Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Kate Plus Date! Kate Gosselin to Star in New Series!

Did you hear?

Kate Gosselin is ready to get back into the dating scene.

"PEOPLE can exclusively reveal that Gosselin, 43, will star in new TLC series Kate Plus Date, which will document the reality star on her dating journey."

Will you watch?


Sage said...

Hey everyone! It’s been awhile but finally some Kate news!

Quiltart said...

Hi, everyone!

Sage said...

Quiltart how have you been? I miss all of you.

Quiltart said...

I've been fine! How about you?

Sage said...

Hanging in there. Been super busy at work. I had to have cataracts removed so also decided to get lasic while I was at it. I CAN SEE!! Lol

Quiltart said...

I'm up for cataract surgery in the fall... Can't wait!

Sage said...

Can't believe what impact it is to have it done. Instant sight.

Quiltart said...

My husband had the surgery several years ago. As we drove out of the underground parking lot he realized he hadn't seen colors in years. That's the point I'm at now...

BTW, Kate looks wonderful in the photo you've put up.

Sage said...

That’s the point I was at. Everything was faded. It is such an abrupt change the day you have the surgery. The ride home was amazing! The downside was looking in the mirror and seeing all the lines and wrinkles. Lol

Kate does look good. I hope she has a good time with the new show.

Quiltart said...

I can see all the lines and wrinkles. I have magnifying mirrors mounted in all baths in my apartment! I turned 70 last year. I figure I've earned them!

just a reminder said...

Just re-posting this great comment from the last blog:

Dear Rebecca,

Do you know how the internet works? I do not think you do know how the internet works. In fact, I do not think you know how any of this works.

Let me explain something to you. You see, the internet is forever. Forever means that wherever you go, whatever you do, no matter how old you become, your internet postings will follow you. For. Ever.

You, ignorant woman, are a fool.

But we have patience. A LOT of patience.

Love and kisses,
Us xoxo

The woman, Rebecca, seems to be losing her shit on a thrice daily basis! LOL

Sage said...

Just....I don't think anyone really cares.

jammy said...

Hello Sage!

Long winter, spring has sprung and now Kate will be dating. Look for maybe Jon to be selling a new story. :)

Hope everyone is doing well.

Interesting said...

Interesting that no one on here has mentioned the picture Jon posted on Instagram of him, Hannah and Collin together, celebrating Hannah's and Collin's birthday, plus the other pics of Hannah and Jon on her birthday.

Anonymous said...

I agree interesting. I'm sure in their bunker where they talk freely about their Queen.

PAR said...

Not sure why it is so interesting. We weren’t.the ones speculating Collin was buried in the backyard. Collin has a right to his privacy even if his Dad doesn’t want to respect that.

PAR said...

Also, I am not understanding why pictures with Hannah on her birthday were such a big deal. We know that Jon sees 4 of the kids regularly (maybe 5 now if he routinely visits Collin and not just as a birthday stunt) and that Hannah has expressed an interest in living with her father. But clearly it has been worked out that she spends time with Kate as well as their have been two recent pictures of the kids including Hannah on Kate's Instagram.

One thing that was really clear was that Jon is not supposed to talk about custody arrangements but certainly did not live up to the spirit of that ruling by hinting that Hannah is with him every day and night.

Sage said...

Agree with you PAR...nice seeing you again!

Micha said...

Kate's new show...I hope it works out for her.

I don't know about Jon posting a pic of Collin while he's in treatment, but it's done, and since I've seen no mention of it on any "entertainment" program, I think the media doesn't really want to exploit the child and his situation while he's in treatment. I did see a couple of online articles but that is it.

If Hannah is living with her dad and she's safe and happy then that's great. I see the appeal of being the only child in the house after years of being one of eight. I hope all the kids are happy and safe.

I hope everyone here is well and doing great. It's been a while!

merryway said...

I had no idea there was a new post! Hello everyone!!!

