When I read a post at another blog that Jon was at Kate's yard sale I was doubtful. That particular blogs has in the past started or promoted rumors without proof. This one time they seem to have been right. Will miracles never cease? TMZ has pictures of Jon there. I hope it is because Jon and Kate have a better, if not the best, relationship now for the kids.
Here is the TMZ link and the link to the Reading Eagle.
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1 – 200 of 235 Newer› Newest»I brought Merryways links over to the new post.
Thanks MW!
merryway has left a new comment on the post "Jon Gosselin Bounces Checks Gets Booted From Renta...":
There's some pics of the yard sale.
I like this one. It's the locals who supposedly hate Kate. ;)
Here is a shock. Becks actually allowed a positive comment through about Kate.
I think I may need to be revived! ;)
EllaK said... 67
I'm a long time reader and check in at this blog nearly every day. I am neither hater nor fan, and I've heard stories of Kate from my friends who work at Reading Hospital. Since I live in the area and had never experienced an actual Gosselin sighting, my sister-in-law and I decided to trek down to the yard sale today. ( We are also die hard yard salers! ) We got to the sale around 10:00; I didn't want to get into the mess I'm sure was there earlier. There were maybe around 100 people milling around or waiting in line. The tents were empty and there wasn't much left to buy. One thing that caught my eye was a little pink rubber bracelet from the Australia Zoo. Kate did not look anything like I expected, in fact she looked freakishly normal. Steve was hovering around here and there and the kids were running around on the playground. I think it was Mady? was sitting near her mother. There were signs posted around stating that Figure 8 was filming and if you didn't want to be on camera, stay out of the direction the cameras were pointed. You had to go through the line to pay and that's where Kate was standing. The food table was off to her side. She was talking and laughing with everyone and taking pictures. You just handed her whatever you wanted to pay and she put it in the cash box behind her. She laughed and joked with us and seemed genuinely nice. I am a very cynical person and expected to snark on her but she was really pleasant. I will say it was weird because clumps of people were standing around just talking and staring at her. I don't think I could ever get used to that, it must be very strange for the kids. I took some pictures and had one taken with her. I actually bought a couple things, and was hoping to find the infamous globe, but didn't see it!
A tweeter with a pic with Kate.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 9m9 minutes ago
Thank you ALL 4 coming out to meet us! My kids had fun w ur kids on playground! And thx 2 for your generous donations to ARL Berks County!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 15m15 minutes ago
We had a memory filled X at r yardsale! Met hundreds of THE nicest ppl &saw many old friends 2! PLUS raised tons of $ for ARL Berks County
Sounds like Kate was practically giving the stuff away for free. I like that.
Looks like it was a success. There appears from pictures a lot of stuff.
Rainbirdie said... 42
Wish I lived closer. Would have loved to set up a small table out on the public street outside of the sale & displayed a few copies of Robert's book. Or strolled through the sale with a copy of the book in my hand...hehehe.
Ohhhh, LukeBandit is one badass. LOL
Of course this story could be true, but my bullshit radar is pinging loudly. Has anyone else said that Jon was there? She just happened to overhear an exchange between Jon and Steve?
Native Pa Lady said... 104
Hi. I read here but don't post often, maybe twice a year.
I was at the sell with my daughter and kids. Jon was there on the playground with 2 boys and 3 girls. I am not sure which boy was not in the group. There were other kids playing as well. Jon was running around playing maybe tag. They looked happy and at ease.
I did not see an adult with them other than Jon.
My daughter purchased size 6/8 girls clothes and some very nice junior size 4/6 clothing. Abercrombie, Lucky, Aero, Hollister, Old Navy, LL bean, Lands End, Crazy 8 and Gap.
I bought a food processor, blender, cookie sheets and a plastic pitcher.
My daughter gave $30 and I gave $35. There really was no haggling at all.
Carla took my money and Kate took my daughter's.
I did not see the older girls.
Steve was sitting in a blue fold up chair behind Kate and had sunglasses on. He had a coffee mug in the cup holder.
Kate said thank you. Carla said looks like you got some good stuff.
After we got through the line and were walking behind Kate's area, Steve got up and walked over to the playground and told the kids his mother wanted them to come back now. Jon told Steve and I quote, "you do not tell my kids what to do". Steve just walked away. We watched for about 10 minutes but the kids stayed and we left with our great deals.
No one was being ugly to Kate and the kids were left alone.
There was so much stuff to look through. It was unorganized but if you were willing to dig through stuff it was worth it.
There were bikes, motorized cars, sleds, duplos, books and dvd's galore. If we had a bigger car and more money we would have bought more things.
Native Pa Lady
Fake fake fake. Lies lies lies.
Just like the reports of Kate riding a scooter through the marathon.
They can't stand any good reports about Kate.
Lol, that lady sure has good hearing. Miraculously, she's the only one to have seen Jon. Amazing, how there was no mention of him on twitter or in the reports. Lol, Jon, Kate and Steve at the same event would certainly grab attention of the attendees as well the media.
Of course, Steve is Kate's errand boy to call the kids and Jon stands up to him. Lol, the bleeple will eat this up like candy.
Such total BS. It's pathetic how they lie to get at Kate. That makes them so much better than her donchaknow.
It's absolutely killing them that the yard sale went so well and that everyone who met Kate and the kids thought they were nice! Absolutely killing them... because THEY know Kate better than anyone who has ever met her in person, right?
As if Jon would dare to show up is laughable. Someone would have flashed a photo immediately. LOL and Jon running around playing tage.
Note to haters whining that Kate lied about being in dire straits. Kate NEVER said she was strapped for cash and in dire straits. NEVER. The tabs spun it because she was having a yard sale and because JON was in dire straits and the haters, as always, picked it up and ran with it, spinning all the while. Kate owes no one an explanation for anything she does and she certainly owes those whose life mission to see her fail ANYTHING!
I highly doubt Jon was there either.
The bleeps are really gullible and will fall for anything.
No where on twitter or anywhere else has it been reported that Jon was there frolicking with the kids. The only place is at the 'fall for anything' blog.
Unless, that was Hoffman playing tag and putting Steve in his place. ;)
It's just pathetic they tell themselves such lies to keep the hatred going. If Kate was as awful as they say, they wouldn't have to lie and play their slimy games.
So many situations unique to the bleeple. They are so special they know the "real" truth.
Just a few off the top of my head:
Jon's People Mag Interview - Jon said "Kate's a mom" vs. the title quote "Kate's a good mom."
Jon doesn't pay child support because he has 50/50 phys custody
Kate decided to wear a Red Cross blanket all on her own and the Red Cross knew nothing about it.
Now, they're they only ones who know that Jon was there frolicking with the children and putting Steve in his place. (major eyeroll)
ONE person said at 15 that they saw Jon at the yardsale. ONE.
Now they are saying that there were more than a few who said they saw him. Not true. ONE.
We are to believe that no one took a picture and no one other than that ONE person saw him.
Becks is is conveniently MIA. She doesn't care what is put on her blog as long as it keeps the minions happy.
Another faker has come along. And, what do you know? She was there at the exact same time Steve was supposedly talking to supposed Jon. Lol What are the chances of that? An amazing coinkydink! ;)
Again, they are biggest liars and hypocrites. They have no business judging Kate.
Stalker for today said... 131
Jon was there playing with his kids having a great time. We watched him for quite a while. He was running around. Kids were chasing him. He was on the ground for awhile tickling 2 of the girls. Some other kids that were not the G kids joined in and he was playing with all of them. I saw Steve come over too. It was such an odd thing to witness. Steve didn't yell but his voice sounded authoritative, if that makes sense. Like maybe that's how he speaks to them all the time. But Jon quickly answered back. He was firm yet not hostile, if that makes sense. The kids didn't listen to Steve. They listened to Jon. There were lots of people around watching the kids and it was strange to see. I mean, I was one too. they are a spectacle.
Cara was with Mady selling cookies but she was sitting on a blanket on her phone. She didn't make eye contact with anyone when I saw her. Mady was funny when a little kid went through and didn't have any money. The kid was 4 or 5. She said just take what you want and be gone! I LOL at that.
Stalker for today
October 25, 2014 at 2:42 PM
laura @adidasqt6 · 8h8 hours ago
Cant believe I met @Kateplusmy8 She was sweet,&so tiny and young looking!i shoulda brought my cookbook4 her2sign. :-/
This one didn't see Jon. And people were taking pictures of the kids on the playground.Someone is planting Jon was there stories.
___________________The post at 15mins____
TookOneForTheTeam said... 116
(Part 2)
Anyhoo, I finally got a chance to approach Kate. I said hello and asked if I might get a picture with her. She could not have been kinder, and said "Yes, but please no pics of the kids". Naturally that was fine by me! We took a pic & she made a comment about being sorry that there was not much left when we got there. I told her it was fine, but might I make a cash $ donation to the animal league. She said that they were all packed up & getting ready to leave, and not to worry about it. She also mentioned the couple who had just left explaining that they were old friends that she had not seen in some time, and that she had seen many old friends that day and she was very happy. As we were talking a couple of the tups came up for hugs. No cameras were in sight the entire time I was present.
I must say that I witnessed her being kind and gracious the hour I was there. She looked pretty normal, like a mom having a yard sale. No heavy makeup. Mom clothes on with a light jacket over top. Pretty much how anyone would dress for a chilly fall day - it was 63 degrees and sunny at noon.
