Saturday, October 25, 2014

Did Jon Crash Kate's Sale?

When I read a post at another blog that Jon was at Kate's yard sale I was doubtful. That particular blogs has in the past started or promoted rumors without proof. This one time they seem to have been right. Will miracles never cease? TMZ has pictures of Jon there. I hope it is because Jon and Kate have a better, if not the best, relationship now for the kids.

Here is the TMZ link and the link to the Reading Eagle.



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Farkle said...

Wonder who loaned Jon the $$$ to go to LA? Maybe his family bought a 1 way ticket for him, what a shame that his family has to live with his stunts.

The only thing confusing in Jon's life is Jon himself. I'm sure the kids know what he has done and will say anything now for a few bucks. Old stories rehashed by Jon is not going to help him, Steve knows Jon well, so water off his back.

Micha said...

Kate is in the news for CA and it's the perfect opportunity for Jon to act out and get some attention. Funny how a date for Celebrity Apprentice was announced and it's JON who goes to L.A. to do interviews.

Someone needs to tell Jon that he and Kate are not a COUPLE, so "Couples Therapy" should never be on the table. What he wants is a nice pay check and since he has an in with Couple's Therapy and is NOT in a couple, he wants to go with his EX wife. LOL It's just laughable. Calling Jon "delusional" is putting it mildly. All he's got left is showing up at Kate's yard sale and trying to earn money by talking about Kate.

Kate doesn't want her "faults" exposed? Really, Jon, that's the best you've got? You were both on TV for years revealing your faults to the world, or does Jon think that when Kate was made out to be the villain who was so demanding of her do nothing husband that nobody saw her as having "faults?" People know about Kate's faults, and they know all about JON'S too. He needs to stop trying to make money by being a professional whiner/loser and finally get on with HIS life instead of making everything about Kate, Kate, Kate.

merryway said...

BL has not had one mention of Jon latest interview.

Hark! Do y'all hear that?

I hear Bl scrambling to spin this as a shine on a Jon's halo.

Nameless in LA said...

Ha, I too have noticed the resounding silence on the subject! Anyone want to play a round of "Guess the Excuse?" as we await the creative spin that is sure to be forthcoming? I'll start:

1) She wouldn't go to counseling with Jon off-camera, so he's just appealing to her media-whore tendencies by suggesting televised therapy. Poor guy is desperate to build a stronger relationship with her for the sake of the kids.

Nameless in LA said...

And right on cue...

Anonymous said... 186

I suspect Jon is at the point where he'd do just about anything to get professional help for the benefit of his kids. If it meant going on tv, I to get help I guess that's better than nothing.

Remember, it was Jon who said no to filming counselling on the Dr. Phil show when their marriage was circling the drain. Guess who refused unless it was filmed for t.v.?

And NOW we're concerned about what's best for those kids? You're about 8, count 'em, 8 years too late.


Nameless in LA said...

They are nothing if not predictable. Apparently, telling a tabloid that he wants to do televised therapy with his ex-wife is more proof of his sainthood.

I wonder if these women were this stupid before they got involved in the Gosselin saga, or whether raging hatred has eaten away their brain cells. I'm just waiting for the day that one of them sends her life savings to Jon. I would not be at all surprised if some of them have sent him money.


Tucker's Mom said... 194
Jon saying he'd do CT with Kate was him saying he'd try ANYTHING to try to co-parent with Kate.
I wish they'd go on Dr. Phil, and I can't stand that bald, bloviating, butthead. If it got them talking and got some intervention that benefited the kids, I'm all for it.
Right now, those poor kids are being psychologically water boarded ;-( (Administrator) said... 190 (Administrator) said... 190
PJ I had the same thought. He's mentioned he's tried to get kate to do therapy many times. He knows she only understands TV. If this is the only way he can get her to do therapy it's worth a try. Quite frankly Dr Jenn was pretty spot on about a lot of Jon's issues. I think she could really help them but that's exactly why kate won't do it.
November 5, 2014 at 1:21 PM

Sadie May said...

