping the house and the kids in their schooling, being the main caretaker of the kids. But, you know, Jon used to give the kids baths years ago, so that makes him a saint. :)
Serendipity said... 160 childabuseneverwins @bitemeaholesFU 28m @Frigidaire Ty for making my decision for me! Since you decided to gift a wealthy woman like kate gosselin, I will choose samsung for new DW
Did the company tweet that they are giving her a new dehumidifer? September 18, 2014 at 10:31 AM ******** This is what I was talking about upthread. This crapfest happens every time Kate grifts from a company on Twitter. The company will get hate Tweets, emails etc. because Kate just can't help herself when it comes to getting something for free. Kate thinks if she #'s the company by name, they'll feel pressure to jump through hoops for her. She has no decency. I'm sure Frigidaire could give a crapola if some mouth-frothing Kate haters don't buy their brand (Electrolux is the parent company and owns about 2 dozen brands-so good luck knocking all of them off your list), but she has hurt the "little guys" by associating with them.
It's Kate fault that the crazy haters are harassing Frigidaire.These people don't see how obsessed they are.
Kate controls them. This is probably the closest you can get to one of them actually admitting that. This one is putting the blame on Kate for what the "mouth frothing Kate haters" do, and look at how accurately she describes her own kind. Hehe.
Kate has hurt no one, and the mouth frothing haters only hurt themselves, if they REALLY do what they claim they are going to do. Anyone who reads their rants can see that those people live in world of hurt, so they probably won't notice when they heap a little more onto themselves. Maybe one day they'll accept that nothing they do or say is going to stop Kate from doing or saying whatever she wants. Maybe one day...
Every time the haters email or tweet a company and bitch about Kate getting 'freebies' when there is no evidence of getting them they make people see what bullies they are and how they target Kate.
Bitter Becks. Just who again is the 'obsessed creep' here? //////////////////////
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post "We all worked on 'the career.' As if it were a tot...":
Here's the answer that she got from @Frigidare but uh oh, if you read their timeline that's the standard answer that they give to just about everyone. LOL
Lol. Oh how the mighty have fallen. Poor Kate got a copy and paste job as "help."
I think she has an unusually high amount of breakdowns and malfunctions, though I can't remember them all as well as that obsessed creep Milo can. I suspect she is probably overly rough and careless with the nice things she has. I base this on things like watching her drag that vacuum so roughly across a bunch of rocks on the RV trip, or not paying attention to a loose bird right next to her cake. We have SEEN her be careless in her life.
If you treat things like that, they are likely to break down more often. Poor you. You don't have to treat things in your life like a porcelain doll, but a reasonable amount of care and maintenance and you'd be surprised how far things last.
Yep, it's all about the kids for them, isn't it? What a mean hateful thing to say. I wonder what Circling looks like... ///////////////////////
Circling the drain has left a new comment on the post "We all worked on 'the career.' As if it were a tot...":
@Kateplusmy8: LOL. I barely remember when my hair was that short! RT @FunnyPicsDepot: The "Why is my son not starting?" Haircut pic.twitter.com/mxigBQKtfx ======== I wonder if she remembers the original nose, chin and boobs. September 18, 2014 at 6:20 PM $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ *wonky eye, eyebrows, teeth, cankles, thighs, wrinkles, hairline, kangaroo pouch, belly button, glasses, skin color..... She looks like a creepy clown now
Just checking in to say hi to all the peeps here! :)
If I purchase something and it breaks or falls apart in a few days, you can bet your sweet bippy, the company would be contacted. Duh! Guess they never purchase new products over there, garage sale quality has no warranty. (You can get nice things at sales)
Thanks for the explanation, BL. Now I understand your assholery.
************************ Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 5 Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 2h @MiloandJack @Frigidaire they contacted me and offered a new bucket/handle setup... I'm happy just hope the new one holds water :)
She can't help herself, she has to get in another slam at the company.
Not that it's any excuse, but I really don't think she gets what she's doing. She truly thinks it's okay to just randomly slam them like that, I don't think she realizes she's even slamming them. She thinks she's just talking, sharing information. This is part of narcissism, you don't recognize your own assholery.
Oh dear Lord, now they are competing for who has had the worst flood experience.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 25
She should trying waking up to having a flood and gallons and gallons of nasty water in your hom. Which destroyed your things..now this sucks I know cause it happened to me
Yeah I'll take a few gallons any day over what happened to our house during a terrible ice storm years ago. Entire downstairs flooded. I remember two feet of water everywhere. It was awful. Also when I did clean up at an apartment complex after Hurricane Katrina, the entire downstairs flooded and several feet into the upstairs. It was so sad all the stuff I found people had to leave behind. Again I really don't think she has any awareness how trite she sounds so much of the time. She can't even at least say "could be worse BUT...."
Formerly Duped said... 27 Yeah, Hurricane Sandy was NOT fun for us. We lost power and so the sump pump spilled over and flooded the basement . We spent our days bailing out as much water as possible. Our Wet Vac is electric so couldn't be used til later, when we worked in shifts. A tree fell on our house causing damage to the roof, windows and fence and now our insurance rates have gone up because of it ( it was also our neighbor's tree!) But I wouldn't think to complain much, considering what some folks went through...
She thinks she's just talking, sharing information. This is part of narcissism, you don't recognize your own assholery.
I wonder if BL will ever realize that she's describing herself and that SHE doesn't "recognize" her "own assholery." It's part of "narcissism" that she doesn't recognize it.
They love to compete with their sob stories. Many have lived with tornado's, hail, floods, fires, but it's just them over there. People deal with what is handed to them, at least adults do. Everyone's insurance rates go up and disasters, man, they think we don't know that?
A saw a tweet saying Kate put her life on TV, so expect the backlash. When you tweet hate and crap, you opened up yourself for the same treatment. Gawd, who's stupid?
Kate Coyne @KatePeople 1h @MiloandJack My bottom line on @Kateplusmy8: once you have twins + sextuplets + a dismal marriage, feel free to judge her all day every day.
Happy weekend everyone. Fall soccer season officially kicks off here tomorrow morning bright & early at 8 am. Who needs to sleep in on a Saturday anyway?!
I am going to try and sleep in tomorrow but I always have those intentions and end up getting up earlier than I normally do for work during the week...go figure.
thanks she is all better. Had her first migraine. She was worried about taking her first college math test. She came home this afternoon to see us for the weekend.
