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Hi, back from baseball.
Sorry, I wasn't asking your name, I guess I mis-worded that. Probably better that you don't tell me so I'm not on the shortlist if you get outed. Several months ago, you must have stirred something up about Jon and he was beside himself trying to find out who you were.
Please understand that I'm fair regarding Jon and Kate. I'm close to him but I could just as easily be close to her. Unfortunately, she doesn't trust anyone associated with Jon, and I don't blame her for this. How about we say anything that I email to you remains between us and vice versa unless we agree otherwise. I like Kate. I respect her drive. I don't agree with many, many, many things she has done that the public knows nothing about but who cares what I think. I don't agree with things she's done to her kids but again, nobody should judge someone until they've walked in their shoes. The kids are well provided for. I like Jon a lot but if you asked me for my opinion, having been around this family, including Kate, for the past several years, who I thought should have custody of the kids, I would say Kate, no question. Not that she's a better parent all though she may well be, but because she's able to better provide for them and the people she has watching the kids, for the most part, are wonderful with them. It was heartbreaking to see Judy leave. She was let go by Kate. Kate no longer trusted her. Kate thought Judy was selling stories to the media, which I know to be not true. The stories were being sold by Jon and Ellen, from information given to them by the twins unknowingly. This is another reason I'm speaking to you. They're using those poor children to get information on Kate and sell to the tabloids.
Here's a sure-fire tell when you see a story released. If it comes from hollywoodlife.com and hollybabble, it came from Jon and Ellen. Cloe Melas came down here in the Summer of 2009 and made a few connections, but it really wasn't until 2010 when Ellen got involved. Ellen and Chloe talk constantly and Ellen sells the stories, with Jon's full permission. They try the big outlets first of course, to get the most money they can, but ultimately, it ends up on Hollywoodlife because nobody else is interested anymore and Jon has lied so many times that even if he's telling the truth, how can you believe him.
I'm Jon's friend but I know he lies to me. Kate once said that Jon listens to whoever is next to him. That couldn't be more true. His undoing came when he ended up in the Hamptons with Michael Lohan who introduced him to the Hellers. They put these big ideas in his head about how he was the real star and he should do this and do that. That was the first and worst bad decision he made.
1 – 200 of 221 Newer› Newest»I am not surprised.
I'm hoping you publish all of them.
You said you were passed a name and #. They might be interested too.
I do realize hoffy lies and is not much different than Jon. He will sing the tune the crowd wants to hear.
That's right Trippenin. I think at that time he was emailing me Hoffman was trying to figure out who his audience was going to be and who he was going to make the 'bad' guy Jon or Kate.
His audience was with the haters.
I remember this one. I was fortunate (or unfortunate) to read them all at the time.
It is amazing how truly concerned Hoffman really was about these kids. (cough cough). And Jon for that matter.
He could easily be close to Kate? hahahahaha
This guy has a thing for Kate and she wants nothing to do with him. I guess he was rejected one time too many times by her. That book is proof of his anger. He makes his wife look like a tool. Hey baby you support our family while I lay in a ditch and fantasize about the hot reality star with all the money.
Creepy....really Creepy
Sounds like Kate had his number from the start. I find it interesting that you got under Jon's skin. Good for you Sage! Of course the bleeple will attack you and your credibility about this email. I mean he said that Kate was the better parent and they know what he said it the book about her. This make me believe more that he wrote stories in the book just to get them going and buy the book.He knew where to make the money.
Both Robert and Jon thought the posters at 15mins were crazy and mean and they'd make money off of people like them.At least you got respect from Robert and you worried Jon.
That's some email. How does Jon live with himself knowing that he participated in selling crap stories? Who does that? Now who has the kids best interests? I like that someone wrote that Kate should "share" Jon's life. That's a great idea. Wait, does he have one? What do the kids do when they visit him? What father would not want to better themselves, if not for them but for their children? Does leaving your wife and kids to play celebrity on someone's yacht count? I wouldn't trust him either. He needs to grow up and provide for his children regardless. They look up to him as their father. Sad.
So he worshipped Kate back then too! No wonder he was posting here and emailing you!
All Hail the Queen!!!
Angela/Robert wrote........who I thought should have custody of the kids, I would say Kate, no question.
Interesting. No wonder IMO he never really called CPS on Kate. Thanks for sharing that Sage.
This email shows hoffmans lack of creditability.
At that time he already had in his possession Kate's journals. He stated he thought the kids were better off with Kate.
He never mentioned calling CPS until the bleeple asked him why he didn't after the book was out the first time. He panders to them.
They're crowing that Robert has a #1 best selling book. How does selling around a thousand books make it a best seller?
I think I saw it at No. 1 in the Amazon category, "self published fiction by rat faced stalkers".
BTW I see according to novel rank Kate's still selling cookbooks. Good for her!
Sadie May, I wondered the same thing. He sold a little over a thousand books and the bleeps are saying that it is a #1 best seller.
They are delusional.
RH/Angela is such a fraud!
All hail Queen Kate!
Bobby is a creeper. He didn't put out that not-a-real-book because he cares about the kids so much, but because he wants to get even with Kate because she spurned him. How has that not-a-real-book helped those kids? Thats right, it hasn't.
Because of their hatred for Kate the haters are letting themselves be played by Bobby.
They need to open their eyes.
Wow!! Back from vacation and this is interesting Sage.
Looks like RH stirred up the BL so he fed her crap to take the reflection off of him and to put Kate in a hot spot. He lied to the BL, he really wanted Jon out of the picture so he could see if Kate would give him 1 minute of time. The BL was conned, the good lawyer who knows everything was chit on by a lonely guy looking for love from a ditch. His $8.88 law degree (LOL) showed her real degree up. He made a fool out of her and all her posters. Wonder now with the e-mails coming out what his wife and kids will think of him?
In the end, how sad for Kate and the kids to have a hate blog that when on for years by someone who has never met any of them.
Sage, How could you keep silent for so long? You are a saint and I hope the beeples will read his email. What an hypocrite. You can tell he admires Kate no matter what he writes in his so called book.
I have a question, a real question. Does anybody know how much Jon or anyone gets for selling a story?
I have often wondered what someone gets for selling stories to the tabs too. Not just Jon, but anyone.
When Charlie Sheen was in the news, TMZ was trying to find out the name of one of the young girls that was living with him. This was two years ago or so when the whole custody thing was going on with his twins and he had been kicked off Two and a Half Men.
The girl actually was someone that one of my son's friends knew from high school and he called TMZ. They gave him $500 for the tip.
Sage, I hope you have sent these emails to the contact you were given.
“Kate just wants Jon to live an honest, hardworking life and stop dwelling on their failed marriage which ended 6 years ago,” the source said.
This is so true. Jon has to let go and move on. He may have had a lot of relationships but Couples Therapy showed all he can talk about and think about is Kate. Liz sensed she was just a bed warmer for him.
The minions go on and on about the validity of the book, and while RH used material from the journals, a large portion of the content of the book has nothing to do with the journals... such as RH's stalking and hiding in ditches or posting facts with no authentication about Kate's life, not from the journals. RH doesn't seem to be able to differentiate between fact and opinion.
I stumbled onto twitter tonight and found an old friend of the SWE. Barhopper/Chablis! (you all know I always felt sorry for her. she would email me in tears about how no one liked her)She just couldn't keep up with us.
Poor Bar. Always gets things mixed up. She thinks I made Angela up, altho, it is the same name Hoffman used as his 'editor'. hmmm how did that happen?
You know she can always ask Bob if it is true.
She is on every Kate related blog 24/7. Talk about having no life!
Sage said...
I stumbled onto twitter tonight and found an old friend of the SWE. Barhopper/Chablis! (you all know I always felt sorry for her. she would email me in tears about how no one liked her)She just couldn't keep up with us.
THAT is the craziest thing I've read in a LONG time. Bar wanted to be "liked" HERE and she'd cry to you about it? Who would have thought?? lol
Awww poor Chablis.
