Do the haters ever rest, take a day off, or just stare at the wall? Here it is the beginning of summer and the BL's are still cranking out the mistruths and hate. How do they do that all.the.time? Altho, today they attacked the Little Couple. For those that don't watch them on the evil TLC channel, they are a very loving couple with two adopted kids and are little people. The little couple is just a brief stop over for them as the main target is Kate. The Little Couple do meet their criteria as for having a show but, they can't hate them too publically, other than calling them 'freaks' (sigh) wouldn't be PC. As evening falls and Memorial Day (newsflash to the loyal readers of 15 minions: Memorial Day is for honoring those that have died for our country) comes to an end it is time to get back to hating Kate. The latest? Kate has a baseball cap on. I know, I know. Apparently, according to one of the posters who is from PA, people stare at women who wear baseball caps with their hair in a ponytail. Who are these people??
People online has a clip of the upcoming special on June 25. This will give the haters weeks of enjoyment to fantasize about how Kate looks and what she is thinking in the 60 second clip.
To see clip of upcoming special go to |
1 – 200 of 212 Newer› Newest»Hope everyone had a nice long weekend.
I hope everyone enjoyed their Memorial Day weekend. Ours was lovely. We had gorgeous weather.
I guess BL isn't somber or respectful enough to shut down her hate blog in honor of the holiday. According to BL, you can't eat a hot-dog, but you can spend the weekend hating and lying about a realitytv mom.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Administrator) said... 3
... Anonymous just told me to enjoy my Memorial Day. Enjoy? I don't consider a holiday of remembrance something to enjoy. It's a somber day. Says a lot about you that you would say that. Now I see where your priorities lie. Now go eat a hotdog for those who died for you... See how it feels to see every word you say attacked? It's silliness, anonymous. Yet this is what you do. I don't care if you want to enjoy today even if I disagree but why would I pick pick pick like that? What joy does it bring me? ...
May 26, 2014 at 2:46 PM
Oops, like always I forgot to click the email box. So, I'll just throw in an
All hail Queen Kate!
Isn't it funny that the BL doesn't post the comments from anonymous but argues with them? No one else even knows what the actual comments even say yet the BL is furiously rebutting them,so funny,and so pathetic!
Amy2 has left a new comment on the post "TLC filming for update special":
The Arnolds are the TLC darlings (meaning, moneymakers) for now. But the tide will turn, it always does. This time it would take one set of parents who were turned down for foreign adoption to get wind of the Arnolds adopting and exploiting their children on reality TV. Then all heck will break loose. The by product of this would be people who are trying to adopt for the right reasons (something other than reality TV) having their adoptions affected (placed on hold, denied, country stopping adoptions, etc.)
The Arnolds need to get the stars (money) out of their eyes, and get these children off TV. Jen and Bill can film to their hearts desire. Go for it, exposure your luxury life for all to see. Just leave the children out of it.
Looks like amy is saying the Arnolds adopted their kids to make money.
They are already well to do with Jen being a doctor and bill owning his business of medical supply and business telemarketing (not just the pet store).
What a hateful bunch of ignorant people that post there.
In addition to ridiculing the cap, one of the minions claimed Kate's hair was dirty. HOW DO THEY KNOW THIS?
I noticed BL arguing with Anonymous, too. Too bad, BL,that Your feelings were hurt. Get over it.
Did anyone see the original msg from Anonymous, or did BL nuke it before she started her diatribe?
She doesn't publish those that speak the truth or are critical of her. She does answer them tho and it is kind of weird because you don't know what she is responding too.
I found it laughable for her to say it hurt her to be told she has no self-awareness.
Example of her non self-awareness: she calls those that watch Kate or the other reality shows voyeurs. Yet, she was selling birth videos and videos of girls being circumcised! Sick. (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post "TLC filming for update special":
This throws a monkey wrench into TLC's program titles. What will they call them now? "The Couple","People, Big World", World's Man? Oh, dear.
People, Big World lol.
They also have that Gypsy wedding thing. Which is an entirely inappropriate and outdated term for the Romani people. All that does is perpetuate that word. I've seen sheeple get very upset about proper terminology, yet Kate's TLC uses incredibly offense terminology themselves in the TITLE of that show. So I get it, it's not okay here but is okay if TLC does it. Check.
Kate's TJC? Did she get promoted? Since BL watch's TLC, by the sounds of it, more than I ever did or will do she should know.
BL said :See how it feels to see every word you say attacked? It's silliness, anonymous. Yet this is what you do.
She really does have no self awareness. They attack EVERY word Kate says. Becky, that's what YOU do.
People Mag has a clip of the new TLC special.
It's short.
I think Kate looks really pretty.
I'm sure that khaters are ecstatic they have something new to keep them busy.
Since Vanessa claims that Kate is just like her mother, is Vanessa saying that she is a dysfunctional, polarizing, selfish adult and a bad parent? That couldn't be. Everyone at the BL's is a perfect human specimen and the most self-sacrificing, amazing parent ever.
Vanessa said... 171
She will only be able to intimidate, scare, control, punish, banish BEAT those kids for so long. There WILL be rebellion and retaliation. Lather rinse repeat----sadly history WILL repeat itself and she will have raised dysfunctional polarizing selfish adults who will raise their own kids in the same manner. Whether it was for the cameras or not, that sighing and bemoaning of ALL SHE HAS TO DO FOR THOSE KIDS is a daily occurance. That is my mother right there. Eight kids? pfft-she can't even fathom what's in store for her in her very near future...
I hope everyone had a restful (but yet somber) Memorial Day weekend.
Hope you all enjoyed a long weekend! All hail Kate and the new clip at People mag!
Is Vanessa Implying that she turned on her mother and attacked her?
They're all going bonkers over the clip. Mady is mentally disturbed, Kate is a shrew, the boys are 3rd class....blah blah blah. TLC sure knows what they're doing by releasing that clip.It got the reaction it wanted. They got them hooked. They'll be watching... their magic TV's will turn on to TLC.Whether they like it or not.
Every once in a while I'll read a comment from a hater (in this case it's BL) and I'll realize, once again, what weaklings these people are. She says, "See how it feels to see every word you say attacked?" LOL This woman owns and operates a blog dedicated to attacking every word and move of Kate Gosselin's, but oh woe is her when someone does the same to her. She says every word she speaks is attacked, and GASP, SHE doesn't like it. Wouldn't you think that women who say the vile things this woman and her minions spew daily would have a thick skin? They're dishing it out, you'd think they'd be able to take it, but NOPE. When people are mean to lead mean hater BL it hurts her wittle feelings.
So happy to see that little preview at People Online. The kids look great and I'm looking forward to seeing the show! Also, I've read the comments and it's nice to see so much support for Kate. I think that the more time goes by the more people see that Kate is doing a good job with her kids, and she's doing it with minimal (if any) help from the kids' father.
Here we go. Making up what Kate is doing (in typical bitter hater mind) and then calling Kate a bitch for it?! I think you would have to be a bitch to have your mind think up the bitter bitch scenarios.
TLC stinks has left a new comment on the post "TLC filming for update special":
With her hair pulled back you can really see all the bald spots (jagged hair line). I wonder if she demanded Deanna for the makeup and hair?
Oh, my previous comment regarding Mady, notice how she is not even looking into the camera but off to her right when she says the we miss you comment. Wanna bet Kate was mouthing the words off camera. Bitch.
Just watched the clip with my kids and saw a mother use loving discipline for a smart mouth. Lol, one of my smart mouth girls chirped that Kate sounded just like me and the others agreed. When you have a large family controlling the group with a stern but loving demeanor is paramount otherwise chaos reigns. Kids who are disciplined. taught good manners,self control, and have boundries are kids who know they
are loved. My kids know they are loved and I'm sure the Gosselin kids know their mom loves them completely,
Amid all the latest Kate hate, they are still ripping apart the Little Couple parents. Now one of them thinks that TLC BOUGHT the children for big bucks. Oh yeah, no doubt that little conspiracy theory is right on the money.
The one who is soooo certain that international adoption is going to be destroyed as a result of Jen and Bill filming their children obviously has never seen the show, since the home study by the social worker was filmed, as was their visit to the adoption agency. I think these people might have had a tiny clue that the children would be filmed as well.
Anonymous said... 66
Amy2 said... 13
When adopting children during pre-adoption there is a homestay interview with a social worker. Did Jen and Bill inform the social worker that the adopted children lives would be filmed? And post-adoption depending on the country the child was adopted from there are a minimum of six months of reports some in person others via forms filled out by the adoptive parents. Did the parents explain at this point the children's lives were being filmed? And if they didn't disclose this important point, what are the legal issues Jen and Bill could be facing.
I have no doubt the TLC suits arranged everything for the adoption of these two kids. These TLC lawyers are high-powered bullies who can get whatever they want and will do whatever it takes. I bet they actually bought these kids for a huge price and by-passed the whole adoption thing. JMHO
Nameless, I was reading Jen and Bills tweets while their show was on tonight. Jen tweeted that they applied for adoption shortly after they married.
They are so hateful on that blog. Becks is calling the sheeple (ironic isn't it..they are the sheeple) least we should be grateful she didn't call us 'retarded.'
