Monday, March 30, 2015

Kate Tweets, Bleeps Sigh in Relief

The bleeps can breathe a sigh of relief. Kate has tweeted. They have been agonizing and searching for where Kate was for her birthday after someone recognized her and had their picture taken, by the looks of it, somewhere warm. Becks and her bleeps wrung their hands and speculated... did Kate ditch her kids? did Kate spend the kids money? and more importantly, did Kate get more 'work' done. Their queen has spoken. The one who rules their thoughts, fantasies and lives.

Had THE most wonderful birthday wkend w my kids in a sunny warm breathtakingly beautiful location!U can c r fun soon!
By the sounds of it TLC filmed it and it will be broadcast on Mother's Day, May 10.

Press release from TLC.

Sunday May 10: It’s all been leading up to this – Mother’s Day. To celebrate, some of TLC’s fan-favorite moms appear in three all-new one-hour Mother’s Day specials: KATE PLUS EIGHT, LEAH REMINI: IT’S ALL RELATIVE, and MY BIG FAT FABULOUS LIFE.

This really explains all the negative articles sold to TLC doesn't it? Kate and the kids get a beautiful spring trip and a new TLC show and Jon gets a DJ job in a bowling alley. Hmmmm

Shout out to the fanatics at 15 aka my research girls.


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Puff said...

Tony Dovolani's partnership with Kate made his star shine and made him famous or infamous. He should get on bended knee and thank Kate for the boost. He boasted he could teach anyone to dance. End game not such a fab dance teacher after all.

Micha said...

I've seen Tony pander to the people interviewing him who want to hear the negative aspect of working with Kate Gosselin and I've seen him have a backbone and actually defend her by saying that she was going through a tough time during DWTS (her ex husband causing problems for her and going for custody etc.) Being sincere and kind and understanding doesn't get the same reaction as being mean about someone people want to hear trash about. Tony was on the cover of People with Kate and because of Kate, and it wasn't because he's a great dancer and remarkable human being, it's because he was partnered with Kate Gosselin. That's the only reason I've ever heard of him.

Nameless in LA said...

I'm waiting for the BL to publish her list of approved hobbies that meet her definition of "productive." I'm not sure I'd call running a hate blog productive, but to each her own!

I truly hope the BL never has kids. She will no doubt constantly be telling her kids to spend their time more productively. Fun without a purpose will be banned.

I wonder if she has ever done anything in her life just for the pure enjoyment of it?
******************** ~ Administrator said... 120

When you put it like that it almost sounds like an addiction. She gets some kind of temporary buzz from meeting a celebrity face to face, getting a photo, tweeting them, but she can't be satisfied with that. She wants more and more. She comes home and then it's off somewhere else the next weekend for her next buzz.

She must be spending a fortune on all this travel and the tickets. I wonder what her son thinks. Does she go alone to these things? I can't imagine she can scrounge up friends to come along on such a consistent basis. People have lives. It seems like there are much more productive hobbies out there.

merryway said...

They rip that woman apart for no other reason than two years ago she organized the benefit for the mother of the two girls who were killed in a car crash. She doesn't even tweet to Kate very often. But, they follow her every tweet just so they can be cruel. It's always open season on anyone who tweets to Kate.

ROL posts lies, proven many times said...

Looks like ROL has another bs story. No way would TLC buy any pics from anyone to cover for their people who are on a TV show. Look at all the pics of Jon, etc when pics were outed of others.

You can bet if Kate was caught with Steve doing anything, it would be a million dollar shot to sell. Good grief, ROL panders to the stupid people of America everyday, gossip sites are just so boring. What a joke. I saw it tweeted, planted tweet for the non fans to run with it again. Kate and the kids are having another special soon, someone wants the focus on them. Thanks for keeping Kate in the news!

Does someone have bills to pay, ROL story a big joke said...

Is it time to pay taxes? Just asking?

Arabella said...

So Kate made a blog post about the bird. And of course death and destruction to the bird is the only outcome Becks can see. Her posters are so negative. I can't imagine never seeing the bright side of a situation. Are they always so humdrum and depressed that they can only see the worst possible outcome in any story they read? I'd hate to live like that!