TLC stinks has left a new comment on the post "Recap: Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10 part 2: I h...":
I have always wondered why Jodi and Kevin dropped out of the picture because they were so vocal for awhile. I wonder if Kate threatened them. I remember seeing photos of when Jon was still at the McMansion and he allowed the kids to play with their cousins, so hopefully they get to still see them when Jon has his custody time. Such a large family, all relatively close by and the witch forbids contact.
Jodi and Kevin sold stories to the tabs about Jon and Kate. If I had a brother who did that he would be jettisoned out of my life too. Jodie's sister was also giving stories to GwOP too. Her sister only met Kate a couple times by her own admission she felt the need to go to a hate blog. Nice family.
I seem to remember Jodi saying they were paid 3,000 per episode. I think that was at the Murt hearings. Jodi wanted more.
Chablis @Chablis4u · 15h
@Kateplusmy8 Sageybaby...no one believes that Angela is RH. Anyone that would post private emails ....would also edit them. Shame on YOU.
Sage @Sages_ · 12h
@Chablis4u RH copied private emails in first book. R U saying he edited them? Shame on him!
Chablis @Chablis4u · 15h
@Kateplusmy8 Sage made this Angela character up for attention. LOL She refused 2 post those emails 4 years ago. We knew they were fake.
Sage @Sages_ · 12h
@Chablis4u Ask Hoffman. I dare you. LOL
This is what is so sad about Chablis/Bar. First she accusing me of editing RH's emails then she accusing me of making them up? She needs to pick a lane. Chab, poor thing, gets so mixed up.
I had no idea she was still so obsessed with me. Sad.
I noticed she was pretty slow. She just can't keep up.
Wilma no she can't.
The profound mystery of Forrest!
Once upon a time the obsessed bleeple zoomed in on a chore chart. And, thus the great mystery of Forrest was discovered.
He is a neighbor of Kate's. According to the bleeple, he owns farm that was shown on the episode where they had the heavy milk w/hershey's syrup.They have posted links and copied his website where he sells chickens and eggs. Out of their imaginations, they have born scenario upon scenario; Kate is swindling her neighbors/government, Forrest is a fraud, and the boys are being worked to death.
T said... 103
When they show the chicken chore check list that the boys have to use in part 1 of the special it says "OUR CHICKENS", then lists some chicken related yes or no questions underneath. But directly below the last question, it then lists a new heading that says "FORREST's CHICKENS" and then lists similar chicken related questions. Which brings me back to the big question: WHO THE HECK IS FORREST? Do all 50 chickens belong to Kate, or do some belong to Forrest? Perhaps she does have a flock of 50 and boys must care for additional chickens belonging to someone else on top of that? Is she trying to make even more $ by using her children as hired farm hands now? Also, Forrest sounds familiar to me. Has she mentioned him before, on twitter perhaps? Maybe someone who has a DVR or has on demand can upload a picture of it, but trust me it does say "Forrest's Chickens" clear as day.
July 10, 2014 at 11:57 AM
Vanessa said... 32
On the Tups 10th bday special she was pouring milk from one of Forrests milk jugs. I bet my last dollar she is raising some of his chickens in exchange for milk. The problem lies in the fact that Forrest would not actually be raising them on his land or tending to them at all, merely doling out the instructions. In fact, when you buy hens/eggs at his farm, the Gosselin boys may very well have raised them.
More deception and more work for the kids, and quite possibly why Collin isn't allowed to leave on the weekends.
Forrest should never have involved himself with her.
And those kids still continue to WORK for the basic necessities of life!
What an effing bitch. YOU take care of the chickens, you lazy ass!
July 11, 2014 at 8:22 AM
Oh Tucker's Mom, where would the bleeple be without you to guide them? God she is an insufferable bore. I can't begin to imagine what these women are like in real life.
Tucker's Mom said... 15
When eating steak, or whatever main protein, if served whole, it's most important to cut one piece at a time, eat, and then cut another.
Whether you're eating American or Continental, this applies.
Table manners and "dining" skills are so important for kids to know.
They will be judged in some social settings, and most business settings.
To that end, know:
How to set a table, all the way to formal, multi-course dinners-this will ensure you know which bread plate and glass is your own.
How to rest utensils and know what order they are used in over the courses
How to use a napkin
How to eat bread and butter
How to eat soup
How to poise resting utensils while you're eating and when you're done eating
How to wait until everyone is served their food before eating
How to do basic wine pairings (optional, but it helps even for conversation)
This is all very formal and a bit stuffy, but it's good to be able to execute because your job may depend on it.
So funny, Merryway. I've been following Forrestgate with great amusement. One of these idiots wants someone to turn Forrest in for false advertising as she KNOWS the chickens at Kate's could not be free range and poor Forrest advertises free range chickens.
Chablis is on the outside of each side.The Bleeple don't want to claim her...they already have lukebanit doing that job.She desperately wants sage attention..always has always will.
Guess she thinks RH doctored his emails.
Thank god my job has never depended on if I new how to eat soup. My employers evaluate me on how well I do my job and if I can outrun someone swinging a baseball bat. Who knew!
Sage, I have never told anyone this before, it's my deepest, darkest secret...but I once was fired from a job for not resting utensils in the appropriate manner. $10,000 in therapy bills later, I'm still not the same.
Poor Forrest. Going to be reported by the haters. That will teach him for living by 'Ate'. ( in typical bleeple fashion, BL's letter K wasn't working and could only type ate so they all must follow her and call Kate ate). You couldn't make this shit up!
Nameless, do you suffer from PTSS now? You should start a hate blog calling for the banning of utensils. That us what BL did instead of getting the MUCH NEEDED therapy.
Nameless, that was really brave of you to share your story. I have faith that someday you will be able to shed the shame.
hee hee
Just read that Angelina Jolie is suing the tab that started the rumor about her so-called heroin addiction.
Glad someone is taking them to task. Wish it were Radar she went after!
Post Traumatic Silverware Syndrome? Yep, a a new syndrome was identified thanks to me, but fortunately I'm listed as "Patient X" in the literature so I can't be outed.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post "Recap: Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10 part 2: I h...":
The only reason Kate was so strict on the nannies pertaining to Jon is because he tells the tabloids what is going on within the family
How could the nanny possibly know that he does or did this? Does Jon frequently make calls to his tabloid sources in front of the nanny? Come off it, Deanna.
Well he slept with at least one of the nannies so that would not be a stretch for him to call the paps in front of one.
I am glad to see Angelina sue the NE too. I don't care for her but she does not deserve to be lied about.
I see where George Clooney has called out the Daily Mail. So glad to see the celebrities with money and a big names call out these slime ball tab reporters.
These tab reporters and the magazines they write for make up stories and stupid people believe them.
LMAO Chab/Barhopper blocked me on twitter.
Chabs insults me, I respond respectfully, in case you are reading this BL, which reminds me again of BL not apologizing for libeling me, and she blocks me!
See, that is what I was trying to work on with Chabs...her people skills. I tried to show her how to keep up.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB has left a new comment on the post "Recap: Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10 part 2: I h...":
Well, the non fans have picked up on the chicken story and are all blasting Springcreek Farm now accusing them of child labor, etc.
And where did this ridiculous story starty? Why with an irresponsible blog owner that does not care about the truth or who it runs over as long as it is something bad about Kate.
Watch for it in Hoffmans next book. He takes everything they say at the bleeple blog and makes it his 'source". Then the bleeple can say 'see we were right because Robert wrote about it'.
What are they accusing this Forrest of doing?
Sadiemay, scroll up a bit. Merryway explains it....if their can be any explanation.
I just looked at twitter and they are at it again. Going after that farming business. These people are crazy and relentless.Why does twitter allow this on Kate's timeline constantly?They are like a pack of vultures and than preen and gloat about how they show those fans whose boss. I keep hoping that one day they will go after the wrong person and face some serious repercussions but I have about given up. It is discouraging that people like this continue to bully and libel people with no consequences.
Mimi, this just shows how all these rumors get started and are allowed to grow and end up in a book. They will blame Kate for it.
This guy just is probably some hard working guy that is Kate's neighbor. To the haters that means he must be destroyed.
