KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD - THE RISE AND FALL OF A REALITY TV QUEEN [Kindle Edition] Robert Hoffman (Author), Jacqueline Fox (Editor), Lopita Bhakta
(Editor), Angela Rosario (Editor)
Here is part of emails that Angela/Hoffman sent me. Hoffman is a bullshitter and as I have said he tells you things he thinks you want to hear. I was on to him from the beginning and led him on. I don't know if what he is saying is true or not but, he was emailing me and had sent me at one time a page from Kate's contract with TLC and pictures of the kids that have never been made public.
(the 15 he is referring to are the posters at the BLs):
Angela Rosario <angela.rosario66@gmail.com>
to me
.....A lot of the 15 posters appear to have mental issues....
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Jon sells stories to the tabloids as often as they will buy them, period. He brags about how much money he makes from doing it.
I think I mentioned hollybaby before. That was a big deal because when Jon/Ellen sold the story to them about Kate sending days old food to school in the kid's lunches, Kate finally had enough and put her lawyers to work and threats were made to hollywoodlife. They cut off contact with Jon/Ellen, but only temporarily. Now they're back at it again. Chloe Melas was the go-between between holly and Ellen because as I mentioned, she came here and met with Jon back in the day.
1 – 200 of 242 Newer› Newest»Lmao, so Angela's back?
Why would he use her name again?
Has he forgotten his emails to you using that name?
I'm thinking you need to post a couple.
I think I may, Trippenin.
Here is the link to Amazon.
Mmmm. Interesting that none of his "editors" have published anything else at all.
Oh my gosh, RH really published it. No, media, no publisher and a made up editor, but he put it out there. What a creeper.
Jon should be so ashamed of association w/this man, but he isn't.
Ut oh Sage, Angela forgot who he was! LMAO!!!!
Post away, the BL needs some real truth to read. :)
I tweeted to Bob. Lets see if he pays us a visit for old times sake. LMAO
Sage @Sages_ · now
@GosselinBook Hi Bob! I have a new post up. I'm sure you remember how to find my blog.
I have a good idea of who the editors are....LOL
The clowns are so desperate for attention...aren't they?
Shawn, I couldn't believe he used the Angela name again. Did he think I deleted all those emails?
Who is Fox? Bhakta? Is this the only two friends he has?
Amazon Prime members can download for FREE!! HA!
Farkle, I am betting they are made up names that he uses just like Angela was.
Angela is back? As his editor? LMAO
I know Pam, right. LOL
mmmmmm.. perhaps it's time to out Angela!
Where's Jon, shouldn't he be promoting this fake book with his friend? You can almost bet, it's just re shuffled sentences, same crap. It's very sad that Angela just couldn't let his love for Kate go. :(
I show in the post for the most part that Angela is Hoffman.
I also, have other things that I can show as proof.
Thanks, Sage!
Why didn't Angela answer David Peral on twitter? Free press and he/she passed it up?
I put in the main post Angela/Hoffman saying a lot of the 15 posters have mental issues.
Well he was right about that!
Kylie has left a new comment on the post "Recap: Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10 part 1: I a...":
I want my money back! This is mostly a word for word rehash of the first book with inconsequential tidbits added here and there. No reveals other than what we read on Naughty but Nice. About 4 pages at the end of the book have new info. Remember his comment that he only uncovered 5% and had 95% more? Not in this book he doesn't.
Bleeple suckers! Ha!
Poor Kylie was duped by Angbert. I hope she knows that it's easy to request a refund from Amazon. This is all too funny!
Angbert duped the bleepes! Hahaha
Are any of his "editors" real? What a nutcase he is.
Don't know if you've noticed, but at least two 0ne-atar reviews on Amazon have been removed...Can authors edit their reviews?
I downloaded the freebie for Amazon prime... Less than one chapter in, it's obvious that it's the same hack job as before. He claims that Kate is mentally ill and that she was pregnant as a teenager, with no proof of either. His rhetoric seethes with hatred. He's now removing all negative reviews. I just wish that someone would interview him to expose his craziness.
The bleeples are waiting for the hard copy to come out. I think they'll be waiting for a very long time.
Their sense of self-importance boggles my mind. Nobody on the planet outside of the handful of idiots posting on that board cares about "Globegate" so there is no need for a "PR move" to combat it.
Dwindle said... 190
I have a question for the group: Is Joel suddenly the perfect child because he is so beaten down he never says a word? Or is this just a PR bit on her part to make up for Globegate?
Ha, this is classic. According to the BL, it is obvious that Robert used pseudonyms for editors due to all the "outings." Good ol' Robert couldn't possibly be full of shit.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 193
I probably won't be reading the book again but I appreciate the info from those diving in again. However, to address the sheeple rumor that Robert made up his editors. I think they can look to themselves for that. Because of all the outings, who would want to put their real name out there? While I have no idea, I think it's a pretty safe bet he's just using pseudonyms for the three ladies who helped him. It's very possible one of those could have been an alias he used before.
I did not help him edit it, but if I did I'd ask him to use a pseudonym for me. Seems like common sense. They're so quick to jump to "gotch ya's" that they don't think about the obvious answer first.
If Robbie is removing negative comments, can you contact Amazon and complain? Selling chit should not be rewarded.
LOL, and still no mainstream media wants to have anything to do w/RH's tabloid trashy book.
Of course Frick and Frack plus One.... were his editors. Desperate to stay relevant and they have no lives.
Tucker's Mom said... 16
If I were an editor for Robert, I sure as HELL would want to be an alias.
Kate's sheeple are crazy and dangerous.
The ill and harm the wish, and the lengths they've gone to to harass and "out" people is frightening.
Tucker's Mom is mistaken. They chose an alias after all the ill and harm they wished, and the lengths they've gone to, to harass and "out" people and they still continue to do so.
Lol Jane, that is more like it.
I still can't wrap my head around how this book in any way shape or form helps the kids. Or even the bleeple for that matter.
The only thing that's changed for the kids from the first release until now is Jon turned over his legal rights to Kate.
Before that, when all this (cough) abuse took place, he left the state. For a year and a half he was out of state partying and chasing tail with no regular visits with the kids.
How stupid can the bleeple be?
As stupid as the head bleeple allows them to be.
I was not, in the least surprised to hear Jon wanted money from Kate if she wanted the book stopped.
He is such a coward.
And a leach.
Tucker's Mom said... 16
If I were an editor for Robert, I sure as HELL would want to be an alias.
Kate's sheeple are crazy and dangerous.
The ill and harm the wish, and the lengths they've gone to to harass and "out" people is frightening.
Let me refresh Tuckers mind here. I and others were outed by a hater. Our names were gotten by illegal access to a website. One person was arrested, charged, and punished for that access.
I and others saw our names, our spouses and kids names and even our pets names used at 15 minutes and BL allowed it. Don't even go there and talk to us about harassment.
I and others have chosen to move on from that...and we have. I hope to never have to address this outing issue again. In the future before making such ignorant remarks get your facts straight.
You will not see outings on this blog of any hater or bleeple or editor, for that matter.
If RH's pretendy editors wanted their names changed, it wasn't because of us, but because the book is still the same poorly written pile of garbage that it always was. Of course pretend editors don't have to take the responsibility for anything either.
The bleeples are so gullible it is laughable. Did BL removed the post that criticized the book yet?
Quiltart, to me that is what is so funny about using aliases for the editors.
What, if they really exist is there to be afraid of? and why 'Angela Rosario' the very name that Hoffman used with me in our correspondence?
I totally agree QT....I wouldn't want to be associated with that train wreck...but the reason for the alias... is that they are all into playing games. It doesn't matter what the consequences are...they are all cut from the same pathetic cloth
No sparkle, you obviously lack reading skills but are good at trying to lie. No one "set out to hunt the editors down like dogs and mount a campaign of terror upon them." Nope, nothing like that although that will be your story from here on out. Sage just noted the truth. Robert is a sneaky creeper and used the same name for a supposed editor as he did when he was emailing Sage.
Again, it ain't that hard. They should be asking how it helped the kids for RH to be contacting Sage.
Also, LOL at "discredit the contents." It's nothing but tabloid trash.
sparkle said... 58
TLC stinks said... 3
I put off watching the update and when I did, thankfully, for some reason my Tivo only recorded the first 14 minutes. It was enough.
I gather some sheeple are making trouble in regards to the editors? I see no issue with the editors using pseudonyms to protect themselves from Ziggy, CJ and others. It's a silly thing for them to focus on rather than accepting what a horrible person Kate is to her children.