Nameless in LA said...

This is quintessential BL. NO. SELF. AWARENESS.

It's hyperbolic and full of "pot meet kettle" comments. She, of all people, is complaining about the length of Kate's blog post? Yoo hoo, BL, your ridiculous "recaps" are thesis-length. Complaining about Kate's narcissism? Again, yoo hoo, BL! You regale your bleeple with story after story about yourself. You to weave yourself into your stupid recaps. (She used to do that, at least. I stopped reading her drivel long ago. I'd be shocked if she stopped as she can't help herself because...she's a a NARCISSIST!) ~ Administrator said... 158


She never fails to disappoint. What a stupid and boring story.

Also, her M.O. is to talk about something as if it's cute and interesting when in fact it's something very concerning. If you get into even the slightest fender bender the animal could fly through the windshield and die a horrific death. Zorro could also be killed if her airbag goes off and crushes him. Either put them in a cage, crate, or seatbelt device if it's a dog, or don't bring them at all.

Why is "standard" in quotes? She has such a nasty habit of putting quotes around words for no flipping good reason.

Also if your dog hates the car there is a good chance you didn't properly socialize him to the car, and that's laziness.

I like this part too because it goes to her narcissism: "I made a quiet as possible exit from the bus stop parking lot, hoping to avoid other parents seeing the bizarre goings on in our vehicle."

Kate, nobody gives a flying fig what's going on in your vehicle, bizarre or not. Nobody CARES. People are worried about their own kids.

Took her ten full paragraphs to say on a whim she decided to take Zorro for a car ride, he pooped on her and was being pretty active while she was trying to drive (of course she is adamant none of this distracted her form the road), and then she decided not to do this again. This is all really a tweet, not an entire blog post. I almost feel sorry for her. Almost.

Micha said...

BL doesn't realize the gift Kate gives her when she tweets or writes in her blog. How can she not realize it? Kate gives BL and her "friends" new things to complain about, and would they do without those new topics? They'd be stuck complaining about what Kate said 5 years ago but now they can rant about what she said on April 23 2015! I'm sure they appreciate it, even if they can't admit it.

Sage said...

Becks is responding to Jon abandoning the kitten when he was evicted.
Her delusion about Jon is getting laughable.
///////////////// ~ Administrator has left a new comment on the post "Sandra Bullock's chilling 911 call about her fan a...":

Well, it is a distraction. And whether a cat was neglected or not doesn't mean that Zorro is doing well with Kate. The two aren't related to each other.

Assuming the story is true, the thing is if you have arranged with your ex that they are to be responsible for an animal that is theirs, and they agree, and you have no reason to think they won't be responsible, it's out of your hands. The landlord should have called Liz about it, as she was the responsible party, the owner of the pet, and Liz should have dealt with HER animal. It's no more Jon's problem than Zorro is Jon's problem. One of Jon's downfalls is he is constantly on cleanup duty in his relationships, taking caring of the messes of immature women who are not right for him. At a certain point you have to cut that cord, and if he had to do that in this situation, so be it. The kitten was not going to DIE if he insisted Liz honor their agreement to be responsible for her animal, the landlord was clear they were willing to step up and see to its welfare when Liz fell through.

Take this example, if Kate were moving and had arranged that Steve will take possession of her bird and all the responsibilities of that, I don't see it as Kate's problem anymore when Steve runs into issues with that. Your problem is with Steve, not Kate.

I PERSONALLY wouldn't abdicate a pet of mine to a significant other, but it's none of my business if someone chooses to make that decision. There's nothing wrong about transferring responsibilities to someone else and walking away as long as all parties agree.

merryway said...

Lol, When it comes to St. Jon, BL always always goes on about how they never know what the truth really is. But, anything about Kate is always a sure thing and then some.

Of course, they are always trying make all hell break loose over any little thing with Kate. Just like today with Kate's story about the bird going for a ride. They are funny in their fury that no one cares about.

xxxx ~ Administrator said... 91

I love how posters here are up in arms about Kate taking the bird along in the car, but Jon abandoning a kitten was just fine and dandy.