I'm sure he is Sage and it is terrible that a so called attorney flames these fires against innocent people. I really don't see how Kate keeps from losing her mind from the constant attacks .
Mimi, I don't know how she stands it either. If they "report" this farmer and cause him to lose income, they are breaking the law. I can't imagine being under scruting 24/7. No matter what Kate does, they twist and turn it into something it was never intended to be.
I would think there would be serious consequences for that. They seem to think that this is all some kind of game.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB has left a new comment on the post "Recap: Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10 part 2: I h...":
Looks like it started here with the talk about Forrest. Someone post a link to his farm shown a chicken coop they thought looked like the one Kate was building. The only similarity I could see was both used chicken wire.
Someone then said later that it looked like Forrest and Kate had a side deal and the boys weren't being compensated.
Speculation run amok IMO.
I will give Tweetle this...at least she admits it!
How many other rumors about Kate started at Realitytvkids that ran amok? Just like the rumors that were started at GWOP.
Someone earlier today gave a link to one of Hoffmans 'sources' from the book. The link was to an OPINION piece written by Serena from GWOP!
Wake up bleeple! Hoffman wrote in his book what he read at Reality who has a lot of the same people who were on GWOP.
Hoffman used you!
Thanks, Pam. Maybe Jon got $5.00 per stories he sold. My mistake, maybe he got $10.00 because he his more important than Mickael Jackson. :-)
It's a shame that Forrest isn't a regular private guy like Jon Gosselin. Then, BL would leap to his defense about how he is living a private life and doesn't deserved to be discussed. But, Forrest was once on a K+8 about 3 or 4 years ago, and his name was discovered on a chore chart after they zoomed in. So, Bl figures Forrest has it coming.
Irresponsible blog owner.
Tuckers Mom's paper plates must match in color, imo. :)
Someone really needs a life, poor tucker must have learned at birth what a butter knife was. What a dull and boring life, kids like picnic baskets and sack lunches, pizza and ice cream. Would that be the middle folk you use?
Millicent has left a new comment on the post "Recap: Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10 part 2: I h...":
One of the many things about TFW's way of "raising" children that makes me grit my teeth in frustration, is how chores appear to be unfairly divided, and never rotated, so that each child has to take a turn at each chore. TFW has such rigid ideas on what is "boys'/mens" work and what is suitable for girls/women.
...I do believe however, that the silver lining is that those boys will probably be fairly self sufficient as adults. They've been made to do a lot of the work around that house. They've also learned other coping skills and survival skills. Hopefully they'll seek counseling or therapy once grown, just to help them sort through the many issues of being raised by a narcissist.
It's the girls that I'm unsure about. If they've always been able to tattle on their brothers and each other, been given preferential treatment, and otherwise taught that boys/men don't deserve respect - they are going to have a fairly rocky road as adults. Most guys don't respond well to being treated like crap. Most co-workers will not appreciate another co-worker tattling on them to the boss. Self-entitled adults are a pain in the behind. I hope those girls too will get counseling and find their way in the world, and thrive.
If these kids get therapy (doubt they will) it will be because a friend of their fathers spies on their mother and wrote a book of bullshit. And on top of that there is a bunch of haters that call their mother names and harassed their neighbors and friends.
How in God's name do these people think they actually know how Kate is raising her children? The diary that RH claims as the basis of his book was written NINE years ago. They've been off TV for years. ONE SPECIAL and these idiot know every detail of Kate's life. They are absolutely crazy and truly dangerous because their spinning lies never stop.
Quiltart, you are right. Those journals were written 9 years ago and to me, sounded like an overstressed, over whelmed , mother in anguish.
They were written by an overstressed mother who had no idea that anyone would ever see them. Just because RH "found" the disks doesn't mean it was right to publish them. If he was so worried about the kids he could have reported her to CPS P.R.I.V.A.T.E.L.Y --- How to the idiot bleeple explain that?
Some of the things RH said that were in the journals seem absurd. Like "beating them into their cribs" and "picking them up by their hair and throwing them into their cribs." That last one seems sort of nearly impossible due to 1 yr. olds don't have much hair and it's baby-fine. Anyway, I'm wondering if the journals really said something like, "I'm so overwhelmed, if I were a bad mom I'd be picking them up by their hair and throwing them into their cribs", and then was edited.
I think Kate struggled with herself. These were her inner struggles and were not for public consumption.
Shows you how despicable Hoffman is.
and that's the reason no mainstream media has picked up the book. It'c clearly a vendetta against Kate, especially since he doesn't hold Jon responsible for ANYTHING!
The bleeple have found where Kate's grandmother has died and the service is Thursday. They can't even stop their hate for a family member passing. And why do they know this? Do they search 24/7 for anything about Kate? They need to show some respect.
Anonymous has left a new comment on the post "Recap: Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10 part 2: I h...":
If she does attend her grandmother's funeral on Thursday, I hope she doesn't wear one of her hooker outfits. Show some respect, cover up those 'girls'.
Here we go again. The hater bleeple encouraging people to tweet Kate about the funeral of her grandmother. The bleeps convince themselves they are not like the haters on twitter. They are worse. They start all this shit and then sit back and condemn the twitter haters for doing what they suggest or for believing what they make up.
TLC stinks has left a new comment on the post "Recap: Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10 part 2: I h...":
She won't go to the funeral, IMO. And I hope someone tweets her and asks because I think it is disgraceful not to go. She has no excuse. She would rather keep herself and those kids locked up behind those gates than face her family. Those poor kids and all those aunts, uncles and cousins they don't know well or at all. Shameful.
In the bleeple's mind Jon deserves privacy. It's open season on anyone associated with Kate. They are disgusting.
Nope, nobody at the BL's is obsessed at all. Just passing the time on a lazy Sunday doing a little Photoshopping, cropping, enlarging, sharpening, noise reducing and changing to sepia tone...
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 36
Not Jon in the Golf Cart - zoom in - guy doesn't look Asian.
I just photoshopped it, did a crop and enlargement, sharpen and noise reduction and changed it to a sepia tone and there the guy definitely has a diamond stud earring in his right earlobe just like this:
Nameless, they are obsessed.
Speculating on Kate's grandmothers funeral is just sick. They think that Kate has no relationship with her family. Hoffman will probably show up at the funeral hiding somewhere.
Over And Out has left a new comment on the post "Recap: Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10 part 2: I h...":
Speaking of my opinion, I agree with those that believe who attends/doesn't attend a family members funeral is none of our business. Period.
Exactly, and I hope that nobody pays a visit to the services to see if she's there. I wouldn't, however, put it past someone to do this. It's just not right, and it's nobody's business.
They're just sick people. Shame on them. Karma will get them.
OMG, those hateful hags are so evil!
Sherry Baby has left a new comment on the post "Recap: Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10 part 2: I h...":
Yes, and of course they have now started with the funeral question. It was inevitable. Geez...just leave that one alone.
If I were Kate, I'd shut down that Twitter so fast it would make their heads spin. It's only a few of them that make it so miserable with their hate. Problem is that they keep hammering away on her, all of the time. It's disgusting
Kate should shut down her twitter? The obit was first printed on the BL's blog. The bleeps and the head bleep are worse than the twitter haters but think they are superior to them..
This reminds me of the time they went after Kate's niece.
Her grandmother's passing has nothing to do with whether the kids should be on TV or not, so why are they so obsessed with who's attending? Once again, It just goes to show it never really is/was about the kids. Disgusting.
Cara had a lacrosse tournament and pics were tweeted of Kate and some of the kids. There was one pic of Cara on the field. I didn't even see a pic of Cara and Kate together. This bleeple uses her amazing bleepish skills to determine that Kate micromanages Cara's experience and keeps her away from the team members.
Lol at her idea that Kate would have Jon care for her pets when he doesn't even see all the kids. That'll make your eyes roll.