I have no idea about Jon visiting Collin. I'm surprised he got permission. It had to have been the first time as he posted a pic.

Jon seeing his kids is only a big deal because Jon makes it into one. There's no way he has custody of Hannah. I went to BL's and saw she had jumped to that conclusion, something Jon wrote about seeing Hannah at night and in the morning.
Hannah's just spending some time with her dad. It seems every time Jon has her for extra time, he publishes it. Then, the Kate haters applaud and dance around as Jon exploits his kids.

It'll be interesting to see Kate on tv again. I hope it's a good show. I don't watch any of the hookup shows, The Bachelor and whatever. I did used to love Blind Date. I wouldn't fall asleep until I had watched it.

Micha said...

Jon looks really desperate to have people believe or know that he sees Hannah everyday. He wants people to jump to the conclusion that she is living with him. I've seen a lot of people asking him about custody of Hannah but he doesn't answer, so yes a lot of Kate haters seem thrilled by what Jon is doing.

Jon has 8 children and it "looks like" he's close to 1 of them. Yay?

What does Jon do in that situation? Exploit it of course, at least until Hannah figures Jon out.

Micha said...

US has an article about a "road trip" that he's taking with Hannah and one of Jon's Instagram comments is quoted where he mentions that Hannah has her own Instagram page.


Anonymous said...

Mischa -- as if Kate never exploited those kids. Get real!

Micha said...


I've gotten real.

Are you saying that it's only fair that Jon gets his chance at exploiting the kids since you think Kate has done the same? That's some twisted thinking.

Jon has had pictures out there with a variety of his children (mostly the sextuplets) over the years and it's been fine. I've thought he had the right to do that - even though he's whined that his kids didn't have "privacy" and him putting out pictures if he thought they really should have privacy seemed hypocritical. Let Jon be a hypocrite and show himself with the kids he insisted should have their privacy.

But these pictures of Jon with the child who is in treatment fall into another category because shouldn't Collin have the right to privacy and really need privacy if he's not well and getting help for whatever his issues are?

And the daily posting of pictures with Hannah are different too. They fall into a category that isn't just an innocent picture or pictures. It feels like Jon's mocking Kate because clearly something has changed and he has extra access to Hannah. And he's now got Hannah posting pictures of Collin too. I only hope that means that Collin is doing well and he's gotten better, but I can't help but see all this as Jon trying to be spiteful.

How many people who insisted that the kids shouldn't be photographed and should have their privacy are thrilled to see all these new photos because it's JON posting them? It's never been about the kids and their privacy for some people. I would love to see even just one "Kate hater" admit that it's not about whether the kids are happy or safe or have their privacy, it's about seeing Kate losing...something.


Anonymous said...

Micha you are hopelessly caught up with Kate. She deserves every bit of karma that is coming her way. Of course you blame Jon for every single thing he does. So typical.

Micha said...


What on earth are you talking about? I don't see that I blamed Jon for anything. Questioning motivation isn't "blaming." What you are caught up in (hating Kate and wanting bad things for her) is shining through, and of course you are oblivious to it. Typical hatred blinding you to your own shortcomings and projecting them onto someone else.

I just want the kids to be safe and happy. That one of eight of Jon's kids seems to think he's great isn't exactly a ringing endorsement for Jon, is it? Unless you hate Kate so much that you'll cling to any crumb that comes your way.

Can YOU try to get real? Just on a day when you're not too busy, sit down and think about how having one child out of your eight choose to be with you isn't exactly a great victory in parenting. I think you can do it if you try. You'll see it. I know! Make Kate the parent who has one child want to be with her while the other seven choose not to...and go. See. Easy peasy.

Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Oh Micha, I don't wish bad things such as health issues, on her at all. No, I don't like her and she deserves the karma that comes around to child abusers. So, no I'm not oblivious as to my feelings about Kate. And I really love how quick you and others are to attack 'typical hatred blinding you to your own shortcomings and projecting them onto someone else' -- you don't know me at all and I am aware of my shortcomings, question is are you aware of yours in blindly supporting Kate no matter what? I think Jon has made lots of mistakes but he is not the horrible person you claim he is, you just believe everything that Kate says.