I don't think it's that people aren't outraged over anyone, Jon included, abusing or neglecting animals. The issue was that was a landlord griping about Jon, and it's hard to tell what was credible and what was not especially when they obviously have reason not to like him. We never heard Jon's side of the story. He may have had an arrangement with Liz to collect the cat forthwith, or someone else, or maybe it never happened at all. It's hard to get worked up over a landlord's version of events, especially when many people, myself included, have had shitty landlords who have misrepresented the situation or what have taken your money. I once had a landlord who took out of my security deposit over two hundred dollars to repair a burn mark on the floor, the same mark I had informed them was there when I moved in. I both documented it and took photos of it, and we both signed off on the mark being there BEFORE move in. I had to take time out of my day to personally go down to the office, pull the documents, and walk them through why I should not be charged. I'm not the biggest fan.

Here, this is Kate's own words. I'm sure if Jon decided to blog about a kitten people would be outraged. Wisely, he has chosen not to and to keep whatever happened about a cat, if there even was a cat, private. When Kate puts it in her own words, it makes it easy to get up in arms. There's no question who the story is coming from. Here's a hint for Kate and those who support her, don't blog about being a terrible and neglectful pet owner and there will be no blogs to rip apart. Last we heard, Zorro wasn't even in the picture anymore and there wasn't much to say about him anymore. Kate has only herself to blame for bringing him back up.
April 23, 2015 at 5:51 PM

Unknown said...

I can't believe she let Jon get away with what he did with the kitten.He could murder someone and she'd say it was the persons fault. Or Kate's of course.She is so in love with him it's pathetic.

merryway said...

Nameless,Ita w/your assesment of Bl's long winded and self-serving recaps.

BL is wanting to start another rumor. Again, with Jon she goes on and on to make room for doubt/denial. But, with Kate, she wants the twitter people to start up that Zorro is dead.

xxxxx ~ Administrator said... 115

I am shocked the bird is still alive with all the handling, stuffing into pockets, and freely flying around the house. Not in a million years would I have a loose bird in my car.


(Are you SURE he's "still" alive? Even in the "picture" Kate posted, I'm surprised no one has pointed out that the bird is not actually "in" the photo. It's just a photo of one of the kids "claiming" the bird is under her "shirt.")
April 23, 2015 at 6:44 PM

Nameless in LA said...

Kitten left to die=None of her business
Bird riding in car=Hysteria

Another day in the life of the BL.

Farkle said...

Did Kate poop on the BL? Just asking.

The BL had to take time out of her day because she rented a place with a burn mark and had to go to a office to plead her case. Well, that is probably the only hour in her life in the past 8 years that she didn't devote her time to Kate. ROTF.

Sage said...

Good one Farkle!!

merryway said...

OMG, BL is now an expert on Tornadoes. In Kate's blog post, she wrote about having her eyes glued on a storm and making a tornado plan with Mady in case they had to action. Bl thinks this was stupid because she has to find away to demean Kate in every way.

Bl is very wrong. According to her, no one should fear the tornadoes in PA and you don't even need to go the basement.

Even an F1 tornado is 73-112 MPH winds. I guess, BL would just drive right into it.

PA is more stable than say, Oklahoma or Missouri. It's not often that an F5 will happen but it is no way immune from them or any level of tornado. Also, you don't always have a lot of warning. They have to form somewhere and sometimes it can be right over your head.

Bl needs to check out the stats. This only goes to 1995, but it shows the history. She should also do a youtube search and see what they look like before saying you only need to bring in your lawn furniture.

xxxx ~ Administrator said... 120

It was a watch. The storm went northeast of us.

Huge difference between watch and warning. I'm kind of surprised Kate claims to be glued to the TV for a tornado warning since tornados in this part of the country are usually pretty baby ones, and common.