Susan1956 said... 151
Luke's Mom said... 113
And just recently Kate tweeted:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 49m
Finally home after ALLL wkend away lax tournament..Couple of kids&r pets returning, then we shall all b home together agn! #❤️ #HomeAtLast
Interesting that she tries to minimize the number of kids with Jon (5) in her tweet by saying "a couple of kids". Kate has 3 and Jon has 5 kids. My kids always remind me that a "couple" is 2.
I saw that too Luke's Mom. I don't know anything about lax, but I assume there was some travel time to get to the venue in NJ and the tournament went on all weekend. So if Jon picks up 5 kids on Friday evening, did she have to board Shoka and Zorro for the weekend? Or did Jon take the pets also? I hope he drew the line at taking her pets for the weekend or at least didn't take Zorro. Shoka would probably do ok with Liz' dog. Maybe Farmer Forrest? checked on the chickens?
Maybe the reason for TFMJG's facial expression was that she had to pay to board the pets, couldn't grift a hotel, and couldn't get in any spa time for herself.
I haven't looked at all the twitter pictures, but the other thing that struck me is that even though Cara is part of a team, she is still shackled to TFMJG. If this was a weekend tournament, wouldn't the players and their parents stay at the same hotel, arrive together, and walk to the field together. Maybe get together for a team dinner? I'm not saying that any of that is mandatory, but I've always thought that was how it was done when going to out-of-town tournaments.
I think it's great that Cara is participating in sports, but I still think her experience is micromanaged by TFMJG.
July 13, 2014 at 5:52 PM
The hatetwits have been begging for Kate to shut down her twitter since she first went on. Who are THEY, who have done their best to destroy her and her TL, to tell Kate to quit Twitter? If anyone should quit twitter, it's the haters.
Martyr parent alert! Martyr parent alert!
I'm counting the seconds until someone feels the need to trump NJGal51's heartwarming devotion to
her children.
NJGal51 said... 162
I'm glad that TFW went to the games with a couple of the other kids but I don't think she deserves high praise for doing what we've all done. As karate parents we travelled the tournament circuit ever weekend AFTER working full time jobs all week.
July 13, 2014 at 8:12 PM
Nameless, Kate will never top their self sacrifice.
Which reminds me...how come Jon didn't go. Hung-over? Lazy? Broke? All of the above.
Sage I was thinking the same thing. Several of them said Kate deserved no praise for going to the tournament because that's what she was supposed to do.As Cara's other parent isn't Jon supposed to be there too. But I know that it is NOT his fault that he was not there,because he is PERFECT in every way.
Who thinks Kate deserves high praise for going to a lax tournament? Sounds more like that NJ gal wants praise for working at a job. Bragging about working and going to a karate tournament? Like that's a sacrifice? BFD
They're upset that the Twitter haters are bugging Kate about the funeral but it was THEIR blog that first told them about her GM death...just like they were the first about the Forrestgate.They started this whole thing. and I can't believe that they don't think the hardcore haters don't post there.Of course they do. They just tone it down a bit.
They're upset that the Twitter haters are bugging Kate about the funeral but it was THEIR blog that first told them about her GM death...just like they were the first about the Forrestgate.They started this whole thing. and I can't believe that they don't think the hardcore haters don't post there.Of course they do. They just tone it down a bit.
Which brings me to another point about the bleeple- yes they hate Kate but they get excited when she tweets about something normal that they can relate to. She validates their mediocre lives. Like they could be reality TV royalty too. #losers
Reading through comments-
So the bleeple are obsessed with the details of Kate's GMs funeral? Pay attention TLC! Bleeple want their reality TV back. Showdown between Aunt Jodi and Kate or have some poorer relative trash talk Kate for making her kids sit quietly through the service. PLS make sure she's wearing hooker heels.
Sadie May said...
They're just sick people. Shame on them. Karma will get them.
I thing Karma has already got them. Look at their lives, sitting around and hating 24/7 - that's no great life. What have those angry desperate haters done to deserve the "life" they are living now, obsessing over every move Kate Gosselin makes, envying Kate for being out there living while they watch and hate and say there's nothing to envy?
I have just one question for the fanatics of Kate: What is your explanation of the "wooden spoon" as seen in the Van door? It seems to corroborate what Hoffman says in his book.
Do all of the fans give Kate a pass on this? That sure seems like a brutal punishment style. I don't think anyone can justify it. Sure kids need discipline and in my generation spanking was A-OK, but now you would probably get arrested in most cases and certainly if you used a cooking utensil to discipline your kids.
I just googled "wooden spoon spanking". Interesting reading.
I don't think anyone has the right to judge another person's parenting unless they are putting a child in danger. While I date myself by saying this, I doubt that a wooden spoon hurts anymore than the sorority paddle my sisters and I were spanked with as a child.
The court claims it is not abuse, but that's not enough for the holier than thou bleeples.
Question for you ,anonymous Kate hater: Did it, could it, would it ever occur to you that Hoffman or someone else saw the "wooden spoon" in that door and wrote a story around it? Made assumptions and decided that their "assumptions" were suddenly factual!? As in, 'hey, look there's a wooden spoon in that door! That's weird. I know, Kate uses that spoon to "BEAT" her kids, and I'm not even going to say "maybe" she does, I'm just going to say that she definitely does and the proof is in the picture of the spoon in the side of the car door. I've never SEEN Kate even touch that spoon, but now I'm going to say she uses it to "BEAT" her kids!'
That "wooden spoon" rumor has been around since long before Hoff put any book out. I don't know who started it, but seeing a wooden spoon in a car door and jumping to the conclusion that the car owner uses the spoon to beat her kids - that is one mighty big leap to make. But for someone who hates Kate and wants to paint her as an "abuser" it's quite natural for them to go there, isn't it?
Can you ponder that for a minute, anonymous hater? :) Can you admit it's a possibility?
Quiltart, the site you refer to doesn't exactly say that using the spoon is effective and harm free.
Why when asking a question does it automatically equate to "judging someone's parenting"? I guess that means men all around the world should go to Restaurant Supply and stock up on Wooden Spoons. That's how ridiculous it is to even quote a web site that OK's a spoon.
Oh it's a rumor now? Swell, that only took about 30 seconds for someone to use that idea. Maybe so, but more than 1 source has said they have seen the spoon in action.
I am an anonymous hater because I ask a question? I didn't say anything about her hair or nails or her "book of rules", etc, etc. Although I do love the "one note at a time rule (if true) that would be the most insane "rule".
One last comment or quote on spoongate:
"Although Gonzalez was not charged for the spanking, the county Department of Social Services filed a child abuse report that a lower court upheld."
I didn't say it was right to spank a child with a wooden spoon... I said that I didn't think it was much different than being spanked with a paddle when I was a child.
Spoon gate again! I could swear that Jon had the wooden spoons at the lemonade stand. Maybe they were Jon's wooden spoons.
You saw her beating kids with a spoon, hater? When did THAT happen? Oh, that's right, it DIDN'T. I have scissors in my car door. What does your little imagination say about me?
Exactly Shawn. Jon and Kate were sharing the van at the time and it could just as easily been put there by Jon.
Anonymous said...
Oh it's a rumor now? Swell, that only took about 30 seconds for someone to use that idea. Maybe so, but more than 1 source has said they have seen the spoon in action.
I keep hearing about 'sources' but no one can say who the sources are. Hoffman? Pennmomy? I find it curious that no one has come forward and said Kate abuses the kids. Not Jon. Not Jon's mother, brothers or other relatives. Not Kate's parents or siblings. Altho Jodie and Kevin had no problem going on Radar and whispering about Jons concerns over Kate and Steve or about the supposed contract that Kate made Jon sign. Jodie and Kevin had no problem at the Murt hearings about filming at Christmas. But, could not comment on the 'abuse'?
What if I told you a friend of Jon's told me that Jon was mean to one of the tups? What if I showed you what he wrote? The difference between me and you is I can name sources...you can't.
Anon you come here and call us 'Kate fanatics' but take offense being called a hater. Take a good hard look at yourself and see who the fanatics are.
That you cut coupons. :)
"SMH said...