Did anyone hear if June and Sugarbear broke up? This should give the bleeps plenty to talk about for days if this is true. Maybe the BL could represent the damaged party in all of this, she thinks she knows the laws of every state and court system. :)
I think it is funny that Becks and the bleeple condemn Milo for tweeting Kate everyday yet they talk about Kate everyday all day. They are the ones who are obsessed with her.
They just can't stand it when someone supports or likes Kate. They have to condemn them asap.
The bleeple think they are so much better than Kate by attacking, mocking, bullying, lying and and spreading rumors. Yep, that makes sooooooooo superior.
Tucker's Mom said... 66
NJGal51 said... 61 Looks like Kate Coyne is trolling for followers. She's only got 586 hence the tweet to another People magazine hack
@KatePeople: @stevehelling Btw: we need to debate the greater travesty--that @alfonso_ribeiro doesn't follow you, or that @Kateplusmy8 doesn't follow me.
TFW is now following her. I guess all of THW's fans and haters will also follow her. ********* This really puts a fine point on what an obsequious lickspittle Coyne is. September 19, 2014 at 7:00 PM
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · Sep 15 I surely must not watch enuf TV...I don't even know who most of these folks are on #DWTS !! Kate sure brought notoriety/ratings 2that show! _______
That was nearly 4yrs ago get over it. ++++++++++++++++++++++
Why do y'all think the bleeples really hate Kate and have spent so many years trying to destroy her?
Why would women want a single mother who has an ex that pays no child support to fail? Only thing I come up with is they hate the kids as much as they hate Kate. They are despicable!
I do wonder if BL's group don't have men in their lives, just old women with time on their hands. Most that have hubs and kids at home don't have time to blog and tweet all day long. They really tell their own lives, they vent it on Kate. Such silly old bleeps who can blog with a single women who owns a birth fetish site, ewww, says way more about them, their families would be shocked to see where they post at and with who.
I see birdgate has started, their was no milk on the rim of the glass, so move along tweeters. Wonder if you feed your kids this weekend and that they had milk?
You said it, Sage! No one who is satisfied with their life would wish such evil on another person for NO REASON except that she has eight beautiful children that she supports alone, lives in a beautiful house, and give her children a life that most of then can't even imagine. They can talk about what wonderful lives they have and how they love their little houses.. (that was one of their more stupid recent rants), but they are SO transparent with all of their ventings. They will never admit it, but they just seethe hatred AND jealousy.
Should have said fed your kids, you know the spelling gate is around. :)
I love how they still tweet Hoffies failed book. Ask around, my family and friends have NEVER heard of him. If you try to explain his love for Kate and her rejection of him, they just laugh. Another scam guy trying to make a cheap buck off of someone else, instead of getting a real job to support his family is what most of them say.
This cracks me up. Who would watch a doc on either of the Roosevelts and think of Jon and Kate?
Lol, should we begin to compare Jon to President Franklin? Nah, cause that would be crazy.
Also, they are still downgrading the new episodes as if TLC doesn't want it to succeed. Then, TLC will kick Kate to the curb. Yep, that's how the bleeple see it.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 10
Getofftwitter (#9), you forgot one of the lamest parts -- who wants to watch these kids get school supplies 3 months after the fact?! If TFW is unhappy with the time slot, I would urge her to remember her own words from the "Fancy Nancy" book: "You get what you get and you don't get upset."
Did anyone watch the Ken Burns Roosevelt documentary last week? Eleanor Roosevelt accomplished more in a week -- even as a senior citizen -- than TFW does in a year. TFW went to St. Jude and handed out her book to children with cancer (?!), then had the audacity to compare her bedrest with what they were enduring. Eleanor Roosevelt went to hospital burn units and visited with ravaged patients, and then hand-wrote notes to the families of each soldier she'd spent time with. Long after her husband passed, she committed herself to being of service. It wasn't for the cameras -- it brought her great joy. Politics aside, it's hard to disagree that she walked the talk. Now there's someone to be inspired by, in my opinion. September 22, 2014 at 9:58 AM
Tucker's, did you see the picture of the van laying on it's side? The entire roof from the window to the back of the van was not there. It looked like those Spam cans with the key and you roll the lid of the top of the can. And you can't even see where the roof even went. It wasn't laying there beside the van.
It is very tragic. When I first saw accident, PA, kids, I immediately thought of kates driving. I pray that if she ever has an accident and I hope she doesn't for the kids sake, I hope NONE of the kids or an animal are with her in the vehicle!
Everything reminds them of Kate.At Christmas the baby Jesus will remind them of her.They see her everywhere. BTW, I'm sure redbirdsings is lukebandit's new persona.
Redbirdsings is lukebandit. She has her own style of bitterness.
I think it is absurd to compare Kate to Eleanor Roosevelt!
I watched the PBS special too. Eleanor had a horrible childhood and was rejected by her mother for being homely. Her father was a depressed alcoholic and died at a very young age.
With having no warmth from her own mother Eleanor did not know how to mother her own kids and they looked to Franklin's mother for that.
I admire both Roosevelts they existed in a time in history that needed them and they both rose to the occasion. With that said they were human and flawed humans at that.
I wonder how they would be viewed if they lived today with 24 hour news and social media
I am shocked that Becks put this through. Someone with some common sense among the ridiculousness. /////////////////
Whaaat? has left a new comment on the post "We all worked on 'the career.' As if it were a tot...":
FlimsyFlamsy said... 10 Getofftwitter (#9), you forgot one of the lamest parts -- who wants to watch these kids get school supplies 3 months after the fact?! If TFW is unhappy with the time slot, I would urge her to remember her own words from the "Fancy Nancy" book: "You get what you get and you don't get upset."
Did anyone watch the Ken Burns Roosevelt documentary last week? Eleanor Roosevelt accomplished more in a week -- even as a senior citizen -- than TFW does in a year. TFW went to St. Jude and handed out her book to children with cancer (?!), then had the audacity to compare her bedrest with what they were enduring. Eleanor Roosevelt went to hospital burn units and visited with ravaged patients, and then hand-wrote notes to the families of each soldier she'd spent time with. Long after her husband passed, she committed herself to being of service. It wasn't for the cameras -- it brought her great joy. Politics aside, it's hard to disagree that she walked the talk. Now there's someone to be inspired by, in my opinion.
Why are you comparing Eleanor Roosevelt to Kate? It's beyond silly. If one of the "sheeple" tweeted that they watched the Roosevelt documentary and Jon pales in comparison to FDR, that tweet would be copied and pasted here and be the butt of many jokes.
