Sunday, March 1, 2015

Gosselin Open Discussion

More than time for a new thread. February seems to have been a nightmare month weather wise for most of us.

For those of you who have not seen the latest video of Jon DJing here is the link. What an embarrassment for the kids. Jon is stuck in a twenty something mindset.

Open discussion....


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Nameless in LA said...

OMG the lawyer extraordinaire is talking about "white color folks." I would have given her the benefit of the doubt that it was a typo, but when someone questioned the term she just droned on about bacteria, not understanding that the "white color" thing was throwing people. Yes, BL, in this country we have those in certain types of professions that we call the white color folks and those in other professions we call the blue color folks. As a lawyer, you are one of the white color people. This confuses African American lawyers, as you can well understand.

And don't even get me started on her unspoken assumptions about those non white color folks in not-so-nice parts of the country, who apparently don't give a crap about their kids and never pick up a newspaper.
******************************** ~ Administrator said... 153

This is a nice part of the country with well educated white color folks that are involved with their kids, read the news and should know about such dangers. I'd be shocked if parents haven't complained.

Quiltart said...

You have got to be kidding!

Nameless in LA said...

She of course has since claimed it was a typo and that when she saw someone quote it she thought the error was THEIRS and didn't want to call the person out. Yep, I'm sure that's exactly what happened.

Sage said...

Nameless...that was an interesting exchange ole Becks had wasn't it. LOL

That girl is really stupid and clueless on some levels.

Sage said...

Quiltart...I forgot to mention before that it also was Jon who sold the story about the kids being suspended from school back then....what a 'father'.

Sage said...

The following comment is why I c/p comments from the moderated blog. They take an ALLEGATION and make it a truth.

No accountability.


AuntieAnn has left a new comment on the post "Recap: Celebrity Apprentice top moments and Episod...":

Whether or not it's a good policy, the point is it's a school policy and Kate got caught with her proverbial pants down. She was sending back day old or maybe older food in their lunches. This from the OCD germaphobe? The queen of the 'golden platter for my kids' mom? The supermom of reality tv? Kate, the mom who thought she should team up with the First Lady in her healthy eating plan for kids?

Kate is a duplitious, lying hypocrite.

Nameless in LA said...

Exactly, Sage. They run with allegations as if they were fact and the family law attorney plays the game right along with them, conveniently ignoring the fact that she knows damn well that allegations in bitter custody battles are not always grounded in truth.

Quiltart said...

What none of these brainiacs seem to understand is that these were charges Jon filed against Kate, but Kate was never charged with anything and the judge dismissed them! Just because you see it written, Bleeple, doesn't make it true. If these things had been true, the judge would have charged Kate with something and the judge DIDN'T. The claims were thrown out. Kate still has custody of the kids and Jon is stili making a fool of himself.

Sage said...

Quiltart, some think that the judge was bought off by TLC. How ridiculous.

They seem to ignore the fact that St. Jon signed off on legal custody. If he believed the ALLEGATIONS were true why would he do that?

merryway said...

Wow, RH, Jon or both seem desperate. I keep wondering what else is left for Jon to say. He keeps recycling the same old stuff and then he'll say he's filing for custody.
They just can't leave Kate alone.

Sage said... ~ Administrator has left a new comment on the post "Recap: Celebrity Apprentice top moments and Episod...":

Once again you and your posters are speaking as if this is fact


I am well aware it is an allegation. What YOU'RE not grasping is that it is an allegation many of us find very credible. We explained exactly why. You are free to disagree, but it has been thoroughly explained exactly why we believe the allegations to be credible.


What they are not grasping is that the judge apparently did not find it credible. Even Jon knows it is not credible or he wouldn't have given up legal custody.

The way they follow the Gosselins it should be obvious that Jon sees his kids less not more and not even all of them.

They are free to disagree all they want but then stop with the scenarios as if this were true.

Nameless in LA said...

Another priceless comment from the BL, who has spent the last 24 hours making post after post after post about bacteria, food poisoning, etc., etc. all because of a school policy about uneaten food. Nope, no overreaction on her part at all.

And in case anyone is keeping track, you can add "foodborne illness" to the always growing list of areas in which she is an expert. ~ Administrator said... 130

I think there is a lot of overreacting to a lot of things. Not sure why that is...too much media exposure in the quest to fill those 24 hours each day? Who knows.


Oh gosh I think there's overreaction to many, many things. I think the news scares people about things they don't need to be worried about. But I don't think asking that a child be allowed to discard any perishables that remain in his lunch once lunchtime is over, is "overacting." It's common sense, and is supported by scientific evidence. What's more, it does a school no good to be so careful about hygiene in so many other areas yet miss the boat on something so obvious like lunches. It was one of the rules thought up in some meeting to achieve something specific without thinking it through.