You are an anonymous hater. Not because you asked a question though no one is surprised you jumped to THAT conclusion too. You are Anonymous. You called us fanatics of Kate which makes you a hater. You don't get to name call then pretend you are polite. Own it." Only the Fanatics would believe that it was a rumor or they were Jon's spoons. Sane People that like Kate wouldn't be able to pretend the spoon didn't exist. I'm not pretending, I own it. I didn't ask anything unreasonable.
Plus, I wouldn't want my name given to Bully Ville with the idea that I am a bully. The insane portion of fans who go by the idea that anything against Kate = a bully.
The same ol stories get recirculated.
Anonymous said...
Oh it's a rumor now? Swell, that only took about 30 seconds for someone to use that idea. Maybe so, but more than 1 source has said they have seen the spoon in action.
Yes, sweetheart, it's a rumor. Would you like me to define the word for you?
I had a knife in my car for months that I brought with food to a pot luck and kept forgetting to take out. Believe it or not, I didn't stab one child with it.
OK, I can see where fanatics would offend some. I apologize. Since there are 2 levels of fans (and haters). The sane and the insane. Sane fans and haters don't comment as if they had their heads in the sand and ears plugged.
There are pictures as far back as the "spiked Hair" Kate with the spoon on the Passenger side of the vehicle. Unless Jon is reaching over Kate and grabbing the spoon, I would say it's there for Kate's purposes.
Another martyr heard from. I guess she needed to gimp across two fields to see fireworks or the bulldog would have been really, really disappointed.
Kelly said... 182
Unless you cannot walk due to a handicap or your doctor suggests you not walk in the heat, everyone should walk. I wouldn't dare be seen in a golf cart and my ankle actually is broken. I walked (or gimped actually) through two fields to watch fireworks, towing a stubborn bulldog puppy.
"Nameless in LA said..Yes, sweetheart, it's a rumor. Would you like me to define the word for you?
I had a knife in my car for months that I brought with food to a pot luck and kept forgetting to take out. Believe it or not, I didn't stab one child with it."
So the spoon is there clear as day in the photos and don't forget the photos from In Touch just to start rumors?
Ok... So what happened when Kate was driving?
Anonymous said...
So the spoon is there clear as day in the photos and don't forget the photos from In Touch just to start rumors?
Are you always this obtuse?
Fact: Spoon is in car
Rumor: Spoon is in car for purposes of beating children
Does that clarify things for you?
Rumor: And beating of children only when Jon was driving.
OK.. the spoon is there for scrapping Ice of the windows or mixing cookies on the way to the bus. What do you think the spoon is there for? Don't say she just forgot it.. it's there consistently.
I don't care if you are anonymous. I care that you name call in your FIRST question ruining any chance at polite discussion then boohoo that you were called hater back. Try some self-awareness.
Shawn said...
That you cut coupons. :)
One of my kids brought them in the car and I put them in the door and I never took them out. They are there consistently. I keep forgetting them.
Ok. So again are you implying that Kate beat the kids while Jon drove? Why didn't Saint Jon stop this horrible abuse??? He relinquished custody!!!
"SMH said...
I don't care if you are anonymous. I care that you name call in your FIRST question ruining any chance at polite discussion then boohoo that you were called hater back. Try some self-awareness." You know, this is a waste of time. I wasn't boohooing about anything. I just said a question doesn't automatically make me a hater. I guess with Kate there is no middle ground.. either you love her or your hate her.
Anonymous, love Kate or hate her is to simplistic. More to it than either or.
Pick a name to post with please.
Anonymous said...
Oh it's a rumor now? Swell, that only took about 30 seconds for someone to use that idea. Maybe so, but more than 1 source has said they have seen the spoon in action.
Ahh, more than "1 source has said they have seen the spoon in action." And what did the "source" (oh, more than ONE) who saw it do? Nothing? Did they report that "evil abuse?" Or did they think it wasn't worth reporting because it wasn't what it's made to sound like? So they didn't tell CPS but thought it was definitely worth telling other people on the Internet and elsewhere to disparage Kate without taking any actual action to help kids - because even the "source" who allegedly saw the spoon in "action" could see the kids didn't NEED help. What!?
Well, that sounds like a good and decent thing to do - it's all for the kids, you know - of course anyone would and should believe a person who said they SAW a woman BEAT her kids with a wooden spoon and then did...nothing about it except for tell other people who could do nothing.
Ah, those sources - they really have the haters best interests at heart - they sure don't have the kids or Kate's interests at heart at all!
The spoon is in the car door. It isn't seen beating anyone. If Kate used it for ANY purpose, Jon was aware of it. Jon complained about Kate being too controlling, not fun, he wished her dead BUT he never said she beat the kids. Uncle Kevin testified about the horrors of extra Christmas but he never mentioned beatings? Come on. Who's pretending now? WHY WAS THE SPOON IN THE DOOR? Did Kate take it from one of the kids and stick it there? Did she take it from Jon? Was it a pretend microphone for singing along with the radio? Did she bring it as a visual to hold up for quiet when the kids were little? Did she use it to bang against the door to get their attention when they were screaming? Eight kids under the age of 10 in a van and Jon Gosselin as the other adult. Lordy be. Pack the spoon. You'll need some way to get their attention.
You know, in the last month, I actually had a spoon similar to Jon and Kate's in my vehicle. We were heading to my sister's for the 4th & I grabbed it to serve the salad I brought. It's funny how some jump from A to Z when they want to find fault.
Anonymous said...
OK.. the spoon is there for scrapping Ice of the windows or mixing cookies on the way to the bus. What do you think the spoon is there for? Don't say she just forgot it.. it's there consistently.
How would anyone know what the spoon is there for? I do know this...I would never look at a spoon in someone's car and think, "Call CPS. I bet they use that to beat the crap out of their kids." In fact, I wouldn't give it a second thought because I DON'T CARE why people keep spoons in their cars!
Spoongate is so last year, or was it four years ago? I need a list of gates to keep track. Can't we talk about one of the newer gates? Golfcartgate? Forrestgate? I'm sure I'm forgetting a few...
barhopper is bored?
"I had a knife in my car for months that I brought with food to a pot luck and kept forgetting to take out. Believe it or not, I didn't stab one child with it."
LMAO Nameless, so funny.
At Halloween, I was headed to a homeschool dance w/2 carloads of kids and stopped at the store for some bakery goods. While I was waiting with the kids, Harry Potter's wand was broken in half. It was a pre-party tragedy, so I went to a nearby tree and cut off a little branch for a new wand. My friend was laughing, because she said it looked just like I was cutting a switch to use on the kids.
Another comment of Bl's slamming the kids. It's so hard for the bleeple to reconcile the kids are not the beaten down little mushes who are afraid to open their mouths because of the horror of living with their mother, versus the normal behavior that was shown on the birthday special. BL refers to the G kids as giving Kate "some of the worst lip I've ever seen from kids that age." Which is ridiculous, turn on a supernanny show or stand in line at WalMart for awhile.
Child advocates such as Bl often look for anything wrong thing a child might do (on an edited tv show) and expand it to a engulf their whole personality. Seriously, who pounces on children like that refusing to see any good in those sweet little faces?
They judge the kids the same way the judge Kate. Meanwhile, they give Jon a free pass on everything and gush about what a loving dad he is.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 174
As for the kids, I just don't get how they are so regimented and living in fear yet we saw them so rude and disrespectful.
It's a bit of a paradox because on the one hand, especially judging by Wife Swap, the kids are pretty beaten down when it comes to choring. The boys especially were just sort of resigned to a fate of hard labor and there was no indication anyone has thought of rebelling.
Yet clearly on the update specials they were not at ALL afraid to mouth back to Kate, giving her some of the worst lip I've ever seen from kids that age. And there was little consequence for it except at the most listen to Kate blah blah lecture you for a few minutes then let you go back to what you were doing. The thing I was scratching my head over is if they are so willing to give her such lip and don't seem to be afraid to do it, why don't they just tell her to shove it about the chores too?
July 14, 2014 at 6:59 AM
BL is such a horrid person to say that about kids. Because she nannied for a short time she thinks she is an expert.
I pity the children she has, if she chooses. They will never live up to her impossible standards.
