I have some good news. My son and his wife welcomed their daughter Ellie on Aug 2. She is adorable and looks like her brother. Ellie has already been styling with the head bows! My son just doesn't get that. lol
I want to add that my other granddaughter, Addie continues to thrive.
jamezvader1194 has left a new comment on the post "TLC Block Party":
Ok i think i just found proof that Milo reads here,i was looking at my own IG and decided to see if Kate's followers dropped even more,its at 77k now and Milo got rid of the picture of Kate's IG getting verified.Funny no one on twitter said anything about it and she didn't get rid of it until someone pointed out the following drop. ////////////////////////////
Please someone explain to me why it is so important to watch Kate's IG account to see if her followers go up or down? One would think that the importance you all are giving it it was the stock market.
Sending so many congratulations to you and your family! What a beautiful girl (they both are of course). My grandparents had almost 30 grandkids, and the biggest bonds as kids and to this day are the bonds between the middle girl cousins, about 6 of us who remain extremely close. There is nothing better than girl cousins growing up together, playing together, reaching their milestones together, celebrating everything together. Their names are so sweet too. So happy for you all! You most definitely have some exciting times ahead!
Probably one of their tired games. If there's a way to purchase fake IG followers, a hater will do it for the fun of messing with Kate. While their eyes are hyper-focused on Kate's IG followers, Jon uploaded some DJ videos that seems as if he is feeling no pain. Jon also revealed to the world that he has no credit card by replying to a twitter account that tweets embarrassing remarks to celebs as if it knows them.
Johnny Hustle @JonathanHustle Aug 6 Johnny Hustle Retweeted This was a great night, but still bummed that your credit card got declined when you tried buying jager bombs. https://twitter.com/jgosselin10/status/761423929525297156 …
@jgosselin10 @JonathanHustle jokes on u, I don't have a credit card, #misinformed #whiskeyonly. Nice try 2:35 PM - 6 Aug 2016
Do these people also track Jon's IG follower numbers? He's no "private citizen" since he is pursuing a "career" that is about attention and he's given many interviews over the last year or so.
I guess they care too much about someone they don't like and not enough about someone they claim to want to succeed.
Sage---just precious. Best wishes to you and all of them. Busy times ahead for you!
Poor Jon, first he knocks out his few twitter fans, and now again can't pay his bills. Jon will never be on TV, no one wants a trainwreck. How sad, Jon had it all and gave it all up for late nights and booze.
Anyone see Jon on his twitter last night? He was live on Periscope. Flipping the bird, using the f word. He looked drunk and greasy and bloated. I am mortified for Mady and Cara, all of them.
Those periscope videos that Jon posted of himself Djing are quite a contrast to the pic that Bl has tried to paint. Bl pictures him as the raddest of the rad Dj dads. This is an older comment of Bl's (when she was insisting that a pic Jon posted on FB included Collin and Alexis even though they were way off in the distance and blurred little specs...also wrong on that one Bl).
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 179
These kids must think their dad is so cool. He IS cool, he pulls it off the way he dresses, and he's DJing rad tunes to crowds of people. His cool factor is so much higher than Kate's whose only job is on some rather nerdy network. They look like they're having a blast at the beach. Including Collin.
She's tried so hard to turn them against him and eventually it failed. When it comes to teens and pre teens and "cool", that is a HUGE X factor she didn't plan for. June 2, 2015 at 6:43 AM
I have seen no mention at Becks about those periscope videos. Jon is an embarrassment to himself and his kids. The guy is what 40? He will never grow up. No wonder the twins do not care to spend time with him.
Anyone who has raised kids knows that teens are not the least bit impressed by their parents being cool. Teens are embarrassed just by the simple fact that their parents exist! The Beckspert has zero clue about raising teens and her lack of insight is painfully obvious when she tries to claim that Jon being "cool" impresses his kids. Sometimes, nah, most times she should refrain from commenting about that which she does not know.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator has left a new comment on the post "TLC Block Party":
Y'all are gross. This is not perverted. Get you mind out of the gutter. Shame on you all who think this is bad.
Gutter Garbarge
I don't know that perverted is the right word. For me it's much more about the emotional burden she is putting on her kid to fulfill a role properly meant for a male companion, husband, etc. It's not healthy. So when I say she is inappropriate and has inappropriate boundaries, I'm not suggesting she is trying to hurt the kids in a sexual way. But this behavior is odd and make no mistake, these kinds of burdens can be very damaging to a child. ////////////////////////
Gotta love a lecture on boundaries from a woman who talked about kissing the kids she nannied when she dropped them off at school and telling them she loved them. She is so clueless and yet so convinced of her own brilliance and deep insight It's quite the combo package.
When it comes to Gladys, I do believe that her love for Kate is both emotional and physical. My mind's not in the gutter. Gladys has been obsessed with Kate's body, her baths, her physique way too much for it *not* to be a sexual attraction. Given the chance, she would bed her in a New York minute.
Didn't copy who wrote this....they all blend anyway. The 'Gladys' they are talking about is Milo. (who they are also obsessed with).
They really are clueless aren't they? They who copy and blowup to the zilch power to gaze at Kate's boobs and will talk about them for days. They who look at every picture of Kate, fantasize about her and Steve and speculate about everything she says and does.
Now tell me...who has lust for Kate? It is pretty obvious.
They really are clueless aren't they? They who copy and blowup to the zilch power to gaze at Kate's boobs and will talk about them for days.
That's one of the things that some time back made me say "wtf.' Those photos Kate puts out are enlarged and gone over with a magnifying glass and a fine tooth comb like Homeland Security scrutiny type examination. And they call others obsessive. The blind leading the blind.
Why is everything about sex with that group? That picture with one of the girls rubbing Kate's foot was a perfectly innocent pic and the girl certainly did not look uncomfortable in any way.It's amazing that people can make something seem sick and perverted out of something so innocent.
Those that speak of sex like she does isn't getting any, but she will take old dirty men for dollars for her fetish site from what I have read. Sicko does not even describe her. Twisted and vile is what she attracts, not a good look for a lawyer who works in family court. I feel sorry for clients who would be assigned to her. Ewww.
On August 9, Kate posted an IG with the below description, kateplusmy8Following a fun (but long day) photo shoot, my sweet girls happily offered me a foot massage!
Over at Bl's, they are convinced the family participated in the photo shoot. They are chanting that the kids were forced to relinquish a fun Summer day and endure misery under hot lights. Using their super Scooby Doo powers, they believe they have tracked down the pic for which the kids had to suffer.
Lol, it doesn't matter that the Gs are dressed exactly as they were in previous pics for TLC. Their clothes are the same as the pic on the TLC webpage and the same as the promo pic for the TLC Block Party with Kate, Mady and Cara.
The bleeple believe the entire family donned the same clothes from months ago for a new photo shoot. That's some smart bleeple thinking. :) ;)
Hopefully the link works but here's what Kate's talking about in regards to picture shoots.Although they're wearing the same clothes like last time.The photo was uploaded yesterday on the kateplus8 facebook page http://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/s480x480/13925055_10153854026255678_5116994714527040732_n.jpg?oh=b554f02aeb4f0037020a9ce0e0c9f79f&oe=5815FDC2 August 11, 2016 at 12:13 PM
Jon gave a podcast interview. The two men interviewing him seem to have a business educating fathers about childbirth. Here's the link, it's podcast number 12.
It's long. The guy that asks most of the questions is more interested in hearing himself talk. Jon can't go five minutes without bringing up Kate and getting in a dig. You can tell he lives to trash her. Here's the gist of it.
Took his kids to amateur baseball game, shows them how this is how the rest of the world lives.
Doesn't coparent - kids say mommy does this, I say pick up after yourselves
He has a 3 bdrm townhouse, talks about girls being messy and his OCD.
Let's them choose their own clothes (Old Navy) not like their mom does.
He takes the kids to the pool, lets them run around neighborhood. It's a safe where they can be kids, they jump on trampoline.
Aaden is coming out of his shell, he's a funny kid. Doesn't let sis bros walk all over him.
Does a lot with his family since kids don't see a lot of Kate's family.
Tries to integrate kids with society so they see people other than just wealthy or private school kids.
He's doing a DJ event at their school. In there, he talks about production and video with his Djing.
Said Kate's in contempt to the custody situation, he's building a case to go back to court.
Some of the kids want to live with him more than mom.
He likes his judge,
Goes on about media, he's a victim
He's got good things coming his way, he's in good place. He's had shows pitched to him and he's pitching shows.
Full of himself, talks about he stopped a corporation's number one show for a year, blah blah
Talks about what he went through learning to trust people. Now, his kids will have to deal with it at young age. He stopped filming doesn't agree other parent still filming.
Said he will never film kids, admitted that he couldn't legally.
One of the meanest and most unnecessary things I have ever head Jon say is below. What a low life pig.
23:00 Q: Do you have one of those cool Dj names? Jon: I just use my brand name, Jon Gosselin or Dj Jon JGosselin. It's just better for marketing. ...years for that branding, It would be stupid not to. It's like why doesn't Kate change back to her maiden name... Branding! She would never be able to sell herself. So, even though my father probably rolls over in his grave, it doesn't matter. She has the right to retain that name. And that's a business move. I'm not going after her for it.
Jon always sounds so resentful of his kids. Especially when he talks about showing them how the "rest of the world lives." He means how he lives since he pi**ed away all his money on trips and women.
I'm sure Kate tells the kids to pick up after themselves too, Jon. She most likely insists on it.
Some of the kids want to live with him, but will they, ever? Maybe once they're old enough to pay him rent...or maybe he'll end up living with them. I can see Jon doing some couch surfing at one or more of his kids' homes once his kids are grown and on their own.
If Jon's father is doing any rolling in his grave I would think it would be over Jon and what a mess he's made of his own life, and how little say he has in his own children's lives. An ex-daughter in law keeping her married name is nothing compared to a son who is almost 40 and acting like a spoiled, resentful child all the time.
You're welcome. I couldn't sleep after being out late looking for meteors. So, I had a cup of tea and listened to Jon. It reminded me of the interview Jon did with Rabbi Shmuley. The one that was on the same night Kate appeared on the Emmy's. In that interview, Jon was very snide and demeaning of Kate. It's a shame that he hasn't changed. It's the same type of interview he has given since he told the world he despised Kate.
Over at Bl's there's still no mention of Jon's periscope videos. They'd rather spend their time denying what time Kate says her puppies arise. I'm betting they'll also ignore this new interview of Jon's.
jamezvader1194 has left a new comment on the post "TLC Block Party":
So Kate uploaded an old picture of her mother today since its her birthday.She seems to love IG more then twitter since she just RT tweets on twitter where as she's been uploading lots of pictures and videos on IG.She's mention that her mom died 10 years ago,so if her mom died 10 years ago,is she admitting that the one story in 2010 of her mom defending her against Aunt Jodi and uncle Kevin was a lie? https://www.instagram.com/p/BJF5qWDj9xG/?taken-by=kateplusmy8 ////////////////////////
That is not Kate's mother but her grandmother as Kate clearly states.
No it was not a lie. Her mother did defend her....somehow I cannot believe someone is this dumb. Are you purposely misstating things to get a reaction? hmmmm
Same ole game the haters always like to play. Despite having a relatively 'new' name remembers Kate's mothers comments from 2010. There are no new players in this just 'new' names.
I guess they don't realize (too full of themselves) that the name may change but it always sounds the same.
Rainbowsandunicorns has left a new comment on the post "TLC Block Party":
miloandjack2016And likewise...you have fond memories of your #Grandpa don't you @kateplusmy8? Mr #Coinkydinky #Grandpa. 😋 Milo also said that he/she didnt know his/her grandparents.
----- -----
CWS. Last stage. The person actually believes that he/she knows the family, knows what the celebrity is thinking and feeling and inserts himself/herself into that family. Sad, isn't it?
Jon's interview with the rocking dads went up Friday night and not a peep about it at Bl's. Proving once again that it's all about Kate. What they can't admit is that they are dying of anticipation for the K+8 shows to air.
Well, it appears to be clear now that the "church ladies" are indeed parody accounts. Of course ole Becks has insisted on several occasions that theY were real people. In advance, I call that her spin will be she never said they were real people, she said they were real people who created parody accounts. And then she'll ghost argue with anyone who uses her former statements against her. Tuck will join in with a barrage of big words to chastise the unnamed poster with whom Becks ghost argues. PA Dutch will claim that Becks is right because she saw Jon and the kids at the mall and they looked happy. And GollyGeeItIsntRedbird will post that Becks is right because the Chopped judges talked about having Kate's mom on an episode.
I truly think they can't wait for the shows to air because it gives them something to talk about Kate related. They can only go on for so long with over analyzing IG posts smh. They're so creepy.
You're welcome PJ's. If 15 is nothing else, it is predictable!
I just don't see how people can't see that Becks is manipulative, domineering, egotistical, and wrong more often than she's right. Or do they see it, but that blog is the only place on the net where they can hate on Kate?
What I find predictable, besides what you stated, Courtney, is that TM will post over and over and over, addressing each post she wants to respond to, individually. Cut and paste is our friend. I don't read there much, but when I do, those posts are easily 50% or more of the posts I see as I scroll. Even the owner of the blog doesn't post a fraction as much as that person does. Oh well, to each their own.
Jon is such a cool and awesomely rad Dj that he now feels free to criticize the work of others. Jon was at the Premier Nightclub in Atlantic City for this event. He wasn't Djing
His artist ear was so offended by the performance that he had to tweet:
Jon Gosselin Verified account @jgosselin10 6h6 hours ago @PremierBorgata worst transition I've ever heard, twice!!! I'm not the best but I have an ear, who r these people?
Jon Gosselin Verified account @jgosselin10 5h5 hours ago Just witnessed the worst so called djing ever, wow
Jon Gosselin Verified account @jgosselin10 5h5 hours ago Can u say playlist, is there an emoticon for vomit!!! People fooled
Jon Gosselin Verified account @jgosselin10 5h5 hours ago I'm out, I'd rather, try and fail then sell out, to this shit! Pathetic
But, that wasn't enough to assert his superiority over these fellow Djs. He also had to let it be known on the Premier Club's FB page. It included a pic from the event of KimKat Djing.
Jon Gosselin at Premier Nightclub. 5 hrs · Is she really, djing??? I don't think so. I could be wrong, but I know for sure I'm not!!' Sad
Sounds like he was bitter that he wasn't included or he's declaring he will never grace the club with his DJ presence because they used these Djs. Typical classless Jon.
Jon Gosselin Verified account @jgosselin10 6h6 hours ago @PremierBorgata worst transition I've ever heard, twice!!! I'm not the best but I have an ear, who r these people?
Below is who Jon meant to tweet. Whenever Kate has made a mistake such as that, the bleeple do a happy dance reveling in Kate's narcissism and stupidity. Jon will be excused from being called a doofus and free of accusations of being too lazy or drunk to find the right name.
GollyGee said... 168 Just think. The doctor that inseminated this deranged woman with the 6 year old and then the newborn should face disiplinary action with the state medical board.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That doctor must have used one helluva big needle to inseminate a woman with a 6 year old and a newborn!!
Merry, you're so right. Crickets at 15 about the ofences to Jon's delicate ears. Remember when Kate made a post somewhere about some other reality show, the dance mom or something? The 15ers went on forever about that. Jon goes on a virtual tirade and not one criticism. Go figure.
I guess it finally became really lame to continue making silly claims while writing yards of excuses and rationalizations in defense of Jon. It's easier for Becks and what's left of her crowd to ignore him. Jon took all the fun out of their child-advocacy. It's only about the children when they can hate on Kate. ;)
Layla has left a new comment on the post "TLC Block Party":
Over and Out (20)
Kate's fans are terrified that the new shows won't air in October after all. They think that once they see a trailer, they can be fairly certain that the show will be on. Although that wasn't true in April, now was it? Wouldn't it be fun if TLC shows trailers, and then cancels again? There would be many tizzies in sheeple-land! ///////////////////////////////
The only tizzies going on will come from Becks and bleeps. Sheesh you all can sure beat something to death.
Tucker's Mom really is pushing for the "most insufferable" gold medal. I thought the BL was a lock, but it's a close race.
Hey Tucker's Mom, Having to let your dog out to pee twice in one night, as you whined about recently, really isn't a great sacrifice. ****************************************************************************** Tucker's Mom said... 34 Jeanne said... 30 "Nookie Pookie" is revolting. She's determined to show she's a dog lover. ****** All of my dogs have had a litany of nicknames, some of which don't even resemble their given name! But, I digress. Kate seems enamored with the dogs for now. They are filling some sort of need or desire, and I do not conflate this with people like me, and many of us here, who have an inborn love of animals and desire to care deeply for our pets, no matter the circumstances or sacrifices.
WHY are they going on about these dogs? People DO change. I already wrote about both my parents being the worst dog owners, and turning into the most loving (obsessed!) dog owners later in life. It happens. She clearly loves the dogs. Jeez! The dogs are obviously loved and cared for and doing very well. Let it go!
I see they've moved on to judging mommy bloggers. Bl will trash Kate, the G kids, and strangers on the internet while ignoring Jon's antics. Truly, Becks and her group have created their own little world. She should just change the name of her blog to "We hate Kate, We Love Jon, Kids Be Damned." That was never more evident than when Bl made the True Grit video with Mady tracking down Kate because Kate had killed Jon. Then, there was the time Bl wished lice upon little Hannah. That's the twisted mind those women follow. Yet, they dare to call the fans creepy. What's creepy is running a birth fetish site with exploitive pics and a "teens" category.
PA Dutch Mom said... 32 OT to Tuckers...storms coming through now. Get ready. Should cool things off considerably this week, with lows in the high 50s. Blessed relief! Admin, you should have waited just a bit longer to visit our great Commonwealth, but hope you had a really enjoyable time here despite the heat wave.
"Kate Gosselin: How She Used Us to Fool the World."
..."But She Didn't Fool Us."
"But the ones like Denise, Carlene, Goody, et al. aren't anonymous and they still wait in anticipation of the episodes. It makes me wonder about their mind-set. Why do they want to see another person's children put on display for their entertainment? These are the lives of kids and these sheeple just don't get it."
I would exclude Gladys from those sheeple. She doesn't give a hoot if those kids are filmed, and doesn't care about watching them. Her focus, and her only focus is on Kate. The kids are just along for the ride. It really makes one wonder about what goes on in the head of someone who is obsessed with a stranger and lusts for her, but doesn't know her and clearly has no desire, by her own admission, to meet her. Bizarre.
Sheeple psychology is so fascinating, scary sometimes, but nevertheless, very interesting.
Nobody lusts after Kate as much as these people do. Bleeple/hater psychology is whats fascinating. You all don't know how twisted you are! That's what scary!
Last night, Jon cohosted an AM sports talk show with Rob Maaddi. http://www.instagram.com/p/BJblFCDhl2V97ogW8BnOYmH-b_WyZPZnKWWOFE0/ http://610amsports.com
I caught the second half. I wanted to listen to see if Jon could speak without making a snide remark about Kate. He couldn't do it.
The guy, Rob Maaddi, with which Jon cohosted, obviously knew little about Jon quitting TLC and the old lawsuit. He was asking something to the affect of Jon giving up the sweet money/ride and one of Jon's remarks was "Did you forget who I was married to."