They are incredibly hateful, led by their fearless leader.
LOL, yes, people should be grateful that she exhibited such restraint and refrained from using the R word.
The haters hate "The Little Couple?" I'm surprised they have time to branch out and hate anyone other than Kate.
I really don't care whether someone wears PJs to drop off kids at school, but the BL's excuse kills me. Here's a crazy thought...get up before the kids and then you can still be "wholly focused" on getting them ready AND be showered and dressed. I must be some kind of genius.
She acts as if she were these kids' mother, not their nanny. I'm sorry, but you don't refer to other people's elementary school age children as "monkey-bunky" while kissing them good-bye. She has no boundaries. I bet her real problem with "her narcissist" is that the woman dared to assert herself as the children's PARENT at some point.
So, so creepy.
************************ (Administrator) said... 128
I wore my PJs pants dropping off my kiddos when I was nannying. No makeup, glasses, etc.
The reason was because I wanted to be wholly focused on getting the children ready, breakfast, beds made, etc., and not be behind a closed bathroom door primping. They were the sort of kids where if I take a 10 minute shower plus 20 minutes doing hair, makeup, etc., nothing will get done on their end.
If I were going on national T.V., obviously I would ditch the PJs. I wasn't. It was a 10 minute drop off, a quick kiss and have a good day, monkey-bunky.
^^ Very creepy.
I agree, very creepy. I don't think she got the memo that she was not their mother and they were not her kids.
Something very off about her.
No way would my nanny drop my kids off at school half dressed, be professional at what you are hired to do. Sounds like she crawled out of bed at the last minute to gets kids to school. She is paid to do her job, and no glasses? She could have put the children in danger if she couldn't see properly to drive. Calling kids names and kissy face would be off limits also. Was she fired from this job, is that why she is bitter, that maybe the parents knew something was off with her???
Farkle. you make a very valid point. If I were paying a nanny I would expect her to be dressed when dropping the kids off at school. Very unprofessional.
Sounds like the creeper had a time-management problem.
Yup. Roll out of bed at the last minute and rush the kids out the door.
LOL I think she meant glasses instead of contacts and no makeup, but I read it as "no glasses" at first too and thought, "well, THAT'S pretty damn stupid."
Kate's special will be airing June 25th on TLC.
Can't wait.
I don't know who is right? TLC says June 25th and People Mag says June 19th and 26th.
"I really don't care whether someone wears PJs to drop off kids at school, but the BL's excuse kills me. Here's a crazy thought...get up before the kids and then you can still be "wholly focused" on getting them ready AND be showered and dressed. I must be some kind of genius."
LOL, Nameless. I was thinking the same thing when I read that. Just get up a little earlier BL. And, BL's always calling Kate the lazy one.
Btw, I could care less what people wear to drop off their kids at school.
Yes, as usual, they are going bonkers over the clip. They are also arguing over the best way to stop filming (to watch or not watch). But, no mention of how Jon gave up legal so Kate is free to film and do as she pleases.
There's a child labor law in PA to regulate filming, so they can't bitch about that anymore and Jon gave up his say-so.
They sure look silly in a twisted way, they can't admit it has nothing to do with the G kids and only about their sick fun of hating on Kate.
I'm happy to say that ROL doesn't always get people to fall for their bait. They have that clip on their site and say that Kate "berated" one of the kids but most of the comments are very positive regarding Kate and they are calling ROL on even using the word "berate" to describe what Kate did. They're going to have to start changing their tactics because people are realizing that Kate is in fact doing a great job and has a difficult job ahead of her raising all the kids with so little help from the kids' father.
Not that I would shoot a laptop. If I wanted to take one away forever, I would donate it. But, in contrast to the clip of Kate taking away Mady's phone; I remember the father who became an internet sensation for shooting up his daughter's laptop. He was angry because she had said something smart about her chores on her FB.
I don't recall any headlines calling him "Daddy Dearest" or "Bullying His Child." He was basically applauded.
Just a notation on how society views moms vs. dads.
I think it has more to do as to how the haters view Kate vs everyone else.
My point about being dressed and dropping kids off at school was to the BL saying how great of nanny she was. I would want my nanny to be ready for the day, after dropping kids off at school, was she employed by the family to scrub floors? If so, yes jammies would do!:) Maybe her job was for 4-5 hours a day, not a live in, she rolled out of her own bed, and ran to the house to get kids to school.
The following comment made me LMAO. Especially the last paragraph. The minions are so clueless...
Sherry Baby has left a new comment on the post "TLC filming for update special":
admin (8): It's far more important that adults model good behavior for their children than all the correcting they do about their behavior. The sheeple deliberately refuse to see this. Oh, but the kids will.
I agree, but I don't think that the sheeple deliberately refuse to believe it. They're not that smart. They won't believe it because it isn't within their scope of intelligence to be able to do any kind of thinking, logical, critical, especially when it comes to parenting.
Don't forget -- this is a cult. Kate is their leader. Whatever she does, whether it's discipline or selling out her kids, it is acceptable to them. It's not only frightening, but pathetic because many of them are adults. I can understand the young ones being gullible enough to see her as their leader, a hero that does no wrong. What is baffling is that the adults in the flock are also blind followers, intellectually unable and unwilling to think for themselves.
If you read the timelines of a few of the slowest, older sheeple you can see that they just were absent when logical/critical thinking ability was passed out. I think that this is what makes them so susceptible to being brain-washed. They have fallen under her spell, gotten caught up in her web, and they'll stay there until their dying day. Little chance that they will ever see the light. Look at Milo.
All hail our cult leader...Kate!
Yes, All hail our cult leader...Kate!
The funny thing is that the BL has no IDEA what many of our children have accomplished with their lives. My kids would laugh out loud at her stupidity and would never hire her for any law advice. LOL.
The cult of ignorance is on her blog, her being the leader.
Dang straight! All hail Queen Kate!
Everyone better be present for the next brainwashing session!
I think the BL is messing with her minions and is really talking about them.
(I'm working on the Kate-cult secret handshake)
Talk about pot calling the kettle black... The minions are the most un-self-aware idiots I've ever seen.
To think that consider themselves to have superior intellect is ridiculous.
What they have is superior ignorance.
Poor haters. They must be fuming over the overwhelmingly positive comments being written over that one little clip of the TLC special. Every article I've read (other than the People article) has tried present the clip in a negative light - oh the poor kids being disciplined by mean mommy - but the majority of people leaving comments only have good things to say about Kate and how she's raising her kids. The tabloids and haters tried to spin that clip into some sort of tragic scene, but thankfully sanity prevails. :)
What I don't understand is why the haters have to nit pick EVERYTHING Kate does?!!! So what she was harsh when disciplining her kids?! And as far as hair comments, Kelly Ripa brags that her hair is really thin, too. She uses weaves to get a full bodied hair. And Kelly Ripa has a killer body, too. She even laughs at her tiny bosom. Kate should share her good bar secret w Kelly next time she's on Live with Kelly and Michael :-)
Melissa June, (cute name)
Good idea about Kate sharing her good bra secret with Kelly but, here is the problem. Kate is the leader of the sheeples cult and once you are a member Kate shares her secret with us culties. That is how you can tell if they are a sheeple (other than being slow and old) is that they have bodacious ta ta's.
PS: I may have been born at night but it wasn't last night. ;)'re pretty funny for a sheeple!
Kate has a good bar too?!!! (Did I get enough exclamation points in there to be considered a good sheeple?)
No wonder I am a member of Kate's cult. I will take a good bar over rumspringa any day.
Oh, I see. Melissa June (are you from the south?) meant to type good bra, not good bar. So disappointed.
LOL...personally, I prefer a bar over a bra. Or lose my bra at a bar, but it was a typo on my part.
Will you admit she had more work done than just her tummy tuck?
And yes, I am from the south
Why would anyone have to "admit" anything about Kate when she says the only work she's had done is the tummy tuck that she had done that was filmed for the show? You should be the one "admitting" that you don't actually KNOW whether Kate has had any other "work done" and that you are speculating. Can you admit that, MJ? And maybe while you're at it explain why it matters oh so very much to you if Kate had "work done" or not? :)
You want me to admit that Kate has had work done?
Why would I care? Why would you care?
Are you going to admit that you are a fan of Kate Gosselins? To the point that you are obsessed with her good bra and her tatas?
Formerly Duped said... 56
Well, I remember on CWS Kendra asked what the kids like for breakfast- she had prepared cold cereal. I think it was Leah who said eggs. I have the feeling Kate has brainwashed the children that they DO love eggs!
I love eggs. Thank god, or I might get kicked out of the cult.
Is it really that unusual for children to like eggs? Is brainwashing typically necessary to make that happen?
"Will you admit she had more work done than just her tummy tuck?"
How dare you assault our Queen is such a way! Of course my leader Kate is a natural beauty. She's de-aging as we speak!
Actually, I think Kate looks a lot like she did at J&K's wedding when her hair was long. I've mentioned before how surprised I was at the difference it made in her appearance. But who really cares besides those that are obsessed?
If Kate had a tummy tuck, good for her.I don't care if she did. And if she didn't want to admit it, that's up to her.It's not a big deal. It was probably done for free anyway.