I don't see any children in BLs future. Not after seeing two of her websites. She has a very perverse view of motherhood.
"SMH said...
The spoon is in the car door. It isn't seen beating anyone. If Kate used it for ANY purpose, Jon was aware of it. Jon complained about Kate being too controlling, not fun, he wished her dead BUT he never said she beat the kids. Uncle Kevin testified about the horrors of extra Christmas but he never mentioned beatings? Come on. Who's pretending now? WHY WAS THE SPOON IN THE DOOR? Did Kate take it from one of the kids and stick it there? Did she take it from Jon? Was it a pretend microphone for singing along with the radio? Did she bring it as a visual to hold up for quiet when the kids were little? Did she use it to bang against the door to get their attention when they were screaming? Eight kids under the age of 10 in a van and Jon Gosselin as the other adult. Lordy be. Pack the spoon. You'll need some way to get their attention."
Uh OK, now I've heard it all. Ha HA. Not even going to counter this ridiculous justification.
That's because your mind is so twisted that those explanations do not meet with your ugly scenarios. Totally not surprised.
Lather. Rinse. Repeat
You stated earlier that there were two sources that saw Kate hitting the kids with the spoon.
Can you tell me where you saw this?
Bravo Shawn, perfect description of Anonymous hater!
BL is scum for spewing lies about the Gosselin kids. Perhaps she did this to the kids she nannied and that's why they will have nothing to do with her. Best decision they ever made!
Anonymous hater if "a source" won't use their real name they are afraid of being sued for LIBEL! In other words, they CANNOT PROVE THEIR CLAIM! Do you understand now?
Do you know about Penn Mommy, the FAKE Gosselin helper? Her lies are still repeated as fact cuz of people like you who love hating on Kate WITHOUT PROOF!
I'm a bad sheeple and have no idea what Forrestgate is! Please explain. Lol
I was just reading the reviews on Amazon...This one hit the nail on the head...
The author kind of annoyed me too because he spoke about how little time she spends with her kids and talks about what a great dad he is but admits to spending dawn to dusk hours at her home. He writes about how unsafe her driving is at speeds of 90 miles but he is tailing her. Hello? It's ok for him to do these things because he's only doing his job as a paparazzo. Ugh. Hypocrite.
Actually that's several explanations you won't consider. In fact you'll only consider one- the one that makes the least sense. Kids beaten with spoons aren't beaten in the van from the front passenger seat across three rows. What good is it to keep your weapon 'consistently' in the van if you beat your kids behind closed doors in the house. See how stupid that hater logic is? Of course there is the problem of no real accusations of this nonsense. Best to bow out now that you've been asked to say what those 2 sources are.
Didn't Hoffman use PennMomy as a source? PM who never met Kate or any of the Gosselins.
Yes, RH used Pennmommy as a source. Of course PM never met Kate, because PM never existed! She was a purely fictional catfish!
The way I remember it, hoffy talked to some lady hanging around Kate's fence. She told him Penn Mommy's lie about the yogurt.
Of course he never asked the lady her name.
He wrote this yogurt story as a fact in his book.
that's right Tripp! I remember now. The lady by the fence who only existed in Hoffman's mind. The yogurt story that never happened. Just like all the other bullshit in his book.
I just remember laughing my ass off when he defended that story.
Saying a lady hanging around the fence told him that.
What a jerk off.
Hoffman made up his sources like he made up the book. So obvious.
Another interesting email from Hoffman to me.
On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 11:56 AM, Angela Rosario wrote:
And as an add on, I always doubted Kate's word that she was running the long distances that she's been claiming. She strikes me as more of a plodding along type of person and I knew that most of the early Kate jogging pictures were taken on the street in front of her house or very near by her house by Chris.
Well, she really does do it and she looks good doing it. I happened to be driving through Wernersville recently and came across Kate running in the rain, which again, seems very 'un-Kate.' She was very far from her house running along the highway. I watched at a distance for about twenty minutes - creepy I know, I felt like Chris - and I'm pretty sure of the route she took to get to where I picked her up so I can estimate the distance of her run. No doubt the round trip was every bit of ten miles and she had a good pace going and looked like a runner.
The other thing that struck me about this is how pretty she looked. Since the reverse mullet vanished and she started tanning, over-makeuping, etc. I've felt that she looks terrible. Ten years older etc. This was early in the day with little or no makeup and she looked young and attractive. I was impressed with her. I couldn't run a mile without dropping dead.
Lots of reading to catch up, spoon gate again? I carry baseball equipment in my vehicle, so does that mean I beat kids with bats. Geesh, a small wooden spoon in a door handle could have been left from anything, even Jon.
Just knowing that RH watched Kate run in the rain for 20 minutes tells me that this man loves her. I do fear for Kate and the kids, he will stop at nothing. It's very creepy. Sends shivers down my spine. His wife should be alarmed of his stalking of another women, it's not normal, imo.
One more thought---
Sure makes RH's book a joke doesn't it, this last e-mail proves that Angela is Robert. Wonder how the spin is going to work after the BL see's this? I guess Hoff has a lot of explaining to do to his few fans now.
Like I said before, RH is in love with Kate plus he admires her, it is SO obvious.
I know a mother that used to jiggle the utensil drawer and tell the kids that she would bring out the wooden spoon. Boy! would they listen but she never had to use it. Or, she would say nothing but show the wooden spoon and got the same results. Maybe Kate did the same thing in the van so the kids would listen. I say maybe because I do not know since I was not there.
Is the yogurt story still in the book? I'd say Robert is very attracted to Kate and she ignored him. As the woman in Fatal Attraction said "I will not be ignored" He couldn't harm her physically, so he attacks her verbally.He's got psychological problems.
What kind of guy sits alone in his car watching a woman jog for 20 minutes? Geeeeez bleeple - find a new hero NOW. I'm starting to think the wooden spoon might have been there to ward of Robert!
I'm lol at hearing Robert included the yogurt/yoghurt story in his "book". From what I hear, even the Penn fraud herself moved onto other targets, but her lies are still going strong with some dummies!
As for RH watching Kate in the rain, there are not enough WTF's in the world.
Hoffman has a new post up asking the question why do people hate Kate. He then has comments from a CNN post from four years ago. Very weird. Almost as weird has him sitting in the rain for 20 minutes watching Kate.
For starters, spreading the lie that she IMPLANTED six embryos is a good example of the lies he is promoting...
I say let Hoff rant on, Sage has the e-mails of what he really did. He used and abused Jon for his guilty pleasure of really loving Kate. What a disturbed man he must be, the locals should worry about their wives and children. imo.
Yes, I do Farkle, and Hoffman does not deny the emails or that he was Angela.
PatK has left a new comment on the post "NBC fires Kate's season of The Apprentice?":
That's two tweets to Kate in the last couple days from Milo mentioning. "butt".
Obvious much, Milo?
LMAOn The bleeps are so childish. Sounds something like an 8 year old would say.
No matter what happens to the next CA, the bleeple will blame it on Kate. Needless to say, none of the negative publicity about CA was about Kate.... but they will twist it to make it about Kate!
It would hard for him to lie about the e-mails after he told you he watched Kate in the rain. Crickets from the non fans is very telling and RH has not been interviewed by any press as this would sink his failed book more and he knows it.
God, now they're back on school bus gate and the horrors the Gosselin children endure having to take an hour bus ride. Haven't they beat that one to death YET?
Of course, the BL had to talk about the extreme hardship on her because she had three AP classes, sports, music practice and had to learn lines for the school play, ALL WHILE HAVING TO RIDE THE BUS. My god, that woman is insufferable.
And then there's Millicent, whose poor mother had to hear her bitch every day about her horrific 15 minute bus ride. Oh, the drama.
Millicent said... 126
Grew up out in the country and we had to take the school bus. The ride itself probably lasted between 15 to 20 minutes each way. I disliked it very much. The noise level, the jockeying over seats, the petty fights between friends that makes those 15 minutes absolutely misery, etc. My mother had to hear about it nearly every afternoon too. Having to spend two hours a day on a school bus, 5 days a week, 9 months a year? I do feel for any kid who has to do that. Pretty it up all you like, riding a school bus full of kids is not a fun adventure - it's a test of endurance.