The kids were playing nicely amongst themselves and any kids that joined in. I think one of the twins was there, someone called out to her & she barely glanced over with a weak smile. I could be wrong, but I think it was Cara. I felt bad for her. At that point they were breaking down all the tables & packing it up. Kate then turned her attention to gathering the kids up & into the BBB. So, that was my brush with reality fame. I know it was not exciting, but I just report it as I see it. I cannot say whether this is Kate's "normal" or not, but today she was in good spirits. That said, I hope that the animals benefit from this day. Please don't ban me from the veranda!
October 25, 2014 at 1:38 PM
with all the photos being taken of the kids on playground, none of Jon? She didn't see him.
Plus Jon running around, chasing the kids? Yeah right. He'd be out of breath. He wasn't there.To quote SG
"Pics or it didn't happen."
The BL has returned to claim that "someone else" saw him leave with the children. In her version of reality, he is parent of the year for not causing a scene and joining in the playground fun before whisking them away to...where? His mommy's couch? It seems that he may not have a place of his own these days...
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 192
Apparently he played with them for a bit and then according to somebody else, left with all of them. It sounds like it was his weekend and he's trying not to cause a Herculean fight, especially in public. It's a completely reasonable thing for a parent to do, especially when the other parent is an alienator. You don't engage, you don't cause fights, you don't quibble over the finer details. He knows he lost the filming battle. He knows they are going to film. You might as well try to make it as pleasant as possible for them by putting a smile on your face and just being fun and happy Dad when you go to pick them up
Sounds like someone is playing the gullible game with the bleeples again. As long as you say Jon they will believe it - silly silly bleeps
Looks like the yard sale was a success! Great! As far as Jon being there and leaving with all of the kids....sounds like a fantasy that some people are having. Let's see the pics of Jon there - one picture will do, from anyone. Yes, I doubt crazy haters who trash Kate and lie about her constantly, I can see how a couple of "crafty" haters would think if they sprinkle some kind comments about Kate in between making claims that Jon was there that they'd think it would be easier to "sell" their story to everyone, so I'm going to need some visual proof. :)
The description of Jon playing with the kids is highly suspicious. 10 and 14-yr olds don't wrestle on the ground with their dad, while he tickles them.Totally inappropriate and totally a lie!
So far only one person has 'seen' Jon there.
The bleeps keep saying it was Jon's weekend with the kids. How do they know this and what makes them think that?
With all the negative publicity that Jon had last week with the eviction and cat abandonment I just don't see him showing up anywhere.
TMZ has pictures of Jon being at the yard sale.
Visual proof from TMZ. Yep, Jon's that pathetic, he'd show up at Kate's yard sale. Here I was thinking he had more pride than that - but the haters seemed instinctively KNOW that he doesn't. I guess they know him best. :) Maybe he even managed to grab a few things to decorate his new whatever he's living in with.
No pictures of him frolicking with the kids. Yet.
Maybe he was looking to buy a tent and sleeping bag.
We were wrong on this one.
Let the speculation begin about the picture of Kate, Jon and one of the tups.
When you're wrong because you just can't believe that even JON would be that much of a loser that he's show up at Kate's yard sale, it's not such a bad thing. It actually shows that you were remaining optimistic that Jon wouldn't be THAT pathetic! It's sad to see that he is indeed that pathetic. It's also more than a little bit scary to see that level of pathetic from Jon.
I like this comment someone made at BL's. She may view it as snark but I think she hit the nail on the head. LOL
Vanessa has left a new comment on the post "Yard sale underway":
Maybe he was looking for more disks to pass on to robert. Snark
No way! I never would've believed it. Jon just can't leave Kate alone.
Reminds me of when he had the pap (Robert?) follow him into the store while he read Kate's book. He always has to glom onto Kate.
Jon was looking for some more TV time I see. He doesn't get that Kate plus 8 means no Jon. How desperate can you be?
Or maybe he's been living at the church and was already there.
Mary...LOL Maybe he is living at the church.
Speaking of glomming onto Kate I see where good ole Bob is at it again.
Gosselin Book @GosselinBook · Oct 24
FRAUD. LIES. CHILD ABUSE. ANIMAL CRUELTY. FAKE REALITY SHOW. Kate Gosselin does it all!!!! READ IT! http://www.amazon.com/KATE-GOSSELIN-FOOLED-WORLD-REALITY-ebook/dp/B00L774BFA/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1414177886&sr=1-1&keywords=kate+gosselin+how+she+fooled+the+world … @KimKardashian
ROL has more pictures.
I stand corrected! Time to get my bullshit meter tested. ;)
Me too, Nameless. LOl
It's just that they are wrong most if not all the time.
I do wonder tho, if Kate knew Jon was going to show up.
No one mentioned Jon being there except at Bl's. We may have been wrong about him being there, but there's still the smell of BS in the air. I think it's too convenient that a poster at Bl's was there to see/hear a confrontation between Steve and Jon.
He must not have been there for very long. Just long enough to get a mention. He always wants part of Kate's spotlight.
Why would Jon show up?
Is it because no girlfriend and is down on his luck again? Hoping to cash in on Kate filming?
Steve has been a part of the kids lives for most of their lives.
Why if true, would Jon say that to him? Wouldn't that embarrass the kids? Sounds so childish and vindictive.
There was no battle. Jon gave up legal custody in return for not having to pay child support. Jon has no say. Twist twist.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post "Yard sale underway":
I'm guessing Jon may also feel like the battle has been lost with filming. Many of us do after all. The best thing he can do is try to make the best of the situation and do his best to give the kids a positive environment. I also think it's kind of clever to show up when they are filming. They either won't be able to film the kids when they are with him or spend a ton of money blurring his face which is incredibly expensive.
According to PA Dutch Mom, it's not okay to have an opinion of Jon's parenting unless you've seen him up and close and personal. Funny, but I don't recall her ever saying the same when Kate is ripped to shreds by those whose only "experience" with her is through a screen...
PA Dutch Mom said... 92
Just tired of the excuses made for him over and over. He may not be as bad as Kate as a person but he's certainly a poor example of a dad. IMO, of course.
Have you ever seen him with his children? I mean, up close and personal, not in photos and not in television episodes? Playing with his kids, the children reaching out to him with open arms? Jon with his children on field trips, having a blast, just being a dad? Jon hugging his kids, holding their hands, one child running to him because she fell and was hurt and he dried her tearst? Jon comforting his kids?
According to PA Dutch Mom, it's not okay to have an opinion of Jon's parenting unless you've seen him up and close and personal. Funny, but I don't recall her ever saying the same when Kate is ripped to shreds by those whose only "experience" with her is through a screen...
PA Dutch Mom said... 92
Just tired of the excuses made for him over and over. He may not be as bad as Kate as a person but he's certainly a poor example of a dad. IMO, of course.
Have you ever seen him with his children? I mean, up close and personal, not in photos and not in television episodes? Playing with his kids, the children reaching out to him with open arms? Jon with his children on field trips, having a blast, just being a dad? Jon hugging his kids, holding their hands, one child running to him because she fell and was hurt and he dried her tearst? Jon comforting his kids?
Blurring Jon's face would be "incredibly expensive?" LOL since it's done all the time on many different types of shows I would think it would "easy peasy" and and not all that expensive at all. Ah, that BL. Trying to make lemonade out of the big bitter lemon that is Jon.
Are the haters happy that Jon has so little self respect that he would show up at Kate's yard sale for scraps and some publicity for himself? They need to reverse it and ask themselves how would they feel if Jon had some sort of event and Kate showed up. I suspect that's the only way they will see how gross and ridiculous Jon was to go there. If it's Kate who showed up at Jon's event they'd be able to see the negative in it, no doubt about it.
There is a reason that the twins and some of the tups do not want to spend time with Jon.
The bleeps can spin and twist all they want but at the end of the day Jon is a loser.
....Are the haters happy that Jon has so little self respect that he would show up at Kate's yard sale for scraps and some publicity for himself?
That is so true!
I stand corrected. I'm kind of Impressed that J&K were seen together.Last week on that Radio stations FB, some guy who's friends with Jon said that J&K were getting along better. So maybe it's true.If so, I'm happy for that. He probably showed up to pick up the kids who didn't want to hang around at a garage sale. It's a positive thing to me.
ETA: I still don't believe that Jon said that to Steve though.
There are a couple more pictures here.
I do have to wonder if Kate knew Jon was coming.
Sadie, Jon may have said something to Steve to try and start something for attention. Steve's stance, I think, has always been say nothing and ignore.
I do hope Jon and Kate are getting along, but showing up ta garage sale? Makes you wonder if he was there to pick through things before the sale started, maybe some things he wanted.
It's not expensive to blur a image, lordy, where does this gal get her info. Oh, I'm sure she went to film school too (snark). I doubt TLC filmed him, but maybe Kate said yes, so Jon could get paid a few hundred dollars and send him on his way. Failed book, no place to live, no job, no money, but for a few bucks you can buy a beer. Jon looks so old and worn down, he needs to go get some real help and start again.
Steve was there for a reason you can bet on that. I would be scared to have my children around some of the nuts on twitter and on a hate blog. I do hope in real life they don't treat people or their families with vile hate and vulgar comments like they do to others on a public forum.