I'm pretty sure that Eleanor Roosevelt probably accomplished more in a week than most people do in a year. Why the ridiculous comparison to Kate? Does EVERYTHING on earth remind you of her?
scgal has left a new comment on the post "We all worked on 'the career.' As if it were a tot...":
I'm curious. Do the sheeple really deny that Kate had breast implants? Or do they just ignore any questions and references to them? ////////////
Us 'sheeple' really don't give a shit what Kate's chest size is. Why are her boobs so important to the haters and the bleeps? Makes one think that they dream about them.
Sage, I loved The Roosevelts. How true that despite their brilliance that they were both flawed individuals. It also helped that the press didn't divulge everything they knew, respected their privacy and that they both had impressive independent incomes which allowed them to live life the way they wanted. It was a different time.
I may have been wrong in my statement above. I do believe this one ONLY dreams of Kate's breast...
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 25 Right. But how would they spin it? They saw it with their own eyes and heard it with their own ears.
The same way they spin the inflated girls and the new bra...by ignoring it. What else could they do? You can't look at those bazookas yearning to be set free and not know that they were bought and paid for. Sheeple see it, but wouldn't dare ask her about it, let alone spin it, although Gladys would probably enjoy taking a turn at spinning those puppies.
I've never thought about Kate's breasts. Don't really care if she bought them, it's none of my business, I'm not in the habit of asking people about their breast.
WHY DO THEY CARE? Millions of women in have breast implants. Does it matter? NO! Why don't they focus on how much weight Kate has lost since the show began and how she has trimmed and toned her body with diet and exercise?
Yup, whatever you do do not be a friend or a fan of Kate's on twitter. ///////////////
Tucker's Mom has left a new comment on the post "We all worked on 'the career.' As if it were a tot...":
PJ's momma said... 54 Egads, now Milo is bugging Deanna. And when Deanna finally sent out a general tweet after a few months gone, Milo did a passive-aggressive move again. What is WRONG with this person? Why does she think these people are her friends????????
******** Hopefully, Deanna has stepped out of the fray and has learned her lesson: Do not wade in the @Kateplusmy8 waters. Don't even dip a toe.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 296 of 296Sadie May,
I have a feeling there is more than one at the BLs that would make the WalMart pictures list.
Here is the difference. I don't care. I don't care if someone (fan or hater) is overweight or has frizzy hair.
Why is it some women feel they have to attack another womens looks? To feel superior? Do they think that makes them look better or feel better about themselves?
All this outing and publishing photos over the years has accomplished nothing but make the outers and those that ridicule look childish. They are an embarrassment to all women.
Being a size 2 does not make you any smarter or accomplished than being a size 20.
Wow, this is how they spend their days? Gulping booze and fantasizing about "the sheeple?"
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 9
I was sitting on the patio sipping (okay, gulping) a Bahama Mama, and thinking about the sheeple. What would happen if Milo and her Merry Minion, aka Zigfield Tola and Zigfield Ziglet, Defective, Hole-in-Heart without the D, Sienna Sheep (whose American Girl doll watches videos), Stale Cereal Brownie, Kisser-upper Carlene, Goofy Goody, Uggs and her plethora of hot friends, and a host of others would show up at the Kate Kompound, with Lauren driving her school bus, and Hero BV leading the pack.
Why am I not shocked. "Hole in the heart without the D" .... very classy thing to say Nameless.You defiantly are one of the Twitter haters in disguise on 15mins.that Admin doesn't like.Wonder what her Twitter handle is.
This is one of the stupidest things Becks has written and believe me there have been many.
To use Joan River's death as a way for karma for Kate is appalling.
Grow up. No one cares about Kate as much as you and your obsessed bleeple.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post "We all worked on 'the career.' As if it were a tot...":
It really would be sweet justice if Joan's final act is to see to it Trump fires Kate while all of Joan's fans watch. Like we said karma does come round
What's she even talking about? Joan's, from the grave, "final act" is going 'to see to it' that Trump fires Kate from a show that was filmed and in the can months ago? That will be "karma" and all Joan's fans will be watching? Kate being "fired" from a show that everybody on the show (except for the winner) gets fired from is going to be "karma?" It happened months ago but will "come around?" And THAT will be "sweet justice?" "Justice" for what? What's this woman smoking? Seriously?
She has no idea how immature and delusional her deep hatred is over someone SHE DOES NOT KNOW but is so jealous of it has impacted her life and all of her stupid followers.
For them, it always comes back to Kate. So twisted, using yet another death to slam Kate.
Micha, exactly. Bl makes no sense.
Bl thinks it's a big deal if Joan smacked down Kate? Bl, do a little research, that was a huge part of Joan's comedy. She cut into much bigger names than Kate (like Elizabeth Taylor). But, Bl thinks it is all significant and meaningful if perchance Joan had something to say about Kate. Yes, maybe Joan using Kate as a joke will awaken the masses. The people will finally rise up and take their pitchforks and torches to the gates of the Gosselin home. Lol Oh yes, and a judge will appear and give total custody of all the children to Jon who will be sainted, knighted or something to that affect.
Didn't the bleeples slam Kate and say that she always made every tragedy turn around to her? (More delusions.) Isn't this what BL is doing now?
Not only will the judge give Jon custody but he will give him the MANSION!!!!
Just when you think the BL can't say anything stupider, she tops herself. She can't actually believe that her stupid little blog factored into Kate's decision to film again, can she? If she wants to talk about mental illness, her first step should be to a psychiatrist for her own evaluation.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 80
Even the filming is somewhat of an F-U both to Jon and us. The money is an added bonus, but most of it is about the F-U. I don't know what kind of mental illness that is, but it sounds like hell to live that way.
I don't think Kate has to worry about the sheeple showing up, it would be the short bus arriving at the gate with a jealous lawyer who wants Kate's life. People who have the rage level in them like that blog owner has, should be off the streets. She has a problem dealing with her fantasy of what someone else has in life, while she is stuck in a rut in hers. She needs praise every minute of her life, did her parents kick her to the crazy curb? When you can't disagree with an opinion on her blog, it's a controlled abusive relationship over there, too bad that many people want to belong so bad somewhere, they lower themselves to have internet friends who does this to them. It's shameful what she has done to them, and someday, hopefully her name will be all over everywhere, now that would be her karma.
What is her obsession with mental illness? Since when is living your life your way a mental illness? I highly doubt Kate really cares about what they or anyone else thinks of her.
LOL, that's right Sage.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 80
Even the filming is somewhat of an F-U both to Jon and us. The money is an added bonus, but most of it is about the F-U. I don't know what kind of mental illness that is, but it sounds like hell to live that way.