Moreover, the school wasn't doing it to expose wimpy kids to germs to toughen them up. They were doing it to be a nanny school being nosey about a kid and his lunch. Not only was it an overbearing rule but it was an unhealthy rule, and what's more it resulted in conflict in the family home, and ultimately child abuse.

Sage said...


Becks is such a pompous ass. Truth be told.. I sometimes laugh out loud reading her expertise on absolutely everything.

What an unbearable bore she must be to be around.

merryway said...

BL is so arrogantly all-knowing. Who needs wikipedia when you have Bl? lol

Farkle said...


She not only is a bore, she lives in Kate's world 24/7. Her blog is so underrated in the real world, but keeps Bec's from harming real people in life. At least keeping it on line, the history of her manic will always be there and proof of what she has done for the last several years to stalk a innocent family. Wonder if her neighbors are aware of her freak obsessions with kids and fetish sites? She is just scary!

Most kids that have food poison end up in the hospital, so the moldy sandwich story is just another made up lie by Jon to sell a story. Her doctor skills are just not up to snuff. :)

Nameless in LA said...

She's found something new to get riled up about. I'm glad she's stopped talking about bacteria for the time being.

She must be a very bored person. Maybe being an insufferable know-it-all bore leaves one socially isolated. Imagine that. ~ Administrator said... 160
Hey, John Tapene, you hard ass, recreational activities you so despise have been documented to keep kids off drugs, promote higher grades, good self esteem, positive social interactions with other kids, and overall make for better kids.

I'm sorry you didn't get to play tennis or whatever when you were a kid, but it doesn't mean you have to resent kids of this generation from having that opportunity. Sure it isn't OWED to them, but then again, don't we owe it to our kids to promote environments that help keep everyone on the straight and narrow? I'd say so.

Kate picks the biggest assholes to support, without fail every time.

Farkle said...

So if the BL knows what is good for kids, why doesn't she have some? Taking 8 kids to every sport or activity with no help from their FATHER, would not be possible. The younger kids may get involved in things when they are older, they play instruments, so they are involved. Is she saying kids in band are dumb and lazy now?

I remember her mocking her parents about the dinner she thought she deserved for her graduation. Maybe they were telling her it's time she paid for her own lunch. Ouch!

Nameless in LA said...

LOL, the BL has just described herself. That ol' no self-awareness thing strikes again. ~ Administrator said... 164

I didn't call him an asshole because I disagreed with him. I called him an asshole because he's condescending and arrogantly presumes that if your kid is in little league he must be entitled. Yep, he's an asshole.
March 24, 2015 at 9:15 PM

Sage said...

Yup, that ole no self awareness strikes again.

What she writes and what she thinks makes me wonder what kind of screwed up childhood did she have? I sense a lot of rage going on there towards her upbringing and her parents.

She is quite the head case.

Sage said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on the post "Recap: Celebrity Apprentice top moments and Episod...":

You know, if the sheeple are so excited about the "suspendings" on Twitter, and feel sKate is being harassed, maybe the drive-bys will consider stopping too.

N'ah, it'll never happen. We don't have a block button and there's no cure for their hypocrisy.


You have a moderated blog...hello! You all whine when someone disagrees with your exaggerations, assumptions and downright stupidity. Becks won't post what is written by those that disagree just lectures them in response. Why do think that is? Is she afraid you all might start thinking for yourselves.


The REAL sheeple.

Sage said...

Tucker's Mom has left a new comment on the post "Recap: Celebrity Apprentice top moments and Episod...":

Of course it makes sense, but Kate couldn't parlay her fucketymillion followers number into freebies and mentions in the media.
There's no reason to NOT go private, other than wanting your Twitter time line to look busy, and claim a high # of followers.
If Kate truly just wanted to talk to her "friends", she could go private and accept only those people who are fans, and she damn well knows who they are at this point.
The sheep can say what they want about Jon (and his ex, Liz), but he had the common sense to shut down his twitter years ago.
Come to think of it, I can't recall any interview in recent memory where Jon has boo-hoo'd about his "enemies" and "jellus haterz". I think he always seems positive, in fact. Never a woe-is-me, whaaaaaaaa! Everyone calls me a douche bag and dead beat dad! Whaaaaaa!
He knows the truth. His kids know the truth. He doesn't need John Q. Public to bolster his ego and tell him how great he is.

Sometimes these people make it waaay too easy.

Jon shut his twitter down when he was caught in a lie about child support.

Tucker, you are right, Jon does know the truth. He does not defend the fact that he is a douche bag and a dead beat dad.

She's sat in the back of the room said...

So Hoffie says he was put here to save the G kids? OMG, I would sue him till the cows came home, he has no rights to say anything about the family at all.