Lordee Bee. If I'm reading correctly, when the sheeple set out to hunt the editors down like dogs and mount a campaign of terror upon them, they were chagrined to find the names were pseudonyms? The nerve! How dare they not use their real names so they can be attacked proper! The first book was laid out in such an odd piecemeal way, my eyes hurt. He needed editing help, they're grasping at straws if they think for a minute that somehow this discredits the content.
Also a little history lesson for becks.
Her name was outed on Rwa. Not a sheeple blog.
When her name was found to be the owner of the pay to view, birth fetish site things changed, and I wanted the world to know.
Advertizing teens giving birth.
A video free to watch as a poor 3th world teen is being held down and circumcised with no anesthesia, while a crowd of dirty men stood in a circle around her laughing. ALL ON THE FRONT PAGE.
Yeah right, it was just women sharing their birth experience with other women.
So yeah, becks showed the ugly monster she really is.
She's nothing but a parasite.
I went back and read the emails I exchanged with Hoffman a few years back.
In reading them pre book he pretty much told me everything that was going to be in the book. I, at the time, did not know a book was in the works. He told me he had 'thousands' of documents, contracts, tax documents, and pictures. A few which he sent me. I never mentioned them or used them on my blog, nor will I. In fact, only a couple people knew I was in communication with him for months.
I found him to be humorous at times. I didn't dislike him (when I was outed he sent me a very nice email) I felt at times he was honest with me and at others he was trying to play me. I also saw flashes of anger when I asked him why he had all that documentation and what was he going to do with it. I also saw and sensed some disturbing things such as why was he so obsessed with this. From the very first email I knew this was not right and in good conscience I had to pass them on to someone close to the family. This was not just a tv family but a family with a mother and 8 young kids.
My questions are why did he wait with what he had and didn't use it then at the height of JK8?
Why does he put this obsession before his own family? Why put his family in debt and spend holidays outside of Kate's house instead of with his own family?
There is something much deeper than writing a book to 'expose' Kate. I have my own guesses as to what that is.
Sage, If these children were in so much danger, why did RH sit on his stolen evidence for FIVE years? What good did that do for the kids? He admits he has had one brief conversation with Kate. He has, though, obviously, had longer conversations with anyone he could find that hates Kate as much as he does.
It's time for someone to ask RH some hard questions... I don't see the media beating a path to his door, though.
Confidential to Martha: If you keep bringing up Kate when you think it's "relevant to the discussion" to the point where your family and friends think you are cray-cray, it's time to listen to them. Allow me to help you understand. Sit in a restaurant and listen to the conversations around you. Think about how often the subject of Kate Gosselin naturally flows with the conversation. Then think about how often you bring her up in your every day conversations. And then seek professional help.
Martha said... 46
My family and friends think my hatred for TFW is obsessional, and "not good" for me. I receive glazed, blank, concerned expressions whenever I raise the subject of this monster. And when I do, it's always on point! Relevant to the discussion. The problem is, unless you're familiar with the atrocities (everyday occurrences), people really don't care.
Hoffman is pandering to the bleeple. Last time the book was out the bleeps asked Hoffman why he didn't call CPS. He comes back with ' I did'. He knows he made a mistake. He is regurgitating back to them what they discuss on the blog. He tried that with me and I didn't fall for it. I get back to this does not have anything to do with the kids or making money. It is about Kate with him.
Why are they worried about the editor being outed? It's just silly.Robert or his wife, or maybe his biggest fangurl Afredo probably was the editor.We all knew it was going to be the same crap with stuff taken out. Did they honestly think there was going to be this HUGE overhaul of the book? By God, they're as stupid as Robert says they are.The Bleeple will buy the book but that's it.No Pulitzer prize for Robbie.
Funny they're worried that this editor was going to be outed but yesterday they were gleefully awaiting the "outing" of Milo. Didn't Robert promise he would out Milo himself in the book?
Face it Bleeple, you got conned TWICE by the snake oil salesman.
Sage maybe you should post the emails....need an editor?? lol
So did the BL just admit she had copies of stolen documents? I can't follow her train wreck conversations to herself.
Finally I see there's a hater who admits that their family thinks their hatred for Kate is "obsessional" and "not good for" her! You have people who are "concerned" for you and you know it, and still you continue on with your obsession! You've deluded yourself into thinking that it's because "people don't care" that Kate is allegedly mean to her kids but YOU do care! It's not that people don't care - not at all. It's that non haters know that if there was really any validity to the allegations made about Kate then people who were actually IN the kids' lives (their FATHER, teachers, SOMEBODY) would have DONE SOMETHING - long ago. It's clear that the book has always been about hurting Kate, trying to "ruin" her in the public eye by bashing her- it's not about helping any kids.
Layla has left a new comment on the post "Recap: Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10 part 1: I a...":
How nice to check out the book on Amazon and see it flagged as "#1 Best Seller in Rich & Famous Biographies".
Suck it, sheeple.
Now why would she post 'suck it, sheeple'? I thought it was all about the kids!
How incredibly unprofessional for so-called "Dr." Lillian Glass to diagnose Kate's "mental illness" online when she has never even met her. RH and his minions are having a field day. They all make me sick.
Quiltart, where is the outrage when Glass writes that Cara shows signs of cutting herself.
Where is their disgust with comments like this?
Another thing I find disgusting is Hoffman dedicating the book to the kids.
Where is ball-less Jon? If he has no problem with his pal ripping his ex-wife apart...hey go for it, but to dedicate that book to the kids is disgusting.
Maybe Jon is too busy restacking his beer bottle cap collection, now that he was fired from another job, to care what is said about the mother of his kids.
T has left a new comment on the post "Recap: Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10 part 1: I a...":
Admin- I know that you said that you have no interest in reading the new version of Robert's book, but I urge you to reconsider. First of all, the layout and presentation is a huge improvement from the prior version, and (although I am only half way through it), he uses many of Kate's own (undisputed) words and actions to prove his claims by taking things that have been put out there by the queen herself (via tweets, interviews, and the actual show). Further, since we discuss so much about her life (from the very mundane to bigger issues), wouldn't it be prudent (and dare I suggest fair?) to be up to speed on this latest item as well, (if only to give validation to much of what we have discussed)? I understand your reluctance, and I will of course your respect your decision, but I just wanted to offer this perspective as well.
These brain dead people just don't get that Hoffman is not validating what they say BUT copying and repeating what they say!!! Hello!
Do they just go 'wow' we were right when he writes the same scenarios as they dream up?
I agree, it is sick that RH dedicated the book to the kids.
Lillian Glass is as unprofessional as can be. She's so quick to call judgment because an obsessed tabloid reporter sent her a book. She has no ethics at all.
Oh dear god, they take themselves SO seriously!
T said... 136
Admin- I know that you said that you have no interest in reading the new version of Robert's book, but I urge you to reconsider. First of all, the layout and presentation is a huge improvement from the prior version, and (although I am only half way through it), he uses many of Kate's own (undisputed) words and actions to prove his claims by taking things that have been put out there by the queen herself (via tweets, interviews, and the actual show). Further, since we discuss so much about her life (from the very mundane to bigger issues), wouldn't it be prudent (and dare I suggest fair?) to be up to speed on this latest item as well, (if only to give validation to much of what we have discussed)? I understand your reluctance, and I will of course your respect your decision, but I just wanted to offer this perspective as well.
Lillian Glass is a JOKE! Years ago on her blog I pointed out it was unprofessional of her to diagnose Kate without speaking to her. She emailed me giving her "credentials" and said she would sue me if I said more about her! She is a wacko! Back then, there was other negative reports about her. Even Bill O'Reilly found someone else!
It's so pathetic the bleeple believe everything stalker Robert says even though he has NO PROOF!
His poor wife has to compete with a woman who never even acknowledges her husband! Must suck that Robert always has Kate on his mind. Do you think he says her name when/if he is intimate with Dana? LOL Sorry Dana it appears your hubby prefers Kate!
So Hoffie dedicated his book to minors, so do they get any money he made off their name. Could they should sue him for using their names?
Re hashed crap will never sell, and his PR team promoting his book is just a hoot, everyone knows they are just crazy. His 5 fans have brought the most negative attention to him and his family again. Of course the BL can't afford a 8 dollar book, she is looking for someone to grift from who buys it. imo.
Gee Whiz!