Maybe this was Jon's visitation time since he has no where to take them now. Kate could keep a eye on the kids, while Jon interacted with them. Can't see any of them rolling around, giggles and all that with that many people around. The kids played with other kids, really Jon was the third wheel there. Sad that it has come to this for Jon, maybe he got a free meal off Kate and the kids too!
Jon should go back to school. learn a real trade and get a job that would provide for his own future. Seems IT is not his fit in life, maybe a pro bartender would be the ticket, altho he would have to show up for work and not engage in the products.
I think Jon was back into filming. Hanging around hoping TLC makes him an offer.
My take on Jon showing up at the sale is that he called his pap friend and made some money.
Didn't think of that Francie!!
I think we have a winner here!
Steve could be there because of the outrage the haters have been spewing this week.I'm sure there were threats from some.
Really, Pap pics, a few hundred bucks? Jon lied to his fans, he was selling out his kids yesterday by selling pics. The spin can't spin anymore, Jon showed the proof!
Anonymous has left a new comment on the post "Yard sale underway":
It's sad that Robert's book has not had a significant impact on anything in the Gosselin world. She's still getting paid a ridiculous amount of money when there is proof of her abuse out there.
Have none of them realized yet that the book was a load of crap and everyone saw that? Except for the easily led.
These are the same people who blathered on in their Amazon reviews about how well-written (ahem!) RH's book is. If he had published a book of blank pages, they would have gushed about how wonderful it way. It said everything they WANTED him to say with no proof whatsoever! All it did was make RH look even more pathetic than he is already is. Nobody likes a stalker!
The comments on ROL shows the same haters over and over. The best comment was from someone who said "a christian guy named Walt". ROTF. I don't know the background of all the blogs etc. but I do remember someone named Walt who was on twitter.
Someone said TLC did not film Jon, so what was he doing there? He sold his own pictures to the press, but Kate is not allowed to film, go figure. Did Jon give the kids 15% of his take? Did he report this to the IRS?, of course, just asking for a friend.
The press isn't talking about the eviction or the abandoned kitten, now. That is yesterday's news.
Jon is so predictable.
Jon is predictable. I think that he did call the paps. He makes sure a picture is taken of him by Kate. He gets more money for that one.
I remember Hoffman telling me that Jon would alert the paps and have Hoffman, himself, take pictures and sell them and split the cost.
The haters think Jon is a saint. He is very conniving.
Jon is the narcissist and Jon is the one who uses the kids.
Did Jon mouth off to Steve? I doubt Jon said anything to anyone but the kids, he is in no position to do much. He gave up his legal rights, so his few days of visitation should be precious to him, instead of selling his kids out again, which he is the ONE who wanted this all stopped.
Kate should explain what Jon was doing there, this needs to be put to rest before Jon keeps selling more stories. That rag (5 minutes or whatever it is) blog likes to make up stories and spread it all over.
I am not saying Jon sold the story or the pictures. I am guessing based on his previous behavior.
I think it was a punk thing for him to do. Add it to the list of other punk things Jon has done. Kate handled it well. Just as she did when Jon had a hissy in front of the media during the twins 9th birthday. Jon had no dirt to tell the paps he had waiting outside when he left the party to go talk to them.
Bl and her minions are always adamant that Kate has no business interfering w/Jon's custody time.
Even back during Gate Gate when Jon was doing Stefanie the babysitter, they were up in arms that Kate dared to come around during Jon's time.
I think it was a punk thing for him to do. Add it to the list of other punk things Jon has done. Kate handled it well. Just as she did when Jon had a hissy in front of the media during the twins 9th birthday. Jon had no dirt to tell the paps he had waiting outside when he left the party to go talk to them.
Bl and her minions are always adamant that Kate has no business interfering w/Jon's custody time.
Even back during Gate Gate when Jon was doing Stefanie the babysitter, they were up in arms that Kate dared to come around during Jon's time.
Farkle said...
Did Jon mouth off to Steve? I doubt Jon said anything to anyone but the kids, he is in no position to do much.
Funny thing is, even though I underestimated Jon and just how pathetic and needy he can be (I think that giving Jon the benefit of the doubt that he won't do something that pathetic is where we go wrong. What we should be thinking is, 'what WON'T Jon do for attention?') Jon mouthing off to Steve would be something that wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. All Jon seems to have left is the fact that he is the dad of those kids and he gets to decide who tells them anything and who doesn't. It's very childish and laughable and totally Jon. On the 4 days a week he has his kids, Steve better not tell the kids what to DO!! According to the "witness" is was Kate who asked Steve to get the kids. Uh-oh! And Jon snaps? Yeah, that I believe.
If Jon did alert the paps and make money off the pictures I can see him mouthing off to Steve to make sure it made the tabloids.Getting into the same shot with Kate just upped the price he charged. He did this to take the heat off of him abandoning the kitten. and they say Kate is the manipulator.
I for one am not going to stop talking about him abandoning the kitten.
ETA: Here in Quebec we're expecting SIX inches of snow by Saturday!
Abandoning a kitten and then blaming it on Liz.
Is Jon ever at fault for anything?
Oh my. Vanessa needs professional help. She needs to get over her raging hatred for a woman she doesn't know.
Vanessa said... 36
Yes, AuntieAnn,
her nostrils ARE flaring. So whatever sequence or context those pics get posted out there in cyberland, they are pictures of HER, her SOUL her BEING. It comes shining through time and time again.
I wonder if these women realize how they sound when they make these comments about Kate.
So much bitterness and jealousy.
Anonymous said...
The press isn't talking about the eviction or the abandoned kitten, now. That is yesterday's news.
If that was Jon's plan it worked and it didn't. Online press may have moved on from the eviction and abandoned kitten so they could talk about Jon being at the yard sale - so I guess that worked to a degree - but the comment section is full of people who did not and will not so easily forget.
Here's how it didn't work and actually may have backfired. Prior to today I hadn't seen any mention on any TV entertainment program of Jon being evicted . Today TMZ had a segment on the yard sale and Jon being there, and they managed to mention that he was there AND that he had recently been evicted, and that he's in need of money. I don't think the eviction alone would have made it to TMZ, but by going to the yard sale Jon inadvertently gave TMZ cause to mention that on national TV.
Sad thing is, I think that for Jon, as long as they mention his name he doesn't really care what they say about him. I think that if Jon cared what people said about him he wouldn't have been at the yard sale to begin with.
Jon does not care how he is mentioned or what he does to get mentioned.
Masturbated on Couples Therapy while knowing there was camera recording it.
TLC stinks said... 67
The rumor is that Tori Spelling was hospitalized for "mental exhaustion".
How ironic Mama June gets investigated by CPS in Georgia, but Kate Gosselin slides by because she was pretty, married, upper middle class and Christian, not to mention a darling of TLC and any hint of cruelty would be an embarrassment.
Apparently TLC decided the unattractive, low class, uneducated Mama June was not worth covering up for this time.
Note to bleeple: Even if Kate HAD been investigated, nothing was done because she did nothing. Sorry to inform you that spanking your children is not illegal in Pennsylvania. Harping on events that happened years ago in a book written by a stalking liar do not prove a thing. Kate has done nothing to warrant CPS coming around. Get over it already!106
Jon must have come into some money. This was tweeted yesterday and that would make last night Saturday night.
Don't tell the bleeps Jon's halo just fell off again.
Looks to me like he did not have the kids. Or maybe he took them to the bar with him....;)
Meghan Wilson @meg_wilsonn · Oct 26
Jon Gosselin bought my roommates and I shots last night....
Read where someone wrote that Kate looked terrible but Jon looked great and had lost weight. OMG!!
Have any of you been keeping up with the Honey Boo Boo story?
I never watched the show the promos were nauseous enough for me.
I remember it wasn't that long ago that the bleeps were praising June and how much better of a mother than Kate is.
Just shows you they will praise anybody and I do mean anybody to diminish Kate.
Now to be fair the bleeps have flipped again and find June to be the scum that she is. But they also, have to blame TLC because doncha know TLC backed Kate and destroyed Jon. Jon's womanizing and drinking and wanted to leave the show to make a reality show with Lohan had nothing to do with it.
I tried watching Honey Boo Boo a few times (fail)
I couldn't find anything nice to say so said nothing.
I am following the story.
Even though I never thought much of Mamma June, I never expected this.
My opinion is that the main quality June had that haters liked the most was that she couldn't possibly make them feel bad about themselves in any way.
I saw one or two episodes of that show in June of this year and it seemed unreal to me. I had the feeling that her behavior of being the "good and caring mama" was an act and that she was much more sly and there was much more to her than we saw. She was playing to the audience and being the "kind" mama that people wanted her to be. I'm just sorry to see what the "more" actually turned out to be.
Good description, Micha, sly.
Hey Trip...nice to see you.
Here is a typical comment from the bleeps. Of course lump Kate in.
Vanessa has left a new comment on the post "Yard sale underway":
Perhaps not for child molestation but if one is to believe, which I do, that it was Kate's journal that Robert Hoffman took from the trash, in it she wrote that they were being reported to child protection services for allowing the kids to be shown on their potties. She emailed Wendy at Discovery to "take care of it with the network" for her because it was "hurting her family in all ways".
Yes, providing footage that gave some sickos material to j*ck*ff to is oh so less evil than dating said sicko
Yeah, right, a mother of a nine year old dating a man who is a convicted child molester is is right along the same lines as a TV show airing a kid being potty trained. That's not too crazy a leap.