As for your ridiculous statement about one out of 8 visiting Jon, there is so much that we do not know for a fact, only what Kate has spewed from her vicious hatred. How many times has she thrown people 'who love us' to the curb over and over again. Yet, oh no, that couldn't be because Kate is a bitch, not at all. Jon also has Collin in his life. How that must eat at you that after Kate sends him away, Jon finds him after she does everything she can to keep where Collin is from Jon and he searches for HIS son, not just Kates.

And good luck to you, because that train is headed for Kate and it isn't going to be pretty. It's going to take work to keep on defending her when the truth comes out.

merryway said...

"It's going to take work to keep on defending her when the truth comes out"

Is it 2009?

Micha said...


"There's so much that we do not know for a fact." YES, there is. That doesn't seem to stop people (you?) from thinking the worst of Kate without facts, and giving Jon so much "benefit of the doubt" even when he shows you who he is. Can't spare any of that for Kate, huh?

Talk about "not knowing" someone. You think it bothers me that Jon sees Collin? "Eats at me?" It does not. So much with the projecting your own feelings and anger onto me. I would hope that whatever issues they had, Jon could still be there for his son, especially now. It's my hope that Collin sees his family, both his parents, all his siblings, often, and that he has a lot of family support.

I'm just not sure anyone should be posting pictures of Collin right now, but now that it's done it's my hope that it will all be fine and it will have no negative effect on him.

There's a real meanness in you that you could think anyone would hope a parent be kept from their child or children. I do think Jon should have a relationship with his children, I just also see how he uses these particular children and their issues to pick at his ex wife. I'm sure you see it too, the difference is you appear to love it, you think Kate deserves it, that it's her "karma." If "karma" is coming for everyone then I wonder what's in store for Jon with these antics of his.

My belief in what's going on has nothing at all to do with what Kate says, it's about what Jon DOES. Really, I don't know what Kate has been saying, but I've seen a lot of what Jon has been doing.

You say, "Kate sends him away, Jon finds him..." Negative slant towards Kate, poor Jon "found" him! Hurray, hero! No, Kate put Collin in treatment because he needed help. Jon's Collin's father, if there was some reason he wasn't entitled to know where Collin was...see YOUR above statement. Here, I'll type it again: "we don't know all the facts."

Despite what you seem to think, I want the kids to have a good and positive relationship with both their parents, and I hope that if they all don't have that right now, that they can get there, for their own sake. And I hope that Jon and Kate can just find peace with each other, but I don't think they are there yet.

Anonymous said...

Got it Micha, Anyone who disagrees with your viewpoint is mean. And no I do not see Jon using these issues to pick at Kate I don't blame him for doing whatever it takes to be able to see his son that she was keeping away from him even knowing where he was. How can you think that is fair? We know you hate Jon, no matter what you say. I have watched Kate, with my own eyes, and she has treated her children abominably. Why are you so blind to what we have watched for years on the TV screen in front of our eyes. I don't have to take Jon's word for anything, I've just seen Kate in action. As for what Jon 'DOES', what about what Kate has done. Why is it ok to put her children on TV, such as when the interview with Mary and Cara when they wouldn't even speak up is ok with you but when Jon puts up a picture of him with 2 of his children he is automatically picking at Kate?

Once again, Collin needed to be put away because Kate said so. She has lied so many times she has forgotten how to tel the simple truth.

If it makes you feel good to call names and say I am angry is just more of what you fans always use when you have nothing else to spout, I feel sorry for you and your friends that you can still support a child abuser. That is sick.

jammy said...

Jon should receive gold star for picking one child out of all his kids, what a puke!

The other kids will forever know they were not wanted by their precious Father. imo

Juls said...