Are you kidding, she e-mailed. There were lots of comments about her all over the net, wonder if she e-mailed everyone? Seems the stand ups in the early days have faded away, seems their stories didn't add up from their so called sources. Sadly the joke was on them, be careful who you lie down with, those fleas will bite. :)
Sage do you think Layla realizes she said Kate was "RICH & FAMOUS"? LMAO
Farkle she went on and on about her education and accomplishments, and why she was the top in her "field". She criticizes others but clearly can't take what she dishes out. I think this was 2010, and 4 years later she's still stuck on stupid!
If I recall correctly, her degree has nothing to do with her specialty.
Here is part of another email. I made a comment to him about Jon wanting a private life (sarcastically) and this is his response.
Angela Rosario
to me
Yep, you have him pegged. He'll never be able to be normal again. He enjoyed the 'fame' too much. He spends most waking moments thinking of ways to destroy Kate and profit at the same time. Poor kids.
Let's throw tomatoes has left a new comment on the post "Recap: Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10 part 1: I a...":
Why don't the "haters" send a copy of the book to : the ladies of the view, the anchors of GMA, The Today Show, and CBS This Morning. They can also send copies of the book to Hoda & Katie Lee. Send copies to everyone, they might not discuss her on the air but they'll think of her as a horrible person.
LOL yea, that sounds like a plan. How old are these people 12? We don't like you and we are going to make sure no one else does either...so there.
Jon was used and conned by Angela, Jon will forever be marked by these e-mails in the public now. By the way, where is Jon? Jon could save face by outing what he really knows about this fraud who wrote a book and stalked his own children.
I am late to the discussion,was away on holidays.
Just watched Kate's special. I loved it. She is doing a great job with the children. It was so nice to see how they are doing. They are loveable and NORMAL.
Can't wait to see the other part.
There goes the BL making up scenarios in her head again and then criticizing the person's reaction...that she just made up.
Nope, nothing remotely strange about that at all.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 175
You know this is my impression of Milo
(shouting from across the room) HEY KATe, yeah you, you have a booger in your nose! Do you need a tissue?? No not there, There, yeah right there! Don't worry I got it, I got it, here's a tissue! Everything is A-OKAY girlfriend!!
Instead of just quietly touching her own nose where the booger is on Kate's and giving her an encouraging nod and a tissue.
I mean geez Milo!
I really think the BL is losing it. Check this out:
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post "Recap: Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10 part 1: I a...":
Nobody tried to "out" the editors. You are making assumptions with no basis in fact. The FACT is that Robert used to correspond with another blog owner using a fake name...the exact same name that appears as one of the editors. That's quite a coinkydink, don't you think?
Well, no, it's not a "fact." It's just what that sheeple is claiming. I don't see any proof she didn't just make this whole story up and further I really don't see proof that this person she claims emailed her was Robert. I mean why could it not have just as easily been the editor themselves?
And that sheeple has massive credibility problems. This is the one that will just throw things out as "fact" without any proof and stick to it. This is the same one for years has insisted, and to my knowledge still does insist, that I "begged" for donations from you kind posters. Many of you have been here from the beginning and can attest that is an outright lie. And yet despite dozens of witnesses who will affirm that is not true, she sticks to this libelous lie. If you want people to believe your konspiracy theory you shouldn't have amassed a five year history of lying about others.
That said, even assuming it to be true, I don't find it a "coinky-dink." I find it to be common sense.
Robert has an alias he has used to try to fish out if some of the head ewes had inside info, and to protect his editors, he gave them aliases, including one he has used before. Or, the editor themselves had been corresponding with that sheeple. It's as simple and reasonable as that.
And yes they DID try to out the editors, they said so themselves. I guess we have a different definition of outing. Any action you take in which you seek to find out who someone really is is outing. It's not always uncalled for or unreasonable, but it IS outing. The second they saw those names they frantically looked to see if they have other books out and frantically searched their email for their names. They searched high and low for information about them. Who does that? Obsessed much? Who would even care about the editor? I have never in my life clicked on an editor's name, that's just nuts. And you can't convince me for one second if they DID find out who they are they wouldn't plaster their names everywhere. These are the sheeple we're talking about here. Please. The only reason they HAVEN'T done so is because they haven't figured out who they are yet, period.
Wondering who an editor is - is not outing. Don't be ridiculous. Given how badly written the first book was, it would be human nature to want to know who took on this massive task. But more importantly, Robert was emailing this blog owner with the very same name. Sage is credible. She is believable. The BL is not but yet we are to believe everything she says about her "inside sources."
Has Robert Hoffman ever denied that he emailed Sage using the name "Angela"?
Becky you and your "kind" friends have been frothing at the mouth to out Milo. What do you have to say about that? Will you answer that question? or ignore?
Secondly, I believe she has Sage mixed up with another blog owner. I don't believe Sage is the one that has talked about her begging for money.
Isn't that a libelous lie, BL? Blaming the wrong person. BL can you please get it right and keep your sheeple straight. ;)
And this: "Robert has an alias he has used to try to fish out if some of the head ewes had inside info,"
BL, you really think that is ok that Robert did that. OMG if he had done that to you or someone else you would have a fit.
The part that really bothers you is that Sage did not fall for it. She gave him no info and played Robert for the fool that he was. It bothers you that she knew from the get go that "Angela" was a fake and turned over Roberts emails to someone, doesn't it.
Geeze, who knew that recognizing a name was the same as an "outing"? Bl lost it a long time ago.
Nope, have never seen Sage accuse BL of asking for donations. BL is mixing up blogs. Bl is a lying liar.
Phew....another one of her LONG twisted responses. They do give you an eyeball headache. That she has the nerve to call anyone else obsessed is hysterical. She keeps that trash site blog going because she makes money off of her hater bleeples.
The BL acts like she is still in high school and she is the Queen Meanie. Hey BL...it's time to GROW UP already and find another way to pay off your ridiculous college debt. Really, GET A LIFE!!
P.S. That she has the audacity to question someone's credibility is a JOKE.
Sage has more credibility and ethics in her pinky than BL has in her whole entire body.
This is the biggest lie of all. They have followed Kate's every move. Including, sticking their noses into a benefit for the mother of two children killed in a car crash. They were all over it and mocked the decorations. Bl questioned fighting over donations and they trashed the lady who organized it (still do).
Kate was filming CA w/o the kids and BL stuck up a post accusing her of cheating because Steve was there.
Lying liars.
chefsummer said... 69
I agree Kate can be on tv all she wants just please leave the kids out of it.
June 24, 2014 at 7:25 AM
Sage didn't just pull the name "Angela" out of a hat. Her emails from "Angela" were discussed at length at the time they occurred. Anyone can go back through old messages and see that.
BL is blind to anything that doesn't fit her agenda and her bleeple don't care as long as it's hate for Kate.
You must read Al Walentis' column today. He's been reading here...
Blogger Shawn said...
P.S. That she has the audacity to question someone's credibility is a JOKE.
Sage has more credibility and ethics in her pinky than BL has in her whole entire body.
You are so right, Shawn!!!
So what if people googled the editors names. Nothing wrong with wanting to see if they've edited other books/publications. BL needs to get over herself. It was NOT, I repeat NOT, a sheeple or even one of her regular haters that outed everyone!
I have never seen Sage say anything about BL begging for money. Yes, she has mentioned BL's birth site a few times, but nothing about begging for money. As a previous commenter said, BL needs to "get it right and keep your sheeple straight".
As for credibility, Sage is by far more credible than BL. BL has been proven wrong on so many occasions.
Lastly, BL should seriously think about taking a break from all things Gosselin. She is starting to sound like one of her Bleeple and that's definitely not a compliment.
The only libelous lie I see is what Becks is saying about me! She has me mixed up with someone else. I only mention her birth fetish site and that is not libelous it is the truth.
Becks goes on to say I have credibility problems. Ha! This from the person who went on for months that it was positive that Jon had 50/50 custody. After all she heard it from her 'source' in other words the voice in her head. What have I posted that has turned out not to be credible?
Angela/Robert started emailing me in the spring of 2010. Way before the book came out and there were no 'editors' then. He emailed me things that would later come out in the book almost verbatim. I shared some of that on this blog at the time. Coinky-dink, I think not. Robert was/is Angela. No question about it. Ask him!
Becks makes wild accusations with no basis in truth. Because I am a fair person I will give Becks the chance to do the adult and respectful thing and apologize to me. Can she practice what she preaches...we'll see.
The conspiracy theorists are out again. How did a former reality show star amass so much power?
Jumping In said... 64
The media silence on this book suggests to me that there are bigger forces at work here than we know. There must be phone calls being made between these media corporations to ensure this book does not find it's way to the light of day. If TLC witnessed 1/10th of what Robert describes then are they not party to a cover-up of abuse? Did they allow this behaviour to continue for the sake of the ratings that turned into heaps of cash for their network?
