Sunday, August 3, 2014

Hoffman Stalked Kate Gosselin

There are some who do not believe that Kate is right when she says she was stalked.

"Stalking is unwanted or obsessive attention by an individual or group toward another person. Stalking behaviors are related to harassment and intimidation and may include following the victim in person or monitoring them." Wikipedia

Hoffman has admitted to going through Kate's trash 3 Christmases in a row to see what she bought and even comments upon the wrapping paper she used. Hoffman admits to being outside of Kate's house for the whole day on Easter Sunday to see how many Easter eggs she put out for the kids and even tweeted to a guest of Kates that he thought her boots she was wearing that day were 'hot'. Hoffman admits to following Kate and the kids to church and following them home and wondered if she could sense that he was watching her. Hoffman admitted to me as Angela of watching Kate run in the rain and how pretty she was.
Then there are the tweets that were tweeted to Kate that speak for themselves.


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Sage said...

Wish they would check the prices of shots Jon was buying for girls the other night.

I just don't get it! ;)

Quiltart said...

I don't get it either. I also don't get this crap about Steve. They have conveniently forgotten that Jon said he started the rumor about Kate and Steve having an affair. There has never been one iota of evidence of anything between them. They can't stand the fact that Kate has friends who care about her! They make my blood boil!

Sage said...


They have been telling each other the same stuff over and over since GWOP days and now it is their truth.

Sage said...

I found it strange that Becks was saying that the kids she nannied for are having problems.

Since a lot of people know who she nannied for why would she expose them that way.

Farkle said...


Says a lot about the BL, her nanny skills sucked.

I would be very careful what she is posting about kids, this could bite her bad if that family is contacted.

bellefidele said...

You are right, Kate brings responses, good or bad and money for ROL.

Thanks, Farkle, I will try People and Daily mail.

Sage said...

ROL had another article about Beth today. (yawn). It just was a rehash of the previous two.

The only reason for it is Kate brings the hits.

I think this makes Beth look worse. She wanted to go on the book tour but didn't understand that she is not the one the people wanted to see.

How many other celebrities have you heard of that had someone write their book for them and then went with them on the book tour? NONE

Shawn said...

Beth should have disclosed how much money she made off of writing the book.

Anonymous said...

Why should Beth disclose how much she made off the book? She wrote it and she deserved what ever she was paid. There is no gray area on the issue of author and the credit deserved.


Francie said...

Beth was the scribe.

Gwen said...

I think Kate was wrong to try to change the terms of the agreement after the the book was written. And Beth and her husband were right to have drawn up a legal contract to ensure the initial terms were adhered to.

Beth was wrong to think the book tour should have included her. - people were interested in the person who had 8 children not the person who wrote down her story.

I feel bad for Kate that the way she has learned to treat people brings lots of negativity into her life.

Sage said...

I guess I don't understand why Beth would come out with the book deal now.

Beth name is on the book and she did get paid.

Beth told ROL the whole deal. Why not tell how much she was paid?

Kate needed to agree to the terms of the contract. What was Jon's role in this? Did he want his name on the book? Was it his idea?

I do think the publisher could have had some input on who went on the book tour. They usually are the ones who pay for it.

No one really knew who Beth was or really cared to see her.

We only have one side of the story.

Micha said...

50% of profits is excessive. Kate was naïve to agree to that and once she realized it was excessive it wouldn't take long to go from that to wondering what kind of "friend" would do such a thing. And Beth was probably thinking that considering all the things she did for Kate over the years 50% of profits from that book was the least Kate could do if the book made money.

From Beth's own description of her contribution to the book she sounds like she took dictation and then did some arranging of the book while the entire content of the book was Kate's intellectual property - her story, told by her to Beth. And that is supposed to make Beth an equal contributor to the book and deserving of equal billing and an equal share of profits? I don't think so.

For haters, think of it this way. If the book was about Beth's life and she was telling her story and Kate wrote it down and arranged it, would you think Kate deserved 50% of profit and credit? Would you think Kate was no friend of Beth's to expect that much for being a glorified secretary and that Beth would have been justified in feeling like she was taken advantage of? Sure you would. :) Remove your bias from your thinking and be honest. You can do THAT, can't you? Maybe not.

