I was questioning him about the chicken story that he had posted on my blog as 'Al'. He told me it was not him but his 'sister' that did that...right. Same IP. I don't think he knew at the time I had a tracker and was scrambling. He was somewhat angry with me because people on my blog at the time did not believe he was an 'insider' and were questioning him and me.
I was asked at the time to keep the conversation going with him and to say what I had to to do it.
The following email is Hoffman's words and I do not know how truthful some of them are. I did ask someone about Hoffman making the birthday memory picture books and giving them to Kate and I was told that was untrue. Hoffman also sent me a few pictures that he took. I have never seen those pictures published anywhere.
It is the full email and nothing was taken out or edited.
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When you wrote in the comments tonight about Jon supposedly lettting the chickens out, it triggered a memory for me...you have posted on the SWE before, as I believe Al. At that time you wrote almost the same thing.
Whats going on?
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Hi, Just checked email.
Nothing going on at all. This is my first time posting but my sister has posted from the same computer, allowing you to verify the IP address. Not that difficult to do as you know. If I was trying to hide my identity/IP address for whatever reason, I'd email you from Starbucks or another wireless hotspot.
Your bloggers are very loyal to Kate and I knew that going in. I just read some of the comments before checking email only to see speculation that because of the photos I sent, that would mean I'm the fired babysitter and only hear things through someone close to Jon. I think you know better. I would also put out there that if I wanted to hurt Kate as some have implied, why would I communicate with a blog who, besides the diehards, I can't imagine more than 100 people on Earth know exists, no disrespect intended. If my intention was to hurt Kate, or Jamie, or anyone, I would give my information or my proof to 15, or Preesi and let them run with it.
I'm very close to Jon. He's my friend, but like you, I'm not an idiot and not fooled by him in the least. The one thing he is with me is honest and for whatever reason, he chooses to trust me. As much as I like him because he's fun to be around, I'm not a little bit impressed by his decision making. He's not a good parent as far as being nurturing and putting his children's needs before his. Ellen is not a good future parent. She's young an immature. She makes jokes about some of the little kids that a parent would find repulsive, as I do.
I have no motive whatsoever in posting on your blog and the information I've given you has been only to proove my closeness to the situation. I'm Jon's only real friend right now, besides Ellen. I helped him move out of Kate's house. I helped him move into and out of his apartment. I helped him move into his new house. Just he and I. There is nobody else. I make no money from this family at all and never have. I've loaned Jon money to fill his gas tank and buy food for the kids during his custody. To date, Jon owes me a lot of money. I don't care about that because I know he's in a bad spot right now and he's taking care of 8 kids.
I photographed the sextuplets 6th and 7th birthday parties at Jon's - and gave Kate photo books to keep as cherished memories. If I had motives, those photos would have been seen by the public, no?
I've photographed Jon and Ellen for the past year for Jon to sell the images to the tabloids to make money to pay his bills and pay his child support. The first image you saw of Ellen, from the Green Turtle in Maryland, was taken by me.
I know Jon's family very well and I know Kate's most trusted nanny and the kid's favorite nanny in the world that has since been let go, very well. I know Kate's long-time handyman, very well.
I was just looking to talk and you've really done nothing to confirm to your people 100% that I'm legit.
I'd be more than happy to put my identity on the table for you all, but why would I, when I'm communicating with people named Sage, CoCoPuff, BarHopper, Zorro etc.
Here are 2 photos (second coming in sep. email as it's too large for you I think.) that have never been seen, from this past Winter. THey needed money but nobody was interested in purchasing them from Jon and Ellen. I take the pictures, put them on a disc and give them to them to sell.
If you check the image numbers, you'll see I sent one from the beginning and end of the set. There were 301 images in between of them enjoying a day in town.
I'd like you put to rest on your blog once and for all whether or not I'm close to the situation and please once and for all clear up that I've stated from the very beginning that I was close to Jon and not Kate. But whether you or anyone else wants to believe it, there is NOBODY here close to Kate. Nothing I say about Kate comes directly from Jon. Please also find a way to put that to rest. As I've told you, I hear Kate on speakerphone. I don't hear stories from Jon.
I'm going out to enjoy a few baseball games with family. You decide how you want to handle it. I'm not mad at you. Just frustrated.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 269 of 269MaryB has left a new comment on the post "Paul Petersen: There is 'damage being done to' the...":
Can Robert's attorneys do anything with these latest rants she's spewing on twitter? I'd be very careful if I were her.
So Hoffman can write anything he wants but Kate better be very careful. Typical bleeple stupidity.
Good to see Kate speaking out.I hope she continues. That will drive SG crazy.