I see the "Truthers" are retweeting a article about a teen who killed his parents because they took is cell phone away.They're trying to send a message to Kate that Mady might kill her if she took her phone away. They can deny but that's why they're posting that. Basically they're thinking/hoping that Mady will her mom.
Poor Jon was voted 10th for the most hated Father in the world. How sad, he had it all, good job, family, income, wife and friends. Now he is unemployed and very lonely if he can't even keep a waiters job. Instead of the BL being a true friend to Jon, she has spent several years bashing Kate and bringing negative attention to Jon. (and she calls herself a lawyer) :) Lawyers help their clients and the BL has trashed Jon more than anyone by her actions.
My issue is that Kate LIES. Andy Cohen point blank asked her, and as merryway wrote...."she deages".
I think you guys are actually pretty funny and witty (sage and merryway especially! ). No hard feelings that we disagree. Those lil Gosselins are super cute. And Kate is a very very pretty woman. I just wish she was kinder to her children. They are people that deserve respect, as I am sure you treat your children. :)
Kate is under no obligation to tell anyone anything, much less whether or not she has had more than a tummy tuck. That does not make her a liar.
What BL's sheeple have conveniently neglected to take into account is that Kate has lost a tremendous amount of weight and undergone a serious exercise routine since she first came on TV. That is enough to change her body...
Melissa June,
The picture that Andy Cohen was comparing Kate to was taken a couple days after her c-section and weeks of bedrest. No one is going to look good.
When Kate said she deages i think she was being facetious. Not every comment kate makes needs to be disected.
I hope you come back and discuss with us more. (I mean this) Who knows we may share the secret handshake with you!
I don't know if Kate had any more work done than what we've seen on tv. However, I do think that if she did, we would've heard about it on ROL, or some nurse would've spilled the beans. That would be too good of info to keep quiet. And people are always there to pay for juicy tips such as someone getting work done. Kate said she didn't and there's no proof, so why beat a dead horse?
Ms. June,
Not to argue, but you think Kate has raised her kids in the same community for years now, school ,etc. Not one documented report of any abuse. Have you stepped into a classroom these days? The kids are nasty, they have no respect for anyone.
Kate has a snark to her voice, this does not mean that she is mean to her kids. In fact, Kate kids will do well in life, she has taught them responsibility, good manners, and we know nothing about their personal life except what we have seen on TV and that was years ago. Can you imagine the hell those kids have had to deal with their Father being an azz all over the news? That's what people should care about, the kids having to read and see his actions. How sad for them.
I really don't think Kate had work done on her face, the worry lines sometimes are very deep. After 8 kids, she can do what she wants, it's her choice. I do prefer shorter hair on her (shoulder length), but I'm not starting a hate blog about it. LOL.
The BL is so ridiculous. They are all watching the clip, freeze-framing it, discussing it in minute detail...but the great child advocate might have to draw the line at POSTING the clip because she can't blur the kids' faces. It's such hypocritical BS. If you are so intent on the children getting their privacy, STOP TALKING ABOUT THEM!!
****************** (Administrator) said... 116
I was going to do a new post with the video but I wasn't sure if people wanted me to post the video because the children are in it and I can't blur their faces.
I watched the clip. Mady was disrespectful by interrupting her mom. Kate was firm but showed grace by letting Mady apologize and return. Mady stomped back and probably should've been sent out again as it was evident that she wasn't really ready to be ok. Kate showed her grace again. Mady used her words disrespectfully and a natural consequence was to take away her "mouthpiece" (cell phone). I would take away computer privileges when my kids were mouthy. This was before they had their cell phones. Upset them that they couldn't email their friends.
I can't believe it but they even talked about the clip on TMZ Live last night. Every comment was pro Kate (and TMZ is hardly pro anything, ever - imo) and they all agreed with the way she handled the situation. Everyone who commented (including a mother of 5) couldn't imagine what it would be like to be raising 8 kids. This clip has given tabloids the opportunity to write another negative article about Kate to draw people in and yet has most commenters supporting Kate and the way she handled things with her kids.
The comments I've seen by non regular Kate watchers about the video are pretty much supportive.Raising a kid these days is harder than ever.Too much technology IMO...noses in their phones & texting all the time.It's frustrating and I don't blame her for taking the phone away. If you have a large family, if you don't lay down laws, chaos will happen.
Radar has Chablis as its resident hate (does she EVER get off the computer?_, but the positive comments have been impressive!
ooops.. I meant Chabs was ROL's resident HATER! (Administrator) said... 3
So.....what happened to that money? Did Jon buy a house with whatshername with their combined $80,000? Holy shit, that's a LOT of money.
He already said what he did with it, he moved to be closer to the children. I don't think that's much money at all especially after taxes and after Liz takes her half. They have eleven kids between them. It's a paycheck for a month's work but nothing to write home about when you have that many kids. It's more than one could make at most mediocre jobs in a month, but not a CEO salary
Looks like Becks forgot again that Jon pays no child support.
Indeed, Sage. Her selective memory is amazing, as is her contention that $40,000 for less than a month's work is not a lot of $.
It's amazing that Jon gets a pass for earning 40K, but ANYTHING Kate makes to support her kids is questioned.
I would think that Jon is renting that house. Mortgages are not that easy to get when you don't have a bank account and work record. JMO, of course.
Yep, Kate can't even get a mani/pedi without being crucified. But, Jon can blow 40k.
Mel has quite the fantasy when it comes to Kate. Mel knows exactly what goes on in the Gosselin household. Nothing obsessive or creepy about this, no sirree (rolling my eyes).
Mel said... 19
Imagine specials showing a day in the life of TFW...without showing/hearing *any* of the kids.
Here we have TFW waking 10am. A yawn and a big stretch (to show off the new boob job), a shake of her glorious mane of hair.
Here we have TFW shrieking at the kids to bring her breakfast in bed (no problem because they were up hours ago and ate the breakfast the cook prepared).
Here we have TFW shrieking at the kids to go feed the chickens and get that )($*&% weeding done before she gets back!!!
Next up, we have TFW roaring into town, pedal to the metal, to get a massage and mani/pedi.
She calls the pap on the way to let him know that she'll be at Target in an hour.
The nanny does lunch for the kids while she's gone
She roars back home, after having a lovely lunch in town with her body guard. A "business" lunch. A long business lunch. Wink, wink.
The housekeeping is not up to her standards so when she gets home she fires the housekeeper. It's the third one this week. The agency is getting a little fed up with her so she lets them have it with both barrels.
Now we have her checking the internet to see what everyone is saying about her.
Then she spends an hour or so seeing what she can grift.
She checks to see what the cook is preparing for supper. Not good enough. She fires her, too.
She goes outside, kicks the dog just because, and then screams at the kids to get out of the pool where they've been all day.
They're not allowed off the compound or in the house.
The kids eat supper at the table, while she stays in the kitchen and monitors every.single.move with the alertness of a hawk. She wouldn't want to miss an opportunity to discipline.
Let's see...who still has their ipod yet this week? Time for them to have an infraction.
The kids silently eat, and then silently get up and begin doing their many nightly chores.
TFW goes to her room and locks the door. She'll be in there the rest of the evening, drinking her wine.
The kids fight among themselves, and eventually go to bed.
Tomorrow is groundhog day.
May 31, 2014 at 10:34 AM
What the BL can't blur faces, so what? Everyone knows what they look like, but she had no problem posting violent video's made about Kate. Weren't the kids pics in those too? Just asking---anyone?
Mel is just sick. That just shows how obsessive they all are. They don't KNOW, so they just make it up. And they believe anything anyone writes as long as it's negative.
I wonder if Mel could give us a play by play of the BL's life. I would love to know what healthy, 30 year old, who says she is a lawyer, spends her days on a hate blog, fetish site and stalking???? Maybe Mel needs to go back and read Bullyville for her first posts on the BL. Come on Mel, I'll wait for you to do a post on your famous leader.
I see someone is concerned if the kids have work permits. Wouldn't Jon be all over this issue if he had any rights to the kids?
Kate has lawyers, something someone should have gotten for their kid many years ago, instead she ignored him.
Do they think TLC films the myriad number of children they have in their series without work permits? I'm the minions or their twitter counterparts have already written TLC to tell them what they haven't done, because, after all, they know more than anyone what goes on in Kate's life.
This falls under the category of "creepily obsessed." Very, very creepily obsessed. What sane person wants to know about the skin, feet and bald spots of a stranger?
Jeanne said... 70
I actually wonder what shape Kate is really in. We've seen glimpses but not the whole picture. Her hair line is receding because of the weaves. Does she have any bald spots from hair damage? What does her hair feel like?
Her face has acne as we've seen. Can she see the scars from procedures? Does it feel weird to have a different shape from implants? How uncomfortable are those large veneers? Is her skin rough or smooth? Her neck doesn't even seem to match.
I've never had breast implants. Is it strange to have such large implants on a not that big body? She must have scars from the tummy tuck and implants. Other surgeries? Who knows. I wouldn't be surprised if she had liposuction. I also bet there are other tattoos that we haven't seen. Again, is her skin reasonably healthy? Without proper hydration your skin doesn't feel good and loses elasticity.
Her feet don't ever seem to fit her shoes right. Are her feet painful? Does she have bunions or corns? Constant hooker heels can't be good for your feet.