Sage said...

I don't think they can think without bias, Micha. This is from the 'lawyer'. Becks makes an assumption without knowing exactly what the deal was with Kate and publisher.

At the end of the day Beth got 50% and I agree, that is excessive. So what is her complaint exactly?
/////////////////////////// (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post "Beth Carson breaks her silence":

is of absolutely
zero interest to the public and NEVER goes on a book tour."


It doesn't matter what the common practice is or what you want to call Beth's role. The point is she was promised, it was agreed, she would go on tour. Then Kate backed out of her promise and agreement.

That's the bottom line no matter which way you spin it. A deal is a deal, that is the bottom line you dumb sheep.

Francie said...

I'm just sitting here chuckling to myself at the thought of Beth on the book tour.

"Now, Beth, what chapters did you write?"

"I wrote all of them. Wrote down what Kate dictated to me."


Sadie May said...

Beth didn't need to go on the book tour.Yes her name is on the book but it was the Gosselins story. A lot of celebs have people write a book for/with them and you don't see them on the press tour for the books.They're bellyaching about nothing. Just like Kate going to the concert with the twins. Most parents do it but only Kate will be dissected.

Sage said...

BL writing fiction again and presenting it as the truth. It had nothing to do with the kids filming and more to do with Jon sleeping around as there are pictures showing him with other girls.
//////////////////////////////// (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post "Beth Carson breaks her silence":

Getting out of that marriage allowed Kate to make a unilateral decision to keep filming.


That's the bottom line I just wish she'd be honest about it.

The divorce was because they had a massive disagreement about filming. Jon was getting tired of doing it to his kids and wanted to cut it down or completely, it was to commercialized was I think his word. Kate couldn't have that because that meant less money. She files for divorce and seeks full custody so she can call the shots. Nothing more, nothing less.That's how it works with Kate. She loves you, you just love her family, until you disagree with her. Then you're cut off.

Shawn said...

IMO Beth was overpaid. I am sure both Jon and Kate realized that. Beth was the one that decided to talk to ROL and she sounds whiney.

Shawn said...

I have never or will never be in Kate's shoes so I will not judge. I think she should have seeked out advice from professional people to guide her in the early days.

merryway said...

"The divorce was because they had a massive disagreement about filming. Jon was getting tired of doing it to his kids and wanted to cut it down or completely, it was to commercialized was I think his word"

Lol, Another fail as child advocates. Child advocates don't lie about the reason parents divorce. Jon was off skiing with the schoolteacher in March 2009, Kate filed for divorce sometime in June 2009, Jon stopped filming in Oct 2009. Even after he stopped filming, and appeared on Larry King Jon said "don't film during the divorce." He wasn't talking long term.

Bl wants to make Jon heroic to her bleeple and so rewrites history. How pathetic. So, according to Bl, Jon divorced Kate over filming and then later on, handed over legal custody so they could be filmed anytime Kate desires. What a guy!

Shawn said...

Exactly Merryway. The head bleeple is dumber than a box of rocks.

Sadie May said...

She's made up another reason why they divorced.What happened to Jon wised up and decided he didn't want to exploit the kids?
She'll do and say anything to get hits on her blog.She has no respect for her posters.It's all about keeping them there and collecting her matter how much she gets.She's no better than lukebandit.

Sage said...

Connie has left a new comment on the post "Beth Carson breaks her silence":

One of the reasons I like this site is that manners reign and posters really are polite to one another and rarely use purple language. There was a site that used so many vulgar terms it became disgusting. Adult women really can find ways to express themselves other than like 6th grade boys do.

Because they don't use 'purple' language makes them superior, how? They still fantasize about Kate and Steve and unfortunately have to share their fantasies.

And lets not forget how they fantasize about Milo being a lesbian in love with Kate.

No self awareness.

GeeWhiz said...

A simple google search proves BL is wrong. Jon was pissed TLC would not let him do other entertainment shows so he stopped the show. Guess BL forgot about Jon wanting to do Divorced Dads Club with the kids.

Bottom line Jon was jealous that his kids lived in a better house and had nicer things than he did. Most parents want their kids to have better, but not him!