So they say they don't want the kids lives exposed on TV but having Jon & Kate on CT talking about how the family fell apart, to millions of people, is ok to the bleeple? That would be the worst thing for the kids.They just want to see Jon tear at Kate. They want to get their revenge and anger out through Jon.
Christmas on a cracker they're stupid and mean.

Sadie May said...

Insert Creative Username Here said... 76

What about the part in the interview where she says something like, "I met most of those kids (at Camp) and...I'm so kids are healthy". She's basically saying, "I met those kids. And I'm so glad my kids aren't like that!!!" What a dope! She could have said she met those kids, and she's so glad there's a place where they can be treated like kids, and not kids with disabilities, where they can feel normal and included. Instead she just says she's glad her kids aren't like that. PR nightmare!


Kate didn't say mean that. She was just thankful for her healthy kids.My, how they reach.

Also on Twitter the haters are going on and on about Collins eyes and saying how strange they look. They say he's drugged or his eyes are puffy because he was hit.

Sage said...

What they really want to see is Jon masturbating for the camera again.

The haters also want to hear Jon accuse Kate of sleeping with Steve. That will help the kids. Just like the revolving door he has at his house. Remember on CT Liz mentioned about when they were broken up for a short time he slept with a couple of women and moved one in. Yup, Jon the saint. Jon, 'the man' the haters drool over.

How in heavens name did Kate ever marry or stay married to such a loser.

Sage said...

Of course Sadie they have to make up something about Collin because he does not want to go to Jon's on visitation.

Farkle said...

K/J divorced 5 years ago, counseling should not even be an option for them to be together at all. Many parents don't get along on every issue when divorced, Jon just thinks that the public cares about poor Jon. Jon pays no cs, insurance, school fees, everyday living, etc. What Jon needs to do is shut up, get a REAL job and pay his own bills. He is allowed to see his kids, he should be happy that he has a relationship with them.

I was hoping the BL was offering her couch to poor Jon, what happen to all of her support for Jon?

The twits are tweeting Kate's charity that she chose for CA. Get a life, filmed long ago, money already given, people don't understand filming of shows. It takes months to edit before production is ready.

Sage said...

I wonder if Becks doesn't get dizzy with all the spinning she does for Jon.
?????\\\\\\\\\\ (Administrator) said... 19
I think sometimes Jon throws things out to the media just because there's no other way to get Kate to hear it. He even said, we don't talk. He's been very clear, there's no conversation going on here other than logistics.

It doesn't mean it's right or wrong, but I do think it's what he does. I don't know if it really works but he must have some reason to think it's effective, who knows maybe she has responded well when he's said things in the media before. I mean at least she didn't act like she was trying to stop him when he showed up at the garage sale. There's just too many unknown variables to call the situation.

I do find it rather ironic that she can cut him out of the show and a host of other things but she still cannot stop him from calling her out in public. There's nothing she can do about it and the lack of control must drive her crazy. She is the type of person to go on Couples Therapy out of SPITE after he said that, and I think Jon knows that. I don't know if baiting is the right word, but it's close enough.

By the way the Call of Duty series is just excellent. Well done Jon.

Sage said...

Rut roh, Becks is getting testy. LOL

Point is BL can write the story anyway she wants and it does not take away from the fact...Kate is the one supporting and raising the kids. Jon just wanders in and out of their lives. And the older the kids get the more aware they are of this.
///////////////// (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post "Celebrity Apprentice to air Jan. 4; Rep. Tom Murt ...":

Oh Hi anonymous!! I don't mean that Kate literally fired him from the show. I mean that after he chose to leave the show, she swiffered him from the storyline, the title, everything. When you watch the show she acts like he is almost completely uninvolved with the children. She has played it for years on her show like whoa is me single mom. She even said she is praying for the boys because they are growing up without a father. Photos, video and other sources prove otherwise. An absent father does not get invited by his children to please join them for their yard sale, nor do all eight leave with him. Children do not usually scream "daddy don't go!" to absent fathers as he has to turn them over to their mother. It's just but some examples of his involvement that she has tried to swiffer and marginalize, "cut" from the storyline.