Nameless, you and I think alike. I read that and saw a definite creep factor.
Who sits and wonders about that?
It rubs the lotion on its skin...
Is the BL's skin clear, no blotches, is her hair clean, or is it a greasy mess from sitting all day on a hate blog? Is her clothes clean? Does she cook? Does she have implants, is that why her posters ask about Kate, so that the BL can answer the questions that might really pertain to her own life? Has she had suction done, she's not a small gal from the one pic posted of her on a web page that disappeared when she was outed for her fetish site. Just asking, imo. (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post "Preview of Gosselin update special draws wrath fro...":
Mady's learned she can sass and be disrespectful with either no consequence or a consequence she can put up with just fine.
This is everything we predicted for years. Disrespect the kids their whole lives and they will soon dish it right back ten times over. Team Mady.
But, but didn't the minions say that Kate 'beats' her kids and they are afraid of her? Which is it?
In the BL's bizarro world, it's impossible to believe that a child could move out the summer after high school because he would need his parents help to get laundry quarters at the bank and to teach him how to do laundry or give him a refresher course. It's been a loonnng time since my summer before college, so perhaps I'm forgetting something, but I'm pretty dang sure that neither of my parents accompanied me to the bank to obtain quarters and I think by age 18 I was pretty competent at doing laundry.
Such a sheltered little princess, that one. It explains a lot.
OH another thing I found very ODD. Milo said her son got his own apartment the summer before college. She was making some joke about how he's so eager to leave her with an empty nest.
We're talking about that final wonderful senior year summer. Moving out would be extremely, extremely unusual. A kid needs the summer to pack for college, tie up loose ends, and have your personal laundry service for just a bit longer, and have them teach or refresh you on doing laundry when you're on your own. There's still a lot of house parties to be had in the backyard and fridges to raid for free.
So many things need to get done that parents help with, from getting a bunch of quarters from the bank to gathering your insurance cards and other documents to of course packing.
It sounds like Milo has raised a self-sufficient son. What the BL is describing is what we call a helicopter parent....always hovering.
LOL Suddenly BL, who moderates her hate blog, who responds to but never publishes opposing views, who privatized and doesn't use her twitter, and who leaps tall buildings faster than a speeding bullet at the sound of someone disparaging Jon's name is so frustrated because it's just impossible to have a meaningful debate and discussion with us sheeple.
xxxxxx (Administrator) said... 185
If I was Kate’s kid, I would wonder what my mom’s intentions were every time she bought me something. “Did I really do a good job or is she just playing another mind game with me.”
What they are doing is straw manning, plain and simple. It's the elementary way out of a situation in which one side is making a valid point.
It's up or down, to them, black or white. This is when having a meaningful debate is so frustrating because they constantly play straw man.
When we say we don't like the way Kate disciplines the children they all for some reason straw man it that we must think the only other alternative to Kate's methods is NO discipline, and so our opinions are immediately dismissed because of course no child should go without no discipline Fresh Prince style.
It's bizarre. Nobody said that. Nobody. Grow up and have a meaningful discussion.
June 1, 2014 at 9:46 PM
Sounds like RH's book is coming out after all..Do you think anyone will care?
I don't think anyone cares except for the haters.
His last 'book' was a mishmash and I can't see this one, if it even comes out, any different.
I think that he and HIS minions have already done their hatchet job on Kate. I can't imagine him making a book tour with this.... All he wants to do is destroy Kate further. I hope this is on after her show is on.
I think, by the looks of it, that Hoffman is trying to capitalize on the fact that TLC is doing an update show. The 'book' comes out in between the two specials TLC is doing. How obvious.
He thinks he will get lots of notice and interviews. He also has PayPal for all of you to donate. LOL
More than a handful of suckers will be hitting that Paypal button. I wonder if he's still claiming that the book's proceeds will be donated to charity?
I didn't know RH had a donate button up again. Good grief, what grifting.
I so doubt that this book is going to be available in any way shape or form.
RH and Jon view the haters as #suckers... there's one born every minute. The haters will love and support anyone or anything that is against Kate.
Lets do a reality check here. Hoffman obviously does not have a publisher. Otherwise they would be publicizing the book. Is he going to self-publish again? That didn't work so well the last time. Is he going to sell on Amazon again? That didn't work so well the last time.
Hoffman is an opportunist. He thinks by coming out with the 'book' in between Kate's TLC specials he will be noticed. I think he is broke and needs the donations.
Blowing In The Wind has left a new comment on the post "Preview of Gosselin update special draws wrath fro...":
Regarding the re-release of the book. Have there been any emergency calls to muster stations? Imagine how very busy those sheeple must be getting their act together to do damage control. They only have a few weeks left, so things will be rather busy in their barnyard.
There is only one barnyard that I see that is busy. Dream on!
Blowing In The Wind said... 106
AlWalentis @AlWalentis 5h
Here's today's fun video of Kate Gosselin scolding her child, …
FUN video? Fun? Humiliating a kid? Is this like #superfunsandy?
June 2, 2014 at 10:50 AM
Paula said... 107
Gee, Al, you find humiliating a child "fun". Man, you're a sick one.
Another example of their lack of self-awareness. (They make this so easy)
The minions are dancing and rubbing their hands together with glee that Hoffman said he was going to publish his book.
If and that is a big if the book comes out how do they think the kids will feel? They are the ones who are sick.
When RH offered his manuscript to the press at no charge, there were no takers. The twithaters are now forwarding his book release to every media outlet they can think of.
What good is going to come of publishing this filth. The children are all old enough to read about this. How in the world does RH think he is HELPING these children? He hasn't been around Kate since Jon moved out of the garage... not that he was around her before except to stalk her. The haters have egged him on, salivating over every disgusting rumor and lie he could spread, with their help.
They've already done a good job of disrupting every opportunity Kate has had. Like we've already said, RH and his flock won't be happy until she is homeless and/or on public assistance. That shows how much they care about the kids...
The mainstream media and even the tabs didn't want his manuscript then and they won't now.
Hoffman does not even have a publisher. He says he is broke so how is going to self publish?
He is trying to get some interest in the book saying he is going to put it out in between Kate's specials.
He is nuts.
Tucker's Mom has left a new comment on the post "Preview of Gosselin update special draws wrath fro...":
Gosselinbook Street Team said... 122
The last round of court proceedings and legal bills crippled Robert and Dana financially. This time around with mounting legal bills once again we believe Robert needs some help. Please, give what you can to help out the Hoffman family in this latest fight to expose extreme abuse, greed, fraud, animal cruelty, lies & theft. Scroll to bottom of and check in with PayPal. Thank you all from the Gosselinbook Street Team
I think this is a nice notion, but has Robert sanctioned this?
I thought any donations were to go to a charity.
BTW, I'm happy to help out, I just want clarification
Ole Tuck here really believed that Hoffman was giving the proceeds last time to charity. LOL yup, one born every minute.
How is this for clarification...Hoffman wants money now.
The Paypal link on his web page says it all and it doesn't say a word about donating to any charity except himself!
I don't get it. Robert is doing this to expose extreme abuse? Ya, right.
So he has been there and done that for the past 2 years.
The book or the publicity surrounding it has been going on for 2 years now. The book was out and the haters emailed copies to just about everyone including Obama. It is what it is now. Not much more is going to happen.
Anything Robert is doing from this point on is to make money and to continue to stick it to Kate.
My advice to Kate is to ignore it all. Of course we all know that she doesn't read here. She reads at the BL's, so I best hurry on over and post that over at BL's.
It's scary to think how much money he's taking in from these idiots. The always-charming Remona is happy to pay his mortgage.
Remona Blue said... 154
silimom said... 153
''I'd feel better about donating if this were running through gofundme and there was some sort of oversight for the money raised. I'm fine with it going towards his legal defense but there's no guarantee that is going to happen. At least with go fund me, he would need to lay out specifics regarding how much he needs to raise, etc''...........
I don't understand this comment silimom. What difference does it make if any money donated to Robert goes to help pay his legal defense or is used to buy groceries or pay the mortgage?
In MY opinion a donation to Robert is for ROBERT, and either give it or not without any need to account to anyone exactly where each dollar goes!
I sure hope the haters send a tweet to the IRS for the grifting RH. If Hoff needs money, wouldn't you get a job to support your family? He's a laughing stock of the media, no one cares and poor Jon won't be able to collect money this time around if he gets a few bucks in donations.
The BL has never raised children, she can take a back seat, many should be glad she isn't a parent, maybe her child would end up on a nasty site, ya know the site that pays her real bills. imo
Does anyone know if the BL donated to RH??? If so, she should be proud and post of her giving on her blog, or is she just using RH again for her boring blog?
If they want to contribute to Hoffman they can go for it!
Isn't it sad that Robert and his wife have put their hatred and need for revenge ahead of their own family's needs. There is no other logical explanation for it. He can try to claim he is doing it to save the kids all he wants but all he is doing is hurting those kids more and more. He and his wife's jealousy and absolute determination to destroy Kate Gosselin has taken time and money away from their own children. I'm sorry but that is not the actions of loving,responsible parents who should put their children's wants and needs above their own sick motives,disgusting.