Oh, so Kate's main reason for doing new episodes isn't about getting paid - money is just a BONUS. The REAL and MAIN reason is because Kate wants to say "F-U" to BL and her group, and to JON, of course! LOL This woman should really be wondering what kind of mental illness would cause her to believe that anything that Kate does is really "mostly" about saying "F-U" to her and her minions. Sounds like an extreme paranoia/narcissism combo to me.
Does BL really think that because she spends her whole life thinking about Kate Gosselin that it must mean that Kate Gosselin in turn is spending her whole life thinking about BL?
So delusional.
Guess Kate and Zorro talk is more Important to them than remembering 9/11.
Today's No Self Awareness award goes to Millicent. I believe that previously she won the Martyr Mother award. I hope she has a trophy room.
Millicent said... 112
As annoying and foolish as I find these sorts of fans, I also feel somewhat sorry for them. I think there must be quite an emptiness to their lives, leading them to get so caught up in a fantasy world. If you have a lot going on in real life: friends, family, a spouse or significant other; children, work you enjoy; a home to take care of; activities you enjoy, etc. - then when would you have the time to get so completely absorbed into a celebrity's life?
OMG, Nameless
Now that was funny!
Nameless, you made your point succinctly. ( there's that word again)
What fantasy world is she fantasizing about? The one where she and her haterbuddies critique everything Kate does based on an edited TV show that was on TV seven years ago. The one where they know every move Kate makes and every word she says even though she is no longer on TV and they live nowhere near her? The one where the people who do live near her make up any sort of story they want, never having ONCE come in contact with her? The one where they believe any negative story about Kate Gosselin as long as it makes her look bad? The one where their idol is a deadbeat dad who curses his ex and wishes death on her on national RV? They think THAT is real life? They are living in the biggest fantasy world I've ever seen!
Those bleeple sure do live in an alternate world from reality don't they. No self awares at all
Kate keeps them twisted into knots.
Every time the BL mentions mental illness, makes one wonder if she has been told by a doctor that she has a problem. A no name in case law tells lots for all the mouthing she has done for years.
Guess I'll have to step it up and post more so that Millie doesn't feel like she has to talk to herself all day. LOL!
What a bunch of nonsense. Bl sees "red flags" regarding the Gosselin dog. It just drives her crazy that Kate's dog likes to be outside and roam the property. Bl loves dogs so much, she can't believe they'd have their own doggie instincts to hunt and kill.
Bl is as clueless at being a dog advocate as she is at being a child advocate. She must keep her dog locked in and make it be like people (whether it likes it or not).
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 92
Yeah but then she'll find something else to prey upon. She's scary like that.
I suppose that's true. I know nothing about the proper care of birds other than basic common sense, but I do know about dogs. She used to do this with Shoka, throw out all kinds of crap about him that would drive the dog lovers nuts. In particular she really made a point to claim how much he loved being outside, the wild animals he would kill and eat, the roaming he did, all huge red flags for anyone who knows about dogs and their behavior. The nutcase even started writing blog posts from his perspective further justifying all his concerning behaviors.
But this went on for years and after awhile it was hard to keep up our outrage. I think she lost interest too because now, she hardly mentions him.
September 10, 2014 at 11:58 PM
This went on for YEARS? She truly shows her delusion here... Shoka has only been back with the G's for a couple of years and Kate doesn't even mention him that much.
Kate is a twit said... 131
I was thinking about this one last night, wondering if she gave up. What's it been....a year since Kate said her book was on the nightstand and promised that she'd read it?
Almost a year.....
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · Oct 6
@nicolergould your book is on the table next to my bed.. It's my next read. Thanks again! #topofmybookstack
Hmm, remember this tweet from Mother's Day? I wonder if Kate was reading Nicole's book. Nicole even wondered the same thing.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · May 11
Mother's Day following the bday of over 60% of r family means new toys 2 play w while mom lounges in bed, reading a book. #IMeanWhoAmI? #AHH
Nicole Gould @nicolergould May 11
@Kateplusmy8 hope it's mine! :)
So if Kate was telling the truth(ha ha) last October when she said it was her next book to read, then she would have read it. But I doubt it and she's just ignoring Nicole because she doesn't want to admit that she has no intention of reading it.
September 11, 2014 at 7:26 PM
And they call us pathetic.One was just thinking about Nicole the night before and this one saved SC of the the tweets Nicole made to Kate.These people eat, breath and live for Kate and her fans.
In their twisted minds, if Kate doesn't tweet it to the world, it didn't happen.
Even when Kate tweets about something, they still say it didn't happen.
And then the bleeple just make up the rest...
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post "We all worked on 'the career.' As if it were a tot...":
Here's my thoughts a bit more in depth about why it's a double standard for men and child abuse.
Women are wired differently than men. I think we compare ourselves to other women much more than men compare themselves to other men. Many people have a sense that we are a community of women. Perhaps this is evolutionary, when we all gathered back at the caves and often worked together for the good of the clan. Men didn't have to do everything in groups or work together on everything, but women did. We are wired to see each other as all aligned.
If we see another woman doing something really terrible, including hurting a child or hurting someone else, many of us have an instinct to either deny it, or downplay it, or otherwise excuse it. In the ancient days we would banish her from the tribe but since that is not an option and we are stuck with her, we have to figure out some other way to get rid of this bad act and one way is to just deny it. The reason for that is that if another woman could be that evil, then that means we too could do something that terrible, or any other mother out there. I think we are actually wired to see us, womanhood and motherhood, as one collective body. I think people take it personally when womanhood and motherhood is violated.
I don't think anyone is consciously thinking that, but I do believe that is the psychological reasons behind why many sheeple just cannot accept that Kate is a bad person and mother who abused and exploited her children. To accept it is to admit that the sacredness of motherhood is a myth. No can do. I think this phenomenon played into why Casey Anthony was acquitted too. They just couldn't get people to go there on such a heinous level.
Of course since I deal with women doing terrible, terrible things to their children every day, and do not believe whatsoever that all mothers or even women should stick together, it's much easier for me to accept. You bet it happens. For whatever reason many other people here are also very capable of accepting such things happen when it's such a struggle for others.
You rarely hear a man say us men should stick together! They'd be met with ridicule. But I hear we mothers/women need to stick together. All the time!
My thinking is that you rarely hear a man say us men should stick together is because there are always stupid women who hold them up and protect them...for example women who make excuses for a lying, cheating, lazy, deadbeat father.
I guess the bleeps admire 'men' like that.