Jon did blow some hater myths out of the water. Rob Maaddi was on Marriage Boot Camp and they compared the way in which the shows were filmed. RM kept talking about a forced story line. Jon said there was nothing like that on J&K.
Some tidbits from Jon:
They didn't do retakes.
No story lines. Knew where they were going, knew activities. But, that was it. Nothing was prescripted.
They filmed 3 days a week. Since Jon was working the first seasons, they mostly filmed on weekends.
They had horses and got rid of them because they were too expensive. I'm not sure if he was talking he and Kate or when he lived in the cabin in the woods.
Some more tidbits:
Colleen's daughter babysits when Jon is Djing. Because babysitting is big expense.
Jon's carried a gun since he was 21.
Rebranding cost him millions of dollars. (He's really got the word "brand" stuck in his head).
Was asked about crazy fans. Jon's said he had terroristic threats. He bragged how he did trace routing through the routers and had cops knock on this lady's door. I didn't catch which social media.
While at a bar, a lady grabbed him by throat and another girl punched her in face. He didn't know either women.
Merryway--for someone who complains about the haters at 15 being obsessed with Kate, you seem to be equally obsessed with Jon. How many times a day do you check his twitter, Instagram and FB accounts?
If you must know, I normally check the Gosselin world early in the morning or late in the evening, sometimes both. Usually, when I'm done reading the news and have a cup of tea. Sometimes, I go a few days without checking. But, it's no big whoop and doesn't take much time. I'm sorry, but I don't qualify as obsessed with Jon. My interest lies in making BL look like the creepy hater hypocritical fool she is.
When I copy every fan tweet to mock, when I copy every tweet of Jon's, when I announce his every Dj gig hoping someone is there to report back, when I comment on his every IG, when I enlarge a pic to analyze Jon's face/body and have strong opinions about his fashion; then you can call me obsessed. I've just been reporting on what Jon has been saying. I can do that here, unlike BLs. It's more denial for them.
Hey so there's a new People magazine article coming out soon and the Gosselin family is on the front... Except Collin isn't pictured. Apparently it's "special needs" related or something. I'll go back and look at it but I hope everything is going well with Collin.
The BL needs to SHUT UP! She is NOT a doctor and she does not know Colin. I don't blame Kate for setting the record straight before Jon gives one more interview for $.
Thanks, merryway. I appreciate you taking the time to listen to Jon and summarizing. I don't think I could endure it.
The People cover must be driving the bleeps crazy. Kate will do her best for her kids, bleeps will think they know it all and be sure to blame Kate for anything that isn't perfect in the kids' lives.
I see some of Bl's posters are calling for Jon to step in to rescue Collin. Uhm, like we've all said a million times, Jon gave up legal custody. He walked away from his responsibility and put it all on Kate. He has no say-so.
I watched the video with this article. Bl will be attacking the twins, especially Mady. Bl (who doesn't live in the situation and hasn't seen a show since January) will be writing yards about parental alienation while ignoring the statements of the teen who is speaking about her own father. Bl will ignore all the nasty stories Jon has sold and all of the ugly things he has said about Kate. They only want the children to write tell-alls about Kate, only loving comments are acceptable when the kids speak of Jon.
Cara said she wouldn't even know what to say about her dad. Mady said: Here's how I feel about this. This year I'm going to turn 16. I'm going to be learning to drive, taking the PSATs, thinking about college, so much is going on in my life. And the last thing I have time for is a toxic relationship.
The video goes on to say that Mady and Cara agree that their dad talking about them in public is guaranteeing further enstrangement.
Mady also said, He makes seem like we're being kept from him, which is insane. He should maybe spend some time thinking about why we don't want to see him, and maybe realize that if he ever does want a relationship with us, talking about us on tv is not the way to make that happen. He doesn't even know us - how can he dare to talk about us.
I read that also in the People article that all the kids are in therapy to deal with Collin being gone. I would guess that thier father is also brought up.
Sounds like the twins are old enough now to say no to Jon and his toxicity. Good for them. They are looking to the future and college while Jon gets drunk and flips people off on twitter. They twins and possibly the other kids have passed Jon by in maturity.
It isn't surprising you like the article by Cara and Mady. But what kid at that age says things like 'toxic relationship' about their own father without their mothers hatred for him.
There are none so blind as those who will not see.
Kate doesn't disclose her son's diagnosis out of respect for his privacy, but she does say that everyone in her family has been affected by Collin's special needs. "By the same token, it's not something that has only impacted me or him—our entire family has been impacted," the reality TV mom explains. "When you have a child with special needs, everyone is affected."
After realizing Collin's needs, Kate pulled her son out of the same school as his siblings in order for him to receive more specialized care—a change which helped smooth the transition for his siblings. "Over the past year or so, Collin had such a different schedule—different schooling, different therapies, his own room—that his leaving wasn't like one day he was sharing a room and on the bus with them and then suddenly he wasn't," Kate says.
Jon can't even save himself, he can barely make a life for himself - how could he help Collin?
Anonymous, have you never talked to 15 year olds? You think the words "toxic relationship" are too grown up for those kids to think or say? You underestimate the maturity and intellect of kids that age. Jon doesn't need anyone talking him down in order for people, even his kids, to see him for what he is. His kids probably know better than anyone just what he's like when he's the parent in charge, and just what he's done to contribute to what that situation is right now. The girls know, they're not dumb, I'm sure they've experienced more than they'd want to when they used to visit Jon. But even when they say it themselves, you still have to try to blame Kate.
So, exactly WHO is so blind that they cannot see? Who is so biased that even Jon's own kids saying it's JON who has caused the rift isn't enough for you to believe that hey, I guess it's JON. Wow.
NJGal51 has left a new comment on the post ""I don’t want to mar my children’s glory and subve...":
This is just pure speculation on my part but it could be that Collin has been banished to military type school to learn to toe the line. She sent Shoka and Nala away so why not send Collin away also. //////////////////////////////////
Wow, you really are a bitch.
A friend of mine said something that is just so right for this....BL and her bleeps keep saying the twins will write a book about how awful Kate is. Well, it looks like in the people article that they did that about Jon....the real Jon not the one the bleeps all fantasize about.
I don't blame Kate for setting the record straight before Jon gives one more interview for $. ~Judy
I agree. When Jon found out, he would have run to the press blaming Kate and creating drama. Just as he did when the two younger ones left Kindergarten to be homeschooled for awhile.
Your friend is so right Sage. I remember when BL had a clock counting down the minutes until the twins turned 18 and were free from Kate. Things didn't go their way and it ruins their fun. They want the kids to speak out against and hate their mother. Nothing else is acceptable. What Jon does and how he makes his kids feel is irrelevant.
They are such a happy happy bunch over at Bl's. They ignore and ignore Jon but are thrilled to pieces that they have something about Kate in which to sink their fangs.
This is something a little different. It popped up in my alerts. Here's a video of Kate Coyne talking about Kate and the kids.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator has left a new comment on the post ""I don’t want to mar my children’s glory and subve...":
Aren't photoshoots thrilling? Standing around in one spot in the weather in clothes you would never wear without anything to do not even play on your phone while some 20-something grips stand around holding shit and slurping slurpies and the photographer yells at you to smile. And you're old enough to know this is all B.S. and that you're NOT a happy family.
It's understandable why my pre-teen kiddos HATED THIS fake crap. /////////////////////////////
Becks is delusional. She calls the twins she nannied for 'MY' pre-teen kiddos. No they were not your kids. You were their parents employee. I see why one of the twins does not speak to Becks.
Thanks, Merryway. I had not seen this video http://www.people.com/article/mady-cara-gosselin-open-up-about-dad-jon-gosselin
Kate Coyne has a really good take on Mady. A girl that she has met unlike Becks.
Jon did bring on Mady's response. Jon told everyone on an interview that he did not see the twins. He brought it up and they responded. I bet Jon was upset....he got outted! He has told lies and exaggerations about Kate and the kids for years.
I am so sad Collin is being discussed anywhere. I pleaded w Becky to call a moratorium on him. No one knows his outcome but please let's not add any comments about this. I am somewhat of a non fan, but I see and listen. Kate does pretty good. And her kids are pretty good. Let's just respect this kid and leave it be.
That was a very good video Sage. Kate C. points out that twins were upset about their dad speaking about their lack of visitation, something Bl won't acknowledge.
Beckspert was going on about how Mady was coached as she used the phrase "toxic relationship" and did not give specifics. It would never occur to her to give Mady credit as being mature enough to keep that info private. I'm sure Mady could give plenty of specific reasons/instances.
Yep, that parental alienation bs silences the voices of children.
So Kate and the kids are very concerned about Collin, but the idiots are saying Kate and the kids are being mean to him. Wow! Maybe Collin wants to be Collin without the gossips picking him apart. If Jon was concerned, he would have stepped up a long time ago and helped his kids instead of selling interviews about them for $. Young parents make mistakes,8 kids was a lot to handle, but Kate didn't turn her back on her kids. I would have been scared to death knowing I had to be the responsible parent when Jon took off for women and bars. As a parents we learn everyday things are not always great, we all struggle to do the right thing.
I have always wondered what Jon and the ditch man did to this child. Did they make fun of him, make him do things that he didn't want to do when Jon was still living at the house? Something was off about this years ago, didn't RH buy him special donuts?
Kids say toxic all the time, it's a buzz word for them. Guess the BL wouldn't know that as she has no kids.
Now the BL should focus her time on helping LA flood victims, tornado victims, or maybe spend a couple of years in Italy rebuilding a town.
I don't know if I agree that Kate should have spoken about Collin's problem. It must be hard enough for him without the whole world knowing, some things are private. That is just my opinion. Maybe there is a reason for Kate to have done it that I don't understand since she has always had her children's best interest at heart.
I think that Kate may have spoken out in order to squash Jon's attempts to get pity with half truths about not seeing some of the kids. He has been mentioning Collin for the longest. Collin is the one that Jon said he hadn't seen as far back as January 2015 when he did Steve Harvey's show. Recently he talked about not seeing Collin because he's being homeschooled and Jon can't see him because he doesn't get off the school bus anymore. He was trivializing the situation, trying to suggest to whoever bothers to read his interviews or watch his TV interviews, that the reason he doesn't see Collin is because of Kate. He's been including the twins in that too, and now Kate has come out to set things straight. Collin has bigger issues than Jon seems to not even know about, pretty pathetic for a father.
Can you believe Jon doesn't know about what's going on with Collin? No, because it's not believable. He's the kid's father, he knows where his son is, he's just spinning his situation for pity, thinking that Kate wouldn't reveal the truth. Same goes for the twins. He spins that situation thinking that the twins aren't going to respond, they're kids. Look what happened the last time they tried to talk. He didn't count on Mady finding her voice and setting the record straight on why they don't see Jon anymore. It's all his own doing.
Here's the thing, though, and it's something I have to continue to see in order to believe. The mother in these situations is always going to be vilified. Jon can go and spin his story that the reason he doesn't see some of the kids is because of Kate and that Kate is trying to alienate Collin and the twins from Jon. When Kate puts the truth out there about Collin to shut Jon down and Mady speaks about not wanting a toxic relationship and that Jon knows why he doesn't see them, people, including some of the media, come down on Kate and on teenager Mady for telling their side of things! I've seen it in print on Yahoo, on on ET. Somehow the poor stupid man is always the poor stupid man, even when he's caught in his web and the people he's been talking about come out to set the record straight.
Poor, poor Kate, she can do no wrong. She is the best mother in the history of motherhood.
Poor, poor Jon. He is a tragic victim of Kate.
Truth: they are both horrible parents. Whether you admit Kate is at fault or not, matters not. She and Jon share equally in the reality that is these kids lives.
Here we go, it's all Mady's fault. She's cruel, mean and nasty to her father and refuses to follow court orders. Jon has done nothing but state facts, so Mady wants to blackmail poor victim Jon. Yeah, they give a damn about the children. Bl will throw these kids under a bus over and over for dear saint Jon. Bl, if Mady had said the same about Kate you would have been screaming it's truth from the rooftops and congratulating her on her bravery for speaking out. I haven't seen one comment blaming Jon for giving away legal custody and leaving Collin to the Kate's evil whims.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 66
Coyne excuses Mady's vitriolic outburst as her being upset that Jon went public with the fact she doesn't see or speak to him. (she wasn't "ready" for that, whatever that means)
That's classic manipulative behavior she could have only learned from an adult. She is allowed to be cruel, mean, and nasty to her father and refuse to follow court orders, but he can't do anything in return including just stating the facts that he doesn't see her and that it's upsetting.
Basically she wants to blackmail him into not being able to have any response, whatsoever, to her emotionally abusive treatment of him. Once he does, as anyone would, she turns the tables on him and blames it on him for responding. That is a high level of manipulation a young child just isn't capable of without being taught. August 25, 2016 at 9:47 AM
Right, so MADY is being "emotionally abusive" when she responds to her father's claims that he doesn't know why the twins won't see him. He didn't make those claims thinking that no one would dispute them, certainly not the girls themselves! And it's "blackmail" for Mady to say that Jon talking about the girls in the press isn't going to make having a relationship any easier. What could he possibly have to say when Mady states that Jon knows full well why they don't visit him and it's not that someone (Kate) is trying to stop her from seeing Jon?
Sure, Mady's being "manipulative." It's not that she doesn't want Jon telling lies about their situation in the press, it's "manipulation."
For anyone who thinks that Mady doesn't have the intelligence to have this level of thought about her relationship with her father, I can only conclude that you never watched her on the show since she was five years old. Mady has always been whip smart, and very open and capable of expressing her feelings in a very concise and articulate way.
Anonymous, nobody here thinks that Kate can "do no wrong." She does her best for her kids but how long is she supposed to ignore Jon's media tours blaming her for the state of his relationship with a few of his kids? Whatever positive relationship he has with any of his kids is his doing, and whatever negative relationship he has with any of his children is also his doing. If he wants to make things better with his kids, he needs to stop blaming Kate or anyone else and do something about his behavior.
I feel so sorry for Colin, and for Mady too. Colin's issues are HIS issues and should not be blasted out like that, even if she was trying to end the speculation or head Jon off at the pass. The timing stinks. They could have waited until he was back to do a cover story, or pass on it altogether. He's already being isolated (and even if he loves it, he's still separated from them). Seeing that photo shoot without being in it, and having his portion of the story go viral, could really hurt him. And Mady. Oh my gosh. People call her the most VILE names and have since she was a little girl. I have seen people call her the C word, before she even hit double digits! Quoting her like that only adds fuel to the fire against her. She seems pretty tech savvy and has to see some of what is said about her. Does People have no respect for these kids at all? They are minors who don't really have enough experience, especially out of the spotlight, to give consent or foresee the ramifications. Poor kids.
What court order? Jon has as much said that there is NO court order saying all kids have to visit him. They don't even believe Jon. He doesn't fit their script of St. Jon the Great.
Of course crickets from that camp over there, she throws crap out hoping it sticks.
I do wonder if Collin not being in the pic was his own idea, maybe his counselor (if he has one) discussed this and Collin is standing up for himself. Maybe he is showing his own Dad that selling pics and stories about him backfired big time.
If the show stops, Jon will have nothing to sell to the press.
My concern is he hurt himself or a sibling. Clearly, he isn't slow. Maybe OCD or aggression issues. You have to wonder if the show and upbringing contributed to his problems. He may have done something to a sister. Whatever it is, Kate removing him from the home indicates a severe problem. Hopefully this helps the whole family.
Tucker's Mom has left a new comment on the post ""I don’t want to mar my children’s glory and subve...":
We had even said at the time, it might be better not to take a teen away from friends for a mandatory visit or risk making them resent it.
&&&&&& Mady is a typical coward manipulator who will take a minor infraction and turn it into a federal case to justify her actions. What Jon did might not be advised. Maybe he should refuse to say ANYTHING about the twins, but he didn't. He said the twins don't see him and that's unforgivable in Mady's book. People like her lie in wait for someone to make a little mistake so they can unleash whatever it is they've already decided to do.
Lookout future boyfriends.
In their love/lust for Jon they attack Mady. If Mady had said this about Kate they would be cheering.
While people are putting down Kate and the kids, especially Collin, does any one realize that maybe the care he is receiving is the best care for him? Children learn in different ways, he may be super great at something, but might have some problems with other things. Good grief, the family did not kick him out of the family. Collin always appeared to be very loving and caring on the show , it's sad that all the Doctors over on that blog have him committed to some sort of hospital. Stop it! I'm sure this has been very hard on Kate having to make a decision like this, as Jon left his sons years ago, they had no bonding time with him. I remember months and months went by, he was flying and living all over the country and none of the kids saw him. You don't miss what you never had.
For this year alone, a list of the interviews Jon has given discussing custody/visitation and bashing Kate.
January, Steve Harvey interview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKZZKLdvJQ0
January 28 ROL, Jon talking custody - blaming Kate http://radaronline.com/celebrity-news/jon-gosselin-kate-fight-missing-children/
February 6 ROL, Jon saying he doesn't know what kids look like http://radaronline.com/celebrity-news/jon-gosselin-kids-refuse-visit-kate-gosselin-telling-them-lies/
June 23 Yahoo, nasty interview talking about kids and Kate http://www.yahoo.com/celebrity/jon-gosselin-is-no-longer-afraid-to-speak-his-mind-210338955.html
July 22 ET, bashed Kate, says his kids are grown http://www.etonline.com/news/193882_jon_gossselin_does_not_want_to_remarry_there_really_isn_t_a_point/
August 3 ET, selling the same story about his kids http://www.etonline.com/news/194738_exclusive_jon_gosselin_talks_estrangement_from_his_kids/
August 13 Rocking Dads, again talking custody and bashing Kate http://mail.google.com/_/scs/mail-static/_/js/k=gmail.main.en.R9ZlbKBqeHM.O/m=m_i,t,it/am=OotHAjBPxv3BuJYBQFb6AIV5738-uVR22O0e1Z8IiCKvAv9v9v8APg_2oi0U/rt=h/d=1/rs=AHGWq9DXGEMWwIMcn96aMROOzPLRDITbmA
I don't know when Jon said this, but CNN is saying it's from a recent interview with them. http://www.cnn.com/2016/08/25/entertainment/jon-gosselin-mady-cara/
In a recent interview with CNN, Gosselin said he only gets to visit with a few of the kids. "I see the twins at the gate [of the house when he goes to pick up some of the other children]," he said. "Last time I did anything with Mady was a year and a half ago."
It's incredible that Bl says Jon can play these games because the twins started it by not saying "that's off limits" when asked about their dad when they appeared on The Today Show. (Back in 2/2104). The Beckspert has crowed time and time again how the girls refused to speak poorly of their father. Jon's been pulling stunts and selling stories about custody since he and Kate split. I think Mady's had enough.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 72
I read Jon's comments again and I don't think he made it seem like the twins were being kept from him, as Mady stated. In fact he specifically cited friends and other teen things as the reason the twins' visits waned. We had even said at the time, it might be better not to take a teen away from friends for a mandatory visit or risk making them resent it.