Does anyone know if Hoffman and his wife are still together?
I don't know what RH's motives are. I think he is in need of an intervention.
I wonder the same thing, you think someone would know. If so, she deserves him, how low could you be in life to stalk a Mother and her 8 kids and approve of it. I feel for his children, when they are out on their own, when they are looked up on Google, look what is going to come up. They will be haunted for years by their Father's actions. He's a joke, he may sell a few copies and they download and pass it on to their friends free. RH loses again. I doubt there is anything new in the book, just rehashed crap, even Jon moved on from all of this. The BL promoting this will only bring negative to Jon. Isn't she a great friend? Jon laid with the dog, and he got fleas.
Oh, let them donate, I was making a point of the BL showing proof she donated. LOL.
I agree Sage. Hoffman's obsession with bringing Kate down has made him cray cray. His wife started this 10 years ago! Really pathetic they are in financial ruins all because they couldn't stand that the Gosselins took the offers given to them which resulted in the Gosselins having more than the Hoffmans!
Hoffman gave the guy that wrote the article about Jon in the Philly mag the book and he stated "As far as Hoffman’s allegations go, suffice it to say their veracity depends mostly on whether one considers spanking abusive behavior or not."
Hoffman is a slimy worm that needs to leave Kate & the kids alone!
LOL, I can't believe they are again rallying funds for RH.
But, we are the ones they call sheeple and we are the cult that worships Kate. Oh yes, we are the bullies attacking poor Jon.
Again, it gets back to no self-awareness. They are the sheeple. Hoffman throws them some meat and they fall over themselves to give him money.
I bet Hoffie is laughing his ass off at them...again.
It's time to take a long vacation away from the BL and Hoff, giving them attention keeps the crazy going for her. It's all rehashed crap, boring, and poor Jon lost his bestie, she really loves Kate and is just jealous.
Anonymous said...
Isn't it sad that Robert and his wife have put their hatred and need for revenge ahead of their own family's needs.
You made a very good point. Something horribly wrong here.
To Anon from last night,
Great valid points. I can't believe Hoffman would put his needs before his own family.
...especially 10 years after the fact... five years since he's really had contact with Kate. Something is very, very wrong. I hope RH's sheeples have deep pockets.
Some are trying to give Jon another pass. They think ROL is making up about Jon giving filming rights in exchange for not paying child support.
Fact: Jon himself said that Kate has SOLE legal custody. That would mean if Kate wants to film Kate can.
Fact: Jon himself said that he does not pay child support.
Fact: It does not take a rocket scientist to see how the two come together.
Paula has left a new comment on the post "Preview of Gosselin update special draws wrath fro...":
Questions for "rare poster" aka sheeple...when did you see a "mean hurtful Jon"
The minions never want a discussion. They want to attack, attack.
Remember the walk in the woods where Jon took a stick from one of the tups and broke it? The look on her face was of fear.
How quickly Bl forgets. After Jon was on The View and said that Kate had legal custody, Bl gave Jon the A-ok for giving up say-so in the lives of his children. BL said it was Kate's fault for being such a parental alienator and the kids are too big to make them do anything they don't want to.
xxxx (Administrator) said... 154
...I think that's entirely possible if not likely. The thing he has made clear is that he just wants to be with his kids and maintain their bond. I don't think he's sweating over the things TFW sweats over--with her, it would drive anyone nuts. I'm sure he would love a say, but it's not worth the aggravation. For instance he could fight her over school but is it worth it? They'll get educated somehow does it really matter in the grand scheme of things where?
Remember in his dads interview he said something like "legal? you want legal, who cares?"
I tend to believe him. Who cares. ..... If something ever does come up, he might care or regret it....but the odds of that happening or it being something he really wants to put his foot down about seem slim at this point. Besides they're older now and if they really don't want to do something odds are they won't.
That said, I will fight tooth and nail for legal every single time out of the gate. I believe it's very important and would never ever advise to give it up....but I can respect that he might feel differently and I respect what a man who is dealing with an obsessed parental alienator feels he needs to do to deal with her.
September 26, 2013 at 5:03 PM
Thanks, Merryway. Your memory is amazing!
You're welcome.
I see BL is trying to twist and apply more forced stupidity by calling this deal "illegal." Again, I must question her attorneyishness ;).
BL is right, you can't barter away child support to which your children are entitled. But, it can be in the children's best interest for only one parent to provide support. It can also be found to be in the best interest of the children to give legal custody to one parent. Especially, if all parties agree on these things.
All you need are the motions, the hearing, and for the judge to find that it's in the best interest of the children which is exactly what happened. Does Bl think the judge doesn't know what orders he/she signed?
xxx (Administrator) said... 108
I agree PA Mom these sources are making a serious accusation of potentially illegally activity and quite frankly it implicates Kate just as much as Jon. Under their scenario Kate gave up her children's right to be supported by their father just to exploit them. She negotiated a back door deal contrary to PA law which requires the judge to find best interest. That's a pretty serious allegation and one Kate should be very angry about. And one I wouldn't make lightly.
June 3, 2014 at 9:53 AM
Norma has left a new comment on the post "Preview of Gosselin update special draws wrath fro...":
Does this 13-year-old who is fighting with her mom have a say as to whether she wants to be scolded on national television?
ANNA YUM, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: They do. They do have a say through their father. Their father, Jon, can march into court, try to seek an injunction and try to basically stop this behavior. This is ridiculous. Kate is just exploiting her children, putting them in the national spotlight, only to reprimand them and scold them. This is not the best interest of the children.
And Jon has every right being their father to go into court and say look, we need to put an end to this.
Why doesn't he?? Clearly, this is damaging to these kids.
Jon gave sole legal custody to Kate and does not pay child support. Any judge seeing this is not going to listen to the deadbeat.
Good grief, another uninformed lawyer on BL's!
So sick of these minions screaming exploitation! Will they ever understand that is their opinion and NOT a fact? Plus, it is LEGAL to film so the only thing they can do is not watch! But of course they will watch cuz they are OBSESSED with criticizing EVERYTHING Kate says & does! Losers need a hobby. (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post "Preview of Gosselin update special draws wrath fro...":
Speculating on what we HAVEN'T heard happened is really a waste of time. An exercise in futility. And a logical fallacy (i.e. because I have not heard that anything is happening in family law court that must mean nothing is happening. Uh, no.) Kate has done something very bad so we have to keep bringing up Jon even though he's been absolutely silent about current Gosselin "events." Utterly silent
LOL Jon is 'utterly silent' because what can he say? What can he do? He traded joint legal for not having to pay c/s.
The same minions who CONSTANTLY criticize Kate for putting her kids on TV have no problem with 19 Kids, Honey Boo Boo, Pioneer Woman which indicates it's not kids on TV they object to it's Kate's kids on TV. What a bunch of obsessive wackos!
Have to LOL at the minions praising Murt for making PA law like California for filming reality TV. Hello, Tori & Dean had potty training & their son running NAKED outside with body parts pixelated out! Also CA judge approved Lisa Rinna's kids to film her reality show in 2010 in California! Did the minions bully & harass Tori & Lisa? NOPE, cuz only Kate is on their radar!
KATE has done something really bad? Give me a break! St. John is no angel and these idiots have to be deaf, blind and dumb not to realize that Jon has some serious issues. He displayed them to the world on CT.
You'd think they were filming a five-year daily series It's ONE show divided into two hours. That's it. Why is this exploitation? If Kate breathes, it's exploitation. They have no idea what exploitation is.
BTW, Chabs, since you obviously are reading everything I write, I have NEVER posted on Radar under any name. As you like to say, "Keep up."
According to the minions Jon made 40,000 on CT. That is a lot for 2-3 weeks work but in the scheme of things not much.
Why wouldn't he use that for his kids instead of buying Liz a 'promise' ring? Why would Jon not show up for work and ended up getting fired?
For Jon, the kids are not a priority.
Quiltart, poor pathetic barhopper is not only obsessed with Kate but also you & Sage!
Sage Jon has NEVER spent his money on the kids nor put them first so why would he start now?
Oh my gosh, even when they hear it out of Jon's own mouth they refuse to believe it. BL is spinning as fast as she can. They've already accepted that Jon doesn't have legal, but Bl is acting like that doesn't even come into play. Bl is pushing that "momentum in the courtroom" stuff. She is doing her best to murky it up and spoonfeed them along.
It ain't that hard.
Jon said on The View that Kate has legal custody.
At one point, Jon had joint legal custody.
So, Jon's legal custody was either taken away or he voluntarily gave it up.
As much of a sleaze as Jon is, I seriously doubt that his legal custody was taken away. Either way, it's not good on Jon that the court found it in the best interest of the children for him not have any say-so.
Kate can film any old time she wants. She can move, she can send any and all of them way to military school if she desires. Kate's the one making the calls because Jon voluntarily gave her all the power to make those decisions.
Good grief, the truth is so hard for them to accept. They've been telling lies to themselves for sooo long.
Merryway those losers will NEVER admit the truth! Hello our Queen was given SOLE LEGAL CUSTODY by the judge! He AGREED with EVIDENCE that our Queen was the best parent to make decisions for the kids! No matter how much they whine that is a FACT!