Quiltart said...

Gee, You are right on the button! When he first left, he just wanted to relive his 20's. It had nothing to do with filming, until TLC wouldn't let him do his own thing.

GeeWhiz said...

Exactly Quilt, and he claimed that was because he never got to go out while they were married. Thanks to Robert we know Jon lied as he talks about an email with Kate stating Jon forgot to sign a paper but he was out with friends. Wonder how often that happened during the marriage.

Farkle said...

According to ghost writers or people like Beth, generally (not always) they are given 20%. Beth made out like a bandit.

Kate told her the story, Beth wrote it down, got her name on the book, and yet she screams about Kate? Just another person who took advantage of a young couple raising 8 kids without much money in the beginning.

Is Beth's business so bad, she needs to sell a story about the kids again? Just asking?

Farkle said...

Jon would have stayed and filmed and took the TLC money, but he was caught with other women, the teacher was first, the college girls, etc. Wonder what the contract said for filming, morale clause?

If you notice none of Jon's flings sell stories about him, they want people to forget they got mixed up with a liar and cheater. They must cringe when they think people think so low of them to get involved with a loser. imo

Quiltart said...

Farle, Do you think he made all of them sign NDAs, too?

Sage said...

Becks always comments how stupid the sheeple are. LOL
Becks, will type slowly here for you...

Brenda means her son can tutor. Not Brenda tutoring her son.

Shaking my head.

///////////////////////////// (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post "Beth Carson breaks her silence":

Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66 2m
@Kateplusmy8 if ever need math tutor. Reach out. My son just grad college 3.94gpa


Give it up Brenda. It's never gonna happen.

Also you tutored your son in college? Maybe it's time to let him spread his wings?

Maybe it's just naturally good at Math and it wasn't the tutoring at all.

Quiltart said...

They are so hateful. They absolutely refuse to allow anyone to be kind to Kate. Can you imagine what miserable lives they must lead?

Sage said...


They are so stereotypical in their hate that it is laughable. They are so junior highish.

Farkle said...


Jon wouldn't be smart enough to have them sign anything, and unless a lawyer put together the paperwork, I doubt it would hold water in Jon's sinking ship back then.

He broke his own contract with TLC, standards should be the same for the gf's. Jon used and abused several women for $ and a place to crash. In my book, he will always be a loser, not for the divorce, but for spending thousands of dollar reliving his 20's and giving up his rights to his children because he is too lazy to work and support them.

Jon earned his share of the money off his kids also, so the BL should address this issue fair.

Sage said...

There is something that is deeply disturbed with Becks that she makes Jon into a saint.

She twists everything to protect him.

When you think about it Farkle, some of the girlfriends have spoken out. Hailey and Kate major come to mind. I don't think the teacher Deanna really wants to be associated (nor that morgan) with jon...big embarrassment. Ellen was in on it with Jon in the selling of stories to the tabs so she remains quiet. liz will probably be the one who will spill. She already said on Couples Therapy how Jon moved another girl in while they were broke up for two weeks. If she will say that on tv she will spill the rest when she and jon split and they will.

Challenge Yourself said...

Questions for bleeples:

If Kate should have honored her contract with Beth, should Jon have honored his contract with TLC?

If having a reality show about your family is wrong, is having a book about your family wrong? (How about a blog about your family? How about a blog about someone else's family?)

If you are a classy, ethical lady, should you make 50% of the profits off a book about a family of 10 people, knowing 8 of the people are children?

If the money from the show belongs to the kids, does the money from the book belong to the kids? Why should Beth get the kids' book money? Who should fight to get the money for the kids? What would that look like?

If someone snookered you out of a hefty amount of money because her family is "richer" and "smarter" while you are more trusting and naive, would you feel like you could ever trust such a person again?

Sage said...

Wow challenge, excellent questions!

Farkle said...


Ellen should be so ashamed of herself, making fun of Colin and just plain being mean and using the kids for her 15.Jon exposed to children to these women and then when he couldn't get any more money or their trashing of Kate on the blogs, rags, etc, he moved on to his next target.