I wonder if Mady has even actually read his comments, or was just told what he said through Kate's spin. He was very factual and even-handed with his comments and has said over and over how much he loves them. And let's not forget the topic of Jon was brought up to the twins ages ago on the Today show. If they want to play that game, they started it. They could have said that's off limits if they really want to play the game of it's not appropriate to discuss. You can't have it both ways, Jon can't talk about it but you can. But as we all seem to agree, not that ANY of this mess is their fault. They're just manipulated kids. August 25, 2016 at 10:07 AM
Sorry BL, Jon makes money talking about his kids. You think kids don't have or are allowed their own opinion of something. People that have no kids of their own always want to tell others how to raise their kids. It's not a game, it's true life for these kids, it's all they know about Jon. He left them when they were very young, he played his "game" out, when his money was gone, the true Jon really came out to the public. He might love his kids for interviews, but where is his responsibility for paying for their care?
That list.....wow. Didn't one of his social media accounts say not to ask about his kids or they would be blocked? Maybe it should be amended to say 'unless you stick a mic in my face.' How sad.
Blogger merryway said... For this year alone, a list of the interviews Jon has given discussing custody/visitation and bashing Kate.
Whether Jon has given one interview or 100 interviews does not negate the sad fact that Kate disclosed such personal and sensitive information about her own son in People Magazine. She is getting an overwhelming number of negative responses for doing it, above and beyond what her "haters" are saying. Why? Because it is so wrong in the minds of so many. Jon and Kate bashing each other has been going on for years. What Kate just did is unconscionable, mind-bogglingly cruel and thoughtless.
It was going to come out one way or another. With them filming Kate would have to explain away Collin's absence. Jon would have sold the story somewhere with his twist on it. I feel badly for Collin and hope he gets the help he needs. With that I think it was the right thing for Kate to do. Get ahead of the story before it is leaked.
Many people are saying how cruel and thoughtless Kate is. I believe she is acting on advice from a counselor to have him schooled somewhere else where his needs are met. We don't know what his troubles are and I don't want to know.
People need to stop behaving like there's a stigma behind getting help for yourself if you have problems, and that it's something that is shameful and should be hidden. That goes for kids, too. Parents can't act like getting their kids the help they need should be kept hidden, because then the kid will think they need to be ashamed of what's going on in their lives.
Now, the details are private and remain private, but the fact that Collin needs help isn't something that is personal and sensitive information that needs to be kept under wraps, because then the message to Collin is that his issues are embarrassing or taboo. He can hold his head up high knowing he is working on getting better, and Kate can hold her head up high knowing she is doing what's best for her son, and she's not ashamed that he needs help and so she's not hiding that he needs help. Nobody should be ashamed to get their kid the help he needs, because it's what's best for the kid.
There have been many campaigns over the years that have encouraged people of all ages to acknowledge that a person's mental health isn't something to be ashamed of, and getting help is positive and there's nothing to hide.
Micha ITA with everything you wrote. They act as if special needs is something of which to be ashamed. They also want to believe that the child was shipped off back in time to some 1940s institution. If one can afford it, there are some great places. The important thing is Collin is getting the help he needs.
Blasé? Try realistic. This was going to come out one way or another. Lets say it came out 6 months from now. Kate would be called a liar and numerous other names I can't write.
People are slamming her without knowledge of the whole story and do not follow it like a small number of us. Kate is doing what is best for her son....I will not presume to question her about it or second guess it and nor should any of you.
Anonymous Micha said... People need to stop behaving like there's a stigma behind getting help for yourself if you have problems, and that it's something that is shameful and should be hidden. That goes for kids, too. Parents can't act like getting their kids the help they need should be kept hidden, because then the kid will think they need to be ashamed of what's going on in their lives.
So then parents should be taking out space in their local newspapers to notify the whole city/state of their child's behavioral/developmental problems? Cause that's what Kate did except on a national level.
I have to wonder if you're in the majority by thinking that a child's problems are so inconsequential that it's okay to share them willy nilly with whomever wanders by. Children deserve as much privacy as adults. Would it be ok with you if your mother/father/spouse/sibling announced your private matters via the media?
It has nothing to do with treating behavioral/mental problems like they are a stigma. It's about using discretion, thoughtfulness and understanding towards that person and not blabbing things to the world.
You don't know what problem Collin is dealing with and nether do I. He may need extra help with reading, math, etc, and home schooling was not fitting the bill. He may have a social issue, he was made fun of by his Dad and RH if I remember what Ellen said. Lots of kids don't have an opportunity to receive excellent care, and so glad Kate is looking out for his best interest.
I agree Sage, it would come out, RH would leak it to the press if he needed grocery money, as I have always wondered if he still follows Kate around.
I'd like to point out while I'm reading here that it was the "haters" who noticed Collin's downcast looks, not being included in an activity, not participating in the couch interviews, his all around appearance of unhappiness, and the "haters" were roundly criticized and were supposedly wrong as well.
NOW Kate announces his problems to the world and it's fine and dandy, the fact that they DO exist and the way she went about it.
It's gotta be wearing trying to defend the indefensible.
You are all missing the point, and since it's bigger than an elephant in the living room I'd say you're trying to deflect.
Broadcasting your child's difficulties, whatever they may be to a well known magazine where the information will go around the world is wrong, thoughtless, cruel, insensitive and stupid only to name a few.
Ah, Sue, are you being purposely obtuse as well as facetious? Surely you know that Kate Gosselin is a public figure who has shared her family story since her children were babies. You're not comparing that to your average private citizen, are you?
Parents with special needs children who are private citizens may not publish their child's journey in the media, but they shouldn't be hiding whatever the issues are within their circle...although I do know that there are many stories of parents self publishing situations their children with special needs are experiencing, from not being invited to social events to not having anyone show up for social events, and those stories often become national news, usually because many kind hearted strangers hear about them and end up going to the child's social event to celebrate with the child. They're not hiding these situations out of embarrassment, they're sharing them and getting support and encouragement from their community. Acts of kindness by strangers for strangers who have a child with special needs. No one is embarrassed and no one should be.
Kate has a different platform because she is a reality TV personality (like it or not) and what she's done is continue to reveal where her family is at this moment, and at this moment one of her children is getting help that he needs. She's not ashamed of it, she's not trying to hide it, and Collin certainly shouldn't be embarrassed by it. And maybe hearing about this situation will help other families who are going through something similar. Maybe there are families who can relate to what Kate and Collin and the rest of the kids are going through right now, maybe this story is helping someone right now.
Maybe being positive is the key, even in the face of negative people saying it should be kept quiet and it's a private matter and it's nobody's business.
I guess the Special Olympics should be cancelled and the kids sent home in shame. The world knows the children participating have special needs. Also, all the books written by parents who have dealt with these type of problems should be burned.
Oh please, the haters have labeled all the kids for years. They used to say that Cara was in a fetal position on the couch and Mady would write a tell-all about Kate.
Bl's crowing how she is right about PAS. Bl's equation involves ignoring all of Jon's words and actions against Kate.
I agree that there is no shame in having special needs. She didn't reveal any specifics about his issues. I will say, though, that I found the cover of a smiling family minus one kid a bit jarring. Something about that bothers me.
As for the BL, she is in her element. Best thing that's happened to her in months has been this People cover. Lots of traffic on her blog and she feels oh so important. It's a narcissist's dream come true. And she gets to talk incessantly about her favorite topic -- PAS. Blah blah blah blah blah.
Anonymous Nameless in LA said... I will say, though, that I found the cover of a smiling family minus one kid a bit jarring. Something about that bothers me.
You and a few thousand others, and those are just the ones who took the time to comment. If Jon had done that it would have been said that he was using his child to make money, pay the rent. If Kate does it, well, that's fine and she should be defended. Wonder how much she got for a People cover?
As for the belief that folks should let all their family flaws hang out there for all to see...no shame, no stigma...Kate sure hasn't practiced that philosophy until she trumpeted her son's situation to the world a la People. Until then she said, for years, all is well, all kids are excelling in school, there are no behavioral problems. What changed her mind? Back then it was nobodys business. Now she's made the most personal thing everybodys business and that's just great.
I am sure Kate got paid for People. The difference between Kate and Jon is that Kate uses the money for education, housing, food etc for the kids. Jon uses it for his lifestyle...such as it is.
We can disagree about if it was wise for Kate to give that interview. Like I said, it was going to come out sooner or later. This way she has some control on the when and how.
Ah, Sue likes to preach, Jon's 6 friends on twitter are embarrassing. Jon should call them out and put a stop to it. This is not helping his son.
I want the best for any child no matter who they are. Someone trying to one up and put Kate and her children in a negative light. The People Mag article was very poorly written and I wished Kate would have not have posted any picture, but it's her life. Jon has sold many stories and appeared on TV, wonder how much he was paid?
So Sue, would you please tell us what issue Collin has and show the proof?
You are unmitigated bitches ( not all, a few are nice) who scream against the owner of a blog as if she was the devil herself. SAGE, WHY do you feel the need to hate blog on a blog?
I wish Karma upon you...may you live in real life what you do to others on the internet.
Or maybe you already are and are projecting?
Have fun with that one
GET A LIFE ( yes, I know, but you are my game of thrones, only everyone looses, especially those kids) Thank G-d for Quebec where we refuse to exploit multiples, after we did 70 years ago and learned the consequenses. Kate and her brood DO NOT, AND WILL NEVER air here.
We respect our kids privacy. I taught, as we all do, my child to hide her face if someone she does not know wants her photo. At 19 she still does it todayé YAY for power over your own person.
Not that I think any will get it, but in a wild open world, privacy is gold.
I don't know where in the province of Québec you live Franky but I live in the province of Québec and we do get Kate plus 8 since the beginning, happy to say we are not Gosselin free. The multiples who were exploited 70 years ago was in the province of Ontario not in the province of Québec.
I think it's sad that Collin is not pictured with the family. It's just not what I'm used to seeing. There are some harsh realities when a family is dealing with a situation like this. Collin is still part of the family but away in a special program. They can't stop living at home, there are 7 kids with their own lives.
I'm would hope that Collin's therapist is advising Kate. Kate has said that the kids are in therapy in order to help them with Collin's absence. I believe Collin not being pictured is indicative that this is a long-term situation. Collin maybe away for several years. Just guessing.
The haters have screamed forever that Kate would never break up her 6-pack. Later on, they would be yelling that Collin wasn't given the help he needed because Kate needed him for filming.
There is so much ugliness out there about all of this. I will through in my two cents but hopefully I can do so without the anger, bitterness, and bitchiness so many on the Internet have displayed (not necessarily on this blog but everywhere Gosselins are discussed).
Of course Kate did the People magazine story for money. She has eight children to support. Somehow, she has managed to keep her kids in the nice home they have and in the private school that affords them much daily privacy without any financial help from their father. She has traded her children's privacy and some of their free time to do this. Many people nastily comment on that being the wrong choice but they do not walk in her shoes. Walking away from reality TV and living hand to mouth like Jon has would not be good for the kids either. After the divorce, the kids would have suffered greatly being sent to public schools where stories about them were likely to be revealed daily for the money people could make on them. They would have suffered greatly crowding into a much smaller home.
That said, I do think Kate likes the limelight. It must be a bit intoxicating to have the perks of celebrity and we know it is hard for many to give that up - we see that's with Jon as well.
In the past, Kate has downplayed any of the kids problems publicly and that backfired because the information was leaked likely through Jon. That doesn't mean she wasn't trying to get them help, she just wasn't willing to share the details publicly. So I expect the decision to send Colin to treatment out of the home was long coming and supported by experts. I also expect that Kate was faced with the dilemma of keeping quiet about the situation (she could have done the photo shoot and said she was respecting Colin's choice not to participate) or going public. But this allowed Kate to determine what would be said and how it would be revealed. It deprived Jon the opportunity to leak it in a more sensational way. (Since he sees 4 of the kids, he either already knew Colin was away or would soon.)
I do agree with Mady, in his interviews, Jon was implying Kate was keeping the kids from him. I am sure that Kate doesn't have much nice to say about Jon but to the extent there is any PAS going on, it goes both ways. Jon routinely says horrible things about Kate publicly.
The Gosselin children have two flawed parents. But one has generally provided stability and the other chaos. The one who has provided stability is routinely crucified for her parenting skills on the Internet but she is the one making all the tough calls on her own.
As far as I have seen, Kate has mentioned that certain kids had problems, since as far back as the year after the divorce, when Alexis and Collin were removed from their class for whatever issues they were having. She has remained vague, as she should, but I do remember her acknowledging issues, and most likely at the time she had no reason to believe there would be ongoing issues. When things start happening with your child it's human nature to think that you can get that child help and they will be fine.
I remember Kate mentioning Collin in particular as far back as the Halloween episode, praising him for being kind as if they were working on his behavioral issues back then and she was praising Collin for the progress that he has made. In the last set of shows she mentioned that Collin wouldn't be going to the same school as the other kids because of ongoing issues. I don't think she ever pretended there were no issues for any of her kids.
That cover photo is what the family looks like now. I've read that some people think that it is hurtful to Collin. I really wouldn't even venture a guess about how Collin will feel if he sees that magazine cover. The only expectation I have is that Kate consulted with Collin's therapist or Doctor and it was approved by them that this could go forward. She wants to help her son, so I don't think she'd go against his Doctor's wishes if his Doctor determined that this was a bad idea. Some people might think the opposite of that, and they have a right to their opinion. I'm of the opinion that Kate wants all her kids to be happy and is working to make that happen.
I agree with most of what PAR said. With no help from Jon the show is what pays the bills and one way or another this would have come out. The truth is Jon would have sold the story for beer money.
to me localyocul has left a new comment on the post ""I don’t want to mar my children’s glory and subve...":
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 191
Are you really a lawyer? You sure do have comprehension problems. Kate was talking about Jon buying a motorcycle while they were married not after the divorce. Kate relieved Jon of c/s so he would not go to jail in return for full legal custody. Kate allows the kids who want to see Jon see him. The ones that don't see him do not want to or cannot see him because of the kids therapists do not think it is healthy for them and the judge agreed. Ask Jon.
Yes Kate. That's how it happened.
Which ones don't see Jon besides the twins and Collin? Does Alexis. Say the part about her relieving Jon of child support for full legal custody is true. She couldn't just graciously forgive his debt without being a bitch and taking full legal custody? Sounds pretty bitchy to me...She obviously didn't need his money. If true. //////////////////////////
So that makes Kate a bitch. What does that make Jon? Rather than pay back child support he GAVE UP legal custody. She obviously does not need his money....but what does his actions tell his kids? It tells them that money is more important to him than they are.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 7 The way the Kate fan/troll presents it, Kate basically blackmailed Jon, and did in illegal act in making a "deal" to relieve the support in exchange for legal custody. Illegal leverage, not allowed.
That is NOT something I would spread around, FYI. She could be in serious trouble if that's what really happened. Note, when defending your queen, to implicate her in illegal activity. Just a hint. ///////////////////////////////////
Well, Jon was relieved of back and current child support and Kate has legal custody. Note, if it was an illegal activity Kate would not have legal custody. Just a hint.
If the custody situation was not legal, Jon and RH would have spread it all over the tabs LONG ago and Jon would have been back in court. Perhaps if the BL used her highly touted critical thinking skills, she would remember that Jon said that his custody arrangements was unusuaL This happened a long time ago ... not yesterday.
Tucker's Mom has left a new comment on the post ""I don’t want to mar my children’s glory and subve...":
DH and I went to the grocery store and you guessed it, saw Kate's mug staring back at us in the checkout line. I told DH to count the kids on the cover, and he said, "They're missing one". I told him about Colin and he said, "Well, they don't seem to upset about it!". Yup. Smile for the cameras, kids. /////////////////////////
LOL I have been waiting for the 'validation' on the sighting of People in the checkout. Ole Tuck hit a home run with this one. First it was a man validating what she thinks and second, it is in the checkout.
We just have to wait now for someone in the checkout...a stranger....saying Kate is a bitch and turning around the magazines.
These people are so transparent. It's just a variation of the dog stepping on the remote that the Gwopers used to write about rather than admitting that they were watching the show. And they ALWAYS need someone else agreeing with them.
So the BL was in the court room when Jon gave up legal custody of his kids. ROTF. As a lawyer, your post on the custody issue is worth an empty toilet tissue roll. A JUDGE made a ruling, not Kate or Jon. I'm sure there was many layers to the case. None of my business, nor yours. If Kate did anything illegal, Jon would have pressed charges. Jon owed back taxes at that time also.
Tucks needs a life. Who spends time in a store when you are with your husband looking at rag magazines while in the ckout. There are about 20 of those in a rack, but of course, she had to report on Kate. The stupidity of her comments are just so over the top. If my husband was counting kids on a mag cover in public, I would have him evaluated.
localyocul has left a new comment on the post ""I don’t want to mar my children’s glory and subve...":
Kylie said... 58 The idiocy and mental deficiency of her fans has no bounds, just mindless supporting Kate. What kind of stupidity is it that the fans have said they know she beat her kids but that was a long time ago and she was overwhelmed. There is NEVER a good enough excuse for child abuse -- NEVER.
And the consequences are today. And he is far away because of it. /////////////////////////
I guess Loco sat in on the evaluation with Kate and Collin.
Deliverence has left a new comment on the post ""I don’t want to mar my children’s glory and subve...":
Kylie said... 58 The idiocy and mental deficiency of her fans has no bounds, just mindless supporting Kate.
And whenever anything negative comes up about Kate, those mouth-breathers immediately bring up Jon's lack of paying support. It's their version of putting their fingers in their ears and going "la la la la, I can't hear you." ////////////////////////////////
LOL LOL I have been called a lot of things but 'mouth breather' really? That hurt! LOL
Sorry, this is long. Bl writes such lengthy comments.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 150
You repeatedly claimed that the law precluded her from voluntarily giving up child support, but have conveniently forgotten that because the "she willing gave up support" argument works for you in this case. So which is it? Pick a story and stick to it.
The law DOES preclude a mother from simply "giving up" support. The court must make that finding. This prevents sweetheart deals (as Tucker pointed out) that are bad for the children, like I'll give up support if you agree to stop seeing the children, agree to move out of state, etc.
You're missing the point. This point is SHE, Kate, is saying, through her attorney, she willingly gave up support. Therefore, SHE cannot turn around and complain about his financial choices when she herself says she isn't pursuing support against him.
You're not getting it. It does't f-ing matter to my point what really happened with support, the point is SHE is talking out of both sides of her mouth. On the one hand saying she willingly doesn't want support, on the other, complaining. August 26, 2016 at 6:57 PM
Here's Bl's older comments declaring it's not legally possible for Kate to give up support. BL said once an order had been in place, it couldn't be rescinded. It doesn't matter if BL lied back then. It doesn't matter that she spread rumors and falsely accused Kate.That's not the point! Just move along and believe what Bl's tells you today! Lol I missed the part where Kate was supposedly complaining about Jon's financial choices.
Before Kate puts out a story like this she might want to read a few law-ish books to see if that's even legal on PA. Since apparently it's not. August 2, 2012 at 7:24 AM
From BL's 2012 Top 10 Worse Kate Moments
There were many sour moments where she threw the children's beloved father under the bus, including when she claimed that she relieved him of child support obligations out of the goodness of her heart (she didn't count on anyone knowing that's not possible under Pennsylvania law once an order has been put in place) xxxxxxxxxxxx
BL completely ignores that Jon was the one who ran to Star lying that \his child support was going to put him in jail. Also, smacking down Kate at the same time. Just more of Jon's antics they completely ignore.
