Jon has been giving print interviews stating that he wants Kate to do Couples Therapy to discuss how to 'co-parent' the kids. (Personally, I think he just wants to masturbate on camera again). Strange, that is the golden on Makes you go hmmm.
Jon has also stated that he wishes Kate would fess up to having a relationship with Steve and finally admit to the boob job. Wow, that is what they (bleeps) are always hammering away at. Makes you go hmmm.
Jon states in the Extra clip that he is not in a relationship right now (other than with his hand) and needs to remain single for awhile. Again! what a cowinkiedink! they say the very same thing at bleepleland. Makes you go hmmm.

Jon's Kate bashing tour at hitting these points kind of reminds me of Hoffman's book which was just a regurgitation that the 'mentals' (that is what Hoffman called the bleeps in an email to me. Remember?) would spew day after day, month after month, year after year. Makes you go hmmm.
Jon is up to something. He wants something and Jon is bashing Kate and using the kids to get it...again.
1 – 200 of 231 Newer› Newest»Jon is so disgusting.
And desperate for TV $$ Imo of course.
Wouldnt he already know if her boobs were real or not? Or did her breast suddenly grow after they separated and he wasn't allowed on her property?
The bleeps have been obsessed with those for years- it's hard to keep up with how long.
I find the Extra interview disturbing.
Jon is so full of anger and jealousy at and of Kate.
He clapps his hands with glee and can't wait to watch her be fired from CA.
I could never picture Kate doing an interview and displaying that type of behavior. Jon needs therapy.
Jon looked puffy and bloated. I think he is really drinking a lot
I feel bad for Kate. Jon is constantly dogging her and dragging her down in the media. If she's in the spotlight, he is there to muck it up.
I don't know who he thinks he's fooling. His motivation is obvious to everyone but the minions.
Jon constantly bashing Kate in print and media is going to backfire on him. If it hasn't already.
Jon has really turned into a short fat man, he obviously doesn't get any exercise when he is throwing back the beers.
He told so many lies it amazes me that he really doesn't think anyone remembers what really happened then. And I'm pretty sure the universe remembers him going out, Hailey and Paris, let alone Ed hardy clothing that is affiliated with the era when he wanted out of his TLC contract. Does he really think everyone is going to forget him being sued by TLC and h trying to start the divorced dads show with Michael Lohan?
Didnt he say in a different interview that he text his daughters? But now he talked with them?
I especially love his coached none answer to what is going on with hime finacially. "I live in a house" not stating whether he is actually paying for it or not. Obviously, getting evicted is true and he doesn't think anyone will remember that either.
Well the bleeple are pretty gullible when it comes to him.
I remember Jon saying in an interview that he texted the twins and that they did not respond.
I have a hard time believing Jon had the kids for 3 weeks. He couldn't handle it and he wouldn't want to.
Weren't there pictures of the kids visiting Kate in NY while she was making CA?
I'm glad that he realized that being in a relationship while trying to be a dad didn't work. Did not like the glee he showed when talking about watching Kate getting fired on CA.
Jon continues to ride Kate's coat tails. He's a loser. Wish he would grow up and go be private guy Jon.
He is so pathetic! Saying their marriage didn't last because he wanted to get the kids off TV is such bullshit. He lies so much I think he believes his own lies. Would any sane woman have anything to do with a man who has made it his life mission to destroy her?The haters want to scream exploitation,what Jon is doing is damaging those kids way more than filming them having a birthday party. He is greasy,sleazy and gross.I am sure he and Hoffman both are going to step up their game in trying to destroy Kate because they are seething with jealousy and bitterness.What a nightmare that Kate has to live because of that evil little pig of a man. She has my sympathy.
Mimi...Nice to see you.
You stated that very well!
He uses his kids in the worst way by bashing their mother! Hello!!
///////////////// (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post "Celebrity Apprentice to air Jan. 4; Rep. Tom Murt ...":
Oh? What's he doing then in LA giving interviews about his kids? I'm jumping off the Jon train. He's so indecisive and wishy washy and plain ridiculous.