Becky loves to think we're a bunch of idiots.I guess anyone who doesn't believe what she says is considered an Idiot.And the fact that she thought Kate meant Jon doesn't speak well of Becks Intelligence does it.
Of course Kate speaking out will P.O the bleeple and they'll talk about how awful she is and how her 15mins are up.....for the next 1,600 posts.
Haters and Hoffman can say and make-up (drunk, mentally ill)whatever they want about Kate but they sound fearful when Kate writes a few tweets.
They think Kate should be VERY careful.
I sure hope Kate taunts Hoff now not so fun for his lies is it.
Maybe Kate dropped the law suit and let RH be seen by the WHOLE world how he stalked a Mother with 8 small children. I hope Hoff's community can see what he is for what he has done. Can you imagine what his children are going to have to live with.
The plan backfired on RH, he has been circling the drain faster that you can put water in it. LOL.
AuntieAnn has left a new comment on the post "Paul Petersen: There is 'damage being done to' the...":
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 3m
@MiloandJack Bottom Line: They stole my property and are making $ off embellished versions of it. I am NOT the 1 who should be ashamed!
Oh my. Touchy tonight, isn't she?
Is it any wonder the sheep don't get it? Kate doesn't even get it. She should have changed her name and moved out of the country by now with the kind of press she's getting.
She's not going to be able to lie her way out this one. It's over.
Burn, baby, burn.
Auntie you would be lost if Kate left the country. Who would you dream about everyday?
Most people, including the main stream press, see what a disturbed creep Hoffman is.
I wonder what Hoffman is going to do now. His book has peaked (and not on the NY best sellers list). He has spent years following Kate and the kids...what does he do now?
Any thoughts?
Oh okay. You can see how I was confused before since you made the blanket statement that "Production crews are not respectful of property or space."
Not "some" production crews. Not "the majority" of production crews. Just "production crews." Well that's simply not true, because I've been around production crews who were wonderful and incredibly respectful of property and space. Kate's seems to be wonderful too if she calls them her family and daddies.
The fact that some production crews may be rude has no bearing on whether Kate's crew was. I found Jen's emails to be extraordinarily accommodating. So I don't understand what your story has to do with Kate's situation nor do I understand why that would justify being so god damn rude and condescending in "rules" to them.
Ffs, even when Rebecca admits she's wrong, she has to chock it up to how the OTHER POSTER wrote a confusing opinion. AUGH!
Why do bleeple allow her to talk to them like that??? WHY is she such a giant BITCH?
- glitter
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 6
Uhhh....Robert pretty much admits he DID stalk her. So....Kate's right in this ONE instance.
Don't get me wrong I think his interest is freaking creepy and I don't like his tactics, but stalking is a legal term he nowhere near comes close to.
A nuisance yes. Creepy yes. Flipping creepy, yes. Stalking, absolutely not. Again, get a restraining order. Man up and take care of your problems. Remember she's a public figure, and people are allowed to tweet things to her that are upsetting and even camp out at on public property in front of her house. That's not stalking. Not even close.
Hiding in a ditch outside of Kate house, following her when she jogs, goes to stores and God knows what else, doesn't make him a stalker...so claims Becky. Umm, yes it does. Robert could physically harm Kate and Becky would say he didn't hurt her. Becky, you disgust me.
*We know you read here. You sent your minions*
So this whole I'm hot stuff whatever I'm working in HOLLYWOOD, I look down on commoners? Certainly was not the case for her. She was even shy about a few simple photographs for a class and she had no problem being extremely friendly to people just walking by. I just can't think of a bad experience I've had. They've all been really FUN.
Well then BL, discussion OVER! Naturally, you're opinions and experiences are MUCH more IMPORTANT than any one else's!!
EGO much?
- glitter
ETA: If anyone is 'manic' today, it's BL. She's going on and on and ON about all the mundane shit in her life and how great she is.
You are the manic one, Rebecca.
I'd say some of her posters have to dumb themselves down when talking to Becky.Her thinking Kate meant Jon proves it. They have to agree with her they Kate's comment was confusing when it was perfectly clear who she meant.
I'm on a stickler on this. If you are going to use a legal term to describe someone's behavior, you better be sure that behavior qualifies. Otherwise, call it annoying or creepy. Do not call it stalking. That is a legal term with legal implications. It's not splitting hairs.
This woman is unfarking believable. I mean, her EGO is just....beyond the stars! LOL
- glitter
ETA: Robert DID admit to stalking Kate! The hell?? Spin, spin, spin....don't they ever get dizzy?