Where I grew up, not too far from her, we'd probably get tornado watches several times a year. We just kept on doing our thing and I've never in my life ever seen one. An actual tornado warning is not going to be the huge tornados of the midwest you could die from. In fact the only tornado I ever heard of in PA that caused deaths was over 25 years ago. The big one is a once in a lifetime thing, and you'll get lots of warning if something that big is happening. Anything else is just going to be a strong windstorm and just use common sense and not go out in it, simple as that.

You probably would do fine to just put the deck furniture inside. You might not even need to go in your basement. She is a bit of a drama queen. I have a hard time believing someone from this part of the country is actually afraid of tornados. I think she likes attention, any attention. Try living in the midwest.
April 23, 2015 at 6:56 PM ~ Administrator said... 134

Regular television programming was interrupted for two hours last night while the storm was being tracked.


Yep, that also happens now and again where I grew up. Most people I know change the channel.

The problem with doing that is it becomes a boy who cried wolf situation. When serious tornados only pan out every 25 years in this area (there hasn't been a death that I know of in PA from a tornado since 1985), doing that kind of interruption two or three times a season every year means people don't listen much.

Of course here we get TV interruptions for heavy rain, which is ridiculous. If you don't know by now to steer clear of mud slide areas during such storms and be careful on the roads, I don't know what to tell you.

Also I'm not one for conspiracy theories but I agree with Jeanne that there is a very good chance that bird is dead. Maybe this little car ride happened six months ago and it's all she could come up with for a blog post idea.

She has a rotating rolodex of about three stories. There's the boring pet stories that have no point, the boring kids stories that have no point, and the boring Kate in peril stories. All her blogs are variations of the same three stories.
April 23, 2015 at 8:02 PM

merryway said...

Sorry for all the posts, but I just can't believe BL's stupidity.

It was not a "few" people who died in the horrible 1985 outbreak as Bl says. Pennsylvania suffered 65 fatalites with that one.

In 1988, 3 people were killed in a two day outbreak. Here's an excerpt from Wiki.

"Pennsylvania was by far hardest hit by the 1998 Eastern Tornado Outbreak. The state experienced an unprecedented 45 tornadoes in a three-day period between May 31 and June 2, 1998, along with hundreds of total severe weather reports. Many residents were still cleaning up from the violent May 31 storms when the June 2 severe storms struck. 22 tornadoes touched down in the state. Both deaths from the June 2nd outbreak, and all three total deaths from the May 31 and June 2 outbreaks, occurred in PA. 66 of the 80 injuries also occurred in PA."

I am in tornado ally. I have a good healthy fear. Bl is unbelievably ignorant to be so dismissive.

xxxx ~ Administrator said... 152

Does Kate have something in her background that would make her overly concerned about tornados? Or is she just the type to get suckered by local newscasts. I think she burdens her children with unnecessary fears by acting so freaked out over news stories put on to get ratings. If they stay in PA, the odds that a tornado would ever so much as harm a hair on their heads is astronomical. Thousands upon thousands have died in car accidents in PA since 1985, which was the last time a few people died in PA from a tornado. She should be far more concerned about her driving and spend her time studying drivers education materials before wasting a minute watching news about tornados. Though what she did was so stupid no one ever thought to include a chapter about it.
April 23, 2015 at 9:37 PM

merryway said...

Oops, I meant "3 day outbreak" in 1988.

Nameless in LA said...

If Kate didn't know about the tornado warning, the BL would be blasting her for being an irresponsible parent ill-prepared to take care of her children in an emergency. It doesn't matter what the woman does, the BL will find a reason to criticize her for it. She could save 500 children from a burning building and be unable to save one, and she'd be relentlessly picked apart for letting a child die.

merryway said...

Sigh, sorry, I've had a long day.

What I really really meant was
"3 day outbreak in 1998"
Not 1988

3 days - 1998 - 3 deaths. Yep.

Someone needs to educate BL about the danger of flying debris, breaking windows, downed power lines, and falling trees.

BL knows as much about tornadoes as she does the law. Lol

Lol Farkle, I missed your post. Funny!

Francie said...

No, BL, you do not always get lots of warning for a big tornado. The F5 tornado that hit Joplin, MO about 4 years ago basically formed over the west side of town. If it was Jon who was glued to the tv during the watch, you would have praised him. Your hatred of Kate shines through.