Again, I'm embarrassed for the bleeple that they swallow Bl's nonsense. Bl is so all knowing about how society works. She believes women can't accept child abuse at the hands of the mother because it reflects on their own mothering and because primitive women stayed in groups while men worked alone. Lol, does she use these kinds of baseless arguments in the courtroom?
Not sure what world Bl is living in, but society in general is quick to jump on moms and offer judgy opinions.
I guess it's only men who call those CPS hotlines.
Bl is so uptight that she can't even allow an opposing opinion against her own. Once again, here she is answering back without posting the full comment. BL said it, so it must be true and fully accepted at once.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 177
Where did you come up with that opinion? I have many friends, all women, and none of us would deny, downplay OR excuse it. What makes you think that??
Easy, the sheeple and many other women who excused people like K over and over. And over and over and over. With no other explanation. But will easily hate a man for the The same exact thing or even not as bad. It's very hypocritical.
September 12, 2014 at 9:25 PM
LOl, Bl can't even let through an opposing comment by a regular. Her bleeple should be insulted. Her bleeple should also be offended by Bl's reasoning that women excuse child abuse inflicted by a mother.
Bl is always using Sandusky as an example of how child abuse is ignored and continues. That is a good example of how those horrible things happen. Her theory on women and motherhood doesn't fit with that situation. However, I'm sure Bl has some long-winded explanation of why her theory is still correct.
Go on bleeple, curl up together under Bl's blanket statements. If you don't, she won't let your comment through and you'll be banished from the tribe. ;)
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 179
I don't think it's a matter of being weak URL. I think it's a matter of having great difficulty accepting that one of our own could be so bad. If you have a better explanation for why so many women have such a hard time with this have at it.
September 12, 2014 at 9:29 PM
The haters are on such a different universe that there is really no point to even talking to them, is there? The media doesn't take them seriously, instead media manipulates them by writing salacious articles about Kate because they KNOW the haters will rush to comment and comment on those articles.
These are people who define child abuse as not giving a child a bagel after she had cereal but wanted a bagel that her big sisters were eating. THAT is supposed to be "child abuse?" Don't the haters still go on and on and ON about that? Are rational people supposed to patiently tell them that, yes, moms make mistakes sometimes when they parent. That doesn't mean they are abusive parents who should have their children taken from them. Is saying that a 'defense" of "child abuse?" To the haters, it is.
Let them go round in circles thinking that Kate is an "abuser" because she took all of her kids furniture shopping when one of the kids hadn't had a bowel movement in a couple of days. They think they are on a "high horse" and are morally superior for judging a parent for every tiny thing they do. Really they are on a "crazy horse" where if you are not a perfect mom who does everything right all the time then you shouldn't have your kids - they should be taken from you. Are any of these women mothers? I know BL isn't, which makes her rants all the more pathetic, but some of them must be.
You are right, Micha We parents do make mistakes. Nothing in parenting is perfect.
For those of you into candles one from Bath and Body Works is heavenly.
Pumpkin Pecan Waffles
My daughter just went out to the mall to pick some up for herself and me they were sold out. :(
They said it is their best seller.
I have a feeling that BL wouldn't last too long in the cave once the other cave women caught onto her penchant for parlaying the mutilation of their genitals into a tidy cache of fire sticks for herself. Plain and simple, she's a nut.
Jane has left a new comment on the post "We all worked on 'the career.' As if it were a tot...":
ECJ shared this video on Twitter recently. It's one I hadn't seen and didn't know existed.
Robert wrote of the young Amish woman who made a gift for Kate and delivered it to her house. This gift was later found in the garbage by Robert. The video shows her speaking to the paps and leaving the gift.
I found it both heartbreaking and maddening.
Over And Out has left a new comment on the post "We all worked on 'the career.' As if it were a tot...":
Jane (12)...
Yes, I remember seeing that and thinking about the Twitter sheep. How would they feel if THEY were the ones who made a gift like that, only to have it thrown into the trash? Have any of them acknowledged the video? I believe that Robert said he retrieved the gift and gave it to a member of his family (wife, mother?)...
Of course, the sheeple would say that this never happened. The video was staged and the whole thing was fake, set up by Robert who wanted to trash Kate for not appreciating a fan who took the time to drive to her house and leave a gift. Is that Robert in drag...or perhaps Jon? That would be their spin on it. The Ph Minus the D Sheeple says that if there is no photo, it didn't happen. This is better than just a photo, so they'd have to figure out a way to claim it never happened.
Of course stalking Robert would never lie! I am sure he gave it to his mother...Bob is like that, sainted like his good friend, Jon.
I betcha Hoffman is laughing his ass off seeing how stupid and gullible these people are.
It's funny, The Bl has a tribe of women over there, man I knew she lived in a cave, her thought and opinions are so 5000 thousand years old. ROTF.
Notice she has women friends, no men want to be around her at all. She couldn't carry on a conversion with a man, he would see the stupid fast from her. imo
Hope everyone is enjoying the fall weather and scenery changes.
I have to laugh at BL's comment about cavemen times. She must be older than I thought to have such insight!
Somewhere In Time said... 17
Stacy @StacyToth13 2m
Having a #KatePlus8 marathon is the best way to spend my night. @Kateplusmy8 #CantWait4December
Oh, my. Talk about needing to "get a life."
Says the person who looks through EVERY tweet tweeted to Kate. She may want to take her own advice.
Sadie, if only she would take her own advice. I don't understand why they have to mock everyone who tweets to Kate. It's so mean but must feed into their superiority complex.
Bl did manage to let through some comments disagreeing with her blanket statement that women are wired to believe that another woman would not abuse a child. Bl's trying to backtrack, but she just has to be right about everything. lol, Who knew that Cafemom had following of people who excuse child abuse? Of course, Bl's blog is special and they don't excuse it.
How can her posters stand Bl's stupidity? They already ignored her having a birth fetish site, they follow her blindly about parental alienation as a mental disorder, they believed her lies about Jon having 50% custody and that is why he doesn't pay child support. And, they still ignore that Jon gave Kate full legal custody.
It's just pathetic. Their hatred is more important than their pride.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 34
Millicent that is why I said many. Not even most or the majority or most. One need only look at the sites suggested like Cafemom to see that many women support and excuse child abusers. One need only look at this site to see many do not. But the double standard does exist for many.
September 14, 2014 at 8:28 AM
OMG, the bleeple continue to prove their creepy obsession with Kate and her supporters! Their life revolves around Kate!
Can you imagine what Joan would have said about BL if she knew about her birth fetish site?