Btw BL, the same should apply to Jon. He can't willingly give up legal custody and then complain about decisions made by Kate.
Oh the BL is so entertaining, just because a law is in place on the books in a state, doesn't mean that every decision will be based on it. Good grief, she should get a refund on her education. Many courts order cs, many parents don't pay it. Kate and Jon went before a judge, Jon agreed to the new terms, so suck it up buttercup. Jon can complain till the cows come home, selling stories about Kate and the kids will be his life until the kids are no longer a interest to the public. He pays NO cs, a fact that she just can't accept that Jon AGREED to. What's bad for the kids is that Jon is now on a pity party because he got caught in his lies. If he wants the truth out, tell the real story, his half truths are laughable. Jon is lucky she forgave the cs, or he would be sitting in jail instead of drinking and chasing tail every night. He could have paid his back cs and kept current but he chose not to do the right thing.
Btw BL, the same should apply to Jon. He can't willingly give up legal custody and then complain about decisions made by Kate.
Exactly. You'd think that a lawyer would have anticipated that response when she made her initial ridiculous comment.
The truth is that you can relieve your ex of financial responsibility and STILL complain about being the sole supporter of your kids, just like you can give up having a say in your kids' lives (but what kind of a parent would?) and still complain that you have no say in what your kids do. That's the way human beings are - that's the way they can be.
Hey Sage, Don't worry about being called a mouth breather. It could be worse -- you could be a sentient enema like Milo! WTF is a sentient enema?!? Poor Tuck is so riled up that she's randomly throwing together her big words.
Tucker's Mom said... 97 Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 14m14 minutes ago Don't know why folks R so unhinged about minimal info U gave about ur son! Sounds like he's going to be fine! #CaringForCollin @kateplusmy8
Well, then, Milo, you just confirmed what we've believed for quite some time. You really *are* the idiot we all suspected you are. ***** Well, then Milo, you should really not know why Mady is so unhinged about Jon saying that he hasn't seen or spoken to her in awhile.
Works both ways, you sentient enema.
Oh, Kate Coyne, was Colin "ready for that information to be out there"? Did ya even ask him? Did Kate?
Just another example of their blindness. Jon giving one of his regular interviews to trash Kate and saying...again....how he is going after custody. The date on this is from over a year ago and yet could have been given yesterday. Jon is always saying he is going after custody. LOL
From Kate's book, I Just Want You To Know, letter to Collin, published in 2010:
"As you have grown, however, I must say you have also challenged my authority greatly. At two and a half, you began testing and trying my parenting at every chaqnce. I called Daddy at work many days crying because you would not obey. I had to ask you every day, “Who’s in charge: you or me?” You would reluctantly answer, “You are”. As you have grown, this fact has not changed. You continue to be determined to do what you want to do, and I continue to try to rein you in.
This was written to Collin when he was 6 years old. How would you feel if your mother wrote a letter like this to you?
Anon, and your point is? We could find just as many things that Jon has said and done. He makes it easy as he gives many interviews. I remember in one he called the girls liars.
My point is you all are trying to blame Kate for Collins problems, which by the way we do not know what they are. There are professionals involved. Kate says that the kids are getting therapy. Taking excerpts from books or looking a minute clip from an edited tv show from years ago does not give you and the others the authority, education, or for that matter, the common sense to point fingers as to who is the blame.
chefsummer #Leh has left a new comment on the post ""I don’t want to mar my children’s glory and subve...":
Shut up already.
Secondly the public would not have an opinion if KATE kept her face off of people Magazine if she would have kept her mouth shut we wouldn't have an opinion.
Kate wanted to public to know she wanted the public to kiss her bottom for doing "the right thing" And you're to dim to realize this.
So it is okay for you all to have an opinion but not Milo?
We all have choices and opinions. Apparently the haters think only they have the right to express them.
It would be nice if Anon had published the entire letter, because as I recall, the balance of it was quite positive and complimentary towards Collin.
Poor Milo. Only BL and her non-critical thinking lackeys are allowed opinions. Perhaps if they ventured off of her veranda sometime, they could realize that there is more to this story than the hate that BL has brainwashed them with.
I think many times children with special needs may be labeled as stubborn or difficult when they are toddlers because the true extent of their issues have not been diagnosed.These children probably act out of frustration because they do not understand and cannot make others understand how they are feeling.By the time Collin grew out of the toddler stage Kate was dealing with her vindictive ex and his stalker friend rummaging through her trash and trying to destroy her.Had Jon been a supportive and loving father instead of an absentee deadbeat who did nothing but cause Kate even more stress Collin may have been able to have gotten help sooner.
Tucks is still standing in the ckout with her hubby counting the kids pics while she types her drivel. ROTF, she really should seek therapy for her husband, that's one scary dude she married. ROTF
I can't help but recall one of the emails that Hoffman sent me. He wrote in it that Jon and his then girlfriend were mean to Collin. Making fun of him. Now, I think that may be true.
We went for groceries today (a chore I despise) so I flipped through People while hubby loaded the stuff on the belt at checkout (that's his part and I put it away at home, lol). There's a whole layout in the middle, with each of the girls in a photo (including one with Zorro) and the remaining two boys in one photo together. It made me feel sad. I am not going to speculate on what's happening. I feel we shouldn't know anything, but it's out. My baby brother separated himself from our family when he was a young teen. At 40-something, he has many issues, as he was the forgotten child during a nasty divorce. He is very scary. I just hope Collin is OK, or will be. Being different can be very hard on a child, even though it's not their fault and nothing to be ashamed of. I pray his treatment helps him, and puts him on a solid foundation for success in life. He deserves that. Everyone does.
After Jon's short response to Kate's People article. I told a friend that Jon didn't have much to say, so I bet he's already negotiating an interview for dollars. Jon loves his press opportunities. I also bet, that in spite of Mady's plea that he stop talking about her, he will continue to do so. A pap was at DJ gig and asked Jon about it. At around 2:00, Jon tells the pap he's under exclusivity and an article will be out on Wed.
Jon says he's "Team Me." Could Jon have ever spoken truer words if he tried? He spoke the most honest words of his life. He's not "for" anyone but himself, and that's the way it is and always will be.
The only surprise regarding Jon giving an interview about the People article is that he's waiting so long. If it would have been profitable he would have had that response interview out the following day. So now he has to wait.
I'm sure Jon has looked online to see what the talking points about the article are, and he's gotten some idea about what to say to pander to the Kate haters. No doubt their hateful comments have given him tips on what to say. I expect Jon's interview to be a version of what the most hateful people have been saying since last Wednesday, although I expect him to stay away from criticizing Mady and stick to his tried and true blaming Kate for all.
I read that here also, wish someone had that statement. I think Ellen was with him at that time.
Jon needs money, instead of helping his son, he is going to do a interview for $. Wonder if he will take the funds and help Collin and his other kids?
Jon has a few Kate haters that follow him, no one buys Jon's lies, it just gives them life to tweet all day. They really should be concerned why Jon does not see his kids and why he gave up legal custody.
Jane has left a new comment on the post ""I don’t want to mar my children’s glory and subve...":
Nick might very well be one of the Twitter fans with a different name - Goody, Sage, Ziggy, CJ, Barb, Carlene....there are still plenty who think Kate's just peachy. //////////////////////////
Now Jane, we both know that I do not do that (thats a hater MO) and I would never think someone is peachy.
GollyGee has left a new comment on the post ""I don’t want to mar my children’s glory and subve...":
PeppaP said... 43 New to posting, but a long-time reader...does anyone know what happened to Redbird? I enjoyed her posts and haven't seen any from her in quite a while, and hope she is okay. Thanks to Admin and everyone who participates on this blog - I always feel like I am "talking" to old friends when I read here:-)
IIRC, Admin said awhile back that she had heard from Redbird and all was good, just taking a break. I am sure that Redbird appreciates your thoughts. ;)
I was a long time lurker and I enjoyed Redbird's post too! //////////////////////////////
LOL everyone knows Golly Gee is Redbird...no one else writes that crazy even at Becks! and that is saying something.
I think Golly/Redbird is patting herself on the back dang nabit!
Kate made money, she was offered the interview, poor Jon's lapdogs are just mad that no one supports their deadbeat hero. It's sad that Jon can't do a decent interview, leave Kate out of it and just support his children.
Sftk has left a new comment on the post ""I don’t want to mar my children’s glory and subve...":
I think the artist banner that goes with this blog says a lot, Collin with his hands over his face! How many years have so Many concerned people been trying to help the kids? I hope the kids are able to read this blog someday and get some consolation that a group of caring people tried to help them and understand the damage that TLC and everyone connected to putting them on display cause them, robbing them of a Normal childhood. ////////////////////////////
This has to be a joke! Yeah, the kids will really love how you all talk about their mother! Lets also pray that the kids never find Becky's birth fetish site.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator has left a new comment on the post ""I don’t want to mar my children’s glory and subve...":
I have also found watching the episodes that feature chaos, which is most of them, jarring. It is not fun or entertaining to witness it.
I'm a very low key person around the house and I was raised by mostly calm people who spoke to children in indoor voices and punished calmly and respectfully. There are no screamers in my family. That chaos drives me bonkers. I also think I am quite sensitive to it, more than the average person. I don't enjoy loud noises like fireworks or concerts. Yelling and screaming gives me anxiety. For anyone sensitive to that like Collin must be, that house must be hell. ///////////////////////////////////////////////
Hmmm I seem to remember Becks writing about on her blog of her mother hitting her....hard. Does anyone else remember her writing that?
BL and her group are very indignant that they are accused of thinking someone should be ashamed of child with behavioral or mental health issues. Yet the hypocracy abounds.
They applauded the woman who wrote that she would never send her son who needs extensive physical care away as if finding an appropriate living arrangement outside the home is wrong.
In the past, they have held Bobbie McCaughey up as a shining example of how someone should mother high order multiples yet had no problem with her " outing" 2 of her children as having cerebral palsy and discussing their condition and therapy in magazine articles. Should we conclude that is because they are okay with discussing physical disabilities of one's children publicly but not behavioral or mental health ones?
They argued loudly that Josh Duggar, as a young teenager, should have been removed from the home and sent for treatment for the protection of his sisters. Yet, they do not consider that is possible the choice to help Colin away from was both for his sake and his siblings well being.
They have long argued Kate would never let one of the kids opt out of filming but clearly she has not put filming her son over addressing his needs- something they refuse to argue.
They alternately suggest that Colin has not wanted to photographed or filmed for years and then turn around and suggest that he will be hurt that he is not in the picture on the cover.
They argue incessantly that Kate does not treat the kids as individuals and then are outraged when she does.
They were outraged when two of her children were expelled and Kate wouldn't admit to their having serious problems in the media and they are even more outraged when she does open up publicly (though circumspectly) about one of the children's issues.
The only constancy I see over there is the belief that if Kate does something, it is "evil" no matter what.
I'm procrastinating instead of working so I did a search. It literally took me 10 seconds to find this post from the BL. Either she thinks it is possible to be beaten in a calm, respectful and quiet manner, or she is completely full of shit.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 148
But to the victim it can hurt just as much. My mother was strong and could really pummel me with just her hand. It's one and the same to me. I was beaten. They are both equally wrong to me, although I am well aware that most states allow open handed spankings. I don't mean this as a pile on to my parents because as I said, we've discussed what happened as a family and have healed. Not everyone has been so lucky. As far as I understand it, Kate does both or did both. Open hand AND objects.
Wow, Becky has some serious issues. And tells some serious lies. I didn't know anything about the birth website until I started reading here. My dislike of her began with the lies she has told repeatedly about the child support matter. She has her readers convinced that Jon couldn't sign over legal custody in exchange for an abatement of child support. She is wrong from a legal perspective. And obviously,that's exactly what Jon did.
As an aside, don't look behind the curtain. That's not GollyGeeItIsntRedbird behind there pulling the strings. GollyGeeItIsntRedbird is just a good ole Christian woman, who says h.e.double-hockey-sticks for the bad words. Surely, she wouldn't be deceitful and let people think that she isn't still there, posting under a new name. GollyGeeShucksMa'am, lil ole Redbird wouldn't OF lied.
Right on schedule -- Jon fires back. Wonder who is anonymous source is this time? http://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/jon-gosselin-kate-gosselin-interview-112247
Sage, no that whole thing was confusing to me. I honestly didn't read your blog very often, just remember something about Angela and emails and controversy. I first heard somewhere that Angela was RH during the Bullyville debacle, but there weren't details. How did you establish that RH was Angela.
And the point of Jon's silly article? Besides it being a ridiculous story, one would think that Jon's focus is on reuniting with his kids. Again, his focus is bashing Kate and his hatred is evident. Once more, does he think any of these interviews are going to make his non-visiting children rush into his arms? Same old Jon.
Layla has left a new comment on the post ""I don’t want to mar my children’s glory and subve...":
Okay, fellow posters, who was in my neighborhood today? I went up to my local Giant store for some marjoram and while waiting to check out, I noticed that someone had taken copies of Country Living magazine and placed them in front of People magazine in each of the checkout lines. Oh, and the racks of People mag were still full.
Never let it be said that I would stifle anyone's freedom of expression--I left the magazines they way they were and just giggled as I checked out.
Now fess up--who was it? Next time let me know you're here and I'll have you over for tea! ////////////////////////////////////////
I said this was coming. Magazines turned or blocked. LOL
By the way I stopped at the store after work. Most People magazines were sold and not one was turned or were there any other magazines put in front of them. LOL
Jon is still whining to the media instead of going to court. How does he not know where Collin is living? If he had the right to know, and Kate wasn't telling him, wouldn't he get his lawyer to deal with it? Could it be that Jon doesn't even have a legal right to know the whereabouts of his 12 year old child?
Warmth Of The Sun has left a new comment on the post ""I don’t want to mar my children’s glory and subve...":
I remember when Jon expressed his concern that some of the kids had issues -- anger, socialization, whatever, and Kate went public, firing back that all of the kids are healthy, happy and thriving.
Sure, they were. That's why Collin isn't among the six pack at home anymore.
I bet she can't stand the fact that Jon publicly expressed his concern about this and she refuted it. How do your words taste, Kate, since you had to eat them? Do you prefer ketchup or mustard? /////////////////////////
Kate didn't want to talk about the kids publicly and Jon went ahead and did it. You all bitch about Kate and the People interview yet Jon has been talking about the kids for years!
What do you think of the $2mil offered to Jon by Kate and TLC to continue the fakery? If you were divorced from your children's dad, would YOU not encourage your children to have a relationship with their dad? Go on custody weekends? If you had a troubled child wouldn't you put your child's best interest ahead of your personal feelings and ask his father for help? There's no reason for Kate excluding Jon from the narrative. It's pathetic, selfish and sad. Love the child more than you hate the ex. This is all so heartbreaking. I see plenty of fault in both parent's actions. It's time they grow the hell up and CO-PARENT for their kid's emotional health.
Sandie, I think you're making the assumption that everything you mentioned in your comment is true, but I think that of all that you mentioned what is most important at the moment is the belief that that Jon is excluded from being in the lives of his kids. Could that be true? If it is, why? Would it be for no good reason?
If a family court Judge has weighed in on this (and how could that not have happened? How can anyone explain or rationalize any scenario that includes Jon not seeing a few of his kids for years but not going to court to do anything about it?) and has decided that Jon doesn't have the simple right to know what's going on with his children, or where this specific child is, what had to happen for a Judge to think that was the right decision? What could he have done? And if he did nothing and there's no ruling in a family court preventing Jon from knowing what's going on with his kids, wouldn't that be even worse? Because that would mean that Jon hasn't seen some of his kids for years but did absolutely nothing of any substance to change that. If there's no court ruling that would mean that Jon didn't go to court and didn't make a real effort to be a part of those kids' lives.
If Kate is doing something that is illegal in some way, if she's' breaking some law by keeping this information from Jon, why wouldn't Jon go to court and get a court order to have Kate disclose the information? Instead he complains in the press.
Does anybody have any idea how many times Jon has whined in the press about the status of his relationship with some of his kids, and claimed that he's going to go to court, he's just about to file something, he's just trying to get some money to pay legal fees. It's been years. Has he not earned the money yet? Has he gone to court and had a Judge rule against him?
Does Jon ever tell the whole truth about his situation with his kids, or is just bashing Kate good enough for him? If Kate has all the power in this family situation, why is that?
1 – 200 of 380 Newer› Newest»I have some good news. My son and his wife welcomed their daughter Ellie on Aug 2. She is adorable and looks like her brother. Ellie has already been styling with the head bows! My son just doesn't get that. lol
I want to add that my other granddaughter, Addie continues to thrive.
I added Ellie's picture to the sidebar.
Congratulations :)
jamezvader1194 has left a new comment on the post "TLC Block Party":
Ok i think i just found proof that Milo reads here,i was looking at my own IG and decided to see if Kate's followers dropped even more,its at 77k now and Milo got rid of the picture of Kate's IG getting verified.Funny no one on twitter said anything about it and she didn't get rid of it until someone pointed out the following drop.
Please someone explain to me why it is so important to watch Kate's IG account to see if her followers go up or down? One would think that the importance you all are giving it it was the stock market.
Ellie is a beauty, Sage! How nice for Ellie and Addie to be so close in age! Congrats!
Thank you. They are just a month apart in age and we think they will be best friends. Plus they only live a couple blocks apart.
Congrats, Sage! What an adorable baby. And so glad to hear that Addie continues to do well.
LOL re: IG watch. Sage, clearly you don't understand the important work of a child advocate. No respect.
Lol Nameless.....I guess I don't!
Sending so many congratulations to you and your family! What a beautiful girl (they both are of course). My grandparents had almost 30 grandkids, and the biggest bonds as kids and to this day are the bonds between the middle girl cousins, about 6 of us who remain extremely close. There is nothing better than girl cousins growing up together, playing together, reaching their milestones together, celebrating everything together. Their names are so sweet too. So happy for you all! You most definitely have some exciting times ahead!
Thank you. PJ. We are excited to see them grow up together!
Beautiful babies! They are both precious as can be!
Probably one of their tired games. If there's a way to purchase fake IG followers, a hater will do it for the fun of messing with Kate.
While their eyes are hyper-focused on Kate's IG followers, Jon uploaded some DJ videos that seems as if he is feeling no pain. Jon also revealed to the world that he has no credit card by replying to a twitter account that tweets embarrassing remarks to celebs as if it knows them.
Johnny Hustle @JonathanHustle Aug 6
Johnny Hustle Retweeted
This was a great night, but still bummed that your credit card got declined when you tried buying jager bombs. https://twitter.com/jgosselin10/status/761423929525297156 …
@JonathanHustle jokes on u, I don't have a credit card, #misinformed #whiskeyonly. Nice try
2:35 PM - 6 Aug 2016
Oh gawd! those are awful. He must be auditioning himself to get back on TV.
Congratulations, Sage!!
Do these people also track Jon's IG follower numbers? He's no "private citizen" since he is pursuing a "career" that is about attention and he's given many interviews over the last year or so.
I guess they care too much about someone they don't like and not enough about someone they claim to want to succeed.
Sage---just precious. Best wishes to you and all of them. Busy times ahead for you!