It could be part of drumming up interest for Murt's new initiative. Many jobs allow you time off or are flexible leaving plenty of time for other pursuits including the media and working with Murt. It's his business what he does with his spare time when he's not working.
He's managing to get by somehow without working his kids. As long as he doesn't work them, and apparently IS getting to see lots of them even for three weeks at a time, why does it matter what is going on here?
Jon is full of sh...!!!
Well written Sage and you made me laugh. LOL!
Yes, lots of go...hmmmms
Again, Jon is full of it. If anybody believes what comes out of his mouth, well, they need a doctor. He sounds SO sincere.
Oh good grief, Jon sits on a panel in a PA high school and the next thing Bl has him in LA working for Murt. That's another broad jump for the Bl. Her bleeple will eat up her explanation. They don't care how stupid they look as long as they get to hate on Kate.
So Jon lives in a house again? Sure!
Does Jon have a job? Doubt it?
Jon was in LA? Go figure, looking for a free ride again somewhere?
Had the kids 3 weeks, LOL. He didn't have money to pay rent, so where did he get money to have the kids 3 weeks?
Jon, go home to your Mom's, lay low for a few years, get a real job, and shut up about your kids, you need help in parenting yourself first. Glad to hear no chick is involved with him.
Murt may have made a huge mistake in teaming up with Jon. The subject sure went dead after all of the tweets that went to Murt over a subject that was over years ago. What gives Jon the right to be a expert in this area, he doesn't even pay support for kids? Deadbeat Dad's are thrown in jail, yet Jon has the guts to sit on a stage and preach? Shame on Murt for allowing Jon to mock a system when other Father's and Mother's pay their support.
All Jon talks about is Kate, does he have a single thought on his own? Jon is not stable, he admitted he jumps around in having a job, didn't answer the question truthfully about being evicted, he should have just said I am broke and need a good job. Where did he get the money to fly to LA? Sleep there? Eat?
I wanted Jon to get ahead, he needs serious help, where is his family?
Jon's face makes me sick. Look at that great big smile. He's on camera, someone is talking to him, he's getting ATTENTION and getting to bash Kate! Could he be any happier? That would be his dream job for life. That's what makes him the most pathetic person around.
Sage, I think Jon's whole life is backfiring on him and all he has left is scraps. Being able to bash Kate in the media is what he seems to live for. The only people who don't see that are the ones who hate Kate. They bash Kate online everyday, I'm sure they love it when Jon gets an opportunity to bash Kate on a show or in print. Jon validates the haters and their wasted lives so of course the haters must do the same for Jon, validate his wasted life. Jon and Kate have been divorced for 5 years and it's still all about Kate for Jon.
Poor Jon. The only time people are Interested in him is when he trashes Kate.He was honest when he said he always gets jobs and then quit jobs.He sounds like someone in their early 20's.Time to grow up Johnny boy, you're almost middle age.
BL Said:
It's his business what he does with his spare time when he's not working.
Yet you can't allow Kate to do the same huh Becky. Your lusting over Jon is pathetic.
Spare time Becs! ROTF.
He has more spare time than any real Father in America who goes to work and supports their family. Jon didn't say he had a job, thought maybe Becs would have Jon be her errand boy in La and let him sleep on her couch. Isn't that what friends are for? All talk she is, but when Jon has nothing, she just puts out bs without any solutions for Jon's life. Jon wants to live in LA, he needs a job. imo
Didn't Mario cheat on his wife? Cheater interviewing a cheater, but no hard questions, like why don't you pay support and why did you sign your rights away?
Jon didn't have the kids at all while Kate was filming.
Remember the hoopla about why should Jon watch the kids while Kate works? Or how about the lady that was walking her pug in Central Park and took the picture of the kids with her dog? No Jon in sight.
Bleeps have short term memory loss. Imo
Jon lies about the present and rewrites history and Becks and crew write stories around it to support his fantasies.
He sure does lie. Jon's cause for the the end of their marriage was because Kate wanted to further her career and he "wanted to settle down and kind of get off TV for a while."
What BS, he was on all the tabloid shows with and without Hailey, sold out the twins' birthday, etc. etc. Ntm, wanting his own show with the other divorced dads.