Hannah should receive a gold star for choosing her father to live with!

Maybe ask yourself why!

merryway said...

You're assuming that Jon has custody of Hannah. That's a big leap. I don't believe so. It's another of Jon's games.

Micha said...


Re: meanness. Reread my comments because you completely missed the point. What can I do if your comprehension is off? That's your problem, not mine. Also not my problem: what you choose to believe about what I say. I have no need to pretend to feel something that I don't feel. Who wouldn't want these kids to have a good relationship with both their parents? You? Seems like it. Not me.

If the reason you think it's okay for Jon to do whatever is because "look at what Kate has done," then you really say everything you need to say about yourself right there. When Jon does the very thing he has complained about Kate doing and people like you support it, what does that say about Jon or about you?

I absolutely think Jon should do what he can to see his son, Collin, and all his kids. Do you have the basic sense to ask yourself why Kate could have ever kept anything regarding Collin from Jon in the first place? I guess asking why it's possible might prevent you from claiming Jon is a victim and Kate is a villain. He had to have done something to get into the position he was in when this first started, whether you care to admit it or not.

It seems Jon saw one out of eight of his kids on Father's Day. It makes me wonder just what is going on now. Why wouldn't he see at least the six, if not the twins?

I really don't know if it's Jon who "picked" one kid out of eight. It feels more like one kid out of eight picked him and he's decided that's good enough for him. Why work at cultivating a relationship with all your kids when one of them seems to like you without you having to put in much effort? That sounds like classic Jon.

Anonymous said...

Micha, you're delusional the way you twist words. I have very good comprehension, you are the one who speaks out both sides of her mouth. Kate is a villain and doesn't deserve to have those children. Period. You seem to like them living with a proven child abuser. That's on you my dear - all on you.

belle fidele said...

Hi! Everyone. So happy for Kate. ��

merryway said...

Oh look, Jon is still talking to BL and giving info to a hate blog.

Jon's had his mom, brother, girlfriends, and Hoffman spreading info for him, now Hannah does it on IG.

I still can't believe Jon was given full physical custody of Hannah. I have to wonder if Kate decided it was best just to let her go. Hannah's done several live IG posts answering questions from the public. The posters at Bl's, who have yelled for years about the privacy of the kids, think this is a wonderful thing.

Apparently, Hannah said something about Collin transitioning to Jon. I don't believe it, I think it's a story Jon is telling to Hannah.


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 100

So Collin living with Jon hasn't been confirmed by Jon, just Hannah saying "yes," and I would think that those details need to be worked out by the courts and the facility in which he is now living.


The information I have from one of the parties involved is that they are currently working on transitioning Collin to Jon.

I know, working in child welfare, this can be a slow process and often goes at the child's pace and comfort level. Slower is sometimes better for ultimate success. I do not know the time frame they're working off of.

That is consistent with Hannah's statement about the situation.

Not speculation. A source. That being said, this blog has always welcomed speculation as long as it is reasonably based on the facts we have and clearly identified as mere speculation. If it's not your cup of tea you need not respond to those comments, that's all.
July 1, 2018 at 10:40 AM

Janet said...

This is just as big a hate blog -- you just hate Jon. Please, don't say you're not, your postings reek of hatred for Jon. Hypocrites.

they're all hypocrites said...

Interesting how they're trying to make lukebandit aka GollyGee aka redbird aka whatever other name she used, some kind of favorite poster or something.

When in fact, many of them were downright rude and mean to her! Sleepless in Seattle and Midnight Madness were the WORST. They always, always made snide comments about her 'imagination' and woulda coulda shouldas.

Or, in Teresa Sigler's case, would OF, could OF, should OF. lol

Anonymous said...

Any late nighters up, the door is wiiiiiide open over at Becks. No moderation! Someone has been busy over there tonight. LMAO

You wanna get something off your chest, you basically got an open invite to do so. Or at least until the be-yatch wakes up and realizes her mistake. YUGE mistake. hehehehe

Micha said...