Poor Jon, first he knocks out his few twitter fans, and now again can't pay his bills. Jon will never be on TV, no one wants a trainwreck. How sad, Jon had it all and gave it all up for late nights and booze.
I am so happy for you Sage.
Anyone see Jon on his twitter last night? He was live on Periscope. Flipping the bird, using the f word. He looked drunk and greasy and bloated. I am mortified for Mady and Cara, all of them.
Those periscope videos that Jon posted of himself Djing are quite a contrast to the pic that Bl has tried to paint. Bl pictures him as the raddest of the rad Dj dads.
This is an older comment of Bl's (when she was insisting that a pic Jon posted on FB included Collin and Alexis even though they were way off in the distance and blurred little specs...also wrong on that one Bl).
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 179
These kids must think their dad is so cool. He IS cool, he pulls it off the way he dresses, and he's DJing rad tunes to crowds of people. His cool factor is so much higher than Kate's whose only job is on some rather nerdy network. They look like they're having a blast at the beach. Including Collin.
She's tried so hard to turn them against him and eventually it failed. When it comes to teens and pre teens and "cool", that is a HUGE X factor she didn't plan for.
June 2, 2015 at 6:43 AM
I have seen no mention at Becks about those periscope videos. Jon is an embarrassment to himself and his kids. The guy is what 40? He will never grow up. No wonder the twins do not care to spend time with him.
Congrats Sage!
Anyone who has raised kids knows that teens are not the least bit impressed by their parents being cool. Teens are embarrassed just by the simple fact that their parents exist! The Beckspert has zero clue about raising teens and her lack of insight is painfully obvious when she tries to claim that Jon being "cool" impresses his kids. Sometimes, nah, most times she should refrain from commenting about that which she does not know.
All the bleeple seem interested in is those moronic 'church' ladies they read on twitter. I find nothing they say funny or interesting.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator has left a new comment on the post "TLC Block Party":
Y'all are gross. This is not perverted. Get you mind out of the gutter. Shame on you all who think this is bad.
Gutter Garbarge
I don't know that perverted is the right word. For me it's much more about the emotional burden she is putting on her kid to fulfill a role properly meant for a male companion, husband, etc. It's not healthy. So when I say she is inappropriate and has inappropriate boundaries, I'm not suggesting she is trying to hurt the kids in a sexual way. But this behavior is odd and make no mistake, these kinds of burdens can be very damaging to a child.
The beckspert speaks.
Gotta love a lecture on boundaries from a woman who talked about kissing the kids she nannied when she dropped them off at school and telling them she loved them. She is so clueless and yet so convinced of her own brilliance and deep insight It's quite the combo package.
When it comes to Gladys, I do believe that her love for Kate is both emotional and physical. My mind's not in the gutter. Gladys has been obsessed with Kate's body, her baths, her physique way too much for it *not* to be a sexual attraction. Given the chance, she would bed her in a New York minute.
Didn't copy who wrote this....they all blend anyway. The 'Gladys' they are talking about is Milo. (who they are also obsessed with).
They really are clueless aren't they? They who copy and blowup to the zilch power to gaze at Kate's boobs and will talk about them for days. They who look at every picture of Kate, fantasize about her and Steve and speculate about everything she says and does.
Now tell me...who has lust for Kate? It is pretty obvious.
Sage said
They really are clueless aren't they? They who copy and blowup to the zilch power to gaze at Kate's boobs and will talk about them for days.
That's one of the things that some time back made me say "wtf.' Those photos Kate puts out are enlarged and gone over with a magnifying glass and a fine tooth comb like Homeland Security scrutiny type examination. And they call others obsessive. The blind leading the blind.
Why is everything about sex with that group? That picture with one of the girls rubbing Kate's foot was a perfectly innocent pic and the girl certainly did not look uncomfortable in any way.It's amazing that people can make something seem sick and perverted out of something so innocent.
I sometimes wonder if the people at 15 didn't follow Becks over from her birth fetish site. They are a twisted bunch.
They seem to find what they want to see.
Those that speak of sex like she does isn't getting any, but she will take old dirty men for dollars for her fetish site from what I have read. Sicko does not even describe her. Twisted and vile is what she attracts, not a good look for a lawyer who works in family court. I feel sorry for clients who would be assigned to her. Ewww.
On August 9, Kate posted an IG with the below description,
kateplusmy8Following a fun (but long day) photo shoot, my sweet girls happily offered me a foot massage!
Over at Bl's, they are convinced the family participated in the photo shoot. They are chanting that the kids were forced to relinquish a fun Summer day and endure misery under hot lights. Using their super Scooby Doo powers, they believe they have tracked down the pic for which the kids had to suffer.
Lol, it doesn't matter that the Gs are dressed exactly as they were in previous pics for TLC. Their clothes are the same as the pic on the TLC webpage and the same as the promo pic for the TLC Block Party with Kate, Mady and Cara.
The bleeple believe the entire family donned the same clothes from months ago for a new photo shoot.
That's some smart bleeple thinking. :) ;)
Jamesvader1194 said... 157
Hopefully the link works but here's what Kate's talking about in regards to picture shoots.Although they're wearing the same clothes like last time.The photo was uploaded yesterday on the kateplus8 facebook page http://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/s480x480/13925055_10153854026255678_5116994714527040732_n.jpg?oh=b554f02aeb4f0037020a9ce0e0c9f79f&oe=5815FDC2
August 11, 2016 at 12:13 PM
Jon gave a podcast interview. The two men interviewing him seem to have a business educating fathers about childbirth.
Here's the link, it's podcast number 12.
It's long. The guy that asks most of the questions is more interested in hearing himself talk.
Jon can't go five minutes without bringing up Kate and getting in a dig. You can tell he lives to trash her.
Here's the gist of it.
Took his kids to amateur baseball game, shows them how this is how the rest of the world lives.
Doesn't coparent - kids say mommy does this, I say pick up after yourselves
He has a 3 bdrm townhouse, talks about girls being messy and his OCD.
Let's them choose their own clothes (Old Navy) not like their mom does.
He takes the kids to the pool, lets them run around neighborhood. It's a safe where they can be kids, they jump on trampoline.
Aaden is coming out of his shell, he's a funny kid. Doesn't let sis bros walk all over him.
Does a lot with his family since kids don't see a lot of Kate's family.
Tries to integrate kids with society so they see people other than just wealthy or private school kids.
He's doing a DJ event at their school.
In there, he talks about production and video with his Djing.
Said Kate's in contempt to the custody situation, he's building a case to go back to court.
Some of the kids want to live with him more than mom.
He likes his judge,
Goes on about media, he's a victim
He's got good things coming his way, he's in good place. He's had shows pitched to him and he's pitching shows.
Full of himself, talks about he stopped a corporation's number one show for a year, blah blah
Talks about what he went through learning to trust people. Now, his kids will have to deal with it at young age.
He stopped filming doesn't agree other parent still filming.
Said he will never film kids, admitted that he couldn't legally.
One of the meanest and most unnecessary things I have ever head Jon say is below. What a low life pig.
Q: Do you have one of those cool Dj names?
Jon: I just use my brand name, Jon Gosselin or Dj Jon JGosselin. It's just better for marketing. ...years for that branding, It would be stupid not to. It's like why doesn't Kate change back to her maiden name... Branding! She would never be able to sell herself. So, even though my father probably rolls over in his grave, it doesn't matter. She has the right to retain that name. And that's a business move. I'm not going after her for it.
Thanks for the recap merryway.
Jon always sounds so resentful of his kids. Especially when he talks about showing them how the "rest of the world lives." He means how he lives since he pi**ed away all his money on trips and women.
I'm sure Kate tells the kids to pick up after themselves too, Jon. She most likely insists on it.
Some of the kids want to live with him, but will they, ever? Maybe once they're old enough to pay him rent...or maybe he'll end up living with them. I can see Jon doing some couch surfing at one or more of his kids' homes once his kids are grown and on their own.
If Jon's father is doing any rolling in his grave I would think it would be over Jon and what a mess he's made of his own life, and how little say he has in his own children's lives. An ex-daughter in law keeping her married name is nothing compared to a son who is almost 40 and acting like a spoiled, resentful child all the time.
Thanks, Merryway!
You're right Micha, Jon is resentful of his kids...jealous. He wants to be back on TV so bad. He knows talking about Kate is how he gets interviews.
I have to laugh about building a case to go back to court....how many years have we heard that. LOL
He reads at Becks and repeats everything they say he should do. If Kate is truly in contempt, which I highly doubt, it would have been dealt with.
As far as him saying his dad rolling in his grave...ha! I remember Jon saying that his dad liked Kate because she had goals.
I almost pity Jon. He sounds so desperate for recognition. He is a failure in life.
I listened to a bit then couldn't take any more. He really is an arrogant ass and is trying desperately to sound like he's 20 instead of almost 40.
You're welcome. I couldn't sleep after being out late looking for meteors. So, I had a cup of tea and listened to Jon.
It reminded me of the interview Jon did with Rabbi Shmuley. The one that was on the same night Kate appeared on the Emmy's. In that interview, Jon was very snide and demeaning of Kate. It's a shame that he hasn't changed. It's the same type of interview he has given since he told the world he despised Kate.
Over at Bl's there's still no mention of Jon's periscope videos. They'd rather spend their time denying what time Kate says her puppies arise. I'm betting they'll also ignore this new interview of Jon's.
jamezvader1194 has left a new comment on the post "TLC Block Party":
So Kate uploaded an old picture of her mother today since its her birthday.She seems to love IG more then twitter since she just RT tweets on twitter where as she's been uploading lots of pictures and videos on IG.She's mention that her mom died 10 years ago,so if her mom died 10 years ago,is she admitting that the one story in 2010 of her mom defending her against Aunt Jodi and uncle Kevin was a lie? https://www.instagram.com/p/BJF5qWDj9xG/?taken-by=kateplusmy8
That is not Kate's mother but her grandmother as Kate clearly states.
No it was not a lie. Her mother did defend her....somehow I cannot believe someone is this dumb. Are you purposely misstating things to get a reaction? hmmmm
I think James on that blog is an idiot. Or just trying to start stuff. So dumb.
Same ole game the haters always like to play. Despite having a relatively 'new' name remembers Kate's mothers comments from 2010. There are no new players in this just 'new' names.
I guess they don't realize (too full of themselves) that the name may change but it always sounds the same.
Rainbowsandunicorns has left a new comment on the post "TLC Block Party":
miloandjack2016And likewise...you have fond memories of your #Grandpa don't you @kateplusmy8? Mr #Coinkydinky #Grandpa. 😋
Milo also said that he/she didnt know his/her grandparents.
CWS. Last stage. The person actually believes that he/she knows the family, knows what the celebrity is thinking and feeling and inserts himself/herself into that family. Sad, isn't it?
Uh, hello! You all do this all the time!
no self awareness
get therapy
Yep and yep Sage.
Jon's interview with the rocking dads went up Friday night and not a peep about it at Bl's. Proving once again that it's all about Kate. What they can't admit is that they are dying of anticipation for the K+8 shows to air.
Well, it appears to be clear now that the "church ladies" are indeed parody accounts. Of course ole Becks has insisted on several occasions that theY were real people.
In advance, I call that her spin will be she never said they were real people, she said they were real people who created parody accounts. And then she'll ghost argue with anyone who uses her former statements against her. Tuck will join in with a barrage of big words to chastise the unnamed poster with whom Becks ghost argues. PA Dutch will claim that Becks is right because she saw Jon and the kids at the mall and they looked happy. And GollyGeeItIsntRedbird will post that Becks is right because the Chopped judges talked about having Kate's mom on an episode.
I truly think they can't wait for the shows to air because it gives them something to talk about Kate related. They can only go on for so long with over analyzing IG posts smh. They're so creepy.
Courtney, that is sooooo funny! Thanks for the laugh!
You're welcome PJ's. If 15 is nothing else, it is predictable!
I just don't see how people can't see that Becks is manipulative, domineering, egotistical, and wrong more often than she's right. Or do they see it, but that blog is the only place on the net where they can hate on Kate?
What I find predictable, besides what you stated, Courtney, is that TM will post over and over and over, addressing each post she wants to respond to, individually. Cut and paste is our friend. I don't read there much, but when I do, those posts are easily 50% or more of the posts I see as I scroll. Even the owner of the blog doesn't post a fraction as much as that person does. Oh well, to each their own.
Boy, it's HOT!
Ha! Too funny Courtney!LMAO
Jon is such a cool and awesomely rad Dj that he now feels free to criticize the work of others. Jon was at the Premier Nightclub in Atlantic City for this event. He wasn't Djing
His artist ear was so offended by the performance that he had to tweet:
Jon Gosselin Verified account @jgosselin10 6h6 hours ago
@PremierBorgata worst transition I've ever heard, twice!!! I'm not the best but I have an ear, who r these people?
Jon Gosselin Verified account @jgosselin10 5h5 hours ago
Just witnessed the worst so called djing ever, wow
Jon Gosselin Verified account @jgosselin10 5h5 hours ago
Can u say playlist, is there an emoticon for vomit!!! People fooled
Jon Gosselin Verified account @jgosselin10 5h5 hours ago
I'm out, I'd rather, try and fail then sell out, to this shit! Pathetic
But, that wasn't enough to assert his superiority over these fellow Djs. He also had to let it be known on the Premier Club's FB page. It included a pic from the event of KimKat Djing.
Jon Gosselin at Premier Nightclub.
5 hrs ·
Is she really, djing??? I don't think so. I could be wrong, but I know for sure I'm not!!' Sad
Sounds like he was bitter that he wasn't included or he's declaring he will never grace the club with his DJ presence because they used these Djs. Typical classless Jon.
More stuff for Beck's to ignore.
Jon Gosselin Verified account @jgosselin10 6h6 hours ago
@PremierBorgata worst transition I've ever heard, twice!!! I'm not the best but I have an ear, who r these people?
Below is who Jon meant to tweet. Whenever Kate has made a mistake such as that, the bleeple do a happy dance reveling in Kate's narcissism and stupidity. Jon will be excused from being called a doofus and free of accusations of being too lazy or drunk to find the right name.
GollyGee said... 168
Just think. The doctor that inseminated this deranged woman with the 6 year old and then the newborn should face disiplinary action with the state medical board.
That doctor must have used one helluva big needle to inseminate a woman with a 6 year old and a newborn!!
LOL Courtney. I'd hate to see the stretch marks...
LOL, Courtney. You are a riot!
Merry, you're so right. Crickets at 15 about the ofences to Jon's delicate ears. Remember when Kate made a post somewhere about some other reality show, the dance mom or something? The 15ers went on forever about that. Jon goes on a virtual tirade and not one criticism. Go figure.
Offenses...my previous post. Ugh. This phone keypad and I don't always get along.
I guess it finally became really lame to continue making silly claims while writing yards of excuses and rationalizations in defense of Jon. It's easier for Becks and what's left of her crowd to ignore him.
Jon took all the fun out of their child-advocacy. It's only about the children when they can hate on Kate. ;)
Layla has left a new comment on the post "TLC Block Party":
Over and Out (20)
Kate's fans are terrified that the new shows won't air in October after all. They think that once they see a trailer, they can be fairly certain that the show will be on. Although that wasn't true in April, now was it? Wouldn't it be fun if TLC shows trailers, and then cancels again? There would be many tizzies in sheeple-land!
The only tizzies going on will come from Becks and bleeps. Sheesh you all can sure beat something to death.
Tucker's Mom really is pushing for the "most insufferable" gold medal. I thought the BL was a lock, but it's a close race.
Hey Tucker's Mom, Having to let your dog out to pee twice in one night, as you whined about recently, really isn't a great sacrifice.
Tucker's Mom said... 34
Jeanne said... 30
"Nookie Pookie" is revolting. She's determined to show she's a dog lover.
All of my dogs have had a litany of nicknames, some of which don't even resemble their given name!
But, I digress. Kate seems enamored with the dogs for now. They are filling some sort of need or desire, and I do not conflate this with people like me, and many of us here, who have an inborn love of animals and desire to care deeply for our pets, no matter the circumstances or sacrifices.
WHY are they going on about these dogs? People DO change. I already wrote about both my parents being the worst dog owners, and turning into the most loving (obsessed!) dog owners later in life. It happens. She clearly loves the dogs. Jeez! The dogs are obviously loved and cared for and doing very well. Let it go!
Its either the dogs or they talk about Milo's sexuality. They are obsessed with that....which says more about them than her.
Never a mention about Jon's latest interview or his twitter videos.
I've tried posting comments several times. She won't let them through
What comments won't she let through? About Jon?
Oh god. Hey BL, here's the thing...in order for a parody to be "hilarious," the person writing it needs to be funny. You are not.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 14
I always wonder how mommy bloggers would feel if their children wrote blogs about their mother. Would they consider that an invasion of privacy?
That could be a hilarious idea for a parody Mommy blog written by a child all about his mother's worst moments. I may steal that!
I see they've moved on to judging mommy bloggers. Bl will trash Kate, the G kids, and strangers on the internet while ignoring Jon's antics. Truly, Becks and her group have created their own little world. She should just change the name of her blog to "We hate Kate, We Love Jon, Kids Be Damned." That was never more evident than when Bl made the True Grit video with Mady tracking down Kate because Kate had killed Jon. Then, there was the time Bl wished lice upon little Hannah. That's the twisted mind those women follow. Yet, they dare to call the fans creepy. What's creepy is running a birth fetish site with exploitive pics and a "teens" category.
Yes. I've tried bringing up his latest tweets and periscope. It's so weird no one is talking about it. Jon is an ass.
PA Dutch Mom said... 32
OT to Tuckers...storms coming through now. Get ready. Should cool things off considerably this week, with lows in the high 50s. Blessed relief! Admin, you should have waited just a bit longer to visit our great Commonwealth, but hope you had a really enjoyable time here despite the heat wave.
"Kate Gosselin: How She Used Us to Fool the World."
..."But She Didn't Fool Us."
"But the ones like Denise, Carlene, Goody, et al. aren't anonymous and they still wait in anticipation of the episodes. It makes me wonder about their mind-set. Why do they want to see another person's children put on display for their entertainment? These are the lives of kids and these sheeple just don't get it."
I would exclude Gladys from those sheeple. She doesn't give a hoot if those kids are filmed, and doesn't care about watching them. Her focus, and her only focus is on Kate. The kids are just along for the ride. It really makes one wonder about what goes on in the head of someone who is obsessed with a stranger and lusts for her, but doesn't know her and clearly has no desire, by her own admission, to meet her. Bizarre.
Sheeple psychology is so fascinating, scary sometimes, but nevertheless, very interesting.
Nobody lusts after Kate as much as these people do. Bleeple/hater psychology is whats fascinating. You all don't know how twisted you are! That's what scary!
no self awareness
get therapy
Last night, Jon cohosted an AM sports talk show with Rob Maaddi.
I caught the second half. I wanted to listen to see if Jon could speak without making a snide remark about Kate. He couldn't do it.
The guy, Rob Maaddi, with which Jon cohosted, obviously knew little about Jon quitting TLC and the old lawsuit. He was asking something to the affect of Jon giving up the sweet money/ride and one of Jon's remarks was "Did you forget who I was married to."