Hailey exposed the real Jon and he was so mad, he was frightful on that TV appearance with her. Jon's true temper came out, he scares me knowing he carries a gun.


Excellent questions, wait for the spin, 3, 2, 1---.

merryway said...

I think Ellen might have signed a CA. That's just a guess.
But Hailey, Kate Major and Stefanie have all had something to say about Jon.

merryway said...

Love your questions Challenge.

Especially this one:

If Kate should have honored her contract with Beth, should Jon have honored his contract with TLC?

Quiltart said...

If it's okay for Beth to "exploit" the kids by writing a book about them, why is it not okay for Kate to write books or tweet about them? Double standard much?

Sage said...

Wow, you have got to feel sorry for lukebandits kids. They should probably talk to her doctor about having her tested. From what comments she has made sounds like some mental illness going on with her.


lukebandit has left a new comment on the post "Beth Carson breaks her silence":

Mrs. Uggs will find out very soon or may have found out already not to offer her son up for tutoring math, especially for kate. He will not be a happy camper. I haven't checked but she better delete it. On FB the other day, a former football player teammate of my middle ds posted a picture of a coach which he came across in his things.

This coach was a horrible human being. Cursed, berated, blasphemed the day is long on the players. I made a comment on it and I got a phone call from my son to delete it. He was not a happy camper. I apologized and deleted while we were still on the phone. He called me back later and told me he was sorry, but he didn't want to be embarrassed. It was fine to comment on other things, but not that. I will be more careful!

Sadie May said...

LOL, I was just coming here to post LB post.I bet her kids have no idea about her raging hatred online.I feel sorry for them too.She probably doesn't have much contact with them.That's why she noses in on other people's lives.

Jane Seymour said...

lukebandit said... 92

Blowing in the Wind said...82 and 83

Wow. That cherry and pineapple combo sounds great. I am sure it was very good!

Agree, totally about the first day of school picture. Needs to be private. I was just on FB a while ago and a friend of mine from over 20 years ago who has 5 children and all of their names start with H! Nope, she was done over 17 years ago having babies! haha

Well, she has a beautiful granddaughter, less than 3 yrs. old, and I have been following her for a good while. I have seen 1K's more pictures of that little girl than I have of my own grandson on FB. It was starting to get old so I started to unfollow a while back, but didn't. The pics have been normal until the last two I saw.

One is of her with no shirt on in the bed with her, but you can't see my friend with the sheet covering her up just a micro space above her n's., bare shouldered, asleep. I was like, WHY? Why would she post this? Then today, I unfollowed her. She posted a picture of her when she had just taken a bath and ran out into the living room and was on her tippy toes, trying to kiss a stuffed dog or real dog on the couch that was up on the top of the couch.

But the point is she was totally naked and a pink heart put on her bottom, but it was barely on. You could see her white self and line in the back! EVERYBODY and the world can see that picture of her when they share it and it goes all over the world! What about pedos? My Lord!!! And all of the women in the family were gushing how precious, sweet, cute, so smart she was!

There is probably a software program out there somewhere where you can remove those hearts and symbols and see what is actually under them. Nauseating!


Le Sigh. I would have unfriended luke a long time ago.Telling that she doesn't see her Grandchild pics much.

GeeWhiz said...

I can see why luke's son is embarrassed of her, she's an angry, bitter freak. It's sad they don't care enough to get her help!

Also, why does BL post Luke's psycho babble? Guess Luke keeps her comment count up.

Did the bleeple answer the questions posted by Challenge?

Quiltart said...

LB has a whole new career ahead of her: informing people they can't put their babies' photos on Facebook. Good grief! She has her work cut out for her.

Farkle said...

It's sad that the BL takes advantage of people who need medical attention. Of course she exploited young girls for money, so nothing seems to bother her. She needs to step back and have her posters quit talking about people's FB pages.

Jane Seymour said...

JMO said... 152

Hats off to Admin who has taken a lot of slack over the years.
This blog allows for conversation regarding parenting, books, gardening, recipes, tv shows, and many general interests. Lots of chuckles and respectful posting of differences, so hats off to the posters as well.