You don't know what you're talking about, but I've certainly noticed that this never stops people like you from talking. The projecting you do is amusing.

So sorry it took so long to respond. I forgot about you in the busy time of summer and only popped in today because I saw an article about Jon and Kate and custody issues.

You're obviously in deep pain of your own and that's sad, but until I hear one thing about child services/the police charging Kate with anything that sounds like child abuse I'm going to have to believe that the kids are safe and sound with their Mom, as per court decisions, etc. I don't doubt that Kate's tough on her kids, and strict with her kids but that does not equal abuse. Kids need discipline and structure, and Kate provides that, along with food, shelter, education. In your comments I just glaringly see a person who needs to deal with her own "mommy" issues. Good luck with that.

So, here is a snip of the article dated today, August 21, 2018, that brought me here:

"The Gosselin kids remain in their mother Kate‘s custody, PEOPLE can confirm.

In an Instagram live last week, Jon Gosselin claimed that Hannah, one of the former couple’s sextuplets, is living under his roof full-time.

“She permanently lives with me,” he said in the video, which was captured by RadarOnline.

But a source with knowledge of the situation tells PEOPLE that Kate, 41, “maintains full custody of all eight of her kids.”

Jon did not immediately return PEOPLE’s request for comment."

Hmm...I think it's quite safe to believe that a reputable magazine like PEOPLE would triple check their sources before bothering to post such an article. Vetting for legal purposes.

As always, I hope the kids are happy and that Jon and Kate can find some peace in their post divorce situation. It's been so many years and their kids are almost grown and will be free to do what they choose before they know it.

Anonymous said...

You are, Micha, as delusional as usual. I am certainly not in 'deep pain' as you state and often wonder where you come up with the absurdities that come out of your mouth. But then again, your worship and defense of Kate is sickening. I suggest you are the one in deep pain -- whatever the heck you mean by that. As for People being so reputable, have you not seen the photos of Jon and Hannah, have you not heard Hannah herself say she lives with her father? Why would Kate be suing Jon at all if not for the FACT that Kate sees this as Jon breaking his word about custody remaining with her as long as he is relieved of child support. Facts are important. And why, pray tell would Hannah state she lives with her father if it were not so. And this was revealed by a 'source' and not Kate? It must be incredibly difficult for you to always defend this child abuser and control freak. But if that's what you choose to do, so be it. And, yes, it has been a busy summer and a great one. Same here, just popped in today to see the wonderful, continuous support for Kate and her horrific parenting.

Micha said...

Yes, Anonymous. I see your pain, pain, pain. But no identity. You can't even pick a name for this lovely little blog! But, yeah, it's all me. You're juuuust fiiiiine. :)

What a COINCIDENCE that you choose to "pop in" the DAY after I do!? What are the odds?

Do you think it's possible that Hannah lives with Jon (let's say a portion of the time) but Kate still retains full custody? Have you not ever heard of such a thing? Hmm... Do you think it's impossible?

Of course Kate is the "source." (I'm alleging.) But don't you think PEOPLE would want proof from their "source," even if it is Kate? Do you think a magazine like PEOPLE would take anyone at their word when it comes to printing such a thing, especially when, if it's not true, JON could provide his own documents, if he did have custody of Hannah? And if he could prove that this "source" is fibbing, don't you think he'd do it, just to mess with his ex-wife? You KNOW he would, if he could.

If "defending" Kate equals acknowledging that she has custody of her kids by order of the courts and that she has never been charged with these "abuses" you speak of, then I guess YOU could say I am. But, in reality, something you seem averse to, I'm just stating the facts.

I can also acknowledge that Jon spends a lot of time with Hannah and she seems to smile a lot in pictures he posts of the two of them. Does that mean I'm "defending" Jon?

Discuss that with the voices in your head, and get back to me, if you want. Or not.