Point being she can write the story however she wants but she can't stop him from calling her out in the press.

merryway said...

They look incredibly stupid; self proclaimed child advocates holding up Jon as the paragon of fatherhood and following a mercenary attorney who ran a birth fetish site.

They sure are turning a blind eye to the mocking articles and headlines about Jon. Jon's desperation is obvious to everyone but the Bleeple.

Quiltart said...

One thing Jon seems to be forgetting. He and Kate are NOT a couple. He and Liz were, very obviously, not a couple either and look how that turned out! Wonder what she did with her promise ring??

Sage said...

At the end of CT didn't Dr. Jen determine that Liz and Jon would stay together?

Didn't Jon also buy Hailey a promise ring? Maybe he buys them in bulk.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Sage said...

auntie has some deep, deep problems.

Where does she get that Kate looks smug? Is it because Auntie feels so inferior?

AuntieAnn has left a new comment on the post "Celebrity Apprentice to air Jan. 4; Rep. Tom Murt ...":

Kate looks so smug sitting there beside Trump like she's pretending to be a savvy business woman so in the know. She had the same confidence at the beginning of DWTS and three weeks in she was a slobbering, bumbling, blubbering wreck. I can't wait to see what kind of mess she ends up being at the end of CA.

Farkle said...

So Jon was invited to the garage sale? LOL. You don't need a invitation to a public place, duh! Jon donated 20 bucks to the shelter, big deal, shouldn't he have paid the back rent he still owes? I mean Jon is a total mess, still riding on an ex for attention makes him look weak and small. Where's the tough guy, taking Kate to court for custody, all the threats he put out in the press? He can call Kate out all he wants, what he will never have is the true love and respect from his children. To me that would be priceless, but to Jon it's a few hundred bucks to bash Kate and his own kids. Very sad.

Nameless in LA said...

AuntieAnn is one of the most bitter human beings on the planet. She also has a few prejudices that she's proud to share. I'm sure the Serbians and Bulgarians of the world would be happy to know that there countries are something to snort at.
AuntieAnn said... 63

I googled @gsavkic. It looks like the guy is from Serbia or Bulgaria somewhere. >snort <

Sounds like a place Anthony Bourdain would go to eat fire-roasted pond bat on a stick.

Quiltart said...

At least SOME of them are aware of the absurdity of some of the comments in Bleepleland.

There's a Whole World Outside North America said... 73

AuntieAnn said... 63
Blowing In The Wind said... 60

NJGal51 said... 42
@gsavkic: @Kateplusmy8 Hi Kate, your english pronounciation is excellent. I'm using your videos at YT to learn english. Maybe you didn't notice ;)

This sounds like snark, or the person thinks that "ums" are an integral part of the English language!


I googled @gsavkic. It looks like the guy is from Serbia or Bulgaria somewhere. >snort <

Sounds like a place Anthony Bourdain would go to eat fire-roasted pond bat on a stick.

Are you this bigoted toward all cultures not your own, or these ones in particular? Why are Serbia and Bulgaria "snortyworthy?" Do explain. I'm all ears.

merryway said...

Here's another little gem from AuntieAnn. Once again, she's ripping into the woman who organized a benefit for the mother that lost children in a car accident. She is nothing but fodder for Bl's blog, all because she arranged for Kate to appear at the benefit. It's been open season on her ever since the event. There are cruel comments about her everyday.


AuntieAnn said... 35

Over In TFW's County said... 34

Kate would tweet that she has a leaky faucet and the Uggs would show up at her door with a pink tool belt strapped on. Better to not give that one any encouragement whatsoever.


lol! I just got the visual of that. After seeing Uggs with the lopsided jugs, the pink tool belt just adds to comical look of her showing up at Kate's door.

It's too late for Kate though. She's already said yes to her once and that was all it took, so I think she'll be dogged by Uggs for the rest of her twittering days.
November 5, 2014 at 6:51 PM

Quiltart said...

Looks like TPTB already deleted that notice... Truth is not allowed at the BL's.