Farkle said...

Growing up in the Midwest tornado drills were regular every spring in school and the fire departments put on a open house for people to beware of bad weather around. Many lives have been lost, livestock and houses and pets. OMG, she is a twisted sick person that protecting ones family always comes first when any storm pattern is dangerous. I don't care where you live, all families should have a plan made. 2 years ago my sister and her family lost everything in a tornado. 2 years before that we were hit, different states entirely.

I wonder if she would be so bold to post if mud slides killed many in CA. Would she say it's no biggie and continue to blog about the G's? Let it happen to her, she might finally have a wake up call in life.

Unknown said...

Here's a time lapse video of the supercell outside of Harrisburg, PA. Apparently Reed Timmer thought it was bad enough to chase.

Mimi to 3 said...

You guys here are a joke a minute. I come about once a week to see what you're up to. You have a hate blog as big as Becks. You just hate on her and the other followers over there. No difference at all. Both sides are hypocrites!

Sage said...

Mimi to 3,

I am happy that you enjoy reading here.

When I and others here portray ourselves as experts and know it alls on, well everything, then you can call us hypocrites. Since that will never happen be grateful for the reality and common sense from the intelligent people who regularly comment here who point out the absurdity that is Becks and her bleeple.

merryway said...

Wow Dana, that was nasty. Those low clouds give me the shivers. Thanks for posting that. I'm fascinated as I am scared.

I guess Bl has shut up her minions who dared disagreed that it's fine and dandy to disregard tornado warnings if you live in PA. I'd love for one of them to post it for her to see, but it would never make it through. Bl has to reign supreme. She always always has to be right.

I see she has another mile long recap up, the last episode of Celebrity Apprentice. Uhm, who even cares? That is sooo over.

Leslie said...

Isn't it amazing how BL is the all knowing? Every word on that blog has been regurgitated 1000 times. At least Luke has toned it down a bit.

I still wish I could read some of her birth blog.

Nameless in LA said...

The fact that she thinks her recaps are worthy of being posted months after the show ended speaks volumes. She let through a comment calling her out for her ridiculously long recaps and telling her she's just like Kate. I think she published it assuming that her minions would come rushing to her defense, but when that didn't happen the comment mysteriously disappeared.

JR said...


I do tend to agree. Same stuff, different blog. But at least you can say what you want here without a 3 paragraph post telling you why you are wrong.

Some chickies are so jealous of the 8 said...

I love the tweeter hate Mom's who have never worked or are not working now. Every tweet is about Kate. Most Mom's would volunteer during the day in their communities or have a life that didn't involve a family who has nothing to do with them. ROTF.

merryway said...

The all knowing BL is once again making a fool of herself. Now, she is speaking for all women over the age of 20. According to Bl, the comedy of Miranda Sings can only be understood by those under the age of 20.
The woman who developed the character is almost 30yo. I guess Miranda Sings doesn't "get" herself. Lol

Bl and her minions are out of touch and they have already proven they have no sense of humor.

xxxxxxxxxxxx ~ Administrator said... 35

I don't know if I'm an old fuddy-duddy or what, but after reading the tweets from Leigh and Barb who were laughing hysterically over Miranda's performance, I wanted to see what I was missing. I watched. I didn't fall down rolling in hysterics. I can sort of see that a teen would like the humor, but I'm at a loss exactly why an adult would be a fan. Am I missing something?


I bet I would have loved her if I were 15.

It's just ridiculous for Kate to pretend to be one of the girls on this one, and I find her fans just as disingenuous. Please, they don't "get" this person any more than any 20, 30, 40, 50, or more woman would. We're too old to appreciate it. It's just life. It's insecurity. Kate doesn't have to love what her twins do for her twins to love her, no more than her sheeple have to love all the things Kate does. Grow up.
April 28, 2015 at 9:39 PM

Judy said...

Kate is not the one who needs to grow up.

PJ's momma said...