Jumping in is too dense to realize that there is media silence because first rate journalists have no reason to jump on this garbage train wreck with no proof of things that happened YEARS AGO! If anyone is liable, IF all this is true,and that's a big if, the real criminal is the father of the children who has done nothing to protect his children and who has aided the author of this book.
Omg, is jumping in for real????
Media silence on the trashmans book means, the media believes it to be trash and not news worthy.
Kate is one powerful ex reality star, that's for sure.
TLC must be crapin' their pants.
They are so scared they gave Kate a 2 part special.
Well, I'm going to have quit saying "it ain't that hard." Because it is hard for them, isn't it?
Sparkle, focus hard and try to retain this. Angela/Hoffman said, "A lot of the 15 posters appear to have mental issues..." in an email to Sage. It's not in the book.
Ask him yourself.
Poor things, they hate Kate so much they don't even care if they've been mocked by their hero.
sparkle said... 131
I have skipped around while reading the book, but nothing I have seen so far indicates Robert said anything disparaging about 15 mins. specifically. He does say that the haters and fans have both been extreme and have both said vile things. His couple mentions of 15 mins were positive. He described the day that Kate came on twitter and tweeted about Bella bars all day. He said the smart bloggers at 15 mins. quickly sniffed out that Bella Bars were a product that Kate could make money from by getting her tweeties to buy them...
Wow, just looked at Kate's tl on twitter. They are desperate to get someone to notice RH's book.
Give it up, RH's venom and creepiness shines through, it's old news, the story makes no sense, you all have nothing but loud hateful voices.
That is why it's so stupid when they call us Jon haters. They are crazy zealots. CRAZy
Wow, just looked at Kate's tl on twitter. They are desperate to get someone to notice RH's book.
Give it up, RH's venom and creepiness shines through, it's old news, the story makes no sense, you all have nothing but loud hateful voices.
That is why it's so stupid when they call us Jon haters. They are crazy zealots. CRAZy
Sounds like Hoff put Kate on a pedestal, she was his Queen. She had no interest in him, so he wanted to destroy her and his failed attempts are laughable now.
Eating hotdogs with Jon down by the river in winter coats was the funniest thing. They both were spying on Kate and were caught by someone else. LOL.
19 reviews has to be the worst book on the market, does anyone know how many were sold? His own peeps were not buying it, that tells you that they conned Angela too! The tax man won't be getting big bucks this year again. Maybe enough for RH to buy his own Christmas paper this year, instead of smelling Kate's.
He's sold about 120 books.
So the story about the dog feces was supposed to be in Kate's journal or some reporter supposedly saw it. It is pure garbage but the haters will sit on twitter all day tweeting people over and over again until someone notices.Someone needs to cut off the internet in Lukebandits nursing home,she is over the top delusional.
Gee, I thought I would come home from work and there would be an apology to me from the BL after libeling me.
After all, she is always talking about behaving like a respectful adult and that is what they do when they are wrong.
Maybe she is embarrassed about how big of a fool she made of herself.
Okay, I am going off topic here...
I have written a piece for Imperfect Women about my personal life and the changes I am making about my health.
Please go check it out at
How Sweet It Is
I wonder why these people are not upset with Jon. If all these stories are true then why haven't they turned to Jon and demand he do something.He left his kids in this house of horrors so he could go relive his 20's and they're not one bit upset with him? If that were me, I'd move heaven and hell to get my kids out of that house. But nope, Jon does nothing and he's still their Saint. Afterall he was battered too ya know.If all this were true, I believe that Jon would have done something about it. Yes, he's said he thinks Kate is a strict mother but he himself has spanked those kids.Jon knows it's not a house of horrors or he would have gone to court long ago for sole custody. Bleeple, your own Saint doesn't believe it. I think deep down the Bleeple don't really believe either. They're just using this as an excuse to attack Kate. The book was written for you by Hoffie because he knew he could con you. Guess what...he succeeded.
Quiltart, he sold them to the same people who bought them before. LOL
ETA.....Sage you look great.Keep up the good work. Stay strong.
Sadie, if Jon was concerned he would not give up legal custody.
The bleeple can make excuses for him and blame the courts and TLC..which is really stupid.
Sage, You look great!!
Thanks, Quiltart...I am getting there!
Sage you do look fab...and I hope you are feeling as good as you look!
Are you a size 2? Wink! Wink!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post "Recap: Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10 part 1: I a...":
ITA Jane. That along with them having this long standing battle with the non fans that they hate so much, and they can't publicly change sides without losing face.
Yes. I never understood it. Is this enjoyable?
I just want to constantly ask but WTF does any of this drama have to do with the concerns raised about Kate? Stop avoiding the darn issue.
I mean seriously, what do who the editors are or aren't or WHAT have to do with the CHILD ABUSE??? The fact that there was some old alias put forth as an editor doesn't prove one damn bit those weren't Kate's words. The only thing it PROVES is that some old alias has resurfaced--that's neither here nor there and is certainly not an ah-ha moment. It's a "neither here nor there" moment. Big flipping deal.
Well apparently is was a big 'flipping deal' to you to libel me for it.
Still waiting for the adult and respectful apology.
Thanks, Shawn. I feel the best I have in years.
Dwindle has left a new comment on the post "Recap: Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10 part 1: I a...":
I am more and more convinced that the sheeple get off on Kate's abuse; they are living vicariously and wish desperately they could make money by shoving their kids' faces into a pile of dog poo. They admire the savvy she had in finding a way to accumulate a Kardashian lifestyle by simply abusing her husband, brother, and children. For pay!!
Is Dwindle talking about 'getting off' like they do when looking at Kate's picture magnified 1000x?
I am confused.
"I mean seriously, what do who the editors are or aren't or WHAT have to do with the CHILD ABUSE???"
Seriously? What does it matter if RH was deviously emailing Sage the details of the book 2yrs before it came out? I'll tell you why BL. Because RH's motive was never to save the poor G kids. All of his weird methods and creepy tactics are about destroying Kate. Therefore, all of his stories are suspect.
P.S. As pointed out before, all he did was tell your bleeple what they wanted to hear.
Also wanted to say that Sage looks absolutely fabulous!
You know Hoffman's story could have swung either way depending upon the audience. He tried with me to see if the fans would be enthusiastic about a slam Jon book. That did not fly. He found the mother lode of hate with the haters against Kate.
I wonder what the haters would think if they read what he wrote me about Jon and girlfriend being mean to Colin. Pretty much the same story. Hoffman just changed out the names. Oh yeah, Hoffman also has documents about Jon too.
Thanks Merryway!
Sage, I wish you would post the email when hoffy tells you how Ellen & Jon treat Collin, right in front of him, I might add.
Sage, I wish you would post the email about Collin. Perhaps it will explain why he chooses to stay with Kate on the weekends he doesn't want to go with Jon.
Sage you look so good! Congrats on getting healthy. You need your energy so you can keep up with your handsome grandson!
Thanks BL for once again showing what a lying loser you are! Sage has always been honest & respectful, 2 words that can never be used with your name!
Sage don't think BL will apologize cuz of her narcissism.
Thanks GW. Yes my little grandson keeps me going! Busy boy into everything.
Well the day has come and gone and nothing respectful from BL.
I seriously question her upbringing.
I am pretty sure that I saw Jen Stocks name in the credits last week for K+8. Isn't she the producer that the bleeple say hates Kate and quit because of all the 'abuse' she witnessed? hmmm Doesn't sound credible does it?
Glad you are feeling better Sage, and your health issues are being taken care. Keep on taking care of YOU! You look fab!
Sage, You look great and look so confident.
I love how you write and if I understood you will be writing more of your story?
NJGal51 said... 7
@Kateplusmy8: Filled a gas can at station&bc I have safety concerns re gas, I ?'ed a 'Dumb Girl' ? 2 a nice older man 2b sure..he didn't seem2mind!;) #THX
@MiloandJack: @Kateplusmy8 LOL Did the older man smile? May we ask what the "dumb" question was? :) #AnotherBlondeMoment
@MiloandJack: @Kateplusmy8 Did U ask ..."Is it safe 2put the cap back on?" #HeatAndCombustion #Boom!!
@MiloandJack: @Kateplusmy8 Did U ask ..."Is it dangerous 4me 2smell the fumes N my car? Will I pass out?" :)
@MiloandJack: @Kateplusmy8 Will my car explode when I turn the ignition on? :) #DyingToKnowWhatYouAskedNow
Shutupshutupshutupshutup! And just for the record Milo, SHE'S NOT REALLY BLONDE SO SHE CAN'T HAVE A BLONDE MOMENT! Shutupshutupshutupshutup! And another just for the record, Kate, you're a dumb ass. Whatever happened to "can do Kate". Yeah, just an episode for the realist reality show. Thought so.