Did she type that with a straight face. Admin doesn't let in different opinions when it comes to Kate.She lets in only what trashes Kate or us. She'd never allow any of us to post there.No matter how respectful we were.

Sage said...

You got that right. She is afraid of opposing opinions. What's really ridiculous is when she answers someone but won't show their post and what they said.

Anonymous said...

Bottom line Jon was jealous that his kids lived in a better house and had nicer things than he did. Most parents want their kids to have better, but not him!


How in the world do you come to this conclusion? That "bottom line" is all in your head.


Anonymous said...

geewhiz said.. the bottom line



Micha said...

Simon, just wondering, do you ever pop over to BL's site and mention all the many conclusions they make daily that are really "all in their" collectively wacky "heads" or do you think that any conclusions those crazies make are right and good and true and never to be disputed or questioned, ever? :)

Double standard much?

I think it's indisputable to point out that if Jon doesn't get something he most certainly doesn't want his own KIDS to get it, either. Case and point, the SHOW. As soon as it was announced that Jon was not going to be a regular on the show and that TLC was removing his name from the title of the show he shut the show down. He had QUITE happily been filming right up until that time because he benefited from the show. He quite HAPPILY told any paps who asked that the show was fabulous for the kids and not "exploitative" at all! But once he was no longer going to benefit, he stopped his own kids from benefiting and suddenly said the show was not good for the kids and that's why he didn't want the show to go on! Ha! What a coincidence that the timing of his "change of heart" coincided with TLC ousting him! LOL

If you believe that line from Jon then I'm afraid there is no hope whatsoever for you, Simon.

Anonymous said...

No double standard. I'm allowed to ask without being mixed in with the regulars over there. You are simply concluding what Jon wanted, right or wrong you are only assuming how it breaks down.


Anonymous said...

No double standard. I'm allowed to ask without being mixed in with the regulars over there. You are simply concluding what Jon wanted, right or wrong you are only assuming how it breaks down.


Quiltart said...

Isn't that what the bleeple do 24/7 re Kate AND Jon... just assume?

Sadie May said...

I believe you're right Quiltart.

Micha said...

Deny, deny, deny. lol

It's a complete double standard. If you have a problem with people jumping to conclusions about Jon but you are perfectly okay with people jumping to all sorts of conclusions about Kate - what else can you possibly call it, other than a double standard? LOL

Feigning an sort of ignorance as an excuse, as in, I don't know what they say over THERE so don't have me "mixed in with the regulars" over there is a con you shouldn't bother to try to sell over here. You fool no one, Simon, except for yourself. :)

GeeWhiz said...

Simon -I came to that conclusion from Jon's interviews. A simple google search will confirm my opinion is correct! ;)

Sage said...

So sad about the death of Robin Williams.

I loved him in Good Will Hunting.

Sage said...

Becks is such a she is a bitch.

I was reluctant to even copy this but it shows that she can't resist using even a death to slap at Kate.

No respect.

////////////////////////////// (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post "Beth Carson breaks her silence":

What shocking news. Mrs. Doubtfire is a classic and really one of the best films ever made about parental alienation. My thoughts are also with Maura Wilson. That movie is part of what made her so huge and she is such an intelligent woman now who speaks so eloquently about child stardom. I know every person along the way including Robin Williams had a hand in who she is today.

Shawn said...

Sage she has no boundaries. No moral compass. She is a freak.

Quiltart said...

Maura Wilson didn't die. What a ridiculous tangent to go off on. Maura Wilson was a sweet little child star. Huge? I don't think so. You're right, Sage, anything at all to slap Kate in the face. That is all she lives for.

Anonymous said...

IMO her comment was not about Kate. Not everything is about Kate! Her comment was about parent alienation and that movie was a very good example of it.


Anonymous said...

IMO her comment was not about Kate. Not everything is about Kate! Her comment was about parent alienation and that movie was a very good example of it.


Anonymous said...

Micha, you are the fool. I don't care what they say over there.

If that is the case then the comments here are riddled with double standards as well. You get upset when people critique Kate yet everyone here does the same with Jon or the BL even.


Anonymous said...