I wonder how much money Hoffman raked in today on PayPal.
Sage I doubt very much, maybe $8.88? Lol. The Kate haters don't have much, that's why they are so jelly of Kate & the kids!
I do conclude that Jon is mean and hateful in one way. What Father gives up his kids so that he can party and get fired from every job that he has had. Jon said he wanted a normal life, well normal Fathers work and support their kids. Maybe the BL could answer why Jon doesn't keep a job? He pays for 4 days of food for his kids, that's it! A low level job could buy mac and cheese for kids. Jon is in hiding once again, the walk of shame he created for himself is terrible, I used to feel sorry for him that he just couldn't get his act together, but any loser can wash dishes. I look for the IRS and taxes again to be posted that Jon owes everybody again. (Administrator) said... 154
...I think that's entirely possible if not likely. The thing he has made clear is that he just wants to be with his kids and maintain their bond. I don't think he's sweating over the things TFW sweats over--with her, it would drive anyone nuts.
No, Jon's not "sweating" over the things THE FORMER WIFE sweats over when it comes to THEIR kids - things like feeding them, educating them, clothing them, worrying about taking care of them and and paying for things they need to live, you know, the things that would "drive anyone nuts," because that's not his problem. I'm sure that everyone would love to not sweat all that and just have the luxury to just "be" with their kids without having to actually SUPPORT them.
These women can't be for real That's the only way they'd be able to say the things they do and actually try to put a positive spin on a FATHER of 8 just wanting to be with his kids without having the duty of taking CARE of his kids. No, that's the former wife's job! Jon should get to be 21 years old forever and just worry about paying his rent and having enough left over to pay for smokes and beer and junk food to get HIM through the month. IT's part pathetic, part laughable - but the joke's on them because in the world outside their delusions of Jon and Kate people actually admire the fact that Kate is taking care of her kids, they think she's doing what she has to do and doing a good job. Jon, on the other hand, still manages to make top ten lists of the most hated people without even being mainstream anymore! That's quite a claim to fame Jon has and I think it's the very thing that these wacko haters try to spin as a "positive" about Jon that get him on those "most hated" lists time and time again. :) Let the haters live with their delusions. Where has it gotten any of them?
They've kinda given up on the Jon has the kids half the time. They never mention it anymore. Deep down they know he's not a good father.
GeeWhiz said...
Quiltart, poor pathetic barhopper is not only obsessed with Kate but also you & Sage!
OMG I forgot about she really still around?
She wanted to be part of the SWE so bad. I felt sorry for her.
Yes Chablis is so lost without the Express. It is really sad that she just couldn't keep up.
Bar is Chablis, right?
Yep, bar really wanted you to accept her Sage, but in the end she just could not hide her obsessive hate for Kate. Now she spends her days hate tweeting and leaving hateful comments on every article about Kate. What a sad life she lives. (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post "Preview of Gosselin update special draws wrath fro...":
I think Lauren Glassman's been dipping into her husband's laughing gas.
Bless their hearts but these children can be extremely disrespectful. If these are the most respectful children you've encountered you don't get out much.
I guess Becks knows better about the Gosselin kids unlike Lauren Glassman who has actually met them.
I wonder what Becks is dipping into....hmmm
GW, I don't know if Barhopper hates Kate as much as she wants to belong somewhere...sad.
I had no idea she still mentions me and others here...sad.
The BL is on the struggle bus, she's so behind for the times.
Micha, I so agree with what you wrote.
Bl's got the most strident rules for childhood fun and development. Not only does she want to yank away dollbabies from the arms of 9 year olds, children can only watch the "cool" shows. And, only one viewing allowed.
Someone better call NickatNite and TvLand, I bet they have no idea how wrong they got it.
xxxxxxx (Administrator) said... 182
I wonder if Full House feels a bit dated to kids their age. And their 13 year olds are starting to outgrow it. It's really more of a family show and not exactly "cool."
It's a wonderful show for what it was but there's a lot of other things out there to watch. Plus she's mentioned they've watched it many times before, surely they've seen them all by now.
June 4, 2014 at 6:49 PM
I've seen Chablis/bar mention me in some of her comments on ROL - accusing people of being me and a couple of other commenters. LOL She's hugely paranoid and lonely - thinking that people follow her around.
It never ceases to amaze me how many people there are out there who want to run Kate's life - "armchair quarterback/parents" who are sure they know better than Kate about everything and they need to let her know how everything should be done.
And on ROL there's yet another wacko who wants ROL to post an old picture of a wooden spoon in the BBB because the picture of the spoon at the door of the BBB is proof that Kate "beats" her kids. It's so sad that so many people don't understand the meaning of the word "proof."
Oh that crazy BL. There's nothing illegal or anything that was done behind a judge's back.
What would be illegal is if one spouse says to another spouse, 'Hey baby, buy me a car/diamond/etc. and I'll tell the judge I don't want child support, who cares if the kids eat or not?"
It's not illegal for one parent to take on full support and it's not illegal for Jon to sign away his legal say-so.
BL needs to spend less time on her hate blog and study law a little more.
xxxxxxxxxx (Administrator) said... 43
Alimony is still around in PA and some states but it's not supposed to be a tool to just screw the parent over. It's supposed to be a "get back on your feet" type thing that you don't pay forever. It's supposed to make up for perhaps some of the things you brought to the marriage that may have hurt you financially, like not advancing your career because you were staying home at the kids so spouse could work, or paying for your spouse's school instead of going to school yourself. I don't see that either Jon or Kate have much leverage to request alimony of the other.
I guess I should't be shocked but I still can't believe some of the serious accusations Radar throws out there if they're not true. Maybe they have a good insurance policy. What is their game exactly? I can only conclude that they've weighed the pros and cons and determined that being the publication to say the most wildest and craziest things is worth the gain to them even IF they are sued.
I really get the sense that that reporter had no idea the gravity of what she was saying when she accused them of making a secret negotiation.
And I don't think the sheep do either. None of them seem to be grasping that in the course of trying to make Jon look bad by saying he negotiated something illegal, they've implicated their queen Kate in the same thing. If I were Kate I'd be fit to be tied someone accused me of illegal activity or doing something behind a judge's back. No sir. But dumb Kate doesn't care what they want to say about her as long as it makes Jon look bad. What a mess.
June 5, 2014 at 8:40 AM
What is your legal background? How do you know the family law in PA?
Melissa, custody battles are a common thing. Anyone who has been through any type of contested divorce or disagreement over custody and child support would recognize that BL is outright lying and making outrageous claims about PA divorce law.
For instance when Kate's attorney announced that Kate had relieved Jon of child support, BL said, "she (Kate)didn't count on anyone knowing that's not possible under Pennsylvania law once an order has been put in place."
Jon verified he didn't pay child support.
BL's big ole lie that it was a legal impossibility was skimmed right over.
The minions believe BL's nonsense because they want to.
Again, no self-awareness. This from the blog that calls Kate the gestational carrier.
All This Is That said... 100
This is when Kate needs to put the brakes on all of this, step in, and tell these sheep that whatever they think of Jon, they need not talk about the father of her children this way. They get warned, or Twitter gets pulled. She sees it, and she lets it go on. Why?
CJWhodunit @CJWhodunit 1h
Good for her! The sperm donor might be in collusion with the 'Christmas Trash Bandit'???#WOAH
To the person who wants Kate to put the breaks to supporters on twitter about Jon, tell your leader to take down her hate blog. Gee, would that be a fair deal? I dare you to bring this up to her, 5, 4, 3, 2,---they read here!
Hoff is looking for a big interview for his failed book. Don't give him any attention, he can have the 5-6 swoon over another deadbeat Dad, who stalks kids. Remember, he looked under the door at his daughters dance class. That is creepy! imo
I read a funny tweet:
Someone said Jon should file for cs against Kate! WTH, he gave up his legal rights to the kids. LOL. Can you imagine Jon going in front of the court asking for cs??? Wow, wish those tweeters would read basic law 101 on the laws of divorce, cs, and custody before posting false info. They make Jon look so bad.
This comment by Becks made me LMAO. How can she even type this? All the stupid scenarios she has made up. Did she forget the 50/50 custody? LOL what a fool and her posters are dense to believe the crap she spews.
///////////////////// (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post "Preview of Gosselin update special draws wrath fro...":
To me you've crossed a line when your adulation for a celeb is so huge that you are willing to lie for them. They make thing up and put it out there as truth and they darn well know it. It's one thing to get your Gosselin history mixed up innocently, or re-quote a bad source. It's quite another to start making stories up yourself.
They literally make things up out of thin air. They do it to Jon and they've done it to other haters. And they are encouraged to do so because then the media picks it up. It's atrocious behavior without ethics or morals. This is not a game. These are real people and when you make things up it's hurtful.
LMAO!!!!!!!! 50/50 custody, the dog is dead, Jon has several jobs, the court is always wrong in PA, need one go on.
I don't care about Kate being on TV, she is a Mother supporting her kids, with no help from the deadbeat Father who threw his money away for wine, women, and a few jukebox songs.
The person who has brought the most NEGATIVE attention to Jon is her blog. Baby cakes is just upset, that people are wayyyyy smarter than she is, and don't have to make up stories. Jon told his truth to the public.