I guess "Vanessa" and her fellow loons must spend a lot of time writing letters to those diaper companies and baby product companies who dare advertise their products by showing kids on potties and in tubs because that "footage" also allegedly gives "some sickos material to blah blah blah to." No innocent babies on TV ever. It's "evil" because it provides "footage" for "sickos." Oh, but that's different. Why? Because it's somebody other than Kate (and JON Gosselin - don't forget he approved potty training be filmed too!) who allowed THAT. :-/
And then there's grab gate. Do they type this crap with straight faces?
Anonymous said... 131
Lots of discussion of the "grabbing" photo. Again, if you were an adult, handling another adult in that manner, it could be considered assault and battery. In some places, moving another person or preventing another person from moving is considered kidnapping. (as we saw in the O.J. case in Las Vegas.
But because it's our kids, it's okay? I don't like the way she or her Flying Monkey put their hands on people. And one day, they might have to pay the price for doing so.
And then there's grab gate. Do they type this crap with straight faces?
Anonymous said... 131
Lots of discussion of the "grabbing" photo. Again, if you were an adult, handling another adult in that manner, it could be considered assault and battery. In some places, moving another person or preventing another person from moving is considered kidnapping. (as we saw in the O.J. case in Las Vegas.
But because it's our kids, it's okay? I don't like the way she or her Flying Monkey put their hands on people. And one day, they might have to pay the price for doing so.
Re Potty Gate: The bleeple have conveniently forgotten that it was JON who set the potties on the driveway at Beth's house. Kate wasn't even there, but they blamed her for it anyway. Stupid bleeple!
Oh my lord! Now Kate is like OJ because a couple pictures of Kate with her hand on a tups arm.
The lack of common sense bordering on hysteria rules that blog.
They are so happy to have something to rip into. The bleeple were obsessed w/the over-sized jacket Kate was wearing. Comment after comment wondering who it might belong to and why should she need one since she goes in the cold in open toed shoes. No detail is too mundane to wonder and spin scenarios.
Saw this a BL's. Paul Petersen is meeting up with Jon. (Wonder if Jon is going to buy Petersen a shot)
I also wonder if Paul is going to be selling copies of the Donna Reed show which he was in as a child.
A Minor Consideration
I'm off to Pennsylvania to pay my political respects to Rep Tom Murt and his friends who helped us pass meaningful child labor legislation demanded by the ill-fated "Jon & Kate + 8." Yes, I will be seeing Jon Gosselin at one or more of the scheduled events. I wonder what I'll be talking about? Let's see, "Honey Boo Boo," "Dance Moms...
Be well, one and all, and have a safe Halloween. Best, Paul Petersen
Kate is a twit has left a new comment on the post "Yard sale underway":
Going back to Paul Petersen's post on FB. I check out Rep. Murt's site and found this:
Murt to Host Jon Gosselin and Paul Petersen at Upper Moreland High School
WHAT: Rep. Thomas Murt (R-Montgomery/Philadelphia) will host a discussion on child performers in Pennsylvania and the impact of the state’s child labor laws on the Pennsylvania film and television industry.
WHO: Jon Gosselin of “Jon and Kate Plus 8” and Paul Petersen of “The Donna Reed Show” and the child actor advocacy group “A Minor Consideration.”
WHEN: Thursday, Oct. 30, 7 p.m.
I'm glad to see that Jon is hooking up with not only Paul Petersen, but also Rep. Murt.
I hope Petersen asks Jon why he traded legal custody for not having to pay support.
I hope he also asks him why he thought it was a good idea to masturbate on TV and if that is being a good role model for his kids.
Another good question is why did you leave a kitten behind when you were evicted.
Maybe he could throw in 'Jon, are you ever going to get a job?'
I just don't get how Jon can have any imput on anything. I wonder if Murt and Petersen know that Jon was fired from his job and evicted from his house.
Yeah, I'm sure it's never occurred to Kate that the TLC gig might not last forever. It's not as if she's ever had a show on their network canceled or anything.
Whew, good thing she's got the BL to tell her what she should be pondering.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 198
Here's another thing Kate needs to ponder, but I bet she doesn't.
TLC is the teat, and they could take it away whenever they want. No notice, no explanation, no due process. Just GONE.
She says she needs this "job" to support her children but don't you need stability more than anything, even if another job is less money? A parent of eight children needs a stable job she can count on for the next 10 years. She can't count on TLC. She's nuts to think this is a sure thing and the sacking of HBB should be a wake up call to her. I find complaints about Jon's job ironic, since Kate's job is even more unstable than restaurant work. At least you usually have a lot of warning when a restaurant is failing and can start looking for something else well ahead of time. Last week HBB was TLC's star. Today, she's history.
Golly gee, Kate should hire BL as her advisor!
To most of America, Jon is a loser good for an easy Ed Hardy joke. Why would Petersen or Murt want to be associated w/him.
Do they realize Jon doesn't even have legal custody of his kids?
How childish. I have to keep reminding myself SHE IS A LAWYER. so there.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post "Yard sale underway":
It sheds new light on Jon showing up at the filming.
Maybe in addition to seeing the kids, he wanted to observe first hand what filing conditions were like currently. I can see Kate criticizing him for speaking about filming saying he doesn't know what goes on. Now he DOES, so there.
Hopefully that will settle any doubt that he is supporting filming now.
I just pray he doesn't trash his kids to the media again.
He probably will. He needs attention and money.
Such hateful people.
TLC stinks has left a new comment on the post "Yard sale underway":
Well, TLC can just go ahead and give her another show and it won't last either. She cannot maintain the ratings after the initial premiere. It's a shame because Jon has CLEARLY STATED that some of the kids DO NOT want to film. Can a parent force a child, against their will, to work? This can't be happening. The woman is a monster.
And, I am not the least bit surprised she would sell Jon's stuff. She does not have one ounce of decency. Her hatred of Jon is so deep that I cannot help but feel that is part of the reason why she treats the kids like she does...they look like Jon.
What about Jon's hatred of her? It seems to be much deeper than anything she's ever said in public about him!
They are so convinced that she is keeping the children from him. Has it ever occurred to them the kids are old enough to know when a living situation isn't comfortable for them? Maybe they don't like the string of girlfriends and their kids?
I believe Jon has said or done something that some of the kids cannot accept.
I think he plays favorites and pits one against the other...I have heard that.
Why would Jon go to a yard sale to get his things now? They have been divorced for several years, didn't his buddy clean out his things from the garage apt?
Paul Peterson sells his old show video's on-line. What a sham he is, living off the families of people working in the biz now. He had to find a good target, as he was not offered any role's after his old show was cancelled. Years Paul, years ago, get a hobby, spend time with your own family, and leave families alone that have done nothing to you. Where is your stance on all the Hollywood kids that act? Looks like lots of abuse has happened in that world there, but we wouldn't want to go after a huge star would we? imo
The BL is once again making up stories about Kate's actions and then criticizing her for her fantasy behavior. Why, oh why, do they all do that?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 29
She could have at least let the paint dry on the situation before peddling her pitch to TLC. They haven't even released the obligatory shocking tear-jerker interview with the victim yet. That's Thursday.
I wonder how that conversation goes anyway. Hey, so I heard you have a child molester on your hands and an open spot on the lineup? Ever consider ME for that? *wink!!!*
I mean who does that with a straight face?
Becky has no credibility anymore...only her sheep believe her.Life with Jon is probably so unstable and the kids feel it. Who knows, maybe he drinks during the day or smoke his weed in front of the kids.
BL and her bleeps, the haters on Twitter and elsewhere can not and are not taken seriously by anyone expect the people who want traffic on their entertainment sites. Have they really accomplished anything? What they thought would be their biggest strike against Kate - that silly 'book' - hasn't led to her "downfall" in any way. Quite the contrary, in fact. She was given MORE opportunity for income WITH the kids after the book came out!
Of course haters simply hate any opportunity Kate gets (with or without the kids) and they always say she wouldn't be where she is without the kids. The only appropriate response to that claim would be a big ole DUH. That's the type of juvenile response that stupid declaration deserves, so that's the only response to give. Yes, haters, if Kate never had twins and sextuplets, brace yourselves, she would never have been given a reality TV show about what it's like raising twins and sextuplets. Does that blow your mind?
Kate DID have twins and sextuplets and she was given a show and that's why she is known! But please keep saying that the only reason Kate is famous is because she has twins and sextuplets. People NEED to be reminded of the obvious as often as possible. What's most obvious is that you haters are crazy and irrational and obsessed. :)
Tom Murt @RepTomMurt · 5h 5 hours ago
feel free to continue to send me questions you would like me to ask @jongosselin and Paul Petersen tomorrow night at UMHS
Tom Murt @RepTomMurt · 10h 10 hours ago
I will be hosting Paul Petersen & @jongosselin tomorrow night @ 7 @ UMHS on child labor laws in PA. Call our office for more details!
Is anybody interested in hearing what a man who doesn't financially support his own kids thinks about labor laws that affect the kids he doesn't support? Would Tom Murt have the guts to say to Jon that maybe if he would provide for his kids adequately then they wouldn't be "working" to provide for themselves?
Or are Murt and Petersen going to make Jon a "hero" for stating that he doesn't want his kids to "work" and conveniently omit the fact that he doesn't pay child support and allegedly made a deal to give up having a say in what his kids do in order to get out of paying child support? The number of people who don't present the full story when it comes to Jon Gosselin and his kids astounds me. They have their agenda, so they ignore the whole picture and just focus on that agenda.