Notice the posts rapidly decreasing there by the day. Used to get 100+ comments/day. Now she's lucky to get 1/2 that.
She really pissed some regulars off with all her Superiority blabbing endlessly.
A lot of posters REFUSE to comment there any longer.
*insert Grumpy Cat 'Good.' gif here*
I really do think the BL has about 50 socks, if you follow the conversation there, she asks the questions, and she answers them to make her blog look important.
She really needs to shut it down, she is a bore, and I mean a bore. It's the same crap, just repeated from years ago. She should be teaching real law there, (although I don't think she knows much) might help her move on from her low day job.
I saw that Nameless. LOL
They search all day to find something that remotely could be compared to Kate and the kids in a bad way.
By one little ole tweet from Kate they have spent the entire day enraged that Kate could be filming or heaven forbid, signing up the kids for school activities that she can pull them out of when the filming ends.
No where in Kate's tweet did I see anything about either of the above scenarios.
Don't forget the "it will be awkward for them to start an activity in the middle of it." School has only been in session not even a month. I don't know about where they live but, a lot of school activities here have just now started or getting ready to start.
And then there's Layla, blathering on about how Kate has nothing going on. Yeah, Except for a a TELEVISION SHOW.
Layla said... 191
I'm playing catch-up again, and I'm struck by how boring Kate is becoming. For so many years, even after the show was cancelled, she always had something going on. A talk show, a magazine cover, some kind of appearance. But nothing since the paltry "media day" in June before the first special. It looks like the Today show/Access
Hollywood/tabloid programs are over her. Now TLC is all she has left, and who knows how long that will last?
LOL Kate's life isn't "entertaining" to "Layla." Merely raising 8 kids seems BORING to her! She wants MORE from Kate's life. "Layla" really does need to "catch up" to understanding that the life of a mom (of 2 or of 8 or of 19) is never boring to the mom, even if it doesn't seem "exciting" to her. Oh, "Layla." LOL LOL
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 26
Ex nurse I don't think it's because the abuse happened a long time ago. The Sandusky abuse happened mostly in the early 2000s and no one batted an eyelash to crucify the entire university. I think it's mostly because she's a mother and a woman and much of society will stop at nothing to protect the phony sacredness of motherhood.
Bitter much Becky? Dr Quinn really ticked you off didn't she?
OMG, it's so belittling to compare the sexual abuse children suffered at the hands of Sandusky vs. the G kids being spanked. Unbelievable. That's so insensitive!
BL get a grip. Other than the bleeple and Robert, no one cares. They have two instances of a mother's perception when she was overwrought and the children were toddlers.
Do they honestly think that Jon didn't spank the G kids?"
In the meantime, Kate is the one keeping the house and the kids in their schooling, being the main caretaker of the kids. But, you know, Jon used to give the kids baths years ago, so that makes him a saint. :)
In their world Saint Jon walks on water.Mixed with Vodka.
Tucker's Mom said... 164
Serendipity said... 160
childabuseneverwins @bitemeaholesFU 28m
@Frigidaire Ty for making my decision for me! Since you decided to gift a wealthy woman like kate gosselin, I will choose samsung for new DW
Did the company tweet that they are giving her a new dehumidifer?
September 18, 2014 at 10:31 AM
This is what I was talking about upthread.
This crapfest happens every time Kate grifts from a company on Twitter.
The company will get hate Tweets, emails etc. because Kate just can't help herself when it comes to getting something for free.
Kate thinks if she #'s the company by name, they'll feel pressure to jump through hoops for her.
She has no decency.
I'm sure Frigidaire could give a crapola if some mouth-frothing Kate haters don't buy their brand (Electrolux is the parent company and owns about 2 dozen brands-so good luck knocking all of them off your list), but she has hurt the "little guys" by associating with them.
It's Kate fault that the crazy haters are harassing Frigidaire.These people don't see how obsessed they are.
Kate controls them. This is probably the closest you can get to one of them actually admitting that. This one is putting the blame on Kate for what the "mouth frothing Kate haters" do, and look at how accurately she describes her own kind. Hehe.
Kate has hurt no one, and the mouth frothing haters only hurt themselves, if they REALLY do what they claim they are going to do. Anyone who reads their rants can see that those people live in world of hurt, so they probably won't notice when they heap a little more onto themselves. Maybe one day they'll accept that nothing they do or say is going to stop Kate from doing or saying whatever she wants. Maybe one day...
Every time the haters email or tweet a company and bitch about Kate getting 'freebies' when there is no evidence of getting them they make people see what bullies they are and how they target Kate.
They are so stupid.
Bitter Becks. Just who again is the 'obsessed creep' here?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post "We all worked on 'the career.' As if it were a tot...":
Here's the answer that she got from @Frigidare but uh oh, if you read their timeline that's the standard answer that they give to just about everyone. LOL
Lol. Oh how the mighty have fallen. Poor Kate got a copy and paste job as "help."
I think she has an unusually high amount of breakdowns and malfunctions, though I can't remember them all as well as that obsessed creep Milo can. I suspect she is probably overly rough and careless with the nice things she has. I base this on things like watching her drag that vacuum so roughly across a bunch of rocks on the RV trip, or not paying attention to a loose bird right next to her cake. We have SEEN her be careless in her life.
If you treat things like that, they are likely to break down more often. Poor you. You don't have to treat things in your life like a porcelain doll, but a reasonable amount of care and maintenance and you'd be surprised how far things last.
Yep, it's all about the kids for them, isn't it? What a mean hateful thing to say. I wonder what Circling looks like...
Circling the drain has left a new comment on the post "We all worked on 'the career.' As if it were a tot...":
@Kateplusmy8: LOL. I barely remember when my hair was that short! RT @FunnyPicsDepot: The "Why is my son not starting?" Haircut pic.twitter.com/mxigBQKtfx
I wonder if she remembers the original nose, chin and boobs.
September 18, 2014 at 6:20 PM
*wonky eye, eyebrows, teeth, cankles, thighs, wrinkles, hairline, kangaroo pouch, belly button, glasses, skin color..... She looks like a creepy clown now
Just checking in to say hi to all the peeps here! :)
If I purchase something and it breaks or falls apart in a few days, you can bet your sweet bippy, the company would be contacted. Duh! Guess they never purchase new products over there, garage sale quality has no warranty. (You can get nice things at sales)
Thanks for the explanation, BL. Now I understand your assholery.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 5
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 2h
@MiloandJack @Frigidaire they contacted me and offered a new bucket/handle setup... I'm happy just hope the new one holds water :)
She can't help herself, she has to get in another slam at the company.