Kate's not really a blond so she can't have a blond moment? lolol
For some reason that made me laugh. God, they're so dumb sometimes.
Sometimes? LoL!
LOL See a hater snap. I guess suggesting that they just not read "Milo's" tweets would be a waste of time. These people's lives are a waste of time. I have never seen so many people demonstrate the same behavior that the claim to see and hate in Kate - and all it does is support that "theory" that the haters are really just "jealous" of Kate. "Why would we be jelus" laugh the haters. Well, how about because you think Kate is a "terrible person" yet she has fame and a nice house and all the trappings of success while you are terrible people without the "fame, nice house and the trappings of success?" Yeah, sounds right. LOL No, it's all about the kids' safety when you pick at what Kate wears and how her hair looks, sure it is! And all the haters are just so sweet old ladies. Don't you love it when sweet old ladies call strangers on twitter the "c" word? It's so lady like. They are all so much worse than they say Kate is and they don't even notice.
I'd be interested in knowing what was said about Collin.
I tried to read some more of the book last night, but just can't. It's the most poorly written piece of crap I've ever seen. How anyone can believe him, lock,stock and barrel is beyond. He has NO PROOF about anything he writes about. Kate's reproductive system is none of his business and I'm quite sure he does not have access to her medical records. The garbage about her drinking is the same. He has written what he WANTS to believe and he has a captive audience who want to believe the absolute worst about Kate, so he is giving them what he wants. Many of the comments on the web say they are not fans, but do not believe the book.
Micha, they sure do love the "C" word and the word T#at. Double the points when they use them together.It's funny when they say how much smarter and classier they are than us and use those words. I think most of them were juvenile delinquents in their younger days.
Plentyof people sell stories to magazines, including the Kardashians.
What gets me is Kate never once said anything was a lie just that it was personal information. When she sued Robert and Jon not one time did she say they were lying.
I don't like Jon or Kate but I don't think it's fair to discredit the author since Kate never did, she just said Jon helped Robert steal her computer.
The child and animals abuse claims and scamming churches it was bothers me.
Angie, welcome! Just because Kate did not make a public statement that they are lying does not mean Hoffman is telling the truth. Personally, I believe a lot of what he wrote is exaggeration and outright lies. With that said I do believe he has her journals. He has an agenda and it is not about the kids.
It sounds like the majority of the book is spin. I don't think Kate is an abuser. I also don't think she was scamming the churches either.
IMO everyone has their own personal views/thoughts on abuse and scamming.
Hi Sageway,
I found your website from Al Walentis
I read a review for the book on another site and there were court documents with it. In the court documents they said it was private information noting the documents, Kate never mentioned or claimed it was lies. It was long review, I don't remember word for word, allot to take in at once. I am disturbed by allegations.
Children and animals are defenseless.
I am so confused. Is Robert really Angela? I am asking because Bullyville outed Angela for owning a child birth website. Lets just say it wasn't your everyday website. wink.
I just read an article about this book in the Daily Mail and all the comments are the same - it's not believable, starting with Kate "manipulating fertility treatments." You see, people who are NOT stupid haters know that it's simply not possible to do that, and they state WHY it's not possible in their comments, and they also know that Kate couldn't have predicted that having multiples would have led to her having a "career" where she could have a show that featured her family because at that time there was no such thing anywhere. And because those claims are so ridiculous, all the other claims become suspect. Who believes this sort of stuff? People who WANT to believe Kate is "evil" believe it all, and people who know nothing about science and fertility will just go along because they don't know any better. Hoffman is feeding his people, and they are eating it up and regurgitating it as often as they can, and I guess that's good enough for him, but sensible people who know better know he overreached with those claims and they are calling him on it - and then it's only sensible to call him on everything else and question his motives. Maybe he was swept up in hater world where the people who read what he wrote want to believe the worst so he just kept pushing the envelope and making more outrageous claims, but that just doesn't fly outside of the hater zone.
Also, it should be pointed out that even within the "book" that allegedly contains Kate's "journals" allegedly unmodified and written by her, there seems to be a lot of Kate worrying that she's hurting her children. If those journals are real, those are the words of a parent who is struggling and who DOESN'T want to hurt her kids, so to call her a "child abuser" is again overreaching and pandering to his audience who wants to think of Kate as an "abuser" and not think of her as a mother of 8 small children who is having a hard time and is worried and struggling with how she is handling dealing with her kids.
It's a shame. RH, Jon and the haters have exploited the G children more than their little reality show ever could.
I am so confused. Is Robert really Angela? I am asking because Bullyville outed Angela for owning a child birth website. Lets just say it wasn't your everyday website. wink.
Golly gee, are you saying that Hoffman has a birth fetish site too! What a coinky dink, and your name is 'Angela' too...major coinky dink.
Belle, thank yoi! and yes I will be writing more.
Classic BL. This is the woman who whined about being "extremely hurt" about being told she has no self-awareness. Uh, sweetheart, that's because you have no self-awareness, as you once again just proved. Every word in her post applies to her.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator)
Oh gotchya.
That blog seems to be finally calling it like it is.
I also like when they said this:This person is obviously butt-hurt over things people may or may not have said about her on Twitter. So what? Nothing anybody says about you on twitter matters in real life (unless the person tweeting about you is named “@NYTimes or something). So who gives a fuck? Get a life, people!!
Exactly. Plus every single person complaining their feelings got hurt has said nasty nasty things too, so come on!
I mean honestly, it's taken so damn seriously. From some of the ranting and raving I can only conclude that there are mental health issues at play which makes it much harder to reason with people and explain how stupid and silly and dramatic this all is.
Exactly. Plus every single person complaining their feelings got hurt has said nasty nasty things too, so come on!
I mean honestly, it's taken so damn seriously. From some of the ranting and raving I can only conclude that there are mental health issues at play which makes it much harder to reason with people and explain how stupid and silly and dramatic this all is.
No self-awareness. Bl's heart was broke. 'Please stop' sob sob
I am serious Sageway.
I came across Reality TV Kids site because I was lead to believe an attorney ran it who was fighting for the rights of children on Reality Television and rallied for kids and tighter laws. With all due respect, I think we all know that Reality TV is not what it is out to be, I am sure there is a grueling schedule to film as well and they are paid poorly.
However, the site seems more like a place to rant and hate on Kate Gosselin. That is just my opinion.
When Kate Gosselin filed her suit, I was (and still am) under the impression Founder Of Bullyville assisted Kate in doing so. I was looking through twitter and I saw a tweet of Bullyville's and it was an email tweet. Bullyville got the owner of blog called "RealityWithOutApology" I believe that was the name, to turn over all her email correspondence in order to be eliminated for the law suit,on the lawsuit there were 20 Jon Doe's Bullyville was publishing tweets on a daily basis showing email addresses who was who and who was commenting under what name. Bullyville showed an email exchange with Angela, the owner of RealityTVkids and someone who commented about the birth site. On that tweet was not a good picture and I will leave it at that. It was gross. Next to it showed a google adsense linked to that site as well as RealityTVKids. Bullyville sent a tweet to RealityTVKids stating, "So you don't own the birthing site? Busted."
So when I saw your post, I immediately remembered. I had to email a friend because I could not remember all the details.
As far as Kate Gosselin and the book. If this is true, why wouldn't he go the authorities? Something does not sound right. I know I said earlier in the documents Kate never said anything was a lie, but the more I am thinking on it, things are not adding up.
Everyone has a right to have an opinion, I just find it nauseating people spend their lives harassing the lady.
To clear up any confusion, I posted as Angie and Angela.
"Is your name Angela too"
That is exactly why I posted as "Angie" first because of the subject. I can not stand to be called Angie.
I promise you, I am not this Robert or Angela, it is a co inky dink, lol.
Hi, Angie/Angela! Welcome!
Angie/angels. To clear up any confusion email me at sagewayexpress@gmail.com.
Done Sagewayexpress !
You look good chilling in your gazebo. Congratulations on taking control of your mind, body, and spirit.
This post about the creeper is interesting reading, probably more so than his so called book.
Thanks, Puff.
Really busy day for me today. Some days I cannot catch up. I am going to be off work next week and cannot wait!