Is anybody against "child labor laws?" I know I'm not. Laws should be in place for kids who work in reality TV. If Jon doesn't want his kids in reality TV at all then he shouldn't have given up the right to make those sort of decisions for his own kids. If he's unhappy then he's to blame for his unhappiness.
Are the bleeps afraid that the truth may be tweeted to Murt about Jon.
These 'locals' make me laugh they always have an excuse as to why they cannot make it to something locally. Of course PA is going to volunteer! That is what a self=sacrificing bleep does!
PA Dutch Mom has left a new comment on the post "The rise and epic fall of Honey Boo Boo":
lol. Sheep tweets may prove very beneficial to the cause, especially if Gladys starts in on them. If these are the kind of people kids in reality shows attract, they'll make even more stringent rules and regulations.
Exactly. And those who are participating in the forum know all about the sheeple and what they have going for them "upstairs," which is nothing. Trust me.
I am going to try to get there tomorrow night, but there's a fall festival here and I promised to volunteer, so if I can't find anyone to take my place, I'm afraid I'll be bobbing for apples instead.
PA Dutch Mom, insider extraordinaire, has spoken. She must be the biggest busybody in rural PA, as she always claims to have the inside scoop on anyone and anything local. I would hate to be her neighbor.
I very rarely venture to Twitter. Are people Tweeting that they're against child labor laws, as the BL and her minions are implying? Or -- and color me SHOCKED if this is the case -- are they spinning the truth again?
As Micha said, who is against child labor laws? I doubt anyone here is. Having Jon Gosselin speaking on behalf of the cause is another story. Isn't THAT what people are objecting to, rather than the law itself?
nameless, I really don't do much on twitter either. I stay in my own little area.
What I have read has been on the BL's. They seem worried about it.
I agree with Micha. Not worried about child labor laws...all for them.
I don't think Murt and Petersen realize Jon is not the one to cultivate as a fellow adovocate.
I found out about the whole child labor law on here. They do need something. I do question why Jon is going to be there.
I thought PA had already had changed their child labor laws. I hope this is not just an oppty for Jon to bash Kate and the kids.
If I understand this right, it was signed or supposed to be signed last year. Whether or not it was, I don't know. I know that they need to have a permit to film within the state. So if it was already signed into law, why are they having whatever they are having? I don't buy that Jon doesn't want them on tv. He doesn't want them on tv with Kate. I still say if he had them, they would still be on tv.
Right on schedule, the bleeple are ragging on Kate's Halloween preps and revisiting their slams from past Halloween.
I thought that Kate "forced" and "bribed" the kids to perform for the show. Cara trick-or-treating without a costume is "sad" instead of seen as Kate letting Cara be herself and doing what she wants.
Formerly Duped said... 129
I remember one Halloween Cara went without costume as 'herself?' Sad.
October 30, 2014 at 6:44 AM
Murt's bill did pass. So, count me in as one who doesn't know why they are having this gathering.
Murt sure doesn't care with who he associates.
Jon did not pick up kids. It was tweeted that Jon was buying the tweetee and her roommates shots in a bar Saturday night.
TLC stinks has left a new comment on the post "The rise and epic fall of Honey Boo Boo":
In order for Jon to pick up his kids for his custody time, he had no choice (I bet per Kate) to come towards the end of the garage sale. I think it was deliberately set up because she knew there would be paps. It worked! I do not believe for one second Jon crashed the yard sale. I believe he was invited to pick up the kids from there. She probably played it up with those cold looks for the camera. She is very, very manipulative.
Looking around for info on Murt's program tonight, I chanced upon this exchange on FB. Irene and Polly are still in business:
View 1 more comment
Irene Smith I'm so excited about 2morrow! Lol
22 hrs
Janet Palazzotto Me too! The hearing and amending the child labor law was exciting, but honestly this is the FIRST time that a legislative representative cared enough to make sure that the kids and the dad, that said no more cameras, understand that they have support. Polly Kahl will be there for Team Kids and I couldn't be more thrilled to know that the kids have such wonderful advocates! I have the goose bumps!
22 hrs · 1
Polly Kahl I'm just so happy these three men are still in touch and working together on the kids of PA, and very proud of Jon for participating in this public meeting. I wish more "reality" TV parents would join this small but very important movement. And Irene Smith of course I'll be donning my Team Kids bangles.
21 hrs · 2
Irene Smith It's all good!
Oh good grief!
Do any of these do gooders realize that Jon didn't want the kids filmed because he was using them as bargaining chips to get out of HIS contract with TLC.
why do all these people wear blinders when it comes to Jon?
Does Polly not remember Jon and Hoffman used her and laughed at her with their 'chicken story'?
Murts bill passed a long time ago, is this what the taxpayers of PA pay for with this silly nonsense being hashed over again. Does Murt make sure every child who needs a good meal or sick child is taken care without question in his state. How are the schools rated where he lives? Are the roads and bridges fixed? Are Seniors provided adequate heating who can't afford their bills for the winter? There are real world problems, but this man has time for this crap.
Polly and Irene, LOL. Did Polly remember that blue eye shadow is out? Poly pants? So sad for the BL, she wasn't invited to join the group, guess Jon forgot that he made fun of her, and Hoffie used her blog to promote his failed book. imo
You know I could see these two hanging together. LOL
Craziness has left a new comment on the post "The rise and epic fall of Honey Boo Boo":
It would be a nice gesture if Jon got it touch with Sugar Bear, I'm sure he could offer him a lot of encouragement.
Jon in a suit, did Paul loan him some change so he could look like he belonged? Peterson has supported child theater for years, a throw back from Donna Reed. Really Paul, you should check yourself first.
Tori, all the Bravo shows, many kids on TV, but he targets the G"s, what's his real beef with all of this?
Who is,
I have wondered that myself. Why does Petersen glom onto the Gosselins when he has shows in Cali he could be addressing or why isn't he in Georgia having a forum about HBB? Why PA when they passed a child labor law a couple years ago? Has this now crossed over into harassing?
Saw the picture. Someone bought Jon a suit or rented him one.
There is something not quite right about this. I mean something else beneath the surface that is going on.
I'm beginning to wonder if Murts is rehashing this because of what's going on with Amish Mafia. They are trying to get a law passed that would stop shows like Amish Mafia because it supposedly makes the Amish look bad. I will see if I can find the link to the article.
Have a safe and Happy Halloween everyone!
I wonder if Robert Hoffman showed up in the lobby and tried to sell his book on the Gosselin kids. Hope he got a table next to the Paul Peterson DVD's of his TV show he thought exploited him when he was young.
Sage, Have you seen anything about last night's program with Jon and Petersen? Where did you see the photo of Jon in a suit?
I'm sorry every one. I am having computer problems and have'nt been able to comment or put up what I want. If you go to @RepTomMurt twitter you will see a picture. I have not heard or seen anything about what was said. I did here that Jon looked puffy.
If this photo is any indication, there wasn't much of a turnout last night...
Wow! The picture about says it all.
Quiltart said...
If this photo is any indication, there wasn't much of a turnout last night...
FYI--that photo is from a seminar Murt held at Montgomery County Community College, TODAY, not from last night.
This was Murt's tweet:
Tom Murt @RepTomMurt · I want to thank @mccc for allowing Paul Petersen and myself to talk about child labor laws to their students today
9:49 AM - 31 Oct 2014
He and Petersen talked to students in their Theatrical Arts Dept. TODAY. This is a tweet from one of their administrators.
Peggy Lee-Clark @salfordbeach · 5h
Theater Arts Students @mccc are getting to hear from Paul Petersen on advocating for child labor protection in the entertainment industry.
9:51 AM - 31 Oct 2014
I guess you didn't notice that Paul is dressed differently in this picture than in the ones from last night.
Sorry, I didn't pay attention to what he was wearing. It still wasn't a very big forum.
Any reports of what happened last night?
Here are the photos from last night.
Do I see Polly and Irene?
I don't have a problem with child labor laws... I think they are important. I do have a problem with the focus only being on this one television series. The kids have had two episodes in two years. That is not massive filming. There are other shows with kids that film all the time. Why haven't the child advocates ever gone after the Duggars? As if I had to ask...
Thanks Quiltart for the links.
FYI it was an honest mistake. And I think Quiltart is like the rest of us here we don't pay all that amount of attention what people are wearing.
Instead I zoomed in on Jon's face and blew it 300% to analyze his puffy face. ;)
Anyhoo, it couldn't have been much. I can't find anything about it.
Anon can you?
Craziness has left a new comment on the post "The rise and epic fall of Honey Boo Boo":
Jon always cleans up better than Kate. I know that's been said a lot before but it's always worth repeating.
She picked a good name 'crazy'. I wonder if she is referring to his Ed Hardy wear.
Yup, the blog that is so concerned about the kids.That is why they insult their mother everyday every hour. So funny! Not!
chefsummer #Leh has left a new comment on the post "The rise and epic fall of Honey Boo Boo":
I hope the WW-(wicked witch) KK brought Steve his hat and vest so he can go full blown flying monkey is Halloween.
She can ride the stick that's in her bum with monkey in toe.
Murt to Seek Additional Reforms to State’s Child Labor Laws
HARRISBURG--Rep Thomas Murt (R-Montgomery/Philadelphia) announced that he will pursue changes to the state’s child labor laws when the House convenes for its new session in January.