I really don't know who he thinks he is fooling. Even to people who don't remember and don't care, he comes off as a jerk bashing his exwife.
oh gawd. Cue all bleeple's posters, you know, the ones who think Anyone is remotely interested in their lives, to post all day tomorrow
1. how long it took them to get pregnant and
2. what foods they craved during pregnancy.
Such attention whores. LOL NO ONE CARES.
Gee, I would think have food to eat and a roof over your head is emotional support. Silly me.
And, Becks, stay at home moms can stay at home because they have financial support.
chefsummer #Leh has left a new comment on the post "Celebrity Apprentice to air Jan. 4; Rep. Tom Murt ...":
Kate's twitter fans/sheep only seem to think that Jon has to give money to in-order to take care of the kids.
Yes money is important-(duh)-but there's more ways to care for your children such as
Emotionally being their when they need you. Comforting them supporting their wants and needs spending time with them.
Sure money is nice to have but kids need more than money to survive. (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post "Celebrity Apprentice to air Jan. 4; Rep. Tom Murt ...":
They are overly preoccupied with finances and dollars in dollars out, who paid what dollar, who's on first.
They don't think it through when they make broad statements about who is or is not "supporting" their children.
By that logic, does a stay at home mom who never brings in a dollar of income to the family not support her children? Yeah I didn't think so.
The children called him to come to their yard sale because they wanted his emotional support, not his money.
Yep, good food Becs makes the brains work in children. Have a few and let us know if you wouldn't feed your kids, just be there for them. Gawd, how dumb can one be? Seriously, these posters must have staved their own children. imo
Does BL ever think anything through before she comments? And who's preoccupied with who paid what when it comes to Jon and Kate? Does anyone think Jon pays for anything? Because he admits he doesn't pay child support so... no need to be "preoccupied" by that.
BL sure is desperate to prop Jon any way she can, but people still see Jon for what he is, no matter how hard she tries to make him the "supportive" dad who allegedly offers emotional support to his kids and let's all forget he doesn't support them financially and voluntarily gave up having a say in what his kids do. Just forget that, 'kay? LOL
NJGal51 said... 73
Ooops! For being such a big supporter of Camp Barnabas she doesn't follow it on twitter. She follows 82 people/things and @capbarnabas isn't one of them. If she truly supported the charity she'd be following it and would re-tweet events or fundraisers that they have. #epicfailonherpart I'm going to put on my Milo rhyming hat and say now that we've pointed out that she's not following them: "Let's see if she will soon be following 83 :)" (I think the smiley face is obligatory in a Milo tweet when she goes in far a little dig.)
She didn't follow Camp Barnabas because she knew you haters would bombard them with tweets. Like you're all doing now that Kate announced which charity she was playing for.
BTW silly women are just as bad as the non fans you say are horrible on Twitter.
Been out of commission here most of the problems again! Getting old! (the problems, not me)
Becks just keeps trying to find an excuse for Jon that will fit. This is how desperation 'logic' sounds.
///////////////////////// (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post "Celebrity Apprentice to air Jan. 4; Rep. Tom Murt ...":
Leslie I've always thought that. If a dime of what KATE "supports" her kids with is form work THEY did, which we're sure is exactly what is happening, half of that credit is Jon's as those kids are half his.
She can't work the kids, use that money to support them, then claim it's HER supporting them. Those kids are his kids too. If you're going to say their money can be used by the parents to support them, then credit for support should go to BOTH parents.
Of course all the credit should go to the kids, but that's not how sheeple logic works. They say the credit goes all to Kate who "supports" them. No she doesn't. At most, HALF the credit for support goes to her
So I guess we are to assume that none of the divorced mothers at Becks get any type of financial support from their exes or expect any.
chefsummer #Leh has left a new comment on the post "Celebrity Apprentice to air Jan. 4; Rep. Tom Murt ...":
Guys this is why I said her sheep only think that monetarily is the only way that they think Jon should support the kid.
I mean forget food clothes forget shelter forget love forget emotional support the sheep what Jon to give Kate money and if he doesn't he's a deadbeat to them.
Just like their queen all the sheep see is money and nothing else.