I do wonder why the court didn't take all of the so called journals, pics, and documents from RH. I have my doubts that he has anything regarding the G's private docs now. If anything would appear now, does anyone think maybe the next time the court would not take kindly to this creeper. I think with common sense, the courts are not stupid no matter what the BL blows on her blog.
As far as BV outing Angela, many shared accounts, Angela outed the BL, he needed to shut her down, she was taking attention away from him/her. imo
The BL was outed by RWA back in 2010.
gotyournumberKate has left a new comment on the post "Recap: Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10 part 1: I a...":
The sheeple hate the haters more than they care about the Gosselin kids. It's sad but that's the bottom line. It's no wonder they defend her. They're just like her.
the bleeple hate Kate more than they care about the Gosselin kids. That is what is sad. They would sacrifice the kids to try and destroy Kate. They are no different than Hoffman who is an opportunist and lacks credibility.
I didn't know that, hmm, the back history of some of this is just plain crazy. It would take years to put it all together. LOL.
Thanks for keeping it all straight for some of us. :)
Didn't Hoffman admit somewhere, sometime in all this hoopla that he was "Angela"?
He never right out admitted it. But, he told me that he gave me enough hints...and he did..i should be able to figure it out. I did months before we stopped emailing.
I exchanged a couple emails with him last fall with his gosselin book email and he alluded to something that I had said before.
Angela is 100 per cent Hoffman.
Some of the things that were said in the book were told to me by him in 2011...almost verbatim.
Lynne In RI has left a new comment on the post "Recap: Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10 part 1: I a...":
now Milo is telling fans that Khate's parents see the kids all the time- we just don't know it.
Kate needs to put on her big girl pants, grow some, and tell Milo flat out to mind her own business. Milo needs to be put in her place. Whether the kids see their grandparents or not, it is not Milo's business to be Kate's mouthpiece regarding the children's relationship with their grandparents.
Kate needs to rein her in. Milo can do more harm than good with her constant meddling. If I were Kate, I'd be furious and I'd tell her so. Milo said that Jon stole groceries; there was a restraining order against him; there is no way that Kate would have an abortion; Milo knows everything that goes on in Kate's house. Yeah, right. Time to muzzle that woman (or man).
But its okay for Hoffman to say Kate had an abortion among many other bs stories with no named sources.
Lynne in RI said..." Milo knows everything that goes on in Kate's house. Yeah, right. Time to muzzle that woman (or man)"
Isn't that exactly what the Bleeple do...claim to know everything that goes on in Kate's house and her life? The kids don't see the Grandparents, the kids aren't involved in any activities, they don't have friends, yada, yada, yada. Perhaps they're the ones that should be wearing the muzzle.
Very interesting about Angela/Robert. The more I hear about him, the crazier he sounds. As for his *cough* book, I read the sample offered by Amazon. My eyes glazed over before I was halfway through. He says he did it for the kids. Yeah. Right. It's not that I believe him or don't believe him. I think, early on, he was infatuated with Kate and when she didn't give him the time of day, it became his life's mission to pay her back. I mean, judging from what was said about the book the last time, who in their right mind, would comb through someone's trash on Christmas Day, lay in a ditch on Easter Day while leaving their 3 young children and wife at home alone, not to mention spending countless hours following Kate and doing "research", knowing all the while that you weren't going to make any money and nothing would be done about the allegations you put forth. Any alleged abuse happened over 7 years ago. Did he really think Child Protective Services or the police are going to do anything? All he did was pander to the Bleeple/Haters. If it's true that Kate did abuse her children, what does that say about Jon? He left them in her care to look for his 20's and then he came back and gave up legal custody. The Bleeple will say he had no money to hire lawyers. I call BS. When it comes to your children and their welfare, there is no price.
So the bleeple can rant and rave how the G kids don't see their grandparents. But, Milo can't say that they do see them. Yeah, that makes sense in the bleeple world.
Positive reinforcement like Milo's is toxic to the bleeple. One must lack moral fiber, have character flaws, be a first class fabricator,and always place total blame on Kate for all of Jon's trangressions.in order to qualify as one of BL's bleeple.
Alrighty Flimsy Flamsy, I'll be sure to keep your deep, brilliant insights in the back of my mind if I watch the show. Thanks for the advice. Not really needed, as I for one ALWAYS ask myself "What does FlimsyFlamsy think about this?" while watching television. It's standard operating procedure around here.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 164
I believe there is almost always - if not always - another person in
the mix. A nanny, babysitter, homework helper - maybe all 3. And
I believe TFW is very, very, very often alone in her room, or away
running errands, or alone in the kitchen with the children forbidden from getting in her way. I would also guess that she spends a ton of time online, reading about herself, and looking for grifting opportunities. Just my humble opinion, of course.
Anyway, for whoever's watching tonight, you may want to keep all
this in the back of your mind. Because precious little is real on
the "realest reality show." And here's to Robert's book getting a big
ol' sales bump after tonight's episode. Team Kids!
Gee, maybe someone should send one of those Ph.D. psychologists screen shots of the BL's birth site and ask for their comments. Would she be mortified and humiliated?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 176
Interesting that this week brought out not one but two PhD psychologists commenting on this mess.
Wouldn't a normal person be mortified? I mean really, a Phd psychologist feels the need to make a statement about you and your screwed up family on a national scale? That's pretty humiliating I would think. Wouldn't you stop to think now why would a rich and successful psychologist just want to hate on me. Maybe they have a point?
Nameless in LA- your comments are simply brilliant. OMG soooo funny
"Wouldn't you stop to think now why would a rich and successful psychologist just want to hate on me."
I think these "rich" psychologists just got richer because they commented on a celebrity. They are not stupid. They know what butters their bread and it ain't commenting on the regular folks.
Also these 'psychologists' never met Kate or talked to her. They are making their diagnoses on what Hoffman wrote about Kate.
How professional is that? No ethical psychologist would publically put their name to such nonsense unless they want to be the 'professional' to the tabs and the paycheck that goes with it.
This comment isn't about the so-called "book" of crap, I have no desire to read it nor do I care what the author (?) thinks or feels he has to share. It's just not important.
What is important to me, is how one tweet that I sent to Kate a few years ago has impacted my life. Never in a million years did I think that Kate Gosselin would actually respond to me. Me - some unknown person, miles away. The fact that she took the time to jot down a few words to say to me. I then saw how many others, like me, she responded to. The simple fact that she takes the time to become involved with her fans astounds me. I have such admiration for a mother of 8 amazing kids and that she is raising them on her own. I have raised 2 girls as a single parent and I have nothing but praise for Kate. She has endured ridiculous bullying from absolute morons and she continues to stay strong and remain positive.
Through that tweet from Kate, I have made many twitter friends. We share stories and glimpses of our lives with each other. I've seen the support we have for each other and that connection has been established because of Kate.
I look forward to seeing the show tonight and the smiles of those wonderful kids. She continues to make us proud. I cannot fathom the thought that people feel the need to bully others. Surely there are more important things in life that their time could be spent on.
Sage - thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share my views. I love reading your blog and the comments that you receive 💗
Thank you, Gayle. I am so happy you joined us and welcome!
Gayle, What a nice post! We're glad you've found us. Welcome!
Remona Blue has left a new comment on the post "Recap: Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10 part 1: I a...":
Flight of the Kiwi said... 51
''.......I see her flitting around the boyfriend in her hoochy mama clothes, complete with stilettos and being the 'super cool mom' which will royally piss off both twins. Of course, said boyfriend will have to sigh a CA, purity contract and a pre-nup. Hmmmm, that'll be just about the time to be 'the safe sex mama' - whole new brand for her to try! I was going to say 'Kondums by Kate' but I won't ;)''
BINGO. The only thing you forgot was the hoochy mamma constantly bending over in front of the girl's boyfriends so they have a very good view of those faux boobies! If it is during swimming season, she will make sure she has on the smallest bikini she can find and parade back and forth in front of the boyfriends.
How tasteless can you be? What kind of lives do these people live? Aren't they embarrassed to even have their minds think that way?
I have a feeling that a lot of the blinions don't have kids, or at least, don't have teenagers.
Thank you, Sage too ~
I'm just now watching KP8 Pt. 1. I'm chuckling at Mady's attitude. She keeps saying, "No one's listening to me!" This is a typical teen saying. I've noticed that teens will say this when they don't get their way. They get heard alright, though. I feel that Kate is doing a good job in dealing with all of the personalities.
Especially with girls. Those of us who gone through the teenage years with a daughter...know. LOL
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 45
because it is a celebration for her 6 healthy kids.
Why isn't the health of every child a miracle that deserves celebration?
It's really fascinating how thoroughly she's convinced herself that Jesus loves them more than most.