Murt, who in 2013 successfully led an effort to reform the state’s child labor laws as they pertained to television and film productions, said more needed to be done.
Specifically, Murt wants an independent child advocate on site of film and TV productions in Pennsylvania that use child actors. Murt would also like background checks for all production staff used when filming children.
Murt made the announcement during a public informational forum at Upper Moreland High School with former child actor Paul Petersen and Jon Gosselin, the father of one of reality TV’s most well-known families.
“Who is looking after the kids” on these productions? Gosselin asked, adding that parents do not always have the best welfare of their kids at heart when money is involved. “I want an independent advocate to step in when the kid does not feel like filming” and the parents insist on it.
“There is a role for the state when the welfare of a child is at stake,” Petersen said.
Gosselin’s eight children were featured in the show “Jon and Kate Plus 8,” later retitled “Kate Plus 8” when Jon and Kate Gosselin divorced.
Petersen, founder of the child actor advocacy group “A Minor Consideration,” helped craft the state’s new child labor laws, which limits the hours a child can work, requires children under 16 be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times, and requires that trust accounts be established for minor actors in which the employer must deposit 15 percent of the child’s gross earnings.
Thanks, Anon.
Saves me from having to c/p from the bleeps. ;)
I think it's great to have background checks on anyone who works with children. I'm not, however, a fan of having a child advocate on the set. You get a kid who's mad at their parents for something that happens off set and the kid will call the shots on set. For example: kid refuses to do chores/homework, etc. Gets electronics taken away. Kid tells advocate that they don't want to film. Filming stops. Kid thinks, "that'll teach 'em."
Are there child advocates on the farms, where children can work sun-up to sun-down? Are there child advocates in other family-owned business where children start working to help out at an early age? Why does there need to be one when children get filmed playing at Disney, etc.?
I'm all on board with the background checks too.
I guess it would depend on the type of advocate they wanted on set. It would have to be someone trained and possibly licensed for filming purposes. Someone who does not get in between a child and the parent.
Wasn't it ROL that said Jon tried to blackmail Kate into giving him money or he would tell everyone the kids didn't want to film?
If he cared so much he would not have given up a say so when he traded legal custody for not having to pay child support.
I think Mary needs to spend a little time off the prairie.
prairiemary said... 126
I am still lagging behind, but Hot Mama, that Jon Gosselin is REALLY looking so good, hot guy, gets better looking with age! He is the one who is de-aging, not poopsie head!
Then we have Becks agreeing. I have to wonder if they really believe this. Drinking bar hopping Jon looks healthier than healthy eating and living Kate? Nope. I think they say this to poke at the fans. No one sees this other than the handful of them.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 127
I am still lagging behind, but Hot Mama, that Jon Gosselin is REALLY looking so good, hot guy, gets better looking with age! He is the one who is de-aging, not poopsie head!
Lol. He's never done much for me but I do think there's no mistake he looks trim, healthy, clean cut, and well dressed. I think Kate is older than him anyway by a few years, but he looks much better than she did even a few years ago. It just goes to show surgeries, other nip tucks and ignorance about nutrition rarely end well.
LOL "healthy" "trim" clean cut." That woman needs to invest in a dictionary, right away. LOL
“Who is looking after the kids” on these productions? Gosselin asked, adding that parents do not always have the best welfare of their kids at heart when money is involved. “I want an independent advocate to step in when the kid does not feel like filming” and the parents insist on it.
I can't help but think that Jon is describing himself in this comment and knows first hand about putting money ahead of his kids' welfare and insisting a kid film when the kid didn't feel like it.
Let's be REAL. If Jon had the "best welfare of his kids at heart" he'd pay child support and still have a say in what his kids do, wouldn't he? And then they wouldn't be filming, because he would have the right to say NO to the kids being on reality TV and HE would be financially supporting them, so they wouldn't be "working" and earning money for themselves.
Oh, Jon. He must be laughing so hard at the fact that so many people ignore the ugly truth about his situation right now - the hypocrisy of it all.
I don't think it's a bad idea to have an advocate on set, but it should be modeled after California's law. The purpose of a set teacher here is to ensure that child labor laws are followed, school requirements are met and children's health and safety are not compromised. It's not to intervene because a kid doesn't feel like filming. There is no law that precludes a parent from putting their kid on television. As others have said, if Jon wants a say in such parental decisions, he shouldn't have given up legal custody of his children.
I do believe a lot of people are seeing through Jon now.
The eviction, the kitten abandonment, the tweets of him buying young women shots, not paying child support, giving up legal custody, all that was Couples Therapy.
All I could think of after seeing the photos on Murt's site was that Polly is probably chomping at the bit to sign up to be the kids' advocate! She's such an expert, you know.... Eric Roberts said so, after all!
Kylie has left a new comment on the post "Jon joins Rep. Murt in seeking to strengthen child...":
I guess this shows the Kate fans that Jon looks good and is not a deadbeat Dad.
Who cares how he looks? (Why are the bleeps so hung up on looks?) He STILL is a deadbeat father.
Some video of Jon speaking, at whatever that was they had.
I keep asking and the haters just blow by it...Why, if Jon is so concerned about the kids filming did he give up legal custody?
Jon is now working as a DJ. LOl LOl He must have taken Liz's gigs since she left the state.
Jon doesn't look so good in the DJ photo on Twitter...
PA Dutch Mom has left a new comment on the post "Jon joins Rep. Murt in seeking to strengthen child...":
@PuffX6: @RepTomMurt @jongosselin He's one of the worst fathers ever so why r you associating with him? He sold his father rights for $'s
They are totally wasting their time on this. Tom Murt is not going to pay any attention to it at all. He knows Jon. He knows Kevin and Jodi, and he knows exactly the damage that reality television can do to children who are not protected by laws. Let them tweet all they want. It just makes them look like idiots.
It is Murt and Petersen who like idiots associating with Jon.
Maybe they should have done a background search on Jon.
Sending prayers and sympathy to stxmom and her family. So sorry for the loss of you MIL.
I have no problem for advocates on a filming set, but I do have a problem with a person who is not supporting his children by paying cs or even has a home to take them to. Murt's ideas becomes a joke when he lets a deadbeat on a panel to voice his concerns. Did Murt ask Jon why he has blew thousands on women, booze, travel, different expensive apartments, doesn't pay his taxes, bills, and is really not involved with his children lives?
Peterson better get busy, Duggers, Bravo kids, etc. are waiting for him to make sure those kids have advocates on set. It becomes scary to think Peterson can stalk a family from PA, while not taking on the other families on TV.
Murt seems to only target Kate, does he have a secret crush on her? When you only address the filming of a show, and not the other issues a huge red flag goes up. imo
Petersen is a weird one. He was shot down in Cali on this. Maybe that is why he goes to other states. Cali seems to have his number.
I didn't realize he tried all of this in CA Sage. Every state has CPS so what business is any of this Peterson's? He mocks himself, he was a child actor, his stardom faded fast, no adult rolls, and he sells old tapes of his show. Really, I have to laugh at him, and Murt needs to address bigger issues in PA. Jon dragged this down in the respect department, real Dad's stand up and take care of their children.
DJ in a bar, hitting on younger and younger girls would be just the role model for Murt to hang out with. Political suicide will be his future, let this become an issue when he is up for re-election. :) Maybe Jon could cross the country with him, on the young girls trail and barhopping could be their logo. imo.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post "Jon joins Rep. Murt in seeking to strengthen child...":
It really doesn't matter if Jon is a good father or the worst father ever. Rep Murt is working on laws to protect CHILDREN.
Agree. Classic case of confusing the issues.
It's also a classic case of faulty logic.
Then Murt should of chosen a father who supports his kids. That is the best way to protect them.
the lawyer has faulty logic.
Yet another brilliant analysis by that oh-so-deep thinker, the BL. Cue the ass-kissing "OMG you are SO right, Admin" comments.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 63
You know if I had to guess, I bet she still thinks Halloween is a useless holiday. A narcissist probably wouldn't like it much because everybody is awwing over the kids usually and not as much on the adults. If an adult tries to get too over the top it's usually so embarrassing they are ignored.
I bet the kids, like many kids, like Halloween and want to participate. And I really and truly think these kids walk all over her. Oh she would NEVER let on, but I think they are smart enough to know they have her over a barrel.
She is not about to risk upsetting them by telling them "NO HALLOWEEN" and then have them say sure fine then no filming, mommy dearest. Oh, they know it.
So she makes a half-assed last minute effort and lets it happen. At the end of the day I think she could be afraid of her own kids.
BL said, "She is not about to risk upsetting them by telling them "NO HALLOWEEN" and then have them say sure fine then no filming, mommy dearest. Oh, they know it." Hmm.....isn't that what I was eluding to a few comments up about having an advocate on set. Not an original idea, BL...not original.
Sherry Baby has left a new comment on the post "Jon joins Rep. Murt in seeking to strengthen child...":
Mqgjd7 @magjd7 7m7 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 the kid in the Lego suit must be Colin...he looks beaten down...poor kid...too much work in his short life...\
How do these non-fans come up with this? Collin doesn't look "beaten down." He looks like a kid in a Lego costume.
Why "must" it be Collin? None of the boys, neither Collin, Aaden nor Joel, looks beaten down. These non-fans, or haters if you want to call them that, so many times "see" things that just aren't there.