Not that it's any excuse, but I really don't think she gets what she's doing. She truly thinks it's okay to just randomly slam them like that, I don't think she realizes she's even slamming them. She thinks she's just talking, sharing information. This is part of narcissism, you don't recognize your own assholery.
Oh dear Lord, now they are competing for who has had the worst flood experience.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 25
She should trying waking up to having a flood and gallons and gallons of nasty water in your hom. Which destroyed your things..now this sucks I know cause it happened to me
Yeah I'll take a few gallons any day over what happened to our house during a terrible ice storm years ago. Entire downstairs flooded. I remember two feet of water everywhere. It was awful. Also when I did clean up at an apartment complex after Hurricane Katrina, the entire downstairs flooded and several feet into the upstairs. It was so sad all the stuff I found people had to leave behind. Again I really don't think she has any awareness how trite she sounds so much of the time. She can't even at least say "could be worse BUT...."
Formerly Duped said... 27
Yeah, Hurricane Sandy was NOT fun for us. We lost power and so the sump pump spilled over and flooded the basement . We spent our days bailing out as much water as possible. Our Wet Vac is electric so couldn't be used til later, when we worked in shifts. A tree fell on our house causing damage to the roof, windows and fence and now our insurance rates have gone up because of it ( it was also our neighbor's tree!) But I wouldn't think to complain much, considering what some folks went through...
She thinks she's just talking, sharing information. This is part of narcissism, you don't recognize your own assholery.
I wonder if BL will ever realize that she's describing herself and that SHE doesn't "recognize" her "own assholery." It's part of "narcissism" that she doesn't recognize it.
It's very comical.
They love to compete with their sob stories. Many have lived with tornado's, hail, floods, fires, but it's just them over there. People deal with what is handed to them, at least adults do. Everyone's insurance rates go up and disasters, man, they think we don't know that?
A saw a tweet saying Kate put her life on TV, so expect the backlash. When you tweet hate and crap, you opened up yourself for the same treatment. Gawd, who's stupid?
Love this
Kate Coyne @KatePeople 1h
@MiloandJack My bottom line on @Kateplusmy8: once you have twins + sextuplets + a dismal marriage, feel free to judge her all day every day.
Happy weekend everyone. Fall soccer season officially kicks off here tomorrow morning bright & early at 8 am. Who needs to sleep in on a Saturday anyway?!
Enjoy your day! Hope your daughter feels better. :)
Happy weekend, stxmom and all the ladies here.
I am going to try and sleep in tomorrow but I always have those intentions and end up getting up earlier than I normally do for work during the week...go figure.
thanks she is all better. Had her first migraine. She was worried about taking her first college math test. She came home this afternoon to see us for the weekend.
Sleep in Sage, relax and enjoy your weekend.
Did anyone hear if June and Sugarbear broke up? This should give the bleeps plenty to talk about for days if this is true. Maybe the BL could represent the damaged party in all of this, she thinks she knows the laws of every state and court system. :)
Farkle, Becks only cares about Kate.
I think it is funny that Becks and the bleeple condemn Milo for tweeting Kate everyday yet they talk about Kate everyday all day. They are the ones who are obsessed with her.
No self-awareness.
chefsummer #Leh has left a new comment on the post "We all worked on 'the career.' As if it were a tot...":
Doesn't Milo have a husband and children to be with? Or is here queen Kate her whole life now?
Like Kate is your whole life?
They just can't stand it when someone supports or likes Kate. They have to condemn them asap.
The bleeple think they are so much better than Kate by attacking, mocking, bullying, lying and and spreading rumors. Yep, that makes sooooooooo superior.
Tucker's Mom said... 66
NJGal51 said... 61
Looks like Kate Coyne is trolling for followers. She's only got 586 hence the tweet to another People magazine hack
@KatePeople: @stevehelling Btw: we need to debate the greater travesty--that @alfonso_ribeiro doesn't follow you, or that @Kateplusmy8 doesn't follow me.
TFW is now following her. I guess all of THW's fans and haters will also follow her.
This really puts a fine point on what an obsequious lickspittle Coyne is.
September 19, 2014 at 7:00 PM
chefsummer #Leh said... 78
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · Sep 15
I surely must not watch enuf TV...I don't even know who most of these folks are on #DWTS !! Kate sure brought notoriety/ratings 2that show!
That was nearly 4yrs ago get over it.
How about you take your own advice Chef/#Leh.
Poor bleeple, in their quest to prove Kate is a horrible person instead prove they are horrible and obsessively consumed with hating Kate.
Hope y'all are enjoying your weekend. After 5 days, finally no rain today. Tired of the rain but our grass is so green.
Why do y'all think the bleeples really hate Kate and have spent so many years trying to destroy her?
Why would women want a single mother who has an ex that pays no child support to fail? Only thing I come up with is they hate the kids as much as they hate Kate. They are despicable!
LOLOLOLOL don't think Kate Coyne, the Executive Editor of People Magazine, needs to troll for followers. NJGal51 is CraCra.
I think the bleeps and other haters are all damaged in some way.
They project their disappointment in their own lives onto Kate.
They project their love for weak and hapless 'men' onto Jon. In defending Jon they are defending their own choices.
In hating Kate they hate seeing someone who in their eyes should lead the unhappy lives they lead.
Thanks Sage, very well said! They really are pathetic!
I do wonder if BL's group don't have men in their lives, just old women with time on their hands. Most that have hubs and kids at home don't have time to blog and tweet all day long. They really tell their own lives, they vent it on Kate. Such silly old bleeps who can blog with a single women who owns a birth fetish site, ewww, says way more about them, their families would be shocked to see where they post at and with who.
I see birdgate has started, their was no milk on the rim of the glass, so move along tweeters. Wonder if you feed your kids this weekend and that they had milk?
You said it, Sage! No one who is satisfied with their life would wish such evil on another person for NO REASON except that she has eight beautiful children that she supports alone, lives in a beautiful house, and give her children a life that most of then can't even imagine. They can talk about what wonderful lives they have and how they love their little houses.. (that was one of their more stupid recent rants), but they are SO transparent with all of their ventings. They will never admit it, but they just seethe hatred AND jealousy.
Looks like there's an egg in the birdgate cup.
You have to click on the picture to see it.
Typo above:
Should have said fed your kids, you know the spelling gate is around. :)
I love how they still tweet Hoffies failed book. Ask around, my family and friends have NEVER heard of him. If you try to explain his love for Kate and her rejection of him, they just laugh. Another scam guy trying to make a cheap buck off of someone else, instead of getting a real job to support his family is what most of them say.