Jon did blow some hater myths out of the water. Rob Maaddi was on Marriage Boot Camp and they compared the way in which the shows were filmed. RM kept talking about a forced story line. Jon said there was nothing like that on J&K.
Some tidbits from Jon:
They didn't do retakes.
No story lines. Knew where they were going, knew activities. But, that was it.
Nothing was prescripted.
They filmed 3 days a week. Since Jon was working the first seasons, they mostly filmed on weekends.
They had horses and got rid of them because they were too expensive. I'm not sure if he was talking he and Kate or when he lived in the cabin in the woods.
Some more tidbits:
Colleen's daughter babysits when Jon is Djing. Because babysitting is big expense.
Jon's carried a gun since he was 21.
Rebranding cost him millions of dollars. (He's really got the word "brand" stuck in his head).
Was asked about crazy fans. Jon's said he had terroristic threats. He bragged how he did trace routing through the routers and had cops knock on this lady's door. I didn't catch which social media.
While at a bar, a lady grabbed him by throat and another girl punched her in face. He didn't know either women.
One guy poked him in chest, Jon broke his finger.
If anyone is interested, on Jon's fb page, there's a full video of Jon cohosting the sports show.
Merryway--for someone who complains about the haters at 15 being obsessed with Kate, you seem to be equally obsessed with Jon. How many times a day do you check his twitter, Instagram and FB accounts?
If you must know, I normally check the Gosselin world early in the morning or late in the evening, sometimes both. Usually, when I'm done reading the news and have a cup of tea. Sometimes, I go a few days without checking. But, it's no big whoop and doesn't take much time. I'm sorry, but I don't qualify as obsessed with Jon. My interest lies in making BL look like the creepy hater hypocritical fool she is.
When I copy every fan tweet to mock, when I copy every tweet of Jon's, when I announce his every Dj gig hoping someone is there to report back, when I comment on his every IG, when I enlarge a pic to analyze Jon's face/body and have strong opinions about his fashion; then you can call me obsessed. I've just been reporting on what Jon has been saying. I can do that here, unlike BLs. It's more denial for them.
Thanks for the tidbits Merryway. Guess I am obsessed also. Lol!
Hey so there's a new People magazine article coming out soon and the Gosselin family is on the front... Except Collin isn't pictured. Apparently it's "special needs" related or something. I'll go back and look at it but I hope everything is going well with Collin.
So... Collin apparently got sent away to a program..
The BL needs to SHUT UP! She is NOT a doctor and she does not know Colin.
I don't blame Kate for setting the record straight before Jon gives one more interview for $.
Supposed to be many, not more! I typing on my phone.
Thanks, merryway. I appreciate you taking the time to listen to Jon and summarizing. I don't think I could endure it.
The People cover must be driving the bleeps crazy. Kate will do her best for her kids, bleeps will think they know it all and be sure to blame Kate for anything that isn't perfect in the kids' lives.
So that is why Jon has been more vocal lately. Good for Kate for putting it out there about Collin before Jon can distort it and make him the victim.
Love the People cover blurb...Why Mady and Cara do not see their dad.
I see some of Bl's posters are calling for Jon to step in to rescue Collin. Uhm, like we've all said a million times, Jon gave up legal custody. He walked away from his responsibility and put it all on Kate. He has no say-so.
I watched the video with this article. Bl will be attacking the twins, especially Mady.
Bl (who doesn't live in the situation and hasn't seen a show since January) will be writing yards about parental alienation while ignoring the statements of the teen who is speaking about her own father. Bl will ignore all the nasty stories Jon has sold and all of the ugly things he has said about Kate. They only want the children to write tell-alls about Kate, only loving comments are acceptable when the kids speak of Jon.
Cara said she wouldn't even know what to say about her dad.
Mady said:
Here's how I feel about this. This year I'm going to turn 16. I'm going to be learning to drive, taking the PSATs, thinking about college, so much is going on in my life. And the last thing I have time for is a toxic relationship.
The video goes on to say that Mady and Cara agree that their dad talking about them in public is guaranteeing further enstrangement.
Mady also said, He makes seem like we're being kept from him, which is insane. He should maybe spend some time thinking about why we don't want to see him, and maybe realize that if he ever does want a relationship with us, talking about us on tv is not the way to make that happen. He doesn't even know us - how can he dare to talk about us.
I read that also in the People article that all the kids are in therapy to deal with Collin being gone. I would guess that thier father is also brought up.
Sounds like the twins are old enough now to say no to Jon and his toxicity. Good for them. They are looking to the future and college while Jon gets drunk and flips people off on twitter. They twins and possibly the other kids have passed Jon by in maturity.
It isn't surprising you like the article by Cara and Mady. But what kid at that age says things like 'toxic relationship' about their own father without their mothers hatred for him.
There are none so blind as those who will not see.
Anon, your argument and reasoning are so weak that they deserve no further acknowledgement.
I saw this. It's a bit more info. From Eonline.
Kate doesn't disclose her son's diagnosis out of respect for his privacy, but she does say that everyone in her family has been affected by Collin's special needs. "By the same token, it's not something that has only impacted me or him—our entire family has been impacted," the reality TV mom explains. "When you have a child with special needs, everyone is affected."
After realizing Collin's needs, Kate pulled her son out of the same school as his siblings in order for him to receive more specialized care—a change which helped smooth the transition for his siblings. "Over the past year or so, Collin had such a different schedule—different schooling, different therapies, his own room—that his leaving wasn't like one day he was sharing a room and on the bus with them and then suddenly he wasn't," Kate says.
Jon can't even save himself, he can barely make a life for himself - how could he help Collin?
Anonymous, have you never talked to 15 year olds? You think the words "toxic relationship" are too grown up for those kids to think or say? You underestimate the maturity and intellect of kids that age. Jon doesn't need anyone talking him down in order for people, even his kids, to see him for what he is. His kids probably know better than anyone just what he's like when he's the parent in charge, and just what he's done to contribute to what that situation is right now. The girls know, they're not dumb, I'm sure they've experienced more than they'd want to when they used to visit Jon. But even when they say it themselves, you still have to try to blame Kate.
So, exactly WHO is so blind that they cannot see? Who is so biased that even Jon's own kids saying it's JON who has caused the rift isn't enough for you to believe that hey, I guess it's JON. Wow.
NJGal51 has left a new comment on the post ""I don’t want to mar my children’s glory and subve...":
This is just pure speculation on my part but it could be that Collin has been banished to military type school to learn to toe the line. She sent Shoka and Nala away so why not send Collin away also.
Wow, you really are a bitch.
A friend of mine said something that is just so right for this....BL and her bleeps keep saying the twins will write a book about how awful Kate is. Well, it looks like in the people article that they did that about Jon....the real Jon not the one the bleeps all fantasize about.
I don't blame Kate for setting the record straight before Jon gives one more interview for $. ~Judy
I agree. When Jon found out, he would have run to the press blaming Kate and creating drama. Just as he did when the two younger ones left Kindergarten to be homeschooled for awhile.
Your friend is so right Sage. I remember when BL had a clock counting down the minutes until the twins turned 18 and were free from Kate. Things didn't go their way and it ruins their fun. They want the kids to speak out against and hate their mother. Nothing else is acceptable. What Jon does and how he makes his kids feel is irrelevant.
Going to read at Bl's. I might be back. :)
They are such a happy happy bunch over at Bl's. They ignore and ignore Jon but are thrilled to pieces that they have something about Kate in which to sink their fangs.
This is something a little different. It popped up in my alerts. Here's a video of Kate Coyne talking about Kate and the kids.
This article has another video of Kate Coyne talking about the G family
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator has left a new comment on the post ""I don’t want to mar my children’s glory and subve...":
Aren't photoshoots thrilling? Standing around in one spot in the weather in clothes you would never wear without anything to do not even play on your phone while some 20-something grips stand around holding shit and slurping slurpies and the photographer yells at you to smile. And you're old enough to know this is all B.S. and that you're NOT a happy family.
It's understandable why my pre-teen kiddos HATED THIS fake crap.
Becks is delusional. She calls the twins she nannied for 'MY' pre-teen kiddos. No they were not your kids. You were their parents employee. I see why one of the twins does not speak to Becks.
Thanks, Merryway. I had not seen this video http://www.people.com/article/mady-cara-gosselin-open-up-about-dad-jon-gosselin
Kate Coyne has a really good take on Mady. A girl that she has met unlike Becks.
Jon did bring on Mady's response. Jon told everyone on an interview that he did not see the twins. He brought it up and they responded. I bet Jon was upset....he got outted! He has told lies and exaggerations about Kate and the kids for years.
I am so sad Collin is being discussed anywhere. I pleaded w Becky to call a moratorium on him. No one knows his outcome but please let's not add any comments about this. I am somewhat of a non fan, but I see and listen. Kate does pretty good. And her kids are pretty good. Let's just respect this kid and leave it be.
That was a very good video Sage. Kate C. points out that twins were upset about their dad speaking about their lack of visitation, something Bl won't acknowledge.
Beckspert was going on about how Mady was coached as she used the phrase "toxic relationship" and did not give specifics. It would never occur to her to give Mady credit as being mature enough to keep that info private. I'm sure Mady could give plenty of specific reasons/instances.
Yep, that parental alienation bs silences the voices of children.
Catching up here again.
So Kate and the kids are very concerned about Collin, but the idiots are saying Kate and the kids are being mean to him. Wow! Maybe Collin wants to be Collin without the gossips picking him apart. If Jon was concerned, he would have stepped up a long time ago and helped his kids instead of selling interviews about them for $. Young parents make mistakes,8 kids was a lot to handle, but Kate didn't turn her back on her kids. I would have been scared to death knowing I had to be the responsible parent when Jon took off for women and bars. As a parents we learn everyday things are not always great, we all struggle to do the right thing.
I have always wondered what Jon and the ditch man did to this child. Did they make fun of him, make him do things that he didn't want to do when Jon was still living at the house? Something was off about this years ago, didn't RH buy him special donuts?
Kids say toxic all the time, it's a buzz word for them. Guess the BL wouldn't know that as she has no kids.
Now the BL should focus her time on helping LA flood victims, tornado victims, or maybe spend a couple of years in Italy rebuilding a town.
Hope the babies are doing well, out of the loop, will try and read back.:)
I don't know if I agree that Kate should have spoken about Collin's problem. It must be hard enough for him without the whole world knowing, some things are private. That is just my opinion. Maybe there is a reason for Kate to have done it that I don't understand since she has always had her children's best interest at heart.
I think that Kate may have spoken out in order to squash Jon's attempts to get pity with half truths about not seeing some of the kids. He has been mentioning Collin for the longest. Collin is the one that Jon said he hadn't seen as far back as January 2015 when he did Steve Harvey's show. Recently he talked about not seeing Collin because he's being homeschooled and Jon can't see him because he doesn't get off the school bus anymore. He was trivializing the situation, trying to suggest to whoever bothers to read his interviews or watch his TV interviews, that the reason he doesn't see Collin is because of Kate. He's been including the twins in that too, and now Kate has come out to set things straight. Collin has bigger issues than Jon seems to not even know about, pretty pathetic for a father.
Can you believe Jon doesn't know about what's going on with Collin? No, because it's not believable. He's the kid's father, he knows where his son is, he's just spinning his situation for pity, thinking that Kate wouldn't reveal the truth. Same goes for the twins. He spins that situation thinking that the twins aren't going to respond, they're kids. Look what happened the last time they tried to talk. He didn't count on Mady finding her voice and setting the record straight on why they don't see Jon anymore. It's all his own doing.
Here's the thing, though, and it's something I have to continue to see in order to believe. The mother in these situations is always going to be vilified. Jon can go and spin his story that the reason he doesn't see some of the kids is because of Kate and that Kate is trying to alienate Collin and the twins from Jon. When Kate puts the truth out there about Collin to shut Jon down and Mady speaks about not wanting a toxic relationship and that Jon knows why he doesn't see them, people, including some of the media, come down on Kate and on teenager Mady for telling their side of things! I've seen it in print on Yahoo, on on ET. Somehow the poor stupid man is always the poor stupid man, even when he's caught in his web and the people he's been talking about come out to set the record straight.
Poor, poor Kate, she can do no wrong. She is the best mother in the history of motherhood.
Poor, poor Jon. He is a tragic victim of Kate.
Truth: they are both horrible parents. Whether you admit Kate is at fault or not, matters not. She and Jon share equally in the reality that is these kids lives.
Micha, what you wrote makes sense.
Anonymous, Kate takes care of her children, Jon does not.
Here we go, it's all Mady's fault. She's cruel, mean and nasty to her father and refuses to follow court orders. Jon has done nothing but state facts, so Mady wants to blackmail poor victim Jon.
Yeah, they give a damn about the children. Bl will throw these kids under a bus over and over for dear saint Jon.
Bl, if Mady had said the same about Kate you would have been screaming it's truth from the rooftops and congratulating her on her bravery for speaking out.
I haven't seen one comment blaming Jon for giving away legal custody and leaving Collin to the Kate's evil whims.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 66
Coyne excuses Mady's vitriolic outburst as her being upset that Jon went public with the fact she doesn't see or speak to him.
(she wasn't "ready" for that, whatever that means)
That's classic manipulative behavior she could have only learned from an adult. She is allowed to be cruel, mean, and nasty to her father and refuse to follow court orders, but he can't do anything in return including just stating the facts that he doesn't see her and that it's upsetting.
Basically she wants to blackmail him into not being able to have any response, whatsoever, to her emotionally abusive treatment of him. Once he does, as anyone would, she turns the tables on him and blames it on him for responding. That is a high level of manipulation a young child just isn't capable of without being taught.
August 25, 2016 at 9:47 AM
Right, so MADY is being "emotionally abusive" when she responds to her father's claims that he doesn't know why the twins won't see him. He didn't make those claims thinking that no one would dispute them, certainly not the girls themselves! And it's "blackmail" for Mady to say that Jon talking about the girls in the press isn't going to make having a relationship any easier. What could he possibly have to say when Mady states that Jon knows full well why they don't visit him and it's not that someone (Kate) is trying to stop her from seeing Jon?
Sure, Mady's being "manipulative." It's not that she doesn't want Jon telling lies about their situation in the press, it's "manipulation."
For anyone who thinks that Mady doesn't have the intelligence to have this level of thought about her relationship with her father, I can only conclude that you never watched her on the show since she was five years old. Mady has always been whip smart, and very open and capable of expressing her feelings in a very concise and articulate way.
Anonymous, nobody here thinks that Kate can "do no wrong." She does her best for her kids but how long is she supposed to ignore Jon's media tours blaming her for the state of his relationship with a few of his kids? Whatever positive relationship he has with any of his kids is his doing, and whatever negative relationship he has with any of his children is also his doing. If he wants to make things better with his kids, he needs to stop blaming Kate or anyone else and do something about his behavior.
I feel so sorry for Colin, and for Mady too. Colin's issues are HIS issues and should not be blasted out like that, even if she was trying to end the speculation or head Jon off at the pass. The timing stinks. They could have waited until he was back to do a cover story, or pass on it altogether. He's already being isolated (and even if he loves it, he's still separated from them). Seeing that photo shoot without being in it, and having his portion of the story go viral, could really hurt him. And Mady. Oh my gosh. People call her the most VILE names and have since she was a little girl. I have seen people call her the C word, before she even hit double digits! Quoting her like that only adds fuel to the fire against her. She seems pretty tech savvy and has to see some of what is said about her. Does People have no respect for these kids at all? They are minors who don't really have enough experience, especially out of the spotlight, to give consent or foresee the ramifications. Poor kids.
What court order? Jon has as much said that there is NO court order saying all kids have to visit him. They don't even believe Jon. He doesn't fit their script of St. Jon the Great.
Hey BL, show us the court order!!
Of course crickets from that camp over there, she throws crap out hoping it sticks.
I do wonder if Collin not being in the pic was his own idea, maybe his counselor (if he has one) discussed this and Collin is standing up for himself. Maybe he is showing his own Dad that selling pics and stories about him backfired big time.
If the show stops, Jon will have nothing to sell to the press.
My concern is he hurt himself or a sibling. Clearly, he isn't slow. Maybe OCD or aggression issues. You have to wonder if the show and upbringing contributed to his problems. He may have done something to a sister. Whatever it is, Kate removing him from the home indicates a severe problem. Hopefully this helps the whole family.
I agree. The only thing I can think of is Kate makes big money for a cover and a residential program is very expensive. My heart breaks for this kid.
Tucker's Mom has left a new comment on the post ""I don’t want to mar my children’s glory and subve...":
We had even said at the time, it might be better not to take a teen away from friends for a mandatory visit or risk making them resent it.
Mady is a typical coward manipulator who will take a minor infraction and turn it into a federal case to justify her actions.
What Jon did might not be advised. Maybe he should refuse to say ANYTHING about the twins, but he didn't. He said the twins don't see him and that's unforgivable in Mady's book.
People like her lie in wait for someone to make a little mistake so they can unleash whatever it is they've already decided to do.
Lookout future boyfriends.
In their love/lust for Jon they attack Mady. If Mady had said this about Kate they would be cheering.
While people are putting down Kate and the kids, especially Collin, does any one realize that maybe the care he is receiving is the best care for him? Children learn in different ways, he may be super great at something, but might have some problems with other things. Good grief, the family did not kick him out of the family. Collin always appeared to be very loving and caring on the show , it's sad that all the Doctors over on that blog have him committed to some sort of hospital. Stop it! I'm sure this has been very hard on Kate having to make a decision like this, as Jon left his sons years ago, they had no bonding time with him. I remember months and months went by, he was flying and living all over the country and none of the kids saw him. You don't miss what you never had.
For this year alone, a list of the interviews Jon has given discussing custody/visitation and bashing Kate.
January, Steve Harvey interview
January 28 ROL, Jon talking custody - blaming Kate
February 6 ROL, Jon saying he doesn't know what kids look like
June 23 Yahoo, nasty interview talking about kids and Kate
July 22 ET, bashed Kate, says his kids are grown
August 3 ET, selling the same story about his kids
August 13 Rocking Dads, again talking custody and bashing Kate
I don't know when Jon said this, but CNN is saying it's from a recent interview with them.
In a recent interview with CNN, Gosselin said he only gets to visit with a few of the kids.
"I see the twins at the gate [of the house when he goes to pick up some of the other children]," he said. "Last time I did anything with Mady was a year and a half ago."
It's incredible that Bl says Jon can play these games because the twins started it by not saying "that's off limits" when asked about their dad when they appeared on The Today Show. (Back in 2/2104).
The Beckspert has crowed time and time again how the girls refused to speak poorly of their father.
Jon's been pulling stunts and selling stories about custody since he and Kate split. I think Mady's had enough.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 72
I read Jon's comments again and I don't think he made it seem like the twins were being kept from him, as Mady stated. In fact he specifically cited friends and other teen things as the reason the twins' visits waned. We had even said at the time, it might be better not to take a teen away from friends for a mandatory visit or risk making them resent it.
I wonder if Mady has even actually read his comments, or was just told what he said through Kate's spin. He was very factual and even-handed with his comments and has said over and over how much he loves them. And let's not forget the topic of Jon was brought up to the twins ages ago on the Today show. If they want to play that game, they started it. They could have said that's off limits if they really want to play the game of it's not appropriate to discuss. You can't have it both ways, Jon can't talk about it but you can. But as we all seem to agree, not that ANY of this mess is their fault. They're just manipulated kids.