Kate is not allowed to celebrate that her children are healthy? Becky, You're really stretching things now.Did Kate say that Jesus loves her kids more than most? No but if that's what you get out of Kate celebrating her healthy children,you really do lake awareness. I'm embarrassed for you.
lake= lack
I understood Kate to say that there being healthy sextuplets deserves a big celebration. And it is a big deal! I think it was great that she included the twins and their friends, too. Kids that age might think that a circus party is dorky (or won't admit it could be fun), but by having them run games, etc., they can participate in a leadership role.
T said... 93
From Tamara Tattles:
"It did seem like they hired people to come to this party. The big surprise, she got John Deere to give them a “gator” a $10,000 utility vehicle that the boys surprising knew was called a gator so I could google it. The boys are hoping she will let them drive it to do their “man duties” but one of them (probably my Collin) said “she won’t.” Because the birthday present was for Kate."
He's Not YOUR Colin.That's just plain creepy.
And they say the sheeple are too involved with the kids. This person takes the cake.Poor Colin.
I read where one of the bleeple wrote that Hoffman's book sold 312 copies. Do they consider that a success?
I get more people reading one blog post here than that!!
Now Kate is a fish abuser for giving fish away without proof that the people are ready to care for them.
More ramped up drama. I'm a vegetarian animal freak and think she is being utterly ridiculous.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 23
It's abusive to put a fish in a two by two little bowl for nine hours at a carnival. It is also abusive to just give them away to people who aren't ready for and have no idea how to care for a fish.
Waving at Gayle, that is a sweet post.
I watched, the carnival looked like a blast.
I see Kate is being raked because when shopping for new outfits, she asked one of the boys if he liked basketball. How dare she ask his opinion whether or not he'd like a basketball shirt or not.
Pick pick pick.
Jumping In has left a new comment on the post "Discussion Thread: Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10...":
There are many misconceptions I would love the sheeple to grasp about their beloved Kate, but the first on my list is her status. IMO, she is NOT a single mother of 8, she is a divorced mother with a willing ex-husband in the wings. She perpetuates this nonsense, but then again, no-one ever challenges her either, so she can wear what ever moniker she picks for herself I guess. If she accepted more help from Jon and various relatives, her shtick falls apart. She needs sympathy to stay relevant and blindly admired by these fools.
Another, obvious misconception is her financial status, most recently, her crying poor-mouth then unveiling a ATV at an elaborate carnival-themed birthday party. Now these are obvious discrepancies, right there being spewed and shown on television. Sure, the flock can deny abuse, but at least acknowledge the obvious. Baby steps sheeple, baby steps.
The only willing thing I have seen Jon do is give up legal custody of the kids so he wouldn't have to pay child support.
I think Kate does very well financially. She probably made some smart investments. Didn't your ideal man Jon say recently she was very good with money?
Small steps bleeps, small steps.
^ It's so beyond funny and ridiculous that the haters can't even bear to acknowledge that Kate is a "single mom." Is she married? No, she's not. She's single. She's also a mom. But somehow she's not a "single mom?" LOL
Oh, and I doubt anyone thinks Kate is "poor." All I hear her say regarding money is that she worries about the future but who doesn't? Does that automatically mean she's "crying" poor to anyone other than the "brain trust" that can't even admit she's a single mom just because she allegedly has a "willing ex-husband in the wings?" She allegedly has a "willing ex-husband" so she's not "single" anymore? Yeah, she's still single she's still a mom - BOOM! - single mom.
Poor crazy haters.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 29m
Is it bad that I had a good laugh w a friend(who knows ALL abt me) when she told me latest list of 'tell all' fiction written abt me? #IDid
Sage, Jon didn't just give up paying child support, but he went public whining about having to pay child support when he wasn't even paying it. If he hadn't opened his big mouth, Kate's attorney would not have had to set the record straight and we may have never known that.
That's right, Quitart, I had forgotten about that. LOl Jon is not the brightest, is he?
I love Kate's attitude about Hoffman's fiction. Laugh at him...like everyone that knows him is.
I would consider Jon a single father. He's not married and he's a dad. Some definitions say that the parent with primary custody is the one considered a "single parent", but I still would say Jon is a single dad. Single, non-primary-custodial father.
PA Dutch Mom has left a new comment on the post "Discussion Thread: Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10...":
She may have had a good laugh with her "friend" but I bet she was crying and screaming "behind closed doors".
With several bottles, no doubt. Glad she can laugh about it. I found nothing funny in the book. She's nuts.
So if it's that amusing, will she sue Robert for libel and risk going through the discovery process? I'd love to hear how the sheep handle that.
Kate should spend thousands of dollars over a book that so far has sold 312 copies in five days. A book that reasonably intelligent people have seen what it is...tabloid bullshit. Typical bleeple thinking.
It's so funny that the crazy twitter haters are in a frenzy,saying the same tired garbage over and over. They are furious because Kate stands her ground and refuses to let them silence her. Concerned Chick is manically tweeting about Kate's copy righted journals,she is obviously jealous of Kate it is pathetic. Kate had over whelming support on twitter last night. I saw a lot of people standing up against the haters,but as usual they would gang up on the people who showed Kate support. Do any of those people have any kind of life? They are on there 24/7,the filth and ignorance that spews from their mouths is unbelievable.
Mimi, They are also sitting on Amazon, ready to attack anyone who posts anything negative about the book... Just like they've done with all of Kate's books.
Some of the negative posts on Amazon about the book and Robert have been spot on, but the same crazy street gang crew wouldn't know the truth if it slapped them in the face!
Correction: When Kate's books were published and listed on Amazon, the same crazies attacked anyone who made a POSITIVE review... Now they are attacking anyone who posts NEGATIVE about the RH Garbage Book.
I saw that Quiltart, I mean seriously they can't possibly have jobs or social lives.As soon as anything is posted they are right there in full attack mode. I haven't read at the BL"s in a long time because it's the same spiteful people saying the same negative,defamatory things over and over again. If they weren't such bullies I would feel sorry for them. They are obviously lacking in any kind of love or positivity in their lives.
Is Jon jealous that the kids were filmed with Kate, and he wasn't included? He gave up his rights, so he gave up his share of the money also that Kate and the kids can make from now out, if the reports of his non legal custody are true. If Jon wants all the truth out, publish the court docs for all to see.
If Jon's supporters want him to film about himself, just watch his last appearance on VH1, he made his own money. His so called talent agency hasn't posted a thing about him since that aired.
Well, I don't care what anyone says, kate is very strong and her reactions are normal with so many children.
She does her very best with what she has and is doing a great job.
Wonder how they would react with 8 children? Oh! I forgot, they are perfect.
At the end of the day it is Kate raising the kids and has custody of them. Not Hoffman, not Jon.
I don't see any rush for the morning shows, or any other show for that matter, to interview Hoffman. Hoffman gave the haters what they wanted and now he will just fade away.
I find it interesting that someone tweeted that Jon had a beer when he was at a restaurant last night with some of the kids. Does this mean he drinks and drives when he has the kids? I hope he doesn't stop and pee in someones driveway when he has them.
Sage, The delusional Bleeples are salivating at the thought of RH being interviewed on all the major shows, as well as waiting for the hardcover of his book to come out. Somehow I think they are going to be waiting a VERY long time! Spreading self-published lies is easy... No reputable publisher would touch that crap with a 10' pole!
Sage, I thought exactly the same thing about Jon's beer... Not a smart move on his part, for sure!
IMWTK, where is Liz?
I'm sure Liz was working. You have to give it to Jon...he gravitates to the women who work.
I can't see Hoffman making enough money off of the ebook to fund a hardcover. After Amazon gets its cut not much money left, and wasn't he whining about his legal debt? I wonder if he has a job. I am sure he wants to stay available to all the talk show offers rolling in.
Reading around, saw a tweet that Kate is news again in the National Enquirer. Who is jealous and needs money? I wish all of this would stop, Hoff failed so is he selling made up stories again? The article they are talking about is from a so called nanny that Kate had. Umm, I think Jon was around the nannies more than Kate ever was.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post "Discussion Thread: Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10...":
-kids can only talk to Jon with permission, and when they do talk to him, the nanny should listen " ALWAYS listen with one ear to hear what they are saying" and "you are my eyes and ears and need to report everything you see and hear!!!" "DO NOT ANSWER THE PHONE WITHOUT CHECKING FIRST to see if it's Jon. If you give them permission, they may answer. THEY ALSO MAY NOT CALL HIM WITHOUT PERMISSION!"