I used my time on the bus to work on homework.
Clearly you were not taking 3 AP classes Francie, as apparently school bus conditions are not conducive to the completion of coursework that requires such a high level of brain power. ;)
Couldn't practice my band instrument either on the bus. Which, BTW,I learned one note at a time at first. Just check out any method book
We lived outside of Redmond Wa during many of my school yrs and my brother and I rode a school courtesy shuttle back and forth almost 40 miles each way and we both did homework which was great for me because my brother was all AP classes (except music & PE)and he made quick work of his school work then helped me with mine. I really think I learned more from him & my parents than my teachers. I can't recall a single time that either of us complained about the long ride. These people are scraping underneath the barrel seeking some dirt to expound hatefully about. Their lives growing up and now seem to be miserable in the extreme.Next they will probably try to out misery each other especially since they tried to out give and top each other for charity. Misery does love other miserable company.
Schoolgate again? Poor girls, riding a free school bus for an education. I'll bet the BL walked uphill both ways to school. LOL.
The haters are always saying that Kate needs to get a job and support the kids.
what about Jon? Do they think that it is only Kate's responsibility to support the kids?
It's their obsession with Kate. Jon is always a non-factor with them.
Lukebandit has a screw loose. She stalks people who interact with Kate.
lukebandit @lukebandit · 1h
@Gibsonkid1 That was you driving Kate G around? Guess U drew the short stick! She says every1 who meets her likes her.What was UR experience
Ken @Gibsonkid1 · 1h
@lukebandit she was nice to me. Everyone's first inclination is that she is not a nice person. I have nothing bad to say about her
lukebandit @lukebandit · 1h
@Gibsonkid1 That is great! It gives me hope that she will change for the better. Thanks for answering my question. Have a great week!
Ken @Gibsonkid1 · 25m
@lukebandit you too
Wilma, Lukebandit defines 15 minutes. She is a representative of the Bl's blog and all who post there.
She calls herself a Christian too.She's not like any I know or want to know.
I lived in the country when I went to school.Long bus ride were common and no big deal.They like to take anything and make it a life or death situation.
Where is Jon, he sure has been quiet since RH released his book again, Jon knows he was played and abused to trash his own kids. Nice Daddy with no job, if Liz is around she can listen to him complain.
The BL has no source now, RH said she and her posters were mental.
Did anyone see the segment about Kate on The Talk... The bleeple seem to think they skewered her once and for all. I won't be able to watch until I get home from work.
The ladies weren't nice talking about her on the Talk that's for sure. But their opinions were based on Hoffmans book. They don't know the whole story of Roberts obsession with Kate. If they did, they may not have said the things they said. They took the stories at face value.Sharon Osbourn was a fine one to talk. Her kids were pretty messed up and daughter Kelly is still into drugs and booze. She has no right to judge what kind of mom Kate is when her own daughter is f'ed up.
What did they say about the book?
I didn't watch it but I have been reading about it.
They apparently did not mention RH's name or the book. They seemed to be going off the ROL piece about the Alaskan trip.
I wish they would have done their homework more. Does anyone even know if what RH wrote took place?
I would like to know what the ladies of the Talk would feel if they had their garbage gone through, papers and tax records copied, followed and watched by a creep.
I wish they would have RH on their show and ask him what his purpose is here. He says it is for the kids. If that is true why is he more invested than the kids own father or other relatives. (If ROL is to be believed and the haters are all on board with them. Jon told Kate he would stop the book for money. That's how much he cares) Why do these kids mean so much to him to the extent he puts them above his own kids and wife?
Is it really about the kids or is it some obsession or vendetta against Kate.
Is it just about money. It is obvious that RH made a deal with ROL for a different story every day. He sold them the rights for this. Is he going to give the Gosselin kids the money since he is profiting from them?
Sage, I was thinking the same thing about ROL and Robert. He must be making a lot of money from the ROL stories,I wonder if he and Jon split it. I am very disappointed that the ladies of the Talk are so eager to condemn Kate. For the life of me I do not understand why Kate is blamed for everything and Jon is given a free pass. I watched some of the Osbournes reality show and the way Sharon and the kids acted were appalling,yet she never misses an opportunity to slam Kate.Other reality moms such as Micelle Duggar or June are not slammed like Kate is,I guess they are no threat to anyone. It is very disappointing that a team of professional woman think it is ok to judge and attack another woman who is doing the same thing they are doing,trying to make a living while raising a family.
If the ladies from the Talk have so much to say, maybe they could write a support check to Kate since Sharon has so much to say about Kate and her kids. Of course, she has made millions from her TV show, and her job now. Shame on her, someone needs to tell her the truth, but of course they read and listen to the rags. imo.
What's funny is that these "incidents" taken from this book or ROL are actually topics of conversation anywhere.
Newsflash, a kid says she doesn't want to go on a trip and her mom makes her go anyway! Wow, that NEVER happens - except that it does, often. It's really a topic? And people really think a 9 year old should get the opportunity to choose to stay home while the rest of the family goes on vacation?
People will actually say that Kate is mean or wrong for "making" her kid go to ALASKA when the kid has an issue of some sort the day before they leave and says she doesn't want to go? Sure, just leave that kid behind, no regrets - the kid won't possibly regret it forever when she sees her sibling talking about the fun times they had and all they did while she sat in her dad's home with nothing to do!
It's too bad more people don't think before they pass judgment, but that's just the way it is these days. Sharon Osbourne in particular has nasty things to say about many people, but considering she was one of the first to put her trainwreck of a family on TV to be entertainment for the masses, you'd think she'd be the last to talk instead of the first!
chefsummer said... 42
And how does one update special in TWO YEARS feed the children? What about the other 23 months
Maybe the kids are like bears-LOL- they hibernate till momma gets a job to feed them.
They really tend to be ignorant don't they. Kate made a lot of money for the special and CA. LOTS.Enough to pay bills for quite a while and have enough left over to put aside to last for a while.chef, you can't be that dense.
AuntieAnn has left a new comment on the post "Kate blasted by the hosts of 'The Talk': 'They did...":
Kate is a twit said... 77
Milo's on the warpath. She's not only attacking Robert, now she's attacking Amber Ryland. Is she going to attack the cast of The Talk next?
Poor Gladys is gonna wear herself out trying to plug the holes of a dam that's about to burst. She's going to run out of fingers. Look at what's come out in the past three weeks alone since the release of Robert's book - it's gone from tabloid to prime time. You can bet there will be plenty more stories from former friends and employees. Once one starts talking they all will.
Did I miss something? Hoffman is on prime time for selling under 2000 books?
I wouldn't count on too many people talking Auntie. Most of them only exsist in Hoffman's head. Or maybe Pennmomy will make a statement.
chefsummer has left a new comment on the post "Kate blasted by the hosts of 'The Talk': 'They did...":
Couples Therapy is free on youtube for anyone that missed it or wants to re-watch.
Yup, that's what I want to do tonight watch Jon masturbate on TV and listen to him say he wishes Kate would 'fucking die'.
Kate being a public figure absolves BL from any moral responsibility for her words. BL is free to lie about the law, daily accuse and lie about Kate, let outrageous comments through, attack the fans, attack and degrade anyone who happens to tweet to Kate, etc. etc. Yep, because Kate is a public figure, things like the truth, ethics, morals, kindness and understanding are thrown out the window.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 18
Haters..they ARE NOT YOUR KIDS! U have NO say in how she raises them!
No matter how many times you explain this to them they don't get it. Kate has made herself a public figure. In fact her entire image revolves around Kate as a mother and parent. As such, we can freely comment on her mothering, parenting, anything else she puts out there, and we can certainly comment on her kids and how she raises them if we want to.
We can even speculate how the kids feel and it doesn't matter if you don't like that. Deal with it. It's America.