August 25, 2016 at 10:07 AM
Sorry BL, Jon makes money talking about his kids. You think kids don't have or are allowed their own opinion of something. People that have no kids of their own always want to tell others how to raise their kids. It's not a game, it's true life for these kids, it's all they know about Jon. He left them when they were very young, he played his "game" out, when his money was gone, the true Jon really came out to the public. He might love his kids for interviews, but where is his responsibility for paying for their care?
That list.....wow. Didn't one of his social media accounts say not to ask about his kids or they would be blocked? Maybe it should be amended to say 'unless you stick a mic in my face.' How sad.
Merryway, I can't believe the number of interviews Jon gave in only one year and thanks for the list. Hope BL reads hère.
Blogger merryway said...
For this year alone, a list of the interviews Jon has given discussing custody/visitation and bashing Kate.
Whether Jon has given one interview or 100 interviews does not negate the sad fact that Kate disclosed such personal and sensitive information about her own son in People Magazine. She is getting an overwhelming number of negative responses for doing it, above and beyond what her "haters" are saying. Why? Because it is so wrong in the minds of so many. Jon and Kate bashing each other has been going on for years. What Kate just did is unconscionable, mind-bogglingly cruel and thoughtless.
It was going to come out one way or another. With them filming Kate would have to explain away Collin's absence. Jon would have sold the story somewhere with his twist on it. I feel badly for Collin and hope he gets the help he needs. With that I think it was the right thing for Kate to do. Get ahead of the story before it is leaked.
Many people are saying how cruel and thoughtless Kate is. I believe she is acting on advice from a counselor to have him schooled somewhere else where his needs are met. We don't know what his troubles are and I don't want to know.
I think you're right about that, Sage. Nothing is beyond discussing, publicizing, shouting from the mountain tops to keep that show going.
I hope Collin will be as blasé about his privacy being violated as you are.
People need to stop behaving like there's a stigma behind getting help for yourself if you have problems, and that it's something that is shameful and should be hidden. That goes for kids, too. Parents can't act like getting their kids the help they need should be kept hidden, because then the kid will think they need to be ashamed of what's going on in their lives.
Now, the details are private and remain private, but the fact that Collin needs help isn't something that is personal and sensitive information that needs to be kept under wraps, because then the message to Collin is that his issues are embarrassing or taboo. He can hold his head up high knowing he is working on getting better, and Kate can hold her head up high knowing she is doing what's best for her son, and she's not ashamed that he needs help and so she's not hiding that he needs help. Nobody should be ashamed to get their kid the help he needs, because it's what's best for the kid.
There have been many campaigns over the years that have encouraged people of all ages to acknowledge that a person's mental health isn't something to be ashamed of, and getting help is positive and there's nothing to hide.
Micha ITA with everything you wrote.
They act as if special needs is something of which to be ashamed. They also want to believe that the child was shipped off back in time to some 1940s institution.
If one can afford it, there are some great places. The important thing is Collin is getting the help he needs.
Blasé? Try realistic. This was going to come out one way or another. Lets say it came out 6 months from now. Kate would be called a liar and numerous other names I can't write.
People are slamming her without knowledge of the whole story and do not follow it like a small number of us. Kate is doing what is best for her son....I will not presume to question her about it or second guess it and nor should any of you.
Anonymous Micha said...
People need to stop behaving like there's a stigma behind getting help for yourself if you have problems, and that it's something that is shameful and should be hidden. That goes for kids, too. Parents can't act like getting their kids the help they need should be kept hidden, because then the kid will think they need to be ashamed of what's going on in their lives.
So then parents should be taking out space in their local newspapers to notify the whole city/state of their child's behavioral/developmental problems? Cause that's what Kate did except on a national level.
I have to wonder if you're in the majority by thinking that a child's problems are so inconsequential that it's okay to share them willy nilly with whomever wanders by. Children deserve as much privacy as adults. Would it be ok with you if your mother/father/spouse/sibling announced your private matters via the media?
It has nothing to do with treating behavioral/mental problems like they are a stigma. It's about using discretion, thoughtfulness and understanding towards that person and not blabbing things to the world.
You don't know what problem Collin is dealing with and nether do I. He may need extra help with reading, math, etc, and home schooling was not fitting the bill. He may have a social issue, he was made fun of by his Dad and RH if I remember what Ellen said. Lots of kids don't have an opportunity to receive excellent care, and so glad Kate is looking out for his best interest.
I agree Sage, it would come out, RH would leak it to the press if he needed grocery money, as I have always wondered if he still follows Kate around.
I'd like to point out while I'm reading here that it was the "haters" who noticed Collin's downcast looks, not being included in an activity, not participating in the couch interviews, his all around appearance of unhappiness, and the "haters" were roundly criticized and were supposedly wrong as well.
NOW Kate announces his problems to the world and it's fine and dandy, the fact that they DO exist and the way she went about it.
It's gotta be wearing trying to defend the indefensible.
Anonymous Farkle said...
You are all missing the point, and since it's bigger than an elephant in the living room I'd say you're trying to deflect.
Broadcasting your child's difficulties, whatever they may be to a well known magazine where the information will go around the world is wrong, thoughtless, cruel, insensitive and stupid only to name a few.
Ah, Sue, are you being purposely obtuse as well as facetious? Surely you know that Kate Gosselin is a public figure who has shared her family story since her children were babies. You're not comparing that to your average private citizen, are you?
Parents with special needs children who are private citizens may not publish their child's journey in the media, but they shouldn't be hiding whatever the issues are within their circle...although I do know that there are many stories of parents self publishing situations their children with special needs are experiencing, from not being invited to social events to not having anyone show up for social events, and those stories often become national news, usually because many kind hearted strangers hear about them and end up going to the child's social event to celebrate with the child. They're not hiding these situations out of embarrassment, they're sharing them and getting support and encouragement from their community. Acts of kindness by strangers for strangers who have a child with special needs. No one is embarrassed and no one should be.
Kate has a different platform because she is a reality TV personality (like it or not) and what she's done is continue to reveal where her family is at this moment, and at this moment one of her children is getting help that he needs. She's not ashamed of it, she's not trying to hide it, and Collin certainly shouldn't be embarrassed by it. And maybe hearing about this situation will help other families who are going through something similar. Maybe there are families who can relate to what Kate and Collin and the rest of the kids are going through right now, maybe this story is helping someone right now.
Maybe being positive is the key, even in the face of negative people saying it should be kept quiet and it's a private matter and it's nobody's business.
I guess the Special Olympics should be cancelled and the kids sent home in shame. The world knows the children participating have special needs. Also, all the books written by parents who have dealt with these type of problems should be burned.
Oh please, the haters have labeled all the kids for years. They used to say that Cara was in a fetal position on the couch and Mady would write a tell-all about Kate.
Bl's crowing how she is right about PAS. Bl's equation involves ignoring all of Jon's words and actions against Kate.
I agree that there is no shame in having special needs. She didn't reveal any specifics about his issues. I will say, though, that I found the cover of a smiling family minus one kid a bit jarring. Something about that bothers me.
As for the BL, she is in her element. Best thing that's happened to her in months has been this People cover. Lots of traffic on her blog and she feels oh so important. It's a narcissist's dream come true. And she gets to talk incessantly about her favorite topic -- PAS. Blah blah blah blah blah.
Anonymous Nameless in LA said...
I will say, though, that I found the cover of a smiling family minus one kid a bit jarring. Something about that bothers me.
You and a few thousand others, and those are just the ones who took the time to comment. If Jon had done that it would have been said that he was using his child to make money, pay the rent. If Kate does it, well, that's fine and she should be defended. Wonder how much she got for a People cover?
As for the belief that folks should let all their family flaws hang out there for all to see...no shame, no stigma...Kate sure hasn't practiced that philosophy until she trumpeted her son's situation to the world a la People. Until then she said, for years, all is well, all kids are excelling in school, there are no behavioral problems. What changed her mind? Back then it was nobodys business. Now she's made the most personal thing everybodys business and that's just great.
I am sure Kate got paid for People. The difference between Kate and Jon is that Kate uses the money for education, housing, food etc for the kids. Jon uses it for his lifestyle...such as it is.
We can disagree about if it was wise for Kate to give that interview. Like I said, it was going to come out sooner or later. This way she has some control on the when and how.
Ah, Sue likes to preach, Jon's 6 friends on twitter are embarrassing. Jon should call them out and put a stop to it. This is not helping his son.
I want the best for any child no matter who they are. Someone trying to one up and put Kate and her children in a negative light. The People Mag article was very poorly written and I wished Kate would have not have posted any picture, but it's her life. Jon has sold many stories and appeared on TV, wonder how much he was paid?
So Sue, would you please tell us what issue Collin has and show the proof?
You are unmitigated bitches ( not all, a few are nice) who scream against the owner of a blog as if she was the devil herself. SAGE, WHY do you feel the need to hate blog on a blog?
I wish Karma upon you...may you live in real life what you do to others on the internet.
Or maybe you already are and are projecting?
Have fun with that one
GET A LIFE ( yes, I know, but you are my game of thrones, only everyone looses, especially those kids)
Thank G-d for Quebec where we refuse to exploit multiples, after we did 70 years ago and learned the consequenses. Kate and her brood DO NOT, AND WILL NEVER air here.
We respect our kids privacy. I taught, as we all do, my child to hide her face if someone she does not know wants her photo. At 19 she still does it todayé YAY for power over your own person.
Not that I think any will get it, but in a wild open world, privacy is gold.
They actually tried to air the first season, but too many angry people put a stop to that, we are gosselin free here, yay!
Franky, I am curious why did Becky kick you off her blog? I can guess but I would like to hear it from you.
I don't know where in the province of Québec you live Franky but I live in the province of Québec and we do get Kate plus 8 since the beginning, happy to say we are not Gosselin free. The multiples who were exploited 70 years ago was in the province of Ontario not in the province of Québec.
I think it's sad that Collin is not pictured with the family. It's just not what I'm used to seeing.
There are some harsh realities when a family is dealing with a situation like this. Collin is still part of the family but away in a special program. They can't stop living at home, there are 7 kids with their own lives.
I'm would hope that Collin's therapist is advising Kate. Kate has said that the kids are in therapy in order to help them with Collin's absence. I believe Collin not being pictured is indicative that this is a long-term situation. Collin maybe away for several years. Just guessing.
The haters have screamed forever that Kate would never break up her 6-pack. Later on, they would be yelling that Collin wasn't given the help he needed because Kate needed him for filming.
There is so much ugliness out there about all of this. I will through in my two cents but hopefully I can do so without the anger, bitterness, and bitchiness so many on the Internet have displayed (not necessarily on this blog but everywhere Gosselins are discussed).
Of course Kate did the People magazine story for money. She has eight children to support. Somehow, she has managed to keep her kids in the nice home they have and in the private school that affords them much daily privacy without any financial help from their father. She has traded her children's privacy and some of their free time to do this. Many people nastily comment on that being the wrong choice but they do not walk in her shoes. Walking away from reality TV and living hand to mouth like Jon has would not be good for the kids either. After the divorce, the kids would have suffered greatly being sent to public schools where stories about them were likely to be revealed daily for the money people could make on them. They would have suffered greatly crowding into a much smaller home.
That said, I do think Kate likes the limelight. It must be a bit intoxicating to have the perks of celebrity and we know it is hard for many to give that up - we see that's with Jon as well.
In the past, Kate has downplayed any of the kids problems publicly and that backfired because the information was leaked likely through Jon. That doesn't mean she wasn't trying to get them help, she just wasn't willing to share the details publicly. So I expect the decision to send Colin to treatment out of the home was long coming and supported by experts. I also expect that Kate was faced with the dilemma of keeping quiet about the situation (she could have done the photo shoot and said she was respecting Colin's choice not to participate) or going public. But this allowed Kate to determine what would be said and how it would be revealed. It deprived Jon the opportunity to leak it in a more sensational way. (Since he sees 4 of the kids, he either already knew Colin was away or would soon.)
I do agree with Mady, in his interviews, Jon was implying Kate was keeping the kids from him. I am sure that Kate doesn't have much nice to say about Jon but to the extent there is any PAS going on, it goes both ways. Jon routinely says horrible things about Kate publicly.
The Gosselin children have two flawed parents. But one has generally provided stability and the other chaos. The one who has provided stability is routinely crucified for her parenting skills on the Internet but she is the one making all the tough calls on her own.
Nice to see you again, PAR, and I agree with you.
As far as I have seen, Kate has mentioned that certain kids had problems, since as far back as the year after the divorce, when Alexis and Collin were removed from their class for whatever issues they were having. She has remained vague, as she should, but I do remember her acknowledging issues, and most likely at the time she had no reason to believe there would be ongoing issues. When things start happening with your child it's human nature to think that you can get that child help and they will be fine.
I remember Kate mentioning Collin in particular as far back as the Halloween episode, praising him for being kind as if they were working on his behavioral issues back then and she was praising Collin for the progress that he has made. In the last set of shows she mentioned that Collin wouldn't be going to the same school as the other kids because of ongoing issues. I don't think she ever pretended there were no issues for any of her kids.
That cover photo is what the family looks like now. I've read that some people think that it is hurtful to Collin. I really wouldn't even venture a guess about how Collin will feel if he sees that magazine cover. The only expectation I have is that Kate consulted with Collin's therapist or Doctor and it was approved by them that this could go forward. She wants to help her son, so I don't think she'd go against his Doctor's wishes if his Doctor determined that this was a bad idea. Some people might think the opposite of that, and they have a right to their opinion. I'm of the opinion that Kate wants all her kids to be happy and is working to make that happen.
I agree with most of what PAR said. With no help from Jon the show is what pays the bills and one way or another this would have come out. The truth is Jon would have sold the story for beer money.
10:53 AM (54 minutes ago)
to me
localyocul has left a new comment on the post ""I don’t want to mar my children’s glory and subve...":
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 191
Are you really a lawyer? You sure do have comprehension problems. Kate was talking about Jon buying a motorcycle while they were married not after the divorce. Kate relieved Jon of c/s so he would not go to jail in return for full legal custody. Kate allows the kids who want to see Jon see him. The ones that don't see him do not want to or cannot see him because of the kids therapists do not think it is healthy for them and the judge agreed. Ask Jon.
Yes Kate. That's how it happened.
Which ones don't see Jon besides the twins and Collin? Does Alexis. Say the part about her relieving Jon of child support for full legal custody is true. She couldn't just graciously forgive his debt without being a bitch and taking full legal custody? Sounds pretty bitchy to me...She obviously didn't need his money. If true.
So that makes Kate a bitch. What does that make Jon? Rather than pay back child support he GAVE UP legal custody. She obviously does not need his money....but what does his actions tell his kids? It tells them that money is more important to him than they are.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 7
The way the Kate fan/troll presents it, Kate basically blackmailed Jon, and did in illegal act in making a "deal" to relieve the support in exchange for legal custody. Illegal leverage, not allowed.
That is NOT something I would spread around, FYI. She could be in serious trouble if that's what really happened. Note, when defending your queen, to implicate her in illegal activity. Just a hint.
Well, Jon was relieved of back and current child support and Kate has legal custody. Note, if it was an illegal activity Kate would not have legal custody. Just a hint.
daddy issues
no self awareness
get therapy
That is so true. He would rather not work than pay child support. Dead Beat Dad.
If the custody situation was not legal, Jon and RH would have spread it all over the tabs LONG ago and Jon would have been back in court. Perhaps if the BL used her highly touted critical thinking skills, she would remember that Jon said that his custody arrangements was unusuaL This happened a long time ago ... not yesterday.
Tucker's Mom has left a new comment on the post ""I don’t want to mar my children’s glory and subve...":
DH and I went to the grocery store and you guessed it, saw Kate's mug staring back at us in the checkout line.
I told DH to count the kids on the cover, and he said, "They're missing one". I told him about Colin and he said, "Well, they don't seem to upset about it!".
Yup. Smile for the cameras, kids.
LOL I have been waiting for the 'validation' on the sighting of People in the checkout. Ole Tuck hit a home run with this one. First it was a man validating what she thinks and second, it is in the checkout.
We just have to wait now for someone in the checkout...a stranger....saying Kate is a bitch and turning around the magazines.
These people are so transparent. It's just a variation of the dog stepping on the remote that the Gwopers used to write about rather than admitting that they were watching the show. And they ALWAYS need someone else agreeing with them.
Can always count on ole Tuck for a good laugh!
So the BL was in the court room when Jon gave up legal custody of his kids. ROTF. As a lawyer, your post on the custody issue is worth an empty toilet tissue roll. A JUDGE made a ruling, not Kate or Jon. I'm sure there was many layers to the case. None of my business, nor yours. If Kate did anything illegal, Jon would have pressed charges. Jon owed back taxes at that time also.
Tucks needs a life. Who spends time in a store when you are with your husband looking at rag magazines while in the ckout. There are about 20 of those in a rack, but of course, she had to report on Kate. The stupidity of her comments are just so over the top. If my husband was counting kids on a mag cover in public, I would have him evaluated.
Farkle, 'If my husband was counting kids on a mag cover in public, I would have him evaluated.' LOL
They have no idea of how ridiculous they sound.
localyocul has left a new comment on the post ""I don’t want to mar my children’s glory and subve...":
Kylie said... 58
The idiocy and mental deficiency of her fans has no bounds, just mindless supporting Kate. What kind of stupidity is it that the fans have said they know she beat her kids but that was a long time ago and she was overwhelmed. There is NEVER a good enough excuse for child abuse -- NEVER.
And the consequences are today. And he is far away because of it.
I guess Loco sat in on the evaluation with Kate and Collin.
guess what, Loco... Jon spanked the kids, too.
Deliverence has left a new comment on the post ""I don’t want to mar my children’s glory and subve...":
Kylie said... 58
The idiocy and mental deficiency of her fans has no bounds, just mindless supporting Kate.
And whenever anything negative comes up about Kate, those mouth-breathers immediately bring up Jon's lack of paying support. It's their version of putting their fingers in their ears and going "la la la la, I can't hear you."
LOL LOL I have been called a lot of things but 'mouth breather' really? That hurt! LOL
You were called a mouth breather by someone who can't spell Deliverance? Haha! Now that is funny right there.
I love how they call us stupid all the time and they cannot see the stupidity in themselves.
That is all they got....call us names for pointing the obvious out to them. They should be thanking us.
Sorry, this is long. Bl writes such lengthy comments.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 150
You repeatedly claimed that the law precluded her from voluntarily giving up child support, but have conveniently forgotten that because the "she willing gave up support" argument works for you in this case. So which is it? Pick a story and stick to it.
The law DOES preclude a mother from simply "giving up" support. The court must make that finding. This prevents sweetheart deals (as Tucker pointed out) that are bad for the children, like I'll give up support if you agree to stop seeing the children, agree to move out of state, etc.
You're missing the point. This point is SHE, Kate, is saying, through her attorney, she willingly gave up support. Therefore, SHE cannot turn around and complain about his financial choices when she herself says she isn't pursuing support against him.
You're not getting it. It does't f-ing matter to my point what really happened with support, the point is SHE is talking out of both sides of her mouth. On the one hand saying she willingly doesn't want support, on the other, complaining.