OH please! Jon didn't want to do the show and didn't want his kids to do it. He had his reasons and you are only guessing at best why. He has said many things. Some have made sense and some do contradict. If you are going to use media sensationalized comments and to critique someone, that is a slippery mountain to climb.


GeeWhiz said...

My opinion is based on Jon's words. See you still can't use google Smon!

Sage said...


BL has made many comments about Kate being a parental alienator. But, you know that. Don't you?

I haven't said this before, but I find you amusing, in the fact that you come here to make argumentative and baiting statements to get attention.

Farkle said...

You know when the BL has to use a real star and hero to many to make up another story to fit her agenda against Kate. Good grief, can she come up with anything on her own?

Simon has been around a long time, no one believes the crap he/she is throwing out there. It's sad that Simon spends so much time here, should spend the time doing real research on the G's. As for the BL, I would not give that fetish person the honor of posting at that failed blog she continues to run.

Anonymous said...

The Sheeple see it one way the haters see it another way. Either way, who cares. You think you are so witty and insightful with your readers falling over each other to blast the BL or Jon and you have the nerve to call them haters? I would say you are a very special brand of hater yourself.


Anonymous said...

Farkle, A very long time? Make up shit ever? I have been around a very small time compared to some of you and your desire to defend Kate till the end.


Sage said...


If you want to call me and others here as haters for calling out BL and others on their nonstop march to fabricate and fantasize about what Kate does and thinks...go for it.

Is that suppose to make me cry 'oh no anything but that'. LOL You crack me up!

We will continue to show Jon for what he is and not for what you want him to be.

merryway said...

BL is so twisted. Mrs. Doubtfire was not about parental alienation. Nor was it a realistic divorce situation; no dividing the assets, selling the house, no child support paid to Daniel. But, who wants to count movie sins on such a wonderful film? I've seen it several times since, but I remember how everyone was rolling with laughter in the theater. There was nobody like him, can't believe he's gone.

So tacky of BL to mix up the loss of Robins Williams into her obsession with Kate. Get a grip.

Micha said...

Oh, Simon! lol You don't care what people say "over there?" Why do you care about what people say over here? lol What's "good for the goose is good for the gander," isn't it? Sure it is.

Let BL's group speculate night and day about all things Kate. I'd never think of telling them to stop. I'm so sorry (no I'm not) that the haters want to live in a world where only they get assume and jump to conclusions and speculate (always negatively) about Kate Gosselin yet think that no one should ever do what they do, only with Jon as their topic to speculate over. They don't like speculating over Jon? Too bad. You don't like it? why don't you come here and complain about it? Oh, that's already all you do when you come here.

But, hey, maybe, if you complain enough over here you'll get US to stop! Is that delusion that you live by? Never stop being deluded, Simon. It suits you. :)

Sadie May said...

Simon, Sage is very kind allowing you to post here. Maybe you can get your opinion across better if you didn't call the regular posters here fools.
This blog likes to hold a mirror up to the other blogs faces and show them what hypocrites they are when they call Kate and us names.We're "Sheeple" but the posters on that blog are the true sheeple.They take everything BL says as the gospel.They live for their hate for Kate. We're a more satirical blog.
I wouldn't have bothered to comment to you but have some respect for the posters here.

Sage said...

Only the bleeple would use Robin Williams death as a weapon to attack Kate, then call us names.

No self awareness.
No respect.

Mel said... 39
A lady said on dr. drew that Robin, no matter where in the world he was, he had a satellite phone and he called his kids at home every night and talked to them before they went to bed.
Versus TFW who was gone for weeks at a time and didn't want to hear from her kids or Jon unless it was an emergency. She "parented best from afar."

And she wonders why she is so disliked....

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 62
Kris, 26, and admin, 54 ("But it really is grief over what he did not exactly who he was. I don't know who he really was, I never met or spent time with him.")...

I met him twice and spent a very short amount of time with him. I didn't know him. This was many years ago. I didn't worship him, I really wasn't a fan, but I remember him as being gracious, funny, and above everything else, kind. Very kind, making one feel comfortable and important. It wasn't all about him, but rather about the person with whom he was engaged in conversation. He made that one person feel special.

I've never heard that said about Kate, and don't expect that we ever will.