This cracks me up. Who would watch a doc on either of the Roosevelts and think of Jon and Kate?
Lol, should we begin to compare Jon to President Franklin? Nah, cause that would be crazy.
Also, they are still downgrading the new episodes as if TLC doesn't want it to succeed. Then, TLC will kick Kate to the curb. Yep, that's how the bleeple see it.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 10
Getofftwitter (#9), you forgot one of the lamest parts -- who
wants to watch these kids get school supplies 3 months after
the fact?! If TFW is unhappy with the time slot, I would urge
her to remember her own words from the "Fancy Nancy" book:
"You get what you get and you don't get upset."
Did anyone watch the Ken Burns Roosevelt documentary last
week? Eleanor Roosevelt accomplished more in a week --
even as a senior citizen -- than TFW does in a year. TFW
went to St. Jude and handed out her book to children with
cancer (?!), then had the audacity to compare her bedrest
with what they were enduring. Eleanor Roosevelt went to
hospital burn units and visited with ravaged patients, and then
hand-wrote notes to the families of each soldier she'd spent time
with. Long after her husband passed, she committed herself to
being of service. It wasn't for the cameras -- it brought her great
joy. Politics aside, it's hard to disagree that she walked the talk.
Now there's someone to be inspired by, in my opinion.
September 22, 2014 at 9:58 AM
redbirdsings said... 15
Tucker's, did you see the picture of the van laying on it's side? The entire roof from the window to the back of the van was not there. It looked like those Spam cans with the key and you roll the lid of the top of the can. And you can't even see where the roof even went. It wasn't laying there beside the van.
It is very tragic. When I first saw accident, PA, kids, I immediately thought of kates driving. I pray that if she ever has an accident and I hope she doesn't for the kids sake, I hope NONE of the kids or an animal are with her in the vehicle!
Everything reminds them of Kate.At Christmas the baby Jesus will remind them of her.They see her everywhere.
BTW, I'm sure redbirdsings is lukebandit's new persona.
Redbirdsings is lukebandit. She has her own style of bitterness.
I think it is absurd to compare Kate to Eleanor Roosevelt!
I watched the PBS special too. Eleanor had a horrible childhood and was rejected by her mother for being homely. Her father was a depressed alcoholic and died at a very young age.
With having no warmth from her own mother Eleanor did not know how to mother her own kids and they looked to Franklin's mother for that.
I admire both Roosevelts they existed in a time in history that needed them and they both rose to the occasion. With that said they were human and flawed humans at that.
I wonder how they would be viewed if they lived today with 24 hour news and social media
I am shocked that Becks put this through.
Someone with some common sense among the ridiculousness.
Whaaat? has left a new comment on the post "We all worked on 'the career.' As if it were a tot...":
FlimsyFlamsy said... 10
Getofftwitter (#9), you forgot one of the lamest parts -- who
wants to watch these kids get school supplies 3 months after
the fact?! If TFW is unhappy with the time slot, I would urge
her to remember her own words from the "Fancy Nancy" book:
"You get what you get and you don't get upset."
Did anyone watch the Ken Burns Roosevelt documentary last
week? Eleanor Roosevelt accomplished more in a week --
even as a senior citizen -- than TFW does in a year. TFW
went to St. Jude and handed out her book to children with
cancer (?!), then had the audacity to compare her bedrest
with what they were enduring. Eleanor Roosevelt went to
hospital burn units and visited with ravaged patients, and then
hand-wrote notes to the families of each soldier she'd spent time
with. Long after her husband passed, she committed herself to
being of service. It wasn't for the cameras -- it brought her great
joy. Politics aside, it's hard to disagree that she walked the talk.
Now there's someone to be inspired by, in my opinion.
Why are you comparing Eleanor Roosevelt to Kate? It's beyond silly. If one of the "sheeple" tweeted that they watched the Roosevelt documentary and Jon pales in comparison to FDR, that tweet would be copied and pasted here and be the butt of many jokes.
I'm pretty sure that Eleanor Roosevelt probably accomplished more in a week than most people do in a year. Why the ridiculous comparison to Kate? Does EVERYTHING on earth remind you of her?
scgal has left a new comment on the post "We all worked on 'the career.' As if it were a tot...":
I'm curious. Do the sheeple really deny that Kate had breast implants? Or do they just ignore any questions and references to them?
Us 'sheeple' really don't give a shit what Kate's chest size is. Why are her boobs so important to the haters and the bleeps? Makes one think that they dream about them.
Exactly Sage! I'm convinced they dream of Kate every night. They are creepy!
Sage, I loved The Roosevelts. How true that despite their brilliance that they were both flawed individuals. It also helped that the press didn't divulge everything they knew, respected their privacy and that they both had impressive independent incomes which allowed them to live life the way they wanted. It was a different time.
I do believe the bleeple are dreaming about more than Kate's chest.
Just sayin
I may have been wrong in my statement above. I do believe this one ONLY dreams of Kate's breast...
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 25
Right. But how would they spin it? They saw it with their own eyes and heard it with their own ears.
The same way they spin the inflated girls and the new bra...by ignoring it. What else could they do? You can't look at those bazookas yearning to be set free and not know that they were bought and paid for. Sheeple see it, but wouldn't dare ask her about it, let alone spin it, although Gladys would probably enjoy taking a turn at spinning those puppies.
New battle cry....Set them free!
I've never thought about Kate's breasts. Don't really care if she bought them, it's none of my business, I'm not in the habit of asking people about their breast.
bazookas yearning to be set free
This one has spent too much time focusing on Kate's breasts. Time to get out of the house lady.
WHY DO THEY CARE? Millions of women in have breast implants. Does it matter? NO! Why don't they focus on how much weight Kate has lost since the show began and how she has trimmed and toned her body with diet and exercise?
Oh don't you worry, Quiltart, they've covered that topic too. They think she's an unhealthy anorexic.
Yup, whatever you do do not be a friend or a fan of Kate's on twitter.
Tucker's Mom has left a new comment on the post "We all worked on 'the career.' As if it were a tot...":
PJ's momma said... 54
Egads, now Milo is bugging Deanna. And when Deanna finally sent out a general tweet after a few months gone, Milo did a passive-aggressive move again. What is WRONG with this person? Why does she think these people are her friends????????
Hopefully, Deanna has stepped out of the fray and has learned her lesson:
Do not wade in the @Kateplusmy8 waters.
Don't even dip a toe.
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