Wow, guess the family courts across America didn't need to setup a system to ensure children of divorce are given the support to which they are entitled.
If only they all had talked to Bl, she could have set them all straight.
It sucks their hero Jon is a deadbeat dad. He would have ended up in jail for at least a few days if it weren't for Kate relieving him of his obligation.
How quickly they have forgotten that Jon just lost his home and can't even have the children overnight. He is not a stable guy. It seems the only stability he had in his adult life, was with Kate.
They are pissed because Jon's latest antics have them defending a loser. I don't know how they keep telling themselves these lies just so they can hate on Kate.
Kate stayed out of it when Jon was on Couples Therapy. It came out that Jon faked the phone call to fake a hissy fit where he ranted about Kate. But, Kate never responded at all to Jon's accusations. Whereas, Jon is always right there dogging Kate no matter what she is involved in.
Btw, I forgot to compliment Sage on the post. Great post!
Leslie has got to be trolling the other posters at bleeple's blog.
Looney tunes!
Jon admitted himself that his life is unstable. He gets and quits jobs.
Jon lies about having the kids more than he really because he knows Kate won't say anything to the media.I really hope she speaks up about it but he's counting on her not talking about it.
St. Jon, who bounces from job to job and home to home, is daddy of the year but Kate should be out there getting a "real" job? Funny, but she seems to be doing just fine without one, as last I checked she had a lovely home, was putting eight kids through private school, etc....all without child support. So in the alternate world of the BL, Kate should be anticipating the end of the TV gravy train and getting a job, while Jon should continue to sit on his ass and be hailed as the best daddy ever by a group of hate-filled women. Of course, the good ol' BL has hasn't the first clue about Kate's finances, but ignorance has never stopped her from telling people what to do... (Administrator) said... 116
Yes and I've also noticed since RH's book came out we haven't been blessed with that blinding veneer smile of hers on any of those talk shows. I'll bet she can't get away with answering only questions approved by her anymore. She knows darn well they'll ask about it.
I think the biggest factor here is shelf life. She is long past due, expired. And she's famous at a time when shelf lives are shorter than ever.
Sure she'll manage a few blurbs on Radar now and again and maybe even a stint or two on some random D lister reality show like Celebrity Apprentice. But her heyday is over. It's long over. The interest will never be there except from a very small group of people, like our group and the sheeple. And it's not coming back. Shouldn't this scare any normal person into finally getting a real job?
If Kate's heyday is over why is she appearing on CA and TLC is doing more shows with her?
The BL is more delusional than ever if she thinks RH's book is keeping Kate from interviewing. No professional journalist in his right mind would ever even mention that piece of trash, much less read it.The only people who though RH's book were wonderfully (ahem) written, were BL and other deep core haters.
Hoffman is a joke and everyone knows it..including Hoffman.
He knew exactly what he was doing when he repeated back to the haters what they want to hear and what they write.
I'm taking bets on how long BL allows this reply to remain...
Reality Check said... 155
Millicent said... 150
Reality Check - I think you have conveniently forgotten that Jon was significantly out-gunned and out-spent in the custody and divorce legal battles. TLC wanted to keep filming Kate and the children and they provided their legal resources to help ensure they got exactly what they wanted. Kate was more than happy to have their help, as it coincided with her wishes.
It was a David vs. Goliath, except in this case it had the more usual ending - Goliath won. Then TLC discovered that a lot of viewers lost interest in the show when it was just Kate sitting alone on the couch flapping her manicured fingers and talking to the camera.
This is not a normal divorce/custody situation. Jon is not the brightest bulb in the box; and he does not have ambition or drive. He's an easy-going, pleasant man who grew up with a wealthy father who indulged his wants and desires. This leads to an adult who will have trouble being successful, because he wasn't allowed to make his own way in his younger years. That does not mean he is an irresponsible parent -- only that he's not driven, not highly educated, not particularly smart. However, he does love his children and I think with his limited income and skill set, he's doing his best to be a part of their lives. He's doing his best dealing with a narcissistic ex-wife, and a court order that grants her legal custody. He's doing his best with court rulings against him, saying that Kate can take the children out of the country for filming.