It would be an absolute nightmare to nanny for her. No wonder one of the nannies has had it and squealed.
I NEVER had rules like this. Ever. My rules were make sure they get to where they need to be, no T.V. during the week, make sure they are fed and clean and their room and playroom are cleaned. They did want it SPIT SPOT but they weren't specific about it. And my boss was a narcissist too! This doesn't even seem like a narcissist. There is something much more going on here. Lately I keep thinking gosh she is nothing like the narcissist I know anymore. Nothing. If anything narcissist was kind of disconnected from myself and the children. It was sort of like oh are the kids still alive house still in order? Wonderful now I'm off to get drunk have a good night. Kate is the opposite, she is obsessed with the petty details. How is this healthy? How does this make her feel good?
Also as far as Jon goes she's just simply a psychotic parental alienator. Period. It's no wonder some of the kids have distanced themselves from Jon. It's too much of a headache dealing with Kate. At this age their phone calls with him are none of her damn business. If she has an issue with it she can ask the judge for monitored phone contact. Otherwise butt the fuck out you waste of space.
When the sheeple congratulate themselves whenever they think there are issues between the kids and Jon, they never consider it's directly because of Kate's alienation and how sick that is. So congratulations on sabotaging a child's good relationship with their father. It's on you when they have daddy issues later in life that require extensive therapy. Pigs
Gee, if I was Kate and the father of my kids went on TV and said he wishes I would fucking die I think I would be wanting his calls monitored too.
Is the head bleeple calling us fans pigs? tsk tsk not very respectful. Which reminds me...still waiting for my apology for you libeling me on your blog.
"When the sheeple congratulate themselves whenever they think there are issues between the kids and Jon, they never consider it's directly because of Kate's alienation and how sick that is"
And the bleeple never ever consider that the problem is Jon. Jon is their hero and saint. He can scream and rant about Kate, court the paps, sell nasty stories about his kids to the tabloids, use the tabloids to lie and say he's filing for custody and a psych eval, sleaze around with his girl of the day, and on and on. But, it's never evah Jon's fault is it? Nope, it's all about Kate for them.
Merryway, maybe the children will write a book about Jon, did the bleeples ever think about that?
Maybe Jon's behavior has affected them? like when he was not around living in New York. How long was it? A year?
Ha! Why on earth would any fan "congratulate themselves whenever they think there are issues between the kids and Jon?" I doubt that anybody with a heart wants the kids to have "issues" with either Jon or Kate - but we all know that the haters not only want the kids to have "issues" with Kate, they are actually actively trying to create issues by spewing the crap they spew online. I'm sure they are waiting for the day when the kids can read that crap and are hoping the kids believe the nasty things that the haters are saying about Kate. No doubt they will "congratulate themselves" and do believe they can do damage to the relationship the kids have with their mom. They are such freaks.
Somewhere In Time has left a new comment on the post "Discussion Thread: Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10...":
Bitchy (50)...lol!!
I know exactly what you mean. While I read here at night, I often watch Forensic Files, Unusual Suspects, Snapped...the true crime shows before I go to bed, or as I am falling asleep. Included in those are re-runs of Wives With Knives, and wouldn't you know it, Kate was in one of my recent nightmares, wielding a knife. This was before I heard about her obsession with kitchen knives. I guess maybe Lalaloopsy would be a better choice for late-night viewing.
The bleeple are dreaming of Kate. It is time to step away or get a mental eval...but what I think the real deal here is just more made-up bullshit. Just like the magic remotes when Kate is on tv. No wonder Hoffman said they all appear to have mental issues. He certainly new his audience and became one of them.
The update show is over, the book sold a few hundred copies, and Jon is no where to be found. Time for a long vacation from the repeated crap, have a nice summer peeps.
They are having a scintillating discussion about proper toothbrush storage over at the BL's.
Am I the only one who has never discussed toothbrush storage with my friends or bragged about my superior technique for said storage? These women must be loads of fun to hang with.
NJGal51 said... 65
We have individual paper cups in the bathroom and put a shot of original Listerine in them and after brushing and rinsing the toothbrush we store it bristle side down in the Listerine. After the next brushing you can rinse with the Listerine or dump it (I dump because I like TheraBreath mouthwash) throw out the cup and replace with fresh cup and Listerine.
Nameless, they are nuts.
What I find amusing is their obsession of how much food Kate feeds her kids.
With child obesity on the rise Kate feeds her kids healthy.
The bleeple seem not to know what a portion is or what healthy is. Luke seems to think the kids should have their plates loaded with biscuits and gravy.
As usual, they are locked in the past and accuse Kate of serving the portions she served when they were toddlers. Only an idiot (and I think there are many blinion idots) would think that. od
Tucker's Mom has left a new comment on the post "Discussion Thread: Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10...":
Ha ha ha! Robert posted a response to this tweet on his blog site.
He has other pictures of him and Shoka, and Shoka with Jon.
Anyone can see the gentle interaction between Robert and Shoka, and the other photos are really great and touching.
There's a very special bond between dog and person, their "person', especially when you raise them from puppies.
It had to break a lot of hearts when Shoka and Nala were sent away, and not one of them was Kate's.
Interesting that Hoffman did not respond to the 'Angela Rosario' editor being the same name as what he used emailing me...doncha think. ;)
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post "Discussion Thread: Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10...":
Count me in for thinking the chef made that custard. It was just too neat, too appetizing. It was "plated." Nothing like what she usually makes.
The splash of raspberries all over it also just isn't Kate's style. She would put them on the side in a neat little pile or not think to pair with raspberries in the first place.
I also noticed she tweeted a platitude about "shit." Real classy for her young fans. And secondly, hey Kate, not every single whistleblower is out to "destroy other human beings." There is more to whistleblowing than that, and to brush it off like that is just ignorance. Get educated about what it means to whistle blow in this great country.
BL and her bleeple sure are dumb besides, what did Hoffman say, have mental issues.
They are so stupid. They will be forever going on how Kate "has a fleet of nannies at her beck and call alone with a personal chef."
"No wonder Hoffman said they all appear to have mental issues. He certainly new his audience and became one of them."
Sage, yes, it's definitely one of those "takes one to know one" kind of thing.
All hail Queen Kate!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post "Discussion Thread: Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10...":
And that's the thing, I could care less if she wants to say shit, retweet shit, or eat shit and die.
But stop with the two-faced shit about what a pearl of little righteousness you are, such a good mommy and role model.
Things are shitty, often. Whatever. But if you choose not to go there and claim you don't go there, you better make darn sure that's your choice and that you're not just saying that to butter up your self-righteous sheeple.
And yes she really is slipping this week.
The only one I see slipping is the ole BL. Why all the anger?
Kate is finally defending herself a little on twitter and I am so glad. I hope she seriously considers going after these people who have libeled and harassed her all these years. Concerned Chick,Scheckmy,has been tweeting non stop to anyone and everyone that gives Kate any kind of opportunities. If Kate would go after and the BL a lot of this crap would stop. Robert Hoffman and Jon Gosselin are two of a kind. They both think they are perfect people that share a common goal of destroying Kate.They are less than pond scum and it is a shame that when Kate married Jon I'm sure she would have never guessed that it would be life's mission to destroy her.
BL is as good of a child advocate as she is an attorney.
She doesn't want to do a disservice to Mady so she will all knowingly label her with having "deep problems" from the bit she saw an edited tv show. Again, Bl tries to make their trash talk sound so noble.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 11
I think it does Mady a disservice to brush her behavior off as just a teen.
This is not normal teenage behavior. Not this constantly and not to this extent.
There's a difference between normal teen angst, and what we have here something that goes much deeper.
June 29, 2014 at 8:57 AM
I meant to say go after her and the BL, and also Jon made his life's mission to destroy Kate.
From the very first thing that Hoffman's wife, Dana, wrote about the Gosselins Bobby has had a bug up his ass. Jealousy? Maybe. He did not like Kate or Jon. He befriended Jon because..well..he's Jon and not the brightest. He wanted to destroy Kate and used Jon to do it. Jon had already destroyed himself.
Hoffman had told me that he helped Jon move from the NY apartment and from the garage apartment. I bet he went through all of Jon's stuff and took pictures. He sent me a picture of a bill sitting on a table...not a scan but a picture of it, addressed to Kate. Kinda blows it out of the water of him getting everything from a discarded disc doesn't it? I still have it.
Sage, you should contact Radar Online with those emails and pics. Nail his ass to the wall.
Actually, someone passed a name onto me to contact...not ROL. What I have could show Hoffman lacks creditability.
I am chewing on that. ;)
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