It is baffling to me that some of these people have devoted YEARS of their life to destroying Kate Gosselin. I believe the fact that she would not lay down and disappear has just fueled the rage of these despicable people who are used to bullying people into getting their own way. There is a poster on ROL repeating over and over that Kate beats the kids while at the same time praising Jon to high heaven. If Kate viciously beat those kids and Jon turned them over to her while giving up any legal say so what so ever doesn't that make him the scum of the earth.If he was willing to leave the kids in an unsafe environment so he could chase women and party than how can he be the saint he is heralded as.You can't have it both ways, and really speaks to the complete lack of intelligence that these people possess.I really don't think anyone but Becks and her sheeple and the handful of twitter haters will even read that book.Really if I were Kate though I would fear for my safety, anyone who is willing to destroy their own family financially and waste years of time that could be spent with their own children to try to completely ruin someone's life is very unstable. When this move to ruin her doesn't work someone might snap. It is a very bizarre situation,and for someone who claims to be lawyer to encourage and contribute to it is beyond appalling.
Hoffman is unstable. If I were Kate I would get an order of protection. This is the guy that would watch Kate from a distance and wonder if she could sense him watching her. This is the guy that was outside of her house all day Easter to watch her...rather than spend time with his own family.
I think it is reckless for the haters to egg him on and consider him a hero. He is a nutter.
Thanks for the laugh Sage. Geez, BL and Hoffie are both NUTS! He already sent the book to many news outlets and NOT ONE wrote about it! She has also been on TV so he & the bitter busybodies need to move on.
Didn't Hoffman say he had a 'movie deal on the table' at one point? LOL
I always have wondered why Kate didn't get an order for protection? Maybe she has one, and Hoff won't tell his few followers about it. I blame Jon for letting this continue on also, he needs to protect his children if he loves and cares about them so much. Both J/K need to do something together for the protection of THEIR children.
Yet another entry in the "no self-awareness" category. This from a woman who spends all day on her blog because middle-aged housewives pump her ego and being part of the Gosselin saga makes her feel important. (Administrator) said... 148
I'm just wondering, though, if they've gotten in this thing so far that they just can't stop. It's an addiction, it's war, and even though they must know what they are doing is wrong, in order to save face among the flock, they have to keep doing it. Once they've gotten this far, there is no turning back. They can't quite cold turkey
It may sound cheesy but I kind of understand this better thanks to Nev and Catfish. It's a great sociological study of this new internet relationship thing.
It feels like all these people are the same. They almost all have self esteem issues and almost all feel special and important being involved with a celeb on twitter. It is like a drug, and they need more and more and more of it and are willing to push it to the very max, even lie and much worse, to continue to have that "relationship" with Kate.
Yet another entry in the "no self-awareness" category. This from a woman who spends all day on her blog because middle-aged housewives pump her ego and being part of the Gosselin saga makes her feel important. (Administrator) said... 148
I'm just wondering, though, if they've gotten in this thing so far that they just can't stop. It's an addiction, it's war, and even though they must know what they are doing is wrong, in order to save face among the flock, they have to keep doing it. Once they've gotten this far, there is no turning back. They can't quite cold turkey
It may sound cheesy but I kind of understand this better thanks to Nev and Catfish. It's a great sociological study of this new internet relationship thing.
It feels like all these people are the same. They almost all have self esteem issues and almost all feel special and important being involved with a celeb on twitter. It is like a drug, and they need more and more and more of it and are willing to push it to the very max, even lie and much worse, to continue to have that "relationship" with Kate.
LOL so the Kate haters think that KATE should stop the "Jon haters" on twitter? Then it would stand to REASON that they should think that JON should stop THEM, the Kate haters, who harass her 24/7 on twitter, right? Come on Kate haters. You don't see that connection in any way? You think you should be able to attack Kate without anyone even disagreeing with YOU but that Kate herself should stop anyone who says anything negative about Jon? You are not for real. It's no wonder you are stuck in your hateful and delusional world where you think you can do whatever you want and who cares what other people think but if people are doing something that YOU don't like, well, they must STOP it right away, and even the target of your hate should side with YOU. LOL LOL Ah, the laughter.
Nameless, you are right about BL. The comments she wrote that are posted above by you and Sage describes so perfectly, yet she seems to think she's talking about someone else - not HERSELF! It's very creepy.
Maybe the hater hags can get together and make Roberts book a movie. They can play each character. Of course they'd all want to play Kate.SG should play Kate.She's so jealous of Kate and would love to play the love scenes with actor Jon. Bud can play Jon...he's a whiner like Jon.Becks can be Saint Jodi.Robert plays himself.
Blogging Lawyer said........To me you've crossed a line when your adulation for a celeb is so huge that you are willing to lie for them. They make thing up and put it out there as truth and they darn well know it. It's one thing to get your Gosselin history mixed up innocently, or re-quote a bad source. It's quite another to start making stories up yourself.
Blogging Lawyer said months ago that she was privy to the names of the "high powered" attorneys that Jon employed to fight for custody & that Jon's suit was a go. I wonder what ever happened? There's been no suit & no lawyers have associated themselves publicly with Jon Gosselin. I guess she lied? JMO of course.
I think both Jon and Hoffman know how gullible BL and her minions are and use that to their advantage.
In an ode to alliteration, today's episode of Martyr Mothers features Millicent the Martyr Mother.
I have a couple of suggestions for Millicent that might lessen her martyrdom:
1) Teach your teenage son to pick up after himself instead of acting as his maid. His future wife will thank you.
2) Teach your teenage son to cook and have him prepare dinner sometimes
3) Stop being such a helicopter parent and give your kid some damn freedom. Let him take public transportation to/from friend's houses rather than rushing home to play chauffeur at lunch "most days."
In other words, stop catering to your kid's every whim and let him grow up. Good grief.
Millicent said... 52
When summer rolls around, my son usually has one or two weeks off before his summer college prep classes begin. What this means to me, as a working mom is:
1. I do get to sleep in a little bit longer, since I don't have to take him to school before I go to work.
2. He isn't driving yet, so most days I've had to pick him up during my lunch hour (either at home and take him to a friend's house, or from a friend's house following a sleep over). The problem is that lunch time is when I usually runs at least a couple of errands, such as going to the bank, getting gas, grocery shopping, etc.
3. So, I have to run errands when I get off from work instead, in warmer weather, which tires me out.
4. Yet, I still need to fix dinner when I get home, plus pick up after my son who has been around the house much of the day, making a mess.
5. Did I mention it's hot? Well, hot enough for me anyway, which makes me sweat, feel lethargic, and often cranky. I don't have a swimming pool in my backyard, but if I did, I'd be the one maintaining it most of the time anyway, because I can't afford a pool maintenance service either.
Again, Nameless, you said what I was going to say. :)
I have a suggestion for Millicent that could save her enormous amounts of time. Post 3-5 less hate filled,book length comments on ol Becks blog and spend that extra hour or two taking a nice long bubble bath,or hell splurge on a manicure at your local beauty school. I'm sure the other minions might forgive you for just getting ONE cheap manicure and not classify you as "NOT A REAL MOTHER" for one tiny indiscretion.
I really enjoy your posts. I would like to ask you to pick a name It can be :)
Ha, we do think alike, Sage!
"In an ode to alliteration, today's episode of Martyr Mothers features Millicent the Martyr Mother."
LMAO Nameless.
Oh, those "real" mothers.
The more you suffer, the more it shows you really care. (Offspring)
And somehow, her suffering is greater because Kate has money and has been on tv.
FlimsyFlamsy has left a new comment on the post "The Big Tip":
It just dawned on me. The fans (all 6) were hootin' and hollerin' for more, more, more of the Gosselin family, and now their wish is
coming true with this 2-part special. But the family they're going to see is not what they were clamoring for. The "lightning in a bottle" Gosselins - 2 little girls, 6 toddlers, and 2 harried parents -- does
not exist anymore. And never will again.
I think the fans would much prefer a 2-part special comprised of unaired footage of the Gosselins as they were. I'm afraid they're
going to be disappointed with Gosselins 2.0 -- a botoxed Kendra wannabe barking orders at surly teens and timid 10-year-olds in a mansion with 2 dishwashers, 2 sets of washers and dryers, and
3 cars in the garage. No longer relatable = no longer successful.
For all her masterminding, I truly don't think TFW understood that
kicking her husband to the curb, and embracing the diva lifestyle,
would be the death knell of her "career."
The haters are talking about the upcoming special way more than the fans are.
Why does it bother them so much that Kate has 2 washer and dryers and 2 dishwashers? Jealous?
Rhymes with Witch has left a new comment on the post "The Big Tip":
....If any of her fans are disappointed, they'll never admit it. Some of her fans purport that she deserves all her material wealth - she has 8 kids, remember.
Any "problematic" behavior from the kids will be deemed their own fault.
One of the twins was deemed a "b" at the age of 6, remember.
One diehard fan admitted to reading Robert's original book. She stated a) it was all lies and b) it was a long time ago.
THIS is the mind of a sheeple.
No Rhymes, THAT is the mind of a hater...who are the true sheeple.
The fans do not attack the kids, the haters do.
I read parts of Hoffman's 'book', if you could call it that. I found it to be creepy and stalkerish.