Sage said...

Becks is just plain weird.
////////// (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post "Celebrity Apprentice to air Jan. 4; Rep. Tom Murt ...":

Kate looks so smug sitting there beside Trump like she's pretending to be a savvy business woman so in the know.



Fans of the show, have you noticed how Trump thinks some of the worrrrrst contestants are "Terrific! Just terrific!" ?

Farkle said...

Trump paid his cs and probably more than what he needed to. Jon pays nothing, so Trump has always liked hard workers and the underdog. Jon is soooo jelly that Kate can get a few gigs, while he can't keep a job longer than a few months. WTH does he do all day? Most Dad's goo to work, but seems Jon must not do anything. Can someone find Jon a job, a 8-5 with benefits?

Sage said...

Good grief. What is wrong with these people!!
///////////////// (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post "Celebrity Apprentice to air Jan. 4; Rep. Tom Murt ...":

It would be poetic justice if one of Joan's final acts on this earth is to see to it Kate Gosselin gets fired.

Just judging by the documentary I saw on Joan she's going to see right through Kate's laziness. That woman worked hard.

Farkle said...

Prayers and safe travels home stxmom.

Quiltart said...

Delusional, as ever. One thing Kate is not is lazy! I'd like to see them take care of eight kids daily with no help.

Nameless in LA said...

Oh my. Paper Plates Forever has quite the vivid imagination and if I were an armchair psychologist I might say that perhaps she has some deep-rooted issues of her own.
Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 104
That whole set up with Kate sitting beside Trump...what a PR move that was. Of all the people that were on that show, they pick Kate to sit beside the king himself? Trump is no dummy. He knows Kate is ratings gold. She was like the lone onion in a field of lavender in that shot. What a joke. She didn't look good, her face looked all greasy and pimply. Must have been stress zits. She exuded discomfort and awkwardness. She knows she doesn't belong with those people, that she is a fraud. It shows. She cannot hide what she feels. It seeps out of her like pus. What a dishonest, duplicitous way to live one's life.

Micha said...

Do these haters even realize what they're saying? First that paper plate person says Trump knows Kate is ratings gold. Well, that seems to be true and obvious. But then she says Kate doesn't belong in that group because she's a fraud? If she doesn't belong in that group but she's ratings gold then wouldn't she be too good for that group since she brings in the ratings and ratings are really what matter to these sorts of shows? It's like this person admitted the truth but that had to find a way to trash Kate anyway, even though she knows full well that Kate is the draw to the show. She's so angry about that truth she just admitted so now she has to stomp her feet and say but Kate's a "fraud!" Wahh! LOL Kate's the "draw" but doesn't belong there? Actually if she's ratings gold she belongs there like no one else does.

Farkle said...

So what if Kate got fired on CA. Cha ching to her bank account. Good grief, it's a TV show, not solving world problems. When Jon is invited on a real show, I would give him a thumbs up for finally having some coin.

Quiltart said...

Geeze... Everyone but the winner gets fired on CA, so why are they gloating in anticipation of Kate being fired? What idiots!

Nameless in LA said...

Nobody cares. Source: Nameless in LA

There's a Majesty Magazine?!?

fidosmommy said... 105
Prince Charles considered Joan Rivers a dear friend and mourns her death. Source: Majesty Magazine article on HRH the Prince.

Quiltart said...

Have you noticed that the delusional bleeple and what they call the "fringe" haters on Twitter think they know every minute detail of Kate's life based on what they saw on TV seven years ago or the lies from RH's book? If they haven't seen her do something, she doesn't do it. If they haven't seen her with friends and family, she doesn't have any friends and doesn't see her family. Are they so stupid to think that her life is frozen in time like their pathetic lives are? Kate has only lived a tiny, tiny portion of her life in the public eye and the majority of it in private. None of us know what she does most of the time. For all their ranting about her ignoring her kids by tweeting all the time, she only tweets a couple of times a week and that's nothing compared to the drivel they pour out 24/7.
(end of rant..)

Sage said...


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