Paula said... 70
Truly only the sheeple, or Kate herself, would bring a discussion about Robin Williams' death around to Kate. Sheesh.....

Quiltart said...

The operative word at BL's is WAS... Everything they speculate about and accuse Kate of doing was done YEARS ago. She has had custody of the kids for around five years with MINIMAL help, and she still is accused of abandoning her children to WORK. Not to bleeples... KEEP UP.

Quiltart said...

That was supposed to NOTE to bleeples...

DryIce said...

I think it's so sad that the bleeple are choosing to use Robin William's death as a way to attack Kate Gosselin.

It speaks volumes as to what caliber of people they are.

Sadie May said...

JMO said... 66

You know what? We are good people who mourn the death of someone who had talent and tragidly left this earth.

TFW does not fit that bill, so she should not be part of any conversation regarding Robin Williams. Day and night - no connection.

I am A-Okay that I feel empathy for someone who had true talent, but had MH issues and tried to address them. This has nothing to do with TFW. What the hell? How many issues do we discuss that have nothing to do with TFW. Everything is not about TFW. At least we know it.


Really JMO? Really? Because all the people who bring Kate into RW death and bleeple!Don't try and full yourself EVERYTHING is about Kate with all of you.

DryIce said...

The bleeple that goes by the username "JMO" is so thick and lacking self awareness, that while lamenting how bleeple are not using Robin William's death to attack Kate, made reference to Kate 5 different times.

Of course what does on expect from a bunch of lemmings whose hero is a woman that marketed female circumcision videos to make a quick buck? Meh.....

Farkle said...

Ah Simon is upset, tough chit. From your postings you know lots about the G's. Peddle your crap at the BL's blog, she loves followers like you!

You seem to never answer any questions about what is posted there or who runs that blog. Taking advantage of ill people and sending them into rants is very unkind. If she was so successful in her own life, (cough, being a fabulous lawyer), she would not run a hate blog on a family that had nothing to do with her. This is not normal behavior in todays society, it screams someone is screwed up royally. imo

Robin Williams was loved by everyone, took care of his children, supported his wives, something Jon is lacking all the way around. May he rest in peace!

Micha said...

DryIce said...
I think it's so sad that the bleeple are choosing to use Robin William's death as a way to attack Kate Gosselin.

It speaks volumes as to what caliber of people they are.


It's not surprising. Kate is their life, so everything that happens in the world can only be processed by them by thinking about Kate. But, anyway, just an FYI, haters, when you bring Kate into the conversation to say she shouldn't be a part of the conversation, you're making her a part of the conversation. See how that works? lol Now run along and list all the reasons why Kate shouldn't be a part of your conversation regarding RW - because that doesn't defeat your "purpose" at all. Nope, not a bit. :)) Ahh..crazy people.

Nameless in LA said...

Call me crazy, but shouldn't the BL's thoughts be with Robin Williams' family, rather than someone who worked with him when she was a kid? She is so ridiculous!

Sage said...

Lalalalala has left a new comment on the post "R.I.P. Robin Williams":

Kate Gosselin really is just a little, insignificant gnat in the whole scheme of things. I think when someone who had such talent and brilliance passes, it really brings things into focus.

What a horrible insensitive thing to say.

Sage said...

For those of you who love the golden age of Hollywood and the stars from that era Lauren Bacall has passed away.

Sage said...

Well 'giving us the middle finger' what did you think we were going to do?
how old are you 12?

Rhymes with Witch has left a new comment on the post "R.I.P. Robin Williams":

I know the sheeple will put a negative spin on this (giving them the middle finger) but it is a great credit to this blog that posters are willing to share painful parts of their lives to illustrate a point. The support they receive is also wonderful.
I am speaking only for myself, but I can't believe that I'm alone in saying that I feel compassion for everyone's pain, but don't always post about it. Please take it as a given. In some ways, I think you already do, based on the fact that you post about it in the first place. I hope this made sense.

Nameless in LA said...

Rhymes with A Witch has chosen the perfect name for herself.

Farkle said...


If Kate is so insignificant in all of this, why does that blog exist, of course, just asking.

Any more e-mails to share? :)

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