I know how you feel. You think Jon's good, you think Kate's bad, you think anyone who can't see that is "delusional." I got it. But maybe you NEED to repeat yourself over and over.

Go for it.

I just came by because Kate posted a pic of the kids' first day of school, and they are so grown up!

Sage said...

Well, well new Kate news! I have been having computer problems and well life has been keeping me busy too. Hope to get a new post up. Always nice to see you, Micha!

merryway said...

I still think Kate retains full custody.
I hadn't read at BL's for awhile. They all seem to think Hannah will never again be with her mother in any way.

I saw a couple of interesting things over there.

Hannah ended her live IGs. Again, the bleeple had no problem with Hannah broadcasting.
She ended them for two reason; an obsessed blog and because some man exposed himself. Bl's didn't lose step after Hannah called out an obsessed blog. They just keep on digging for details, gossiping and slamming Kate for all things imagined.

Anonymous said... 195

Hannah’s account is gone and her friends is too. Said she was hacked and obsessed blog drew too much questions.

Older poster
August 3, 2018 at 6:02 AM

Gigi Be said... 197

I watched the final live chat last night.
There was a very inappropriate exchange by a man who exposed himself. Which was horrifying, because all saw it. I feel bad that H and her friends witnessed this. It’s also unfair to her that she gets asked so many personal questions.
August 3, 2018 at 7:10 AM

merryway said...

Here's something really awful. Jon calls his other kids "not as smart as Hannah" for not living with him. Jon sounds toxic just as Mady said in that People interview a few years ago. If Jon slams his kids in public this way, what does Jon say in private?


Gigi Be said... 142

Just saw Jon’s live feed on instagram. People initially asked where Hannah was and he said “she’s upstairs”. A few people started asking some private questions and he got very protective, telling them to mind their business.
Later on, H came down stairs and Jon allowed the viewers to see her. She would occasionally come into view. Jon was promoting all of his music for his DJ gig. So he was mostly playing album after album of 90s music. He looked so happy and so natural as a dj. He was at his home. And he would starting singing and dancing to the songs.
Jon mentioned that H cooked him some hotdogs and he was about to eat. And he shows the hotdogs to his viewers. Good job H! Haha!
A few people asked if H was living with him. He got up close to the camera and said “ yes Hannah is living with me permanently” .
Then someone else asked why the other kids weren’t living with him. He answered “ they aren’t as smart as Hannah”.
After playing at least twenty or more songs, he announced he was going to end the video soon. Some requested to see H again. He reluctantly asks H to come back into view. She does while viewers say how cute they are as father and daughter. They seemed annoyed at first, but soften up as the comments are all really nice and sweet.
Jon seems like such a fun, relaxed dad. In general, the comments were really nice towards Jon. Most people think he is a fun loving, wonderful father. And he’s clearly a very popular DJ!
August 16, 2018 at 8:52 PM

merryway said...

I didn't mean to imply that guy exposing himself to Hannah wasn't awful. It's just what Jon said about his other kids is very hurtful.

Micha said...

Hi Sage! :) Looking forward to your new post! I hope everyone here is enjoying their summer.

I just saw another PEOPLE article, this time focusing on Jon and his picture of Hannah on her first day of school - apart from her siblings. In his comment he mentions that Hannah "integrated" herself into the community...as if the other kids aren't in a "community." His perspective is very narrow. The Gosselin kids in private school are also part of a community.

Of course Jon would think that anyone who wouldn't choose him isn't "as smart" as someone who would choose him, lol. He doesn't have the intellectual capacity to even make the effort to seem "diplomatic," for the sake of appearances. Five of his kids, when given the choice to live in his less disciplined and less rigid environment, chose the more rigid and more disciplined environment, with their Mom, whom we all have seen is not an easy going gal. That takes a lot of maturity, which is something I don't think Jon can admit, and most likely does not understand.

Micha said...

Oops, make that six of his kids.

Juls said...


merryway said...

Hey Sagettes! Wanted to stop by and wish a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!