When the kids are with him, he provides what they need during that time - food, clothing, shelter, and most of all, a loving environment. Kate has the McMansion, but when those kids are there, their day is strictly monitored and they are loaded with chores. I think that home is a very cold and unwelcoming environment.
But this is an old worn discussion. There will always be those who think Jon purposely gave up custody in exchange for some benefit. Yet I ask you to please point out the benefit. I see a guy who has had a series of jobs that pay modest amounts, having a hard time affording a place to live that would also accommodate his children, and who wants to be in a long-term relationship but it hasn't worked out for him. In short, he's like a lot of men who are just struggling to get by. I feel sorry for the guy.
I didn't conveniently forget anything. I don't buy the story that poor little Jon Gosselin was taken to the cleaners by big bad TLC. How did he afford a Manhattan apartment? a Porsche? International travel? etc. I don't believe for one second that he was left penniless. I believe he chose to live an extravagant lifestyle and blew threw his money. Of course, I don't know that for a fact since I'm not privy to the details. And neither are YOU.
I did not state that he gave up legal custody in exchange for some benefit. He does not have legal custody of his children according to HIM.
November 10, 2014 at 1:53 PM
This is such bullshit. TLC did nothing to JOn in regards to the divorce.
Jon got money in the divorce and blew it on expensive cars, apartments and partying. He has no one to blame but himself. How pathetic he has to have the bleeps defend his childish decisions.
TLC sued Jon and won because he broke their contract they had with him.
PA Dutch Mom has left a new comment on the post "Celebrity Apprentice to air Jan. 4; Rep. Tom Murt ...":
I didn't conveniently forget anything. I don't buy the story that poor little Jon Gosselin was taken to the cleaners by big bad TLC.
I do. I buy it. I also agree with Millicent's post (150). Jon got the short end of the stick (the other end is still up Kate's rear end), and he had to get out of that situation the best way he knew how to do it. That divorce could have dragged on for years and years and cost so much money for him to fight it that he just said the heck with it...get it done and over and bite the bullet. He stood no chance going up against her and the TLC machine. And yes, I do know some of the details, but I'm not going to open up that can of worms. If he wants to explain it in the media, he's free to do so although I don't think he owes anyone an explanation of what happened before, during or after divorce proceedings.
How many excuses can be made for widdle Jon? Maybe that is what Jon's major problem is...too many enablers. Keep patting him on the head and whip his spittle.
////////////////////// (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post "Celebrity Apprentice to air Jan. 4; Rep. Tom Murt ...":
In very contentious cases it's common to give legal custody to one to avoid constantly taking everything to court. Even if both parents are appropriate. Since if Kate ever does something too crazy he can still take her to court, it shouldn't be skin off anyone's back. He seems to have no dispute over her medical, educational or religious decisions, which is what legal custody is, which probably explains why he said "who cares" when it comes to legal. He's right, who cares. Maybe it will do what was intended and cause less fighting. There is no reason filming decisions couldn't still be brought to court if they were detrimental, but it seems a judge has already decided they could film. Long before their arrangements were ever finalized. I believe Tamara and Simon from Real Housewives we're going through a similar dispute over filming. The piece of this that isn't being grasped is that all it means is that one parent can take a child with a broken bone to the hospital and get it fixed without calling the other parent to agree to it. I don't see why Jon would object to that. However it in no way prevents Jon from going to court if he believes some detrimental act by the other parent caused the broken bone. That's the best way I know to explain legal custody.
I think when the Gosselin kids are adults they will be thankful for the way Kate has managed money...for them.
They have a nice home, health care, schooling and an all over nice life comfortable life. Can you imagine what it would be like with Jon?
They will look back thankfully to Kate. And Jon what will be their memories be of him? He gave them baths when they were babies.
That should be 'wipe his spittle' not whip. LOL
Who in their right mind would believe that Kate planned having sextuplets? So sick of their stupid fantasies.
Thank God for Kate. Jon went through his money months after the divorce. Kate, the mature one, is still living a good life and making sure her kids are too.