If I had 8 kids I'd want 2 of everything also. Why do they care what Kate has? I thought they didn't like her? Why do they spend every minute of the day worrying about someone they do not like?
I don't get their resentment of Kate having two sets of appliances.
Why would anyone care?
Sorry Sage,I used to post as Mimi and I will use that name again. I started using anonymous when someone who stalks your blog accused me of being someone else on twitter. I don't even have a twitter account,I just read Kate's timeline sometimes.Anytime I read it the same ones are on there attacking anyone who says a nice word about Kate.
FlimsyFlamsy is an obsessed bleeple.
The herd she belongs to follows the BL.
People who follow the BL because they are followers. They have no cognitive abilities of their own.
An individual who accepts the BL's opinions as fact without examination. Even though they know what she says is complete made-up bullshit, they buy it hook, line, and sinker so they can continue in her good graces and have a place to post their obsessions and hate for Kate Gosselin with glee.
I don't know about you but I would rather be a cute little sheeple any day than a bleeple.
I am sorry, that definition came from the SageWayExpressipedia not the Sageipedia.
BLeeple. Bwahahaha
Way to cite your source. The bleep le love that.
Mimi, they have accused us all of being someone else on twitter...they are just shooting in the dark. :)
Ah Come on, Sage.
You are going to give us a test now?
What kind of questions are you going to ask?
Did you know if you wear a strapless sundress, that that is sex abuse against boys. OMG, where do this people live that post on twitter? Sure wish those 80 year olds would get off twitter. :) They were discussing Kate dressing up as a clown in a TV clip, and that her dress is strapless.
Wilma, that is so funny! thanks! BLEEPLE it is. LMAO.
I put it on the sidebar.
Ha! "Bleeple"
I love it!
Farkle, If it were Jon dressing as a clown, they would be cheering what a great dad he is, wouldn't matter how shabbily he was dressed.
Yep, mom's can't wear two-pieces or strapless dresses.
Again, they are the scariest child advocates evah!
I love bleeple also and SageWayExpressipedia. LOL!
Wonder if I should give away my strapless dresses?
Heck NO! I worship Kate and imitate her in every way, no matter what people think. She is my idol.
Definition of idol: blind admiration for someone. Yep! that's me.
I would think that the Bleeple would be worried about outsiders reading Roberts book. One on the Princess blog read his book and found him to be creepy and a stalker. I think any book reviewer outside the G blogging world will find the book to be written by a obsessed stalker. Robert will not be glorified by the outside world. He'll be mocked and crucified.
PA Dutch Mom said... 69
Jane Goodall was at F&M on April 18. Wasn't Kate in New York filming at that time? Regardless, someone could have taken Alexis to see her hero.
Yes I agree Dutch Mom. Someone like maybe their FATHER? Didn't the story go that when Kate was in NYC Jon had them a lot. Why didn't he take Alexis to go see Jane? You all claim he's the bestest dad in the world, yet you trash Kate when she wasn't even there to take Alexis. Daddy dearest should have taken her. But we all know that he doesn't give a crap about doing things with them.
By now we all know that any fuss the bleeple make about anything is all about jealousy. They're jealous that Kate has more than they do, they're jealous that Kate can wear nicer clothes than they can. But, no, the bleeple aren't jealous, what's there to be "jelus" about, they say? All the things you mention and complain about Kate having and doing are the things you're jealous about, bleeps. You're transparent. You can deny your jealousy forever, maybe you're IN denial that you're jealous - but you ARE, bleeple. You ARE. :)
I do wonder how much Jon really had the kids when Kate was in NY. I bet it was the normal schedule, he has no more rights than what was set by the court. The kids were in school, dear Jon would have to roll off the couch to feed them a pop tart. If Jon had the kids, the BL would have known what Jon was feeding the kids, and all the wonderful things he was doing with them.
Liz has disappeared from the scene, hope she is happy with her own kids and not bogged down waiting on Jon.
Tucker's Mom has left a new comment on the post "The Big Tip":
Personally I think those dresses are completely inappropriate most of the time. Perhaps if you are at the beach, or strolling the boardwalk on vacation when it's 95. Birthday party, no.
June 9, 2014 at 8:16 AM
Kate's dressing up just shows that she doesn't get down onto her kids' level to really interact with them.
I don't think women/moms need to wear sacks, no make up and Birkenstocks, but there's a way to be stylish AND active.
Any smart dressing female knows this.
What's bothersome is that Kate's manner of dress is off putting to the other adults there. This isn't a soiree, it's a kids party and there's no need to out glam, out hair, and out boob every other female there.
It's doesn't say 'welcome, and please be at ease in my home".
Any good hostess knows this.
Kate wants to be Queen Bee, and the center of attention.
ps... I seriously can't take looking at her circa-Pee Wee Herman-before-he-got-caught-jacking-off-in-a-movie-theater-French tips any longer.
I wonder what Tuck thinks when she see pictures of Jon after-he-got-caught-jacking-off-on-TV.
Tucker's Mom has left a new comment on the post "The Big Tip":
Personally I think those dresses are completely inappropriate most of the time. Perhaps if you are at the beach, or strolling the boardwalk on vacation when it's 95. Birthday party, no.
June 9, 2014 at 8:16 AM
Kate's dressing up just shows that she doesn't get down onto her kids' level to really interact with them.
I don't think women/moms need to wear sacks, no make up and Birkenstocks, but there's a way to be stylish AND active.
Any smart dressing female knows this.
What's bothersome is that Kate's manner of dress is off putting to the other adults there. This isn't a soiree, it's a kids party and there's no need to out glam, out hair, and out boob every other female there.
It's doesn't say 'welcome, and please be at ease in my home".
Any good hostess knows this.
Kate wants to be Queen Bee, and the center of attention.
ps... I seriously can't take looking at her circa-Pee Wee Herman-before-he-got-caught-jacking-off-in-a-movie-theater-French tips any longer.
I wonder what Tuck thinks when she see pictures of Jon after-he-got-caught-jacking-off-on-TV.
Vanessa has left a new comment on the post "The Big Tip":
Seriously, it's ALWAYS. ABOUT. HER.
Why are YOU the f$#@%ing entertainment? Why are YOU on display? Why do you have to ADD to having the focus on you by dressing like a two bit whore AND putting the nose/wig on? She is purposefully going overboard because of their birthday. Yes,classic narcissist. She will either drum up her behavior, her drama, her shock value or she will make an absolute scene/ass of herself. We've seen it. Imagine any other milestones for those kids? Graduations, proms, weddings....
Who knew that wearing a strapless sundress in the summer made you a two-bit whore.
bleep, bleep
Vanessa has serious issues. She is obsessed with narcissism, The list of "classic narcissist" behaviors that she and the BL have compiled must be 100 pages long at this point. Everything that someone does that they don't like is labeled "classic narcissist."
Vanessa said... 41
Just curious but why do you watch Sister Wives. He is a misogynist narcissistic pig who is using his family for fame, stardom and wealth. Although he keeps it well under control, I absolutely believe that family is a victim of his narcissistic rage, I've seen it in his eyes. I know those eyes.
Has Tuckers Mom neck snapped, she has twisted the sundress gate to hell and back. Of course, I'm just asking? A small clip shows nothing but Kate in a pink wig with a red nose, good grief, Tucker must be a recluse, you see sun dresses on the street everyday.
She better send out a memo to all major department stores and dress shops! STRAPLESS is NOT ALLOWED! Geeze....
Shhhhh, don't say anything about deadbeat Jon, who helped bring eight children into the world and doesn't pay a dime in support. Can't talk about how Kate took it upon herself to care for all them or how she saved Jon's butt from going to jail.
xxxxxxxxxx (Administrator) said... 154
They seem utterly incapable of understanding that it's up to the judge what support is ordered and if it was lifted, even by mutual agreement, it would have to be in the children's best interest. They should complain to the judge if they don't agree. If it was lifted which both parties say then Jon is in full compliance with court orders. It's on Kate to raise the issue if she doesn't like that, sheeple. Go whine to her.
June 9, 2014 at 4:25 PM
Rhymes with Witch has left a new comment on the post "The Big Tip":
If it was lifted which both parties say then Jon is in full compliance with court orders. It's on Kate to raise the issue if she doesn't like that, sheeple. Go whine to her. 154
Whine to their queen? Neva!
If they admit that a judge was involved they can't keep calling Jon a deadbeat.
What am I saying? Since when do they let facts interfere with their narrative.
Jon is a deadbeat because he has no shame in not supporting his kids. And that is a fact.
It only took the bleeples over a year to finally admit that Jon does not pay child support. Finally they have gotten off the but, but Jon has 50/50 custody. (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post "The Big Tip":
Exactly. Kate has every right to agree to no support if she wants to. Maybe the children are being provided for out of savings amassed for them from the show, or maybe they have split some of their expenses. They are clearly doing fine. Whatever the reason again it is on Kate. If Kate is not complaining why in the world are her sheeple? Never fight something with more zealousness than the person you are fighting for is also willing to give. Have they even asked her if she has a problem with current circumstances? Of course not.
To the bleeple. Your head bleep is telling you not to fight lazy Jon's fight for him anymore.
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