As far as the hate blog, not one negative thing ever said there has been posted on her blog. She might find out that real people in life are way smarter than she is and would show her losers that she is wrong about most issues. Until she allows her posts to be talked about, she better take a seat on the short bus.

Tucker's Mom is a old Polly poster, tells me everything one needs to know. Her and duck lady are just too funny to read. LOL. imo

merryway said...

I guess ROL is done with divorce papers stories. That was a really pathetic series.
Jon needs to move on. He's stuck in 2009.

Nameless in LA said...

Battle fatigue? I didn't know that trashing someone on the Internet for years on end constituted doing "battle."

Some of them actually believe that a nanny calling Kate "nasty" in the National Enquirer is finally going to bring her down.


White Organza said... 152
It could be that I'm suffering battle fatigue with everything concerning TFW, because this time, I can't muster a single teeny-tiny shred of hope that these newest revelations are going to finally bring her down. Like some sort of weird Energizer bunny, its drumming set on "ignore, ignore, ignore", she just passes through every single shit storm crossing her path. I swear, if she wasn't so lazy, she could have a great career working as a spin doctor for a PR firm. .

Sage said...

They talk about 'battle fatigue' and about bringing Kate down yet Becks does not think Kate should call them her enemies.

'I can't muster a single teeny-tiny shred of hope that these newest revelations are going to finally bring her down'

no self awareness


Nameless in LA said...

Hey BL, if you're still looking for people to call assholes, after you put the mirror down look no further than your "veranda." Tucker's Mom really gives the BL a run for her money for the "most insufferable" award.

Tucker's Mom said... 176
Jen said... 172
I realize this latest article in the NE is going to generate lots of interest because of its content, but it's beginning to feel like Ashley is being stalked. Locating her on Twitter, seeing where she lives, etc. Yes, she put it out there but isn't this just what we condemn the fans for doing? Maybe we should let it rest.
March 26, 2015 at 11:42 AM
Jen, I think we're trying to determine if Ashley Hartz is not Ashley Turner, to give context to the quote in the NE.
No one is stalking. No one is contacting to support or harass, afaik.
Ashley T. has been in the Gosselin picture for years, and we've discussed her before. In fact, she's come her to comment once or twice, but never have we established contact with her.
This Ashley quoted in the NE is different and I know for me, I decided to Google to see if she's a local, and she is. Also, she has her Masters.
I think that gives credence to her quote.
That's not stalking. It's trying to figure out if the NE got a quote from a vetted source vs. an "insider".
This is a veranda, not a pasture.

Anonymous said...

I have said before and I will say again I feel so bad for Tucker,his mother is a ruthless,cold hearted woman who spends hours upon hours writing book lenghth comments on a hate blog.Poor Tucker got the short end of the stick.

Quiltart said...

...but they're not stalkers! They're just doing their due diligence by tracking down anyone who MIGHT share their irrational hatred of a woman they don't even know.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I have said before and I will say again I feel so bad for Tucker,his mother is a ruthless,cold hearted woman who spends hours upon hours writing book lenghth comments on a hate blog.Poor Tucker got the short end of the stick.

I guess you haven't stalked that blog long enough to realize that
"Tucker" is her dog. LOL!!!

Quiltart said...

I even feel sorry for her dog.

Farkle said...

Tucker is a dog, LMAO! So the great non parent is giving advice, priceless! Just like the duck lady, ewww!

I don't read the nonsense over there, it's repeated boring stuff.

Anonymous said...

Wow,that's a relief,but I still feel sorry for the dog!!!

Nameless in LA said...

Poor maligned St. Jon. Tucker's Mom can't figure out for the life of her why he has earned the villain label. Could it be because he doesn't support his children? Doesn't feel it necessary to regularly pay rent? Abandoned a helpless kitten during his most recent forced move? Nope, can't think of a single reason.

Nameless in LA said...

Another nominee in the "most insufferable" category. It's a crowded field.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 192

I had a house larger than Kate's and sold it -- too big.

I had land, lots of land -- didn't need all of the maintenance and monthly mowing, plowing bills, and didn't use much of the land.

I had a four-car garage, ATTACHED to the house and didn't have to walk outside in the bad weather to get into the car.

I have a pool and a leather sofa and appliances that work.

I have children, love them with all my heart, but don't want any more.

I am thin and I don't starve myself or pick at salads -- don't want to get any thinner

I am not unattractive -- don't have a turkey neck and don't need botox.

I have blond hair, age-appropriate length, not fried, no receding hairline, in great condition. I don't look like the Cowardly Lion

I have boobs, but they don't hang around my waist.

I have a bellybutton, and it's exactly at the place where it should be.

I don't, however, have a Winnie tattoo, but I'm not jealous of Kate's.