JR, I so agree with you. It's become the "Tucker's Mom's and Admin's dissertations because they didn't see it the way you did and must say why" blog over there. God forbid anyone say they are offended. It becomes open season on that person.

I travel a lot overseas with hubby's job and there is so much I want to say, but I just won't. As a child who was abused, I also have strong opinions about that mom that walloped her son after finding him at the riots (mainly that I hope her beat down was a one-time thing done in fury), but I wouldn't dare.

Sage said...

PJ...I have to agree with you about the hitting of the boy. I felt disturbed by it.

PJ feel free to say how you feel and think here. We may not agree but I will not diminish you for what you are thinking or feeling.

PJ's momma said...

Thank you. It's true - nobody should be told how to FEEL. You feel how you feel, right? Your thinking can be changed, but the way you feel is something you can't help and shouldn't have to justify, and to me, the worst thing is when someone tells you that you shouldn't 'feel' a certain way because of xyz. Yes, diminish is a good word to apply to that technique.

I think they have forgotten that there are many points of view, many opinions, etc. Nobody is WRONG for being afraid of TSA or any other authority. They just are. Maybe they are afraid of flying, maybe they are stressed by the whole experience, maybe their parents told them law enforcement is bad. Who knows? We're all different. I had a lady once who was obviously terrified of flying and we were landing in Albuquerque, which is very windy. I extended my hand across the aisle and she grabbed it and nearly broke all my fingers while we circled and circled. I don't know if I'd offer THAT again, but she was obviously terrified, when I wasn't. No right and no wrong. It just WAS. If someone threw a bunch of spiders around the cockpit, I would probably be sitting on her lap. We're all unique. And that's good.

So much for extracting myself from this mess. LOL!

Sage said...

I believe our feelings are shaped by our circumstances and experiences in life. I know I feel differently about some things now than I did years ago due to life happening.

Anonymous said...

Sage, you deserve kudos for allowing us former bleeple's to post here. Thank you.

PJ's momma, it just gets worse and worse over there, doesn't it?

Rebecca knows all and how dare anyone think differently. She takes everything so...personal.

She views life as a comfortable, young white woman of privilege. It's quite sad how narrow her views are. If she's not bragging about being a 'lawyer', she's telling everyone how much she's travelled and just how very much BETTER than everyone else is.

I don't understand why ANY of the regulars put up with it.

Notice how many ARE missing, though. Bear's wife, Remona(nasty mouthed old bag), Ohio Buckeye, Canadian Mom, silimom, Pym, sparkle, GoPoshGo, and so many others!

I don't miss any of them, mind you, but it speaks as to how Rebecca runs her blog. Dear Leader rules with an iron fist.

Well, I'm not taking it anymore. And apparently, I'm not alone.

Someday, Rebecca's words will come back to haunt her. Her stupidity and cruelness will bite her, eventually.


Anonymous said...

Sage, you deserve kudos for allowing us former bleeple's to post here. Thank you.

PJ's momma, it just gets worse and worse over there, doesn't it?

Rebecca knows all and how dare anyone think differently. She takes everything so...personal.

She views life as a comfortable, young white woman of privilege. It's quite sad how narrow her views are. If she's not bragging about being a 'lawyer', she's telling everyone how much she's travelled and just how very much BETTER than everyone else is.

I don't understand why ANY of the regulars put up with it.

Notice how many ARE missing, though. Bear's wife, Remona(nasty mouthed old bag), Ohio Buckeye, Canadian Mom, silimom, Pym, sparkle, GoPoshGo, and so many others!

I don't miss any of them, mind you, but it speaks as to how Rebecca runs her blog. Dear Leader rules with an iron fist.

Well, I'm not taking it anymore. And apparently, I'm not alone.

Someday, Rebecca's words will come back to haunt her. Her stupidity and cruelness will bite her, eventually.


Sage said...


you are welcome to comment but please choose another name so that you are not confused with our regular poster 'Micha'.

PJ's momma said...

Hi not-regular-micha. I do remember you, and all those others as well.