August 26, 2016 at 6:57 PM
Here's Bl's older comments declaring it's not legally possible for Kate to give up support. BL said once an order had been in place, it couldn't be rescinded.
It doesn't matter if BL lied back then. It doesn't matter that she spread rumors and falsely accused Kate.That's not the point! Just move along and believe what Bl's tells you today! Lol
I missed the part where Kate was supposedly complaining about Jon's financial choices.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 165
Before Kate puts out a story like this she might want to read a few law-ish books to see if that's even legal on PA. Since apparently it's not.
August 2, 2012 at 7:24 AM
From BL's 2012 Top 10 Worse Kate Moments
There were many sour moments where she threw the children's beloved father under the bus, including when she claimed that she relieved him of child support obligations out of the goodness of her heart (she didn't count on anyone knowing that's not possible under Pennsylvania law once an order has been put in place)
BL completely ignores that Jon was the one who ran to Star lying that \his child support was going to put him in jail. Also, smacking down Kate at the same time. Just more of Jon's antics they completely ignore.
Btw BL, the same should apply to Jon. He can't willingly give up legal custody and then complain about decisions made by Kate.
Oh the BL is so entertaining, just because a law is in place on the books in a state, doesn't mean that every decision will be based on it. Good grief, she should get a refund on her education. Many courts order cs, many parents don't pay it. Kate and Jon went before a judge, Jon agreed to the new terms, so suck it up buttercup. Jon can complain till the cows come home, selling stories about Kate and the kids will be his life until the kids are no longer a interest to the public. He pays NO cs, a fact that she just can't accept that Jon AGREED to. What's bad for the kids is that Jon is now on a pity party because he got caught in his lies. If he wants the truth out, tell the real story, his half truths are laughable. Jon is lucky she forgave the cs, or he would be sitting in jail instead of drinking and chasing tail every night. He could have paid his back cs and kept current but he chose not to do the right thing.
merryway said:
Btw BL, the same should apply to Jon. He can't willingly give up legal custody and then complain about decisions made by Kate.
Exactly. You'd think that a lawyer would have anticipated that response when she made her initial ridiculous comment.
The truth is that you can relieve your ex of financial responsibility and STILL complain about being the sole supporter of your kids, just like you can give up having a say in your kids' lives (but what kind of a parent would?) and still complain that you have no say in what your kids do. That's the way human beings are - that's the way they can be.
When is that woman going to wake up?
Hey Sage, Don't worry about being called a mouth breather. It could be worse -- you could be a sentient enema like Milo! WTF is a sentient enema?!? Poor Tuck is so riled up that she's randomly throwing together her big words.
Tucker's Mom said... 97
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 14m14 minutes ago
Don't know why folks R so unhinged about minimal info U gave about ur son! Sounds like he's going to be fine! #CaringForCollin @kateplusmy8
Well, then, Milo, you just confirmed what we've believed for quite some time. You really *are* the idiot we all suspected you are.
Well, then Milo, you should really not know why Mady is so unhinged about Jon saying that he hasn't seen or spoken to her in awhile.
Works both ways, you sentient enema.
Oh, Kate Coyne, was Colin "ready for that information to be out there"? Did ya even ask him? Did Kate?
Jane has left a new comment on the post ""I don’t want to mar my children’s glory and subve...":
One of the non-fans posted this on Twitter and I thinks it's worth seeing again.
Just another example of their blindness. Jon giving one of his regular interviews to trash Kate and saying...again....how he is going after custody. The date on this is from over a year ago and yet could have been given yesterday. Jon is always saying he is going after custody. LOL
From Kate's book, I Just Want You To Know, letter to Collin, published in 2010:
"As you have grown, however, I must say you have also challenged my authority greatly. At two and a half, you began testing and trying my parenting at every chaqnce. I called Daddy at work many days crying because you would not obey. I had to ask you every day, “Who’s in charge: you or me?” You would reluctantly answer, “You are”. As you have grown, this fact has not changed. You continue to be determined to do what you want to do, and I continue to try to rein you in.
This was written to Collin when he was 6 years old. How would you feel if your mother wrote a letter like this to you?
Anon, and your point is? We could find just as many things that Jon has said and done. He makes it easy as he gives many interviews. I remember in one he called the girls liars.
My point is you all are trying to blame Kate for Collins problems, which by the way we do not know what they are. There are professionals involved. Kate says that the kids are getting therapy. Taking excerpts from books or looking a minute clip from an edited tv show from years ago does not give you and the others the authority, education, or for that matter, the common sense to point fingers as to who is the blame.
chefsummer #Leh has left a new comment on the post ""I don’t want to mar my children’s glory and subve...":
Shut up already.
Secondly the public would not have an opinion if KATE kept her face off of people Magazine if she would have kept her mouth shut we wouldn't have an opinion.
Kate wanted to public to know she wanted the public to kiss her bottom for doing "the right thing" And you're to dim to realize this.
So it is okay for you all to have an opinion but not Milo?
We all have choices and opinions. Apparently the haters think only they have the right to express them.
It would be nice if Anon had published the entire letter, because as I recall, the balance of it was quite positive and complimentary towards Collin.
Poor Milo. Only BL and her non-critical thinking lackeys are allowed opinions. Perhaps if they ventured off of her veranda sometime, they could realize that there is more to this story than the hate that BL has brainwashed them with.
I think many times children with special needs may be labeled as stubborn or difficult when they are toddlers because the true extent of their issues have not been diagnosed.These children probably act out of frustration because they do not understand and cannot make others understand how they are feeling.By the time Collin grew out of the toddler stage Kate was dealing with her vindictive ex and his stalker friend rummaging through her trash and trying to destroy her.Had Jon been a supportive and loving father instead of an absentee deadbeat who did nothing but cause Kate even more stress Collin may have been able to have gotten help sooner.
Tucks is still standing in the ckout with her hubby counting the kids pics while she types her drivel. ROTF, she really should seek therapy for her husband, that's one scary dude she married. ROTF
I can't help but recall one of the emails that Hoffman sent me. He wrote in it that Jon and his then girlfriend were mean to Collin. Making fun of him. Now, I think that may be true.
We went for groceries today (a chore I despise) so I flipped through People while hubby loaded the stuff on the belt at checkout (that's his part and I put it away at home, lol). There's a whole layout in the middle, with each of the girls in a photo (including one with Zorro) and the remaining two boys in one photo together. It made me feel sad. I am not going to speculate on what's happening. I feel we shouldn't know anything, but it's out. My baby brother separated himself from our family when he was a young teen. At 40-something, he has many issues, as he was the forgotten child during a nasty divorce. He is very scary. I just hope Collin is OK, or will be. Being different can be very hard on a child, even though it's not their fault and nothing to be ashamed of. I pray his treatment helps him, and puts him on a solid foundation for success in life. He deserves that. Everyone does.
After Jon's short response to Kate's People article. I told a friend that Jon didn't have much to say, so I bet he's already negotiating an interview for dollars.
Jon loves his press opportunities.
I also bet, that in spite of Mady's plea that he stop talking about her, he will continue to do so.
A pap was at DJ gig and asked Jon about it. At around 2:00, Jon tells the pap he's under exclusivity and an article will be out on Wed.
Ha! Jon is so predictable. He will attack Mady.
Rent money is due. He is predictable. You can set your watch to him.
Jon says he's "Team Me." Could Jon have ever spoken truer words if he tried? He spoke the most honest words of his life. He's not "for" anyone but himself, and that's the way it is and always will be.
The only surprise regarding Jon giving an interview about the People article is that he's waiting so long. If it would have been profitable he would have had that response interview out the following day. So now he has to wait.
I'm sure Jon has looked online to see what the talking points about the article are, and he's gotten some idea about what to say to pander to the Kate haters. No doubt their hateful comments have given him tips on what to say. I expect Jon's interview to be a version of what the most hateful people have been saying since last Wednesday, although I expect him to stay away from criticizing Mady and stick to his tried and true blaming Kate for all.
I read that here also, wish someone had that statement. I think Ellen was with him at that time.
Jon needs money, instead of helping his son, he is going to do a interview for $. Wonder if he will take the funds and help Collin and his other kids?
Jon has a few Kate haters that follow him, no one buys Jon's lies, it just gives them life to tweet all day. They really should be concerned why Jon does not see his kids and why he gave up legal custody.
Jane has left a new comment on the post ""I don’t want to mar my children’s glory and subve...":
Nick might very well be one of the Twitter fans with a different name - Goody, Sage, Ziggy, CJ, Barb, Carlene....there are still plenty who think Kate's just peachy.
Now Jane, we both know that I do not do that (thats a hater MO) and I would never think someone is peachy.
People pays for photos, not interviews (more photos, more $). So how much did Kate take home sharing her children with everyone?
Hopefully enough to keep supporting the kids...housing, clothing, education, food, medical etc. You know the usual that most fathers help with.
Anon...pick a name!
GollyGee has left a new comment on the post ""I don’t want to mar my children’s glory and subve...":
PeppaP said... 43
New to posting, but a long-time reader...does anyone know what happened to Redbird? I enjoyed her posts and haven't seen any from her in quite a while, and hope she is okay. Thanks to Admin and everyone who participates on this blog - I always feel like I am "talking" to old friends when I read here:-)
IIRC, Admin said awhile back that she had heard from Redbird and all was good, just taking a break. I am sure that Redbird appreciates your thoughts. ;)
I was a long time lurker and I enjoyed Redbird's post too!
LOL everyone knows Golly Gee is Redbird...no one else writes that crazy even at Becks! and that is saying something.
I think Golly/Redbird is patting herself on the back dang nabit!
WTH - about both Jon's interview and Redbird giving herself a shoutout?!?
You couldn't make this stuff up.
You're right PJ, you can't make this stuff up....my mind just does not go there....thank God!
Is Redbird talking to herself, LOL.
Kate made money, she was offered the interview, poor Jon's lapdogs are just mad that no one supports their deadbeat hero. It's sad that Jon can't do a decent interview, leave Kate out of it and just support his children.
Sftk has left a new comment on the post ""I don’t want to mar my children’s glory and subve...":
I think the artist banner that goes with this blog says a lot, Collin with his hands over his face!
How many years have so Many concerned people been trying to help the kids? I hope the kids are able to read this blog someday and get some consolation that a group of caring people tried to help them and understand the damage that TLC and everyone connected to putting them on display cause them, robbing them of a Normal childhood.
This has to be a joke! Yeah, the kids will really love how you all talk about their mother! Lets also pray that the kids never find Becky's birth fetish site.
no self awareness
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator has left a new comment on the post ""I don’t want to mar my children’s glory and subve...":
I have also found watching the episodes that feature chaos, which is most of them, jarring. It is not fun or entertaining to witness it.
I'm a very low key person around the house and I was raised by mostly calm people who spoke to children in indoor voices and punished calmly and respectfully. There are no screamers in my family. That chaos drives me bonkers. I also think I am quite sensitive to it, more than the average person. I don't enjoy loud noises like fireworks or concerts. Yelling and screaming gives me anxiety. For anyone sensitive to that like Collin must be, that house must be hell.
Hmmm I seem to remember Becks writing about on her blog of her mother hitting her....hard. Does anyone else remember her writing that?
BL and her group are very indignant that they are accused of thinking someone should be ashamed of child with behavioral or mental health issues. Yet the hypocracy abounds.
They applauded the woman who wrote that she would never send her son who needs extensive physical care away as if finding an appropriate living arrangement outside the home is wrong.
In the past, they have held Bobbie McCaughey up as a shining example of how someone should mother high order multiples yet had no problem with her " outing" 2 of her children as having cerebral palsy and discussing their condition and therapy in magazine articles. Should we conclude that is because they are okay with discussing physical disabilities of one's children publicly but not behavioral or mental health ones?
They argued loudly that Josh Duggar, as a young teenager, should have been removed from the home and sent for treatment for the protection of his sisters. Yet, they do not consider that is possible the choice to help Colin away from was both for his sake and his siblings well being.
They have long argued Kate would never let one of the kids opt out of filming but clearly she has not put filming her son over addressing his needs- something they refuse to argue.
They alternately suggest that Colin has not wanted to photographed or filmed for years and then turn around and suggest that he will be hurt that he is not in the picture on the cover.
They argue incessantly that Kate does not treat the kids as individuals and then are outraged when she does.
They were outraged when two of her children were expelled and Kate wouldn't admit to their having serious problems in the media and they are even more outraged when she does open up publicly (though circumspectly) about one of the children's issues.
The only constancy I see over there is the belief that if Kate does something, it is "evil" no matter what.
PAR, glad you are back...that is an excellent observation.
Oh my, LOL at Redbird/Gollygee/Lukebandit. Hysterical that she thinks she is incognito.
I recall that as well, Sage. She claimed that her mother beat her. She can't even keep the stories straight that she tells about herself.
I'm procrastinating instead of working so I did a search. It literally took me 10 seconds to find this post from the BL. Either she thinks it is possible to be beaten in a calm, respectful and quiet manner, or she is completely full of shit.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 148
But to the victim it can hurt just as much. My mother was strong and could really pummel me with just her hand. It's one and the same to me. I was beaten. They are both equally wrong to me, although I am well aware that most states allow open handed spankings. I don't mean this as a pile on to my parents because as I said, we've discussed what happened as a family and have healed. Not everyone has been so lucky. As far as I understand it, Kate does both or did both. Open hand AND objects.
Thanks Nameless. Becky always accuses Kate of lying or reinventing. Ha! She needs a psych eval.
Becks lies and denies.
Wow, Becky has some serious issues. And tells some serious lies. I didn't know anything about the birth website until I started reading here. My dislike of her began with the lies she has told repeatedly about the child support matter. She has her readers convinced that Jon couldn't sign over legal custody in exchange for an abatement of child support. She is wrong from a legal perspective. And obviously,that's exactly what Jon did.
As an aside, don't look behind the curtain. That's not GollyGeeItIsntRedbird behind there pulling the strings. GollyGeeItIsntRedbird is just a good ole Christian woman, who says h.e.double-hockey-sticks for the bad words. Surely, she wouldn't be deceitful and let people think that she isn't still there, posting under a new name. GollyGeeShucksMa'am, lil ole Redbird wouldn't OF lied.
Right on schedule -- Jon fires back. Wonder who is anonymous source is this time?
Probably Hoffman again. It is the twins who outted him and told the truth. They do not want to see him.
Courtney, Becks lies and distorts all the time. She thinks the people on her blog are to stupid to notice.
Probably Hoffman again.
I missed most of the Angela/Hoffman thing. Wasn't there some kind of controversy, Sage, and you shut down your blog for a while?
Sue, Yes, I did shut the blog down for a bit but not because of Hoffman/Angela. Hmmm somehow I think you know that. ;)
Sage, no that whole thing was confusing to me. I honestly didn't read your blog very often, just remember something about Angela and emails and controversy. I first heard somewhere that Angela was RH during the Bullyville debacle, but there weren't details. How did you establish that RH was Angela.
And the point of Jon's silly article? Besides it being a ridiculous story, one would think that Jon's focus is on reuniting with his kids. Again, his focus is bashing Kate and his hatred is evident. Once more, does he think any of these interviews are going to make his non-visiting children rush into his arms?
Same old Jon.
Sue it was pretty easy to link Angela as Hoffman. He gave me some pretty broad hints. I knew almost from the beginning. I just played along.
Sage, so RH never came out and admitted he was Angela?
Yes he did. Long after we emailed. When the his book came out we exchanged emails one time. Its like I tell everyone....tweet him and ask him.
Layla has left a new comment on the post ""I don’t want to mar my children’s glory and subve...":
Okay, fellow posters, who was in my neighborhood today? I went up to my local Giant store for some marjoram and while waiting to check out, I noticed that someone had taken copies of Country Living magazine and placed them in front of People magazine in each of the checkout lines. Oh, and the racks of People mag were still full.
Never let it be said that I would stifle anyone's freedom of expression--I left the magazines they way they were and just giggled as I checked out.
Now fess up--who was it? Next time let me know you're here and I'll have you over for tea!
I said this was coming. Magazines turned or blocked. LOL
By the way I stopped at the store after work. Most People magazines were sold and not one was turned or were there any other magazines put in front of them. LOL
As usual, Jon plays "woe is me" and blames it all on Kate.
Jon is still whining to the media instead of going to court. How does he not know where Collin is living? If he had the right to know, and Kate wasn't telling him, wouldn't he get his lawyer to deal with it? Could it be that Jon doesn't even have a legal right to know the whereabouts of his 12 year old child?
Warmth Of The Sun has left a new comment on the post ""I don’t want to mar my children’s glory and subve...":
I remember when Jon expressed his concern that some of the kids had issues -- anger, socialization, whatever, and Kate went public, firing back that all of the kids are healthy, happy and thriving.
Sure, they were. That's why Collin isn't among the six pack at home anymore.
I bet she can't stand the fact that Jon publicly expressed his concern about this and she refuted it. How do your words taste, Kate, since you had to eat them? Do you prefer ketchup or mustard?
Kate didn't want to talk about the kids publicly and Jon went ahead and did it. You all bitch about Kate and the People interview yet Jon has been talking about the kids for years!
no self awareness
dumb as rocks
What do you think of the $2mil offered to Jon by Kate and TLC to continue the fakery?
If you were divorced from your children's dad, would YOU not encourage your children to have a relationship with their dad? Go on custody weekends?
If you had a troubled child wouldn't you put your child's best interest ahead of your personal feelings and ask his father for help? There's no reason for Kate excluding Jon from the narrative. It's pathetic, selfish and sad. Love the child more than you hate the ex.
This is all so heartbreaking.
I see plenty of fault in both parent's actions. It's time they grow the hell up and CO-PARENT for their kid's emotional health.
Sage, if I recall, RH ragged on Jon to you didn't he?
Sandie, I think you're making the assumption that everything you mentioned in your comment is true, but I think that of all that you mentioned what is most important at the moment is the belief that that Jon is excluded from being in the lives of his kids. Could that be true? If it is, why? Would it be for no good reason?
If a family court Judge has weighed in on this (and how could that not have happened? How can anyone explain or rationalize any scenario that includes Jon not seeing a few of his kids for years but not going to court to do anything about it?) and has decided that Jon doesn't have the simple right to know what's going on with his children, or where this specific child is, what had to happen for a Judge to think that was the right decision? What could he have done? And if he did nothing and there's no ruling in a family court preventing Jon from knowing what's going on with his kids, wouldn't that be even worse? Because that would mean that Jon hasn't seen some of his kids for years but did absolutely nothing of any substance to change that. If there's no court ruling that would mean that Jon didn't go to court and didn't make a real effort to be a part of those kids' lives.
If Kate is doing something that is illegal in some way, if she's' breaking some law by keeping this information from Jon, why wouldn't Jon go to court and get a court order to have Kate disclose the information? Instead he complains in the press.
Does anybody have any idea how many times Jon has whined in the press about the status of his relationship with some of his kids, and claimed that he's going to go to court, he's just about to file something, he's just trying to get some money to pay legal fees. It's been years. Has he not earned the money yet? Has he gone to court and had a Judge rule against him?
Does Jon ever tell the whole truth about his situation with his kids, or is just bashing Kate good enough for him? If Kate has all the power in this family situation, why is that?
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