LOL Yeah, it is always the 'other' haters, not the superior bleeps.
Why do the bleeps always have to imply something sinister?
Just like their leader bleep..very insecure about themselves.
Sleepless In Seattle has left a new comment on the post "Jon joins Rep. Murt in seeking to strengthen child...":
Odd that she would say that, too. Sweet, meek Paige who wept because she touched the hem of her idol. Now she's haha-ing at what she thinks is a pimp costume. Little Paigie is all grown up. Not.
Little Paige has a potty mouth and a boyfriend who is twelve years her senior and is a younger version of her father (based on family photos). There's always been something very odd about her.
More Jon in a bar.
Eyeliner is pretty.
They've also decided that Cara is a recluse because she didn't have her photo taken in her costume. Twisted logic beyond description.
The bleeps say they are so concerned about the kids yet they label them.
They do not know the kids or what they are thinking or why they do this and not that.
More of Beck's projecting her thoughts onto Kate's kids. This is messed up.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post "Jon joins Rep. Murt in seeking to strengthen child...":
Her threats of not being able to live in their current house or go to the same school may ring hollow to some of them. Now that they are getting older and wiser
Yes. Time is Kate's enemy. These kids are developing their own thoughts and feelings now. Not only do I bet they know most of her threats are empty (after all they know KATE wants the house too and the school and will do anything to make it happen even if the kids don't care), but I bet they reason that even if she did take those things away, they'd manage.
I wouldn't be surprised if a child like Cara thinks to herself, well if I lost my school and my house, I'd be okay anyway. Go ahead, take it.
Again with the cray cray conspiracy theories. I bet Kate took the pic from the grassy knoll.
Luke's Mom said... 111
...When I first saw the pic of the Halloween picture, I thought it was from years ago because they looked smaller than they are today. But then when I looked closer at the picture, I could see that the reason they APPEARED smaller was Kate purposefully took the picture from an unusually higher position than a NORMAL mother taking pictures.
So I did assume that it was on purpose and with intent to display the kids to her fans so they would believe these 10 year olds were so much smaller and younger so she would get all the ooohs and aaaahs and cute comments as if they were toddlers.
Now I believe my assumption is true once I saw the picture Kate posted of Mady. Again she took the picture at such an unusually high position - higher than if she was just standing on the floor. And again I believe that Kate purposefully took the picture of Mady to try to make Mady appear younger and smaller than she actually is. Looking at the picture, Kate would have to be standing on a chair.
I don't know one mother or father who takes a picture of their child whether in costume or not at a position looking DOWN on their child in such an extreme angle. Especially if you want the full view of your child's costume!
Look at how they are all looking UP and not across at the picture taker (Kate). I don't think it is my assumption anymore. I see it as Kate deliberately taking pictures of her kids to deceive any fans especially new ones or returning ones from years ago to still believe her kids are little toddlers.
Does anyone else see what I am seeing? If already discussed, I am sorry for bringing up again.
Nameless in LA has left a new comment on the post "Did Jon Crash Kate's Sale?":
Again with the cray cray conspiracy theories. I bet Kate took the pic from the grassy knoll.
They are completely OUT OF THEIR MINDS! ... and they think WE are the dumb ones!
LOL I know they have no self-awareness.
I keep waiting for you know who to chime in with the Brady Bunch kids had much better Halloween costumes and how Mike Brady took better pictures of them.
I sure hope all parents are not running to look at their kids photo's from Halloween to see if it is at the right angle or taken from a chair. Good grief, these idiots have way too much time on their hands and the lawyer has no family or kids, so her opinion of the G's is useless baseless info.
I'm sure 8 children would be upset if they lost their home and school, that's what normal kids would feel, but if you are an old person sitting in a room typing away about another family, then you are the one who has a major problem. What a downer some people's life must be, not included anywhere in society, so they bash on innocent kids that have done nothing to them.
♫ anything you can do I can do better...♫
Serendipity has left a new comment on the post "Jon joins Rep. Murt in seeking to strengthen child...":
Halloween costumes. I thought that Kate scoured the internet for deals, or so her coupon site claims. Apparently her scouring skills aren't so wonderful or she would have found the costume shop that last week was offering sixty dollars outfits for four dollars. I questioned the quality at that price, but thought...what the heck, for that price I'll give it a try. Oh, my gosh. They were gorgeous and had all the accessories with them. The kids will use them for dress up after Halloween. The costumes were much better than the ones that Kate came up with. I guess nobody could help her and she just didn't know where to look to find a good deal.
Kate did a nice thing for Mady. She helped with her costume as a well-known youtuber. The youtuber had asked her fans to tweet pics of their costumes and Kate tweeted the pic.
So, of course, Kate should be raked over the coals instead of seeing this as just a regular mom thing.
Rhymes with Witch said... 138
Kate. Kate. Kate. If you won't allow your kids to tweet maybe, just maybe you shouldn't be doing it either and especially on their behalf. Now look what you've done. You stupid ass woman. 41
Stupid ass woman indeed.
Is that a knife she's holding?
What real mother would tweet such a thing?
November 2, 2014 at 1:11 PM
♫ anything you can do I can do better...♫
They certainly into mommy-shaming over there. Kate got 8 kids in costume and out the door to take them ToTing. Lol, I wouldn't want to do it.
These must be the most insecure women on the planet. I wonder if they are this competitive in real life. Call me crazy, but I think the only thing that defines whether a costume is "good" is whether the kid wearing it likes it.
More forced stupidity from Bl. She just can't understand how Mady is a fan of a youtube star. I guess BL thinks you can't watch youtube if you don't have twitter or FB.
And, Miss Know-It-All BL is showing how out of touch she is w/today's kids. Youtube stars are huge; gaming walk-throughs, silly skits, mashups. LOL, Kids all over want to grow up and have a channel like their favorite youtuber.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 160
Actually that begs the question, it seems to me the only place to find this Miranda character is ON social media. Youtube, Vine, etc.
If the kids don't do social media how exactly do they even know who she is?
Rhetorical question.
November 2, 2014 at 8:56 PM
I'm sure the kids do use social media but they're very private about it, so people like the haters and posters at 15mins don't find out about it and spread the word.Kate has no doubt made sure those kids Identities are private on social media.I say bravo. You silly 15mins people don't need to know everything about the kids.
they say they want the kids lives private but if they found out the kids had profiles on SM they'd be spreading it all over the place.
Once again, the bleeple express their stupidity... Kate has no obligation to tell anyone what her kids do or do not do, whether on or off line. Because she said they didn't use social media when they were younger, does not mean they will never use it. Only Kate's comments are sunk in concrete by the bleeple and haters. Nothing in her life or her kids' life is allowed to change EVER. Stupidity doesn't even begin to describe....
blow doesn't get it, does she? A lot of the lies and hatred starts right at the blog she thinks is superior to the twitter haters.
Blowing In The Wind has left a new comment on the post "Jon joins Rep. Murt in seeking to strengthen child...":
The fringe haters are the fringe haters. I don't look at their tweets and I'm not sure why others do. No skin off my back if I never see it. They are irrational and can't be reasoned with no more than the nutty sheeple can be reasoned with. I think the best medicine is just ignore them. Don't dignify their nonsense by bringing it here.
Exactly. There are only a few left who spend 24/7 on Twitter, dishing out the same stuff day after day. At one time I did read their nonsense, but now I just scroll past it because it's so full of lies and hatred and attacks and things that just aren't true. Talking about the babies being deprived of food is so far out there. These children weren't starved, and I think that these few tweeters are running out of things to bash Kate about and have to go back eight years or more to find something. If they can't find it, they make it up or misinterpret it, reading something into it that just isn't there.
My gosh...let it go. It's over, it's done. This wears thin after awhile and all it's doing is making them look as uninformed and obsessed as the sheeple. Neither side "gets it."
Didn't Jon just leave the kitten in the house, the landlord knew nothing about it when they entered their home that Jon rented (cough). I saw on twitter that Jon left the kitty for the homeowners, what a bunch of bs. Jon left that kitty to starve, the house was trashed, and he was evicted, now that's the true story I read. A grown man doing this is just hateful, too lazy to take it to a shelter?
No, Sage, Blow doesn't get it and neither does Millicent, who thinks the BL's posters are "reasonable and rational." Sure they are...in Crazyville. It's all relative.
Millicent doesn't want to be part of any "ugliness" and yet is a regular poster on a blog dedicated to hating one individual. Yep, just another prime example of one of those incredibly self-aware, reasonable and rational folk who populate the BL's.
Millicent said... 8
And I agree -- why bring stuff like that here, when the posters here are reasonable and rational. I know there is plenty of ugliness in the world and on the internet, but I choose not to participate in that ugliness. I'm not trying to censor what others share here -- only saying if there was a poll question on this issue, I'd pick the option that said "don't fan the flames, don't repost the fringe comments."
And now they are trying to out-do Kate with their house issues. Apparently it is a crime against humanity to tweet about your broken water heater, but a backed up sewage line, on the other hand, is totally tweet worthy. And of course TLC stinks had that happen to her TWICE. Take THAT, Kate!
I'm waiting for one of them to share the time their water heater broke at the same time the sewer line backed up, creating a river of sh*t running through their house.