Something has changed. She didn't use to be so sanctimonious and mean. The arguing with posters she won't publish is over the top. Now she posts what she is arguing about, but not the whole post. It's so silly.

She's not the be all, end all. My husband had to get extra pages in his passport and I was close, but then it expired and I started from scratch. Others have done much more than she has and don't go on about it all the time. Others have much more experience or education in different areas, but even they get slapped down.

Does she work? She posts constantly. What would her employer think of those recaps with all the f-bombs? I'm no prude, but sometimes I cringe at what gets posted.

People get crucified for their spelling and grammar, but nobody says a word about some of those mile-long recaps that were obviously done on a phone, and are one long run-on sentence with no punctuation or caps. Heaven forbid!

Oh well. All done. Have a great weekend, all.

merryway said...

Tucker's mom said something so mean and nasty that I won't copy it over here. It was about lady she doesn't even know, the one who organized a benefit 2ya who occasionally tweets to Kate. They have followed her TL and mocked her ever since.

Of course, it's typical that Tucker's mom blames her victim by saying she "put herself in this position."


Tucker's Mom said... 152

SARAH said... 150

Tucker's Mom apologized for the pity f>>K comment. I appreciated that. No need to butt in and as a mother of a son, I sure hope you realize how offensive that phrase and action is.

It has nothing to do with the posters on here being grown or not. I hope no woman is ever in a position in which she needs a man to be with her out of pity.
This woman puts herself in that position. She's pathetic and sad and evidently, doesn't think very highly of herself.
Look, it was an offhand comment that I made. I'm sorry your sensibilities were offended. Obviously, it touched a never for you.
For pity sake, move on.
April 30, 2015 at 8:28 AM

The Defector said...

Sorry Sage! I'll be known now as The Defector aka micha.

PJ's momma, keep posting!!

Francie said...

You sure can tell when Kate is about to be on tv. Radar has another lame story.

Anonymous said...

You can be just as annoying. You were given a hard time for bragging. Still doing it.

Farkle said...

Reading and catching up, Bec's sails are sinking? Oh my, she will be down to Tuckers and her fake posters. (her own) imo

Sweet---that is all.

Welcome to the new ones here!

Hope everyone is enjoying the spring temps.

Mary EmDee said...


Whoa whoa whoa! Please don't come here and start attacking other posters. Sage has very graciously allowed everyone to post with only 3 rules. Not attacking posters is one of them.

Personally I don't see PJ as bragging about anything. Seems to me that she is just stating her opinions to events that have happened in her life. If you have a problem with her having more in life than you- that is your issue.

Mary EmDee said...

PJ and The Defector (haha great name!) welcome.

merryway said...

BL is catfishing them all. Actually, that's the best-case scenario. Otherwise, it's insane for her twist every little thing Kate does.

There is no sense of reality at realitytvkids.

Bonnie Raye said...

It was a problem that caused ruffled feathers over there. I overlook braggers. That's how so people cope w issues. My personal stuff is just that personal.

I posted there for years. I'm leaving my old name and I'm now Bonnie Raye!

Sage-great blog lady.

PJ's momma said...

Wow, really?

FYI, when I tag along on business trips, it is in coach and mostly on frequent flier miles. Room is already paid, I just need a little pocket money to get around while everyone's working. Huge blessing with minimal expense. People who HAVE to travel hundreds of thousands of miles actually hate it. There's a whole Delta ad campaign built on that right now. So when these ladies and gents can take their spouses or sometimes their kids or friends along, it is somewhat comforting to them for those few days.

Sorry to have offended you. Adios.

Francie said...

Don't worry about it, PJ's Momma. It sounds like a drive-by from that other blog.

Sage said...

Pj, My husband would travel for his job. I would occasionally tag along as some expenses were paid for. I don't see it as bragging.

Anonymous said...

Hey, is that you, Rebecca, lashing out at PJs Momma? LOL

I can't believe how flat out RUDE Becks is to her 'friends'.

And they cowtow to her like groupies!

What's wrong with them? Why can't they see how mean and rude they are being treated? Craziness!

Thanks for the welcome, MaryEmDee!! :)

The Defector

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