Who thinks like this? sounds so bitter and hateful.
gabby2 has left a new comment on the post "Paul Petersen: There is 'damage being done to' the...":
I see Krazy Kate is in full meltdown mode. Good for her. Maybe milo should run right over and comfort her. Since now she needs a "new" boyfriend because Stevie hit the road.
In their twisted minds, Kate is not allowed to speak up for herself; not allowed to talk about her kids; not allowed to set the record straight... only THEY are the ones who speak, with absolutely no facts to back them up... and RH is NOT considered proof of anything!
The only press that even picked up Robert's piece of trash book is Radar and the reason they keep doing it is because they will get 10 times as many comments on a Kate post or a Kardashian post than they do on anything else they run. Heck Chabs is good for anywhere from 20-120 comments herself on any Kate post. It is actually starting to open peoples eyes about what a creepy stalker Robert really is,most of the comments except from the long time haters are in Kate's favor.
Maybe he can find a new ditch to lay in! LOL.
It also shows the posters who have hated on Kate for years and years. I'm glad ROL continues to show everyone just what has been going on. Can you imagine 120 posts from one poster, gawd how simple do you have to be? :)
Maybe Hoff should write his next best seller about all his friends who helped him pay his attorney fee's and all the legal advice he got for free!
Half of his books would be priceless if he included a certain blogs posts.
I was joking about the 120 comments but I have seen her rebut almost every positive comment about Kate on a lot of the ROL post. She makes a LOT of comments,and they are all negative.
All good, LOL. I don't read ROL, it's just a 5 dollar garbage rag.
The tweeters are going crazy, stolen, garbage, etc. The spin is crazy. So did Jon steal all the info and hand to Robert?
RH admitted he stole her garbage, he befriended Jon to destroy him, so nothing else would surprise anyone.
LOL, BL wants to punt and go for legal definitions to define morality. Yes, don't say "stalk" unless it fits the "legal definition." BL ignores that included in that would is the stealing of her stuff, which I think qualifies as a stalker. But anyway, they are so suddenly strident about using a legal definition while they throw medical diagnosis around all the day long about Kate and the kids. Oh yes, also they also include fans in their fun of playing armchair psychiatrists.
Lol, good grief, I wonder what you would get if you did a search of the word "stalk" on Bl's blog.
Legal words from a hate blog, I'll get right on that!
Sorry for the double wordage in my last comment, I thought I proofed.
Lol, Bl's level of denial is amazing! She is claiming they never make a big deal that Jon is not allowed on Kate's property.
Because of yesterday's ROL article, Bl is singing the praises of film crews. Their norm is to view the J&k crew as enablers with suggestions they are pedophiles.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 48
I realize this is serious.
Yes, stalking and retraining orders ARE serious matters. Which is why you don't throw those terms around without it really being the case.
**8 It is obvious though he has not been allowed on property
"Allowed"? So two parents who are having difficulty getting along can't both mutually just AGREE that it's best that they each not go on the other parent's respective property? I doubt Kate is "allowed" at Jon's place either but we never make a big deal about that.
August 1, 2014 at 8:59 PM
Finally, Kate spoke up.
Hail! Queen Kate.
Yes Belle, and with Kate speaking up it scares the haters.
They want her to stay quiet least they would have to admit that Hoffman is a creeper and Jon an ass.
Not only that, Sage, with Kate's tweets yesterday, they will have something to dissect, analyse and talk about for YEARS!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 179
I think the ROL stories are actually getting to Kate. She hasn't said a word about the book, won't give ROL a comment, but now she's going full blast on twitter.
So let me see if I have this straight. The BL, with her background in armchair psychology, has determined that Kate is mentally ill. She is hoping the person who she believes is mentally ill goes off the deep end this weekend, because it will entertain her.
Nope, nothing sick or twisted about that at all...
I hope this weekend is like her manic phase last weekend. That was fun! I'm just cleaning and only have a few things planned so I'm looking forward to popping in and checking out some tweet-downs i.e. meltdowns.
Let me try that again...
So let me see if I have this straight. The BL, with her background in armchair psychology, has determined that Kate is mentally ill. She is hoping the person who she believes is mentally ill goes off the deep end this weekend, because it will entertain her.
Nope, nothing sick or twisted about that at all...
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 179
I hope this weekend is like her manic phase last weekend. That was fun! I'm just cleaning and only have a few things planned so I'm looking forward to popping in and checking out some tweet-downs i.e. meltdowns.
She's a young single woman, why doesn't she do anything other than spend her time on her blog.She maybe had plans but Kates tweets made her decide to stay home and play with her bleeple.I thought she had a BF. Must be hard for the BF to be the second love of her life. Kate being number one of course.It's a hard life for a birth fetish pimp eh Becks.