I don't have a flying monkey, but I'll pass on that. Too much of an expense to have it groomed, and I wouldn't know what to feed it if it doesn't eat mac and cheese and salad.

Come to think of it, Kate should be jealous of me.

Sage said...

Crowded field is right. LOL

I love how they have to tell everyone what they have (or want others to think they have) but they are not jealous.

Farkle said...

The crowded field should really post pics, the imagination over there is just too funny. You can bet she is jealous of Kate, she posted everything Kate has. Hope she doesn't have a deadbeat to support, that is all.

The only thing is she may be better looking than BL, and lives better too. Ut oh, wait till BL reads this! :)

Nameless in LA said...

I just have to wonder how the BL responds to real life problems when she is this over-the-top about absolutely nothing. Seriously, who CARES if someone responds to birthday wishes ON their birthday? If she never acknowledges the wishes at all, then yes, that is rude, but this expectation that she must respond instantly is ridiculous. I've never tweeted a celebrity before, but if I were to tweet HB wishes, I sure as hell wouldn't sit around all day fuming because the 3 seconds it took me to type "Happy Birthday" wasn't immediately acknowledged. I'm pretty sure that I would just assume that the person was out enjoying their day rather than tied to the Internet.

The BL is one of those people who never does anything without an expectation of receiving something in return. ~ Administrator said... 42
I was pretty sure she wasn't going to surface on her birthday, that's how she rolls. Yet I'm shocked at the same time. Tucker's right, it's rude. But it's more than that. It's overwhelmingly selfish and ungrateful. She ASKS her tweeties to do things for her, like report people who don't like her. That's her job, but they dutifully do it for her. She encourages them constantly to fight the good fight on her behalf, and she had two major projects this year that they loyally tuned in for and supported. She tells them they are her friends. What friend ignores your birthday wishes???

The least she can do, the least, is find a way to thank them on her birthday. Even if you have to have somebody else do it for you, get your ass on twitter, grow up, and acknowledge the people who support you.

merryway said...

BL cracks me up. Yes, everything is over the top with her. Is that how she reacts to everyone in real life?
She gets bonus crazy points for being self-righteous on behalf of Kate's fans.

Shawn said...

Waving Hello to Everyone :)

The BL is the biggest tool!!

Nameless in LA said...

Merry, I don't think she needs bonus crazy points. She's already at the max. ;)

Quiltart said...

Hi, Shawn!

bellefidele said...

Hello, Shawn!!!

merryway said...

So, it looks like Kate spent her birthday with a getaway. A fan's daughter posted a pic on twitter of Kate in front of a 100% Natural Restaraunt.

Bl has on her tinfoil hat. So many assumptions to make Kate look bad. Bl is sure that Kate knew this pic wouldn't end up in the social media. Bl always know for sure what Kate is thinking and what is going on. But, as soon as Jon is mentioned Bl starts declaring they don't know and spinning scenarios in Jon's favor.

Bl thinks it trite of Kate to have complained the bitter Winter because she knew she'd be going some place warm.

I hope they're filming. :)

xxxxxx ~ Administrator said... 152

Milo can't take a hint if her life depended on it. If Kate wanted this little Mexico va-cay to be outed she would have tweeted about it. She will tweet a gazillion photos of salads and birds and snow she doest want to plow but hell if she will ever out herself as living like a one percenter in real life.

Also, her whining about winter also feels trite when she knew full well she was off to Mexico in a few weeks. What a dolt. She posed with this woman thinking she doesn't have any social media but didn't count on the mom sending it to her DAUGHTER who does. Haha, oops! Doofus.
March 29, 2015 at 10:07 PM

Nameless in LA said...

I hope Over In TFW's County's application for sainthood is approved soon.
Over In TFW's County said... 64
So is my family the only freak family that doesn't make a big deal about birthdays? No matter the age it's always kind of been, happy birthday, here are your presents and where do you want to go for dinner


Same here. No big deal. Many times not even a gift because I don't expect one, and I usually cook dinner for everyone if we don't go out to dinner. Last year on my birthday I cleaned out the garage. Of course, I would rather have been in Mexico, but the mess in the garage was driving me crazy so I opted for that instead! In addition, at that time I had my rescue kittens to care for, and they were more important than a birthday vacation.

Sage said...

OMG..Nameless, that comment really made me laugh.

These people are so nuts!

Sage said...

I will say this tho...those nutters on the BL's spend their days searching and searching for anything Kate.

It makes it so easy to read there and just c/p. As I have said before I am way too busy to search for all things Kate. (even if I wasn't busy why would I or anyone be so obsessed to do that?)

Here goes. Kate was with the kids on her birthday vacay and TLC filmed it for a special on Mothers Day.

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