TLC stinks said... 25
A house her square footage probably has TWO hot water heaters. PLUS the garage apartment will have its own. Just saying because I had a house with 5000 sq feet and that's the way most larger homes are set up. She is absolutely ridiculous tweeting such a thing. Hot water heaters don't last forever. What does she expect with such a large home? They can be money pits, but she can easily afford to replace a hot water heater. If she vacuumed the water ( which I doubt she would do herself) she must own a wet/vac ( every home should have one, BTW). Wait until her sewage line in the basement backs up. Now THAT is something worth tweeting about! It happened to me in TWO homes we owned.
I would think if you owned a 5000 square ft house, you could afford someone to come in and clean up, LOL. Happens to everyone big house, you don't hold the record for broken water heaters or messes. I didn't read where Kate complained about buying a new water heater, she just told what a mess she had. WOW!!
Someone over there thinks Kate got mad and broke the hot water heater...alrighty!
That's too funny Sage, simple minds say things like that. Priceless!
Can someone tell me how to break a water heater?? :))))
Again, NO SELF-AWARENESS! They accuse Kate of being dramatic for tweeting about the water heater, when in reality the drama is manufactured by them. Post after post about the stupid water heater. And then there's the BL, the biggest drama queen of them all, declaring a morning without hot water is "ridiculously difficult" and claiming most people wouldn't survive more than a day or two.
Apparently they didn't teach the blogging genius how to boil water in law school.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 38
3 days without hot water?
I'm not sure I buy this either.
One morning without hot water is ridiculously difficult. Been there done that. There's no way most people used to modern comforts would survive more than one or two. They don't live in rural Alaska. Surely someone could come out and look at it, or they could shower in another part of the house.
LOL, BL is not very resilient or resourceful. Laughing so hard at BL comparing three days of no hot water to rural Alaska.
Tweet worthy, lol. Twitter is full of people tweeting pictures of what they had for lunch or of their manicures. It's complaining about what people choose to tweet that is not worth anything. I know the rule over there is if Kate tweets it then it's not worthy, but this is coming from people who constantly complain about a woman they think is worthless, a woman they can't stop obsessing over. Maybe one day those people will wake up and realize how foolish they are to spend so much time complaining about every little thing that Kate Gosselin does.
Looks like they will have something else to complain about. Kate just tweeted that Celebrity Apprentice will return on Jan 4. Guess it didn't get shelved like they were hoping.
I am quite enjoying the collective ranting that Kate is a big fat liar going on at the BL's this morning. A bleeple posted an article about CA and apparently none of them can read, because they've decided she was in NYC yesterday and therefore the water heater tweet was pure BS. The article posted clearly states that the pics are from a pressjunket...in March. So much wasted hysteria.
Nameless, I was also LOL at their nonsense. They are all fired up that Kate was in NYC yesterday when the press event held in March.
What on earth is BL saying?
At the yard sale, Kate was dressed as if it were an early morning yard sale. Because, you know... it was an early morning yard sale. But, when Kate's filmed for a press junket, she's all fancied up.
Uhm, isn't that kind of the norm? What's so obvious about that?
Does Bl want Kate to wear her yard sales clothes when appearing with Donald Trump? Or, was Kate to wear her press outfit to her early morning yard sale.
Bl sure tries hard to make something out of nothing.
It's amazing that Bl knows how often Kate smiled from the few yard sale pics that were published.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 86
Oh, for sure, TFW is never "lit up" when her kids are in her presence,
Let's compare the garage sale event versus this press junket.
She had a polite smile at the sale once in awhile. Most of the time no smile. Her hair and makeup with pretty terrible. She didn't bother.
Now look at her with the Donald. She's grinning so hard those veneers are going to pop out. She's dressed to the nines, all dolled up.
She really cannot help being so obvious. Of course the celeb lifestyle is her lifeblood. This other crap is just a chore, a means to an end. Her 9 to 5 job until the real fun.
November 4, 2014 at 6:57 AM
I worked at a charity yard sale a couple of months ago. I wore shorts and a t-shirt because it was 100+ degrees out. I am so ashamed. How could I not have worn a dress and heels? I just didn't care. I can admit it now, under this cloak of anonymity.
Jon must be in LA. The bleeple aren't tracking him down or wondering how he could be there when he was just evicted. They have forgotten about the poor kitten he left behind or the damage that was done to his rental.
Nope, he is being hailed as a hero and a dad among dads because he showed up at his ex-wife's yard sale.
And "donated" $20 to the animal rescue to buy back his stuff. That certainly makes up for leaving a kitten to die.
In my opinion it's fine if Jon is "hailed as a hero" in hater universe. It just shows how deluded they are if they can call a man who made a deal where he has no say in his KIDS lives in exchange for not paying child support a "hero" or a good guy or anything other than a deadbeat and miserable excuse for a father and man.
And then there's ALL the other crap he pulls, but that's just extra. If what he says is correct then by his own admission he's the guy who sold his say in his kids' lives in order to save a few bucks for himself, and yet he still can't make his rent and gets evicted? What's good or heroic about any of that? Haters? Do tell. People need a good laugh.
Does the BL know that CA was filmed months ago, and press was filmed and in the can long ago. I question whether she was ever a nanny for a family in TV. This is common knowledge to the everyday person, but being a nanny she would know how filming works. Maybe in her own mind, she wanted to be a nanny and didn't qualify for the job, as she has never shown any proof of this ever happening, just a story she put out there. I think her socks work overtime to continue the stupidity you see there. imo
I didn't watch the TMZ clip online but on the show they make Jon look extra pathetic. In other words they just tell it like it is. He's spending Thanksgiving with his mom, and the kids are spending Thanksgiving with THEIR mom.
Is Jon with his mom in L.A?
Who are the liars?
Once again, Kate is doing something without the kids and the haters are all over it. They lie and lie all the time that they are fine with Kate doing tv/media as long as the kids aren't involved.
Who are they kidding? They are all over everything Kate. If Kate's wearing a blanket for the Red Cross, running a marathon, participating in a charity fashion show, or even a benefit for a bereaved mother, the bleeple are there to spread their lies and trash Kate and her fans.
The bleeple should really seek therapy for this addiction.
I have only one thing to say PJ, please learn how to spell jealous. No make that two things to say...
Thank you for reading here and 'contributing'.
PJ's momma said... 73
Oh, that dress. No. Look at all the other contestants. Even if they have a bright color on, it's solid and the shoe is neutral. If they have a pattern, it's very muted. That dress looks so out of place, like a bamboo screen. And the shoes are too matchy-matchy.
There, now the fan blog that copies post after post from here and calls people 'jellus' can say that I am jellus and obsessed with Kate's wardrobe - just like they said I was obsessed with Milo's twitter, because I look at the timeline and see that she responds to one tweet from Kate 8 or more times.
But seriously, Kate needs a stylist to tell her to stick with solids, or muted patterns, and neutral shoes. Everyone else looks simple and elegant and she looks out of place.
LOL LOL Sure, PJ's mom is not obsessed.
(Can you say denial?)
Micha, I do wonder what Jon is up to in LA. I'm sure the kids will have a nice time at their traditional dinner w/mom.
On Access Hollywood tonight Trump was talking about Kate.
They also showed a small clip about Kate.
Hmmm Kate sure gets a lot of notice.
Maybe it was the dress.
mmmm... How do the bleeple know that Kate doesn't already have a stylist??
PJ wuvs you Sage. :) She must read the posts here, and then runs back to her hate blog to talk about all of us. How nice of her.
You can bet for the next few months, the BL will have more headlines and made up stories about Kate. Kate was invited to film CA with the Trump and probably made a good paycheck. Why aren't they helping out Jon over there, instead of ALWAYS talking about Kate. Strange if you ask me why their focus is not on Jon.
As far as clothes, their idol sure could use some tips on washing clothes and removing makeup. imo
You're right, Sage. Kate did get a lot of attention on Access Hollywood. And notice the seating arrangement when they had the whole cast together had her right next to Donald - that's no accident. These people know who the audience has their eye on, and it's Kate.
Oh, no, someone is saying they didn't like Kate's wardrobe! That never happens. Oh, wait, that always happens. But it has nothing to do with their self hatred that they pretend is hatred for Kate. Oh, wait, it has everything to do with THAT!
You have to learn to love yourselves, haters, then the whole world will be a better place.
Micha, Ita
LMAO because BL is going to have to do some heavy duty twirling to spin Jon's latest interview. Yep, he has completely given up the regular-private-guy schtick and is once again using his children. Cause you know.. being on Couples Therapy with Kate is in the best interest of his children.
Oh, what is a Jon-loving Kate-hating Bleeple to think when Jon says he would film with Kate.
Again, LMAO
OMG, Jon is so desperate for Kate's spotlight.
He's again attacking Kate.
Still Passive Aggressive much Jon?
Soon, we'll see Jon on a corner holding a sign that says "Will film for food."
From the article:
In the Nov. 17 issue of In Touch, he adds, "She's still so angry at me."
Kate, 39, isn't on board. "She says absolutely not," Jon says. "She doesn't want her faults exposed."
Who could blame her?
In the same article, he snipes, "I'd love for her to finally admit that she's dating [her bodyguard turned business manager] Steve Neild. It's confusing for the children." Kate has denied the alleged romance.
Oh, I forgot the link. That was more in depth from Eonline
Jon is such an ass. An obvious ass at that.
Is he so delusional that he thinks Kate would actually go on Couples Therapy to talk about the kids?
Jon needs that show. Kate does not. I wonder if that is why he is in LA this week. Trying to make a deal with CT.
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