Well maybe the Kate weekend meltdown would be more entertaining for them than a Gunsmoke marathon. (That Gunsmoke comment from a few weeks ago still cracks me up - just had to recycle it!)
Sage, it's funny that you say RH tried to control you and then you write in your blog story:
"I was asked at the time to keep the conversation going with him and to say what I had to to do it."
Sounds like there a few people who wanted you to "control or use" RH.
Yes that is right. And I did. :)
So, doesn't that put you on the same level as RH, minus the so called stalking of course.
Kate all but admits the journal and emails were real, except she thinks by adding "embellished" that everyone will believe it't not real and/or faked.
What is wrong about me controlling the situation? LOL
He contacted me with the intention of controlling what was put on my blog. I didn't seek him out. I outplayed him.
In your thinking it is okay for RH to put anything in his book and tell everyone it is true but Kate does not have the right to dispute or comment about that?
Sure Kate can and does comment or dispute the stuff he put out. Where does the truth stop and start in his book? How much is he using the fans and non fans?
"Sage said... He contacted me with the intention of controlling what was put on my blog. I didn't seek him out. I outplayed him."
So you are not above being sneaky on your blog when it benefits you? Thanks for clarifying the moral compass you use to run this blog. Have a great day.
And, reach to spin. Twist, twist, twist.
Spin and reach and twist.
(Daily exercise for the minions)
LOL Simon,
Nothing sneaky about it.
My blog. My control.
Simon- so you are not above being sneaky on SAGE's blog when it benefits YOU? We twist everything. There is no discussion with you because YOU don't like the answers. Perhaps 15 and the bleeple would be a better fit for you.
Sage- I am in awe of your patience! I have so much to learn. :)
Haha merryway!! Very low impact!
I would also add to that Simon.
If you don't like how the game is played then don't play games.
Hmmm, did Simon want to control the blog here? Sage is waaay smarter than that! :)
Just another angry person not getting their way, wonder why Simon is not posting on other blogs? I will be waiting for an answer Simon.
It's simple, Simon. Sage HAS morals.
Therein lies the problem, Sage. It is obvious that Simon has major control issues and can't STAND the fact that all "his" attempts to control the content of your blog fail.
Sage said...
LOL Simon,
Nothing sneaky about it.
My blog. My control.
August 02, 2014 11:0
Blogger Sage said...
LOL Simon,
Nothing sneaky about it.
My blog. My control.
Standing Ovation for Sage!
Simon, you've been looking for a reason to flounce out on your high horse.I see you finally did it.I think you're the kind of person who has to get the last word in.You remind me of SG/CC from Twitter. I'm not Implying that you're her, you just remind me of her.Very judgmental of others and believe yourself above us.
I'd like to think we've seen the last of him, but I'm sure he'll have more to say.
Another day of Simon and his stomping off hissy fits. Sage does have the patience of a Saint.
Simon is far to invested in this Kate debate not to be blogging elsewhere. Reminds me of the back & forth years ago when JenD posted at SWE before she started that SW hate blog.Also brings to mind TC Parra, Schmecky and LisaK herself.They are ocd about this subjet and just can't quit.
oops add a "c" in SUBJECT.
Amazing that the BL won't allow RH being called a stalker, but she lets her idiot minions go on and on about Kate being drunk whenever she tweets. These people have no boundaries. They will stop at nothing.... I wish a LEGIT reporter would do something on this blog and the vile hate they continue to spew.
oh... and LB's constant rant about Kate not getting the boys braces for their teeth is laughable. How many times has Kate said that all her kids will have braces??
I know, Quitart. Kate being drunk thing is getting old.
She looks pretty good for the drunk they say she is.
A heavy drinker usually looks puffy, bloated, blood shot eyes...kinda like Jon looks. ;)
Sage, They have been lying about Kate for so long that they do not know the boundary between truth and their own fertile imaginations. I have never seen such egomaniacs in my life!
chefsummer has left a new comment on the post "Paul Petersen: There is 'damage being done to' the...":
She also seemed to feel stalked while she was gets tans and getting her hair and nails done.
She didn't feel stalked while parking in fire lanes and getting speeding tickets or while she went to target and BBB.
These people are ignorant.
The Kate spending the kids' money getting her nails and hair done is more than getting old, too. These people are living five years ago. They have NO idea what Kate does now and neither does their hero, RH.
they deny and have to state what wonderful lives they have when we say they sound jealous but they are and that is how they sound.
Plus, their lives or lack of do not sound all that wonderful.