If she does not like this, she is free to remove herself from the public eye with a polite request to be left alone, and I will honor that. She has made her choice to be public, and your issue is really with her choice, not us.
July 17, 2014 at 9:05 PM
The problem is that they comment on what she does NOT put out there. They imagine her life, because she really tells very little.
I can't believe the rags are even doing a story that Kate consigned the kids' clothes.
After giving up legal custody, Jon went public with a story that he was filing for custody and a psych eval. It was a ridiculous story and a complete lie.
Jon has used his kids in the worse ways; using them trying to get out of his contract, selling out twins' birthday, TWICE lying about going for custody, and all the tabloid stories he sold about moldy sandwiches and the G kids telling kids there is no Santa (the video of the dogs going away was awful). But, get the pitchforks and torches because Kate consigned some kids clothes.
As for "forcing" Mady to go to Alaska; what I always remember about that show is the expression on Mady's face when they saw the whales. What a shame if she had missed that experience.
...and because they have no lives of their own.
They also are too stupid to realize that Kate's PRIVATE journal was written NINE YEARS AGO! They have NO IDEA what has or hasn't gone in her household since. They have made it all up, just like their hero, RH.
So what that RH took the words right from Kate's journal. A word here, a word there, cleverly strung together. Sort of like photoshopping together words.
What BL doesn't seem to "get" is that the fact that she has had a blog for YEARS dedicated to hating on Kate makes her seem like a completely obsessed nut case - that's all. I imagine she's read that a lot over the years and no matter how many times it's explained to her that she's wasting her life critiquing a mom raise her kids, she just does NOT "get it." But it's her life to waste away.
We all "get" that BL and her group of haters has every right to waste their lives away obsessing over Kate, talking about her, critiquing her...Don't we? Sure we do. We get it, we GET it. LOL
But, hey, if Kate removes herself from the "public eye with a polite request to be left alone" BL will "honor" that request (BL does seem "honorable, doesn't she? Yeah, sure she does) because BL's obsession for Kate will just vanish - poof - if Kate says she wants to be a private citizen. Then BL will go on with her own life and forget all about Kate, instead of watching Kate raise her kids and moan about it. Sure, that's totally possible. It seems clear that all of BL's actions are all controlled by Kate Gosselin.
Everyone "gets" it.
Welcome to Crazy Town. LOL
Becky will NEVER leave Kate alone. She's lying again.
Hmmmmm........Kate's neighbor Forrest isn't a public figure & that doesn't stop them from crafting wild accusations about him. Excuses.....excuses....
Becky has never gotten it and never will, because her supreme arrogance and narcissism have left her completely lacking in self-awareness. She threw herself smack in the middle of Gosselin drama by starting her blog and gets her ego boosted by writing her ridiculous recaps that the bleeple foam at the mouth over, and yet somehow thinks she has the right to say whatever she pleases about Kate but no one else has the right to say one negative word about her.
It works both ways. Deal with it. It's America. If she doesn't like it, she can shut down her blog, but what would she do with all the hours in the day? Maybe she can take the $ she earned from her birth fetish site and spend at least a few of those hours on a therapist's couch.
Nah... The unethical blogging lawyer is going nowhere because not only is she the queen of the bleeple but she has an enormous school debt to pay off and she uses the Gosselin 8 to do that....she is just another ugly leech.
"Shawn said...
Nah... The unethical blogging lawyer is going nowhere because not only is she the queen of the bleeple but she has an enormous school debt to pay off and she uses the Gosselin 8 to do that....she is just another ugly leech."
What does this even mean? The fans give BL a hard time about the content of her blog, well what does this comment represent? Certainly not a mature line of thought. She is paying her legal bills by blogging about Kate and her 8? How old are you anyway, resorting to name calling as if you were in the 4th grade?
OK, here is a question based on fact and not rumor. What does the promo photo used by TLC for the Alaska episode represent? Why would Kate allow this to be used and not wait until they got a good shot of her children (without emotions bared for all to see)?
Since everybody here reads at the blog you love to hate, you know this is a topic of discussion at the moment. So what is your spin on this photo?
I have read her debt blog and IMO she supplements her income by blogging to help pay off her debt.
IMO I described her the way I see her an ugly leech. Did I strike a nerve?
Anonymous said...
She is paying her legal bills by blogging about Kate and her 8? How old are you anyway, resorting to name calling as if you were in the 4th grade?
Have you asked that same question of your friends at the BL's, where name-calling is omnipresent?
Personally, I don't think she's managing to pay her law school debts off through her monetized blog, although she is attempting to profit from it. That completely disgusting birth fetish site on the other hand, where she was charging pervs for monthly subscriptions, probably brought in some cash. Your turn to answer a question: What do you think of a woman who exploits genital mutilation victims and teen mothers to make a buck?
Shawn, no nerve struck. You just showed your maturity level, that's all. You really must care about the BL if you are all up in her debt business and how she is paying it off. I don't see it through blogging, but hey your opinion.
Nameless, again with the birth fetish site? I'll ask you the same question, how do you even know it is hers? For that matter, you see fetish, someone else may see it in another light. I don't know, I've never seen it. Just as Kate can raise her kids how she see's fit, iron fist or other, people can make money with blogs as they see fit. Unless you are privy to the membership how can you call them perverts? Do you have the inside track on who subscribes and their reasons for it?
Micha I so agree. "Crazy Town" is putting it mildly Lol
Well, Simon (who apparently also reads at a blog you love to hate), I see an unhappy Mady in that photo. Since I wasn't there and don't know the child, I have no f'ing clue what she was upset about. I certainly would never presume to state that she obviously was unhappy to be on the trip and should have been allowed to stay home with her father based on a single second in time that happened to be captured by a photographer. I've seen many a picture of a crying child and have yet to call CPS and report the parent for abuse or assume that some horrible damage had been inflicted on the child. This may come as a surprise to you, but in the real world children are not always happy and sometimes they cry.
Anonymous said...
OK, here is a question based on fact and not rumor. What does the promo photo used by TLC for the Alaska episode represent? Why would Kate allow this to be used and not wait until they got a good shot of her children (without emotions bared for all to see)?
Since everybody here reads at the blog you love to hate, you know this is a topic of discussion at the moment. So what is your spin on this photo?
No one has an opinion on the Photo from Alaska shoot? Not an easy spin for that one?
Anonymous said...
Nameless, again with the birth fetish site? I'll ask you the same question, how do you even know it is hers? For that matter, you see fetish, someone else may see it in another light. I don't know, I've never seen it. Just as Kate can raise her kids how she see's fit, iron fist or other, people can make money with blogs as they see fit. Unless you are privy to the membership how can you call them perverts? Do you have the inside track on who subscribes and their reasons for it?
She has never denied that it was hers and if you knew the history you wouldn't be questioning that. She spent a weekend cleaning up the site to make it look "educational" after being caught. As for how I would know they were perverts, all you had to do was read the comments to know.
You are defending something you have never seen and making yourself look like a fool in the process. That site was indefensible and one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen.
Why do you feel the need to defend ol' Becky? I guess that's what a good minion does.
Anonymous said...
No one has an opinion on the Photo from Alaska shoot? Not an easy spin for that one?
My, my someone is anxious. I offered an opinion. Maybe not everyone has the time to sit here awaiting your questions and giving you prompt responses. I had a few minutes to spare...and now I'm out of here to live my life. Is that acceptable to you?
These are a few of the names of Rebecka's customers:
"Mummybuns, cervixdilation, hot4preg, rapethemaids, ObstetriXXX "
I think Simon wants to see some screen shots posted of Rebecka's front page of her birthing site before it was connected to her.
The BL wrote and spoke about her debt at great length and the ways that she made money. IMO she will take whatever she can get ....just like RH, another ugly leech.
nameless, OMG with the conspiracy theories! "she never denied it so it MUST be her site"? With that reasoning than everything the "haters" have said MUST be true because Kate has never denied them.
The worst thing you have seen? You need to expand your web searches. No defending, just asking why the only thing the "fans" can do is bring up that site. Minion, Sheep I guess it's good to have some name to call someone who has a differing opinion.
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