Sage, You know that's true! Like I've always said, they can't stand the fact that Kate has as much as they do or that she has MORE than they do. Of course, most of them don't have lives at all. All of them just seethe jealousy!
the following comment was put on the previous post. I copied it and putting it here.
Anonymous has left a new comment on the post "Another Robert Hoffman/Angela E-mail":
I don't have a dog in this brawl. To make it clear; I don't care for Jon, Kate, Robert or Hailey.
Do you really think this is Angela/Robert?
I think some one is pulling your leg here kid. No one could be this stupid to tell something like this.
I am 100% sure that Angela was Hoffman. I think he was not so much stupid but misjudged me.
Like I tell everyone who doubts...ask Hoffman.
Blogger Quiltart said...
The Kate spending the kids' money getting her nails and hair done is more than getting old, too. These people are living five years ago. They have NO idea what Kate does now and neither does their hero, RH.
August 02, 2014 7:21 PM
That's so true. And then we have our sad old friend bar/Chablis who is always telling people to "keep up." LOL It's become her little catchphrase, but she is one deluded, and behind the times cat. "Keep up" to what might have happened 5 five years ago? Yeah....Someone should inform them all that it's time for them to catch up. It's 2014! Since Chab admits she reads here no need for anyone tell her - I just did. Hi barChab. It's time for you to catch up, or at least move on to 2012. That would have you only a couple years behind the times. And that would be a good start for you. Good luck!!
Someone is trying so hard to deflect, bet their leg hurts from being caught. No Ellen in their post?
I think that's so funny that the bleeple love calling Kate a drunk. Talk about having to invent reasons to spew hate. Such trollish behavior.
Why don't they ever worry about non child support paying Super Dad's behavior? On twitter, over the last few months there have been several mentions of people seeing him out at the bars -but as usual, never a word from the bleeples.
Yesterday someone tweeted a pic of a red faced, bloated Jon partying with them. They followed it up with another pic of Jon with a mic and this tweet:
@bthAJ @bthAJ: Jon Gosselin from Jon and Kate + 8 singing "Me So Horny" by 2 Live Crew
Classy, just like his enablers and bleeple fangurls.
Thanks, DI. I don't see Jon's halo tho. The bleeps will totally ignore. LOL
St. Jon
AJ DiSCiANNi. @bthAJ · 2h
Why was I drinking with Jon Gosselin last night?
• Replied to 0 times
• AJ DiSCiANNi. @bthAJ · 12h
Legit drinking with Jon Gosselin from Jon and Kate + 8. My life is so weird. http://instagram.com/p/rOSvwGKgNG/
Oh good grief! Could these people be any more crazier? Jon is not worried about kate turning into a revenge killer. He was singing in a bar.
foxy has left a new comment on the post "Paul Petersen: There is 'damage being done to' the...":
This is a thought to ponder. Since Kate's personality is revenge at all costs for those she thinks have "done her wrong", if Steve really dumped her, do you think he should hide the bunny? I am not trying to start anything, just wondering because it seems Steve was her reason for living. And Kate does not take rejection well. With everything else crumbling down in her life when is she going to snap? In my opinion she is scary right now.
Another lie they've told so often that they believe it. Sad.
They're talking about Kate being stalked by Robert, saying it's not true. It's funny that someone there always has a personal experience with the topis.One of them has a family member that's being stalked.That's horrible but that doesn't mean that Robert wasn't stalking Kate.
For such perfect people with perfect families, some of them sure have messed up lives.
The head bleep and the rest of the bleeps do not believe that Kate should say she was/is stalked by Hoffman.
This is Wikipedia definition of stalking:
Stalking is unwanted or obsessive attention by an individual or group toward another person. Stalking behaviors are related to harassment and intimidation and may include following the victim in person or monitoring them.
Hoffman has admitted to going through Kate's trash 3 Christmases in a row to see what she bought and even comments upon the wrapping paper she used. Hoffman admits to being outside of Kate's house on Easter sunday to see how many easter eggs she put out for the kids and even tweeted to a guest of Kates that he thought her boots were 'hot'. Hoffman admits to following Kate and the kids to church and following them home. Hoffman admitted to me as Angela of watching Kate run in the rain and how pretty she was.
The bleeps always have to have a family member or themselves having things much worse than kate.
Color it anyway you want Becks, but Hoffman displays stalking behaviors.
The bleeps seem to think that everything that RH wrote was in Kate's journal, which only covered ONE year. If he hadn't been stalking her, how would he know her every move for the subsequent eight years?? He's a stalker.
Don't forget all the taunting messages he sent from his website prior to the release of the first book, as he counted down the days.
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