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5:51 PM (17 minutes ago)
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AuntieAnn has left a new comment on the post "Celebrity Apprentice to air Jan. 4; Rep. Tom Murt ...":
chefsummer #Leh said... 161
I did not state that he gave up legal custody in exchange for some benefit. He does not have legal custody of his children according to HIM.
And according to Kate she is the sole provider for the 8.
But she doesn't work a job w/o using them
And according to Kate she needs to exploit the 8 in-order to be the sole provider. In reality the 8 are providing for HER..
That's right. There wouldn't even BE any money at all if those kids hadn't been shoved in front of a camera their whole lives, but that was her whole plan in the first place.
Step one: have HOM
Step two: shill them on tv
Step three: quit nursing job
Step four:enjoy the spoils of celebrity
Step five: ditch the sperm donator
I just hope there's enough left for them when it comes time to use it for something worthwhile in their lives and that it's not all been used to finance Mommie Dearest's lifestyle.
Such a dumb theory. How did Kate know that TLC would offer them a tv show? It took long enough for Kate to become famous. They didn't become well known until Jon was caught leaving the school teacher's house in the early morn, out at the bar and the pics came out of of her out the house when Kate was away. Jon's the one who made Kate famous.
As for legal, no one who thinks their children are in horrible situation would willingly give up legal custody. BL has made excuse after excuse for Jon. But, from the beginning of J&K's split, Jon has done the complete opposite of someone concerned about their children. Jon's first concern is himself and his immature wants, not the needs of his children.
Here's a new video of Jon at LAX. Making plans to hang w/a paparazzi. Also, sounding really full of himself.
Looks like he's going to be in LA for an extended period of time. Wonder how....
Thanks, Merry.
OMG. He is so full of himself and they were laughing at him!
I like the comment 'you don't want his scraps you don't even want his prizes.' LMAO!
Lol, Bl is spinning. Today, it's "common to give legal custody to one to avoid constantly taking everything to court." But, when Jon was on The View and revealed that Kate had legal custody, Bl was all befuddled and said "It is not something any father with unmonitored contact would ever accept in their right mind"
Bl really can't be this stupid w/her irl clients, can she? It's gotta be an act to keep her blog going.
xxxxx (Administrator) said... 162
In very contentious cases it's common to give legal custody to one to avoid constantly taking everything to court. Even if both parents are appropriate. Since if Kate ever does something too crazy he can still take her to court, it shouldn't be skin off anyone's back. He seems to have no dispute over her medical, educational or religious decisions, which is what legal custody is, which probably explains why he said "who cares" when it comes to legal. He's right, who cares. Maybe it will do what was intended and cause less fighting. There is no reason filming decisions couldn't still be brought to court if they were detrimental, but it seems a judge has already decided they could film. Long before their arrangements were ever finalized. I believe Tamara and Simon from Real Housewives we're going through a similar dispute over filming. The piece of this that isn't being grasped is that all it means is that one parent can take a child with a broken bone to the hospital and get it fixed without calling the other parent to agree to it. I don't see why Jon would object to that. However it in no way prevents Jon from going to court if he believes some detrimental act by the other parent caused the broken bone. That's the best way I know to explain legal custody.
November 10, 2014 at 3:09 PM (Administrator) said... 145
...I don't have anything to offer on legal custody because it's not making a whole lot of sense to me. That yahoo thing I think indicates PA has to be different....I just read that with sort of a "huh??" look on my face. NOT the case here! Legal custody in CA is VERY rare and almost always only reserved for fathers who are completely missing, dead, in jail (a father in jail is too hard to contact if for instance the child needs emergency surgery), or have no visits due to abuse. I have never in my life seen a father with unmonitored and frequent contact with his children have anything less than joint legal. Legal custody in CA is one step before terminating parental rights. It is not something any father with unmonitored contact would ever accept in their right mind and in fact it's basically illegal and illogical to order it in such situations. The reason for this is the judge has to find it's not in the child's best interest to grant joint legal custody, and since that's mostly based on the child's health, safety and welfare, it makes no sense to give a father unmonitored contact, which has direct bearing on their health safety and welfare, and then turn around and say but joint legal is not in their best interest. It's inconsistent and just isn't done. In CA, full legal also gives the parent freedom to move out of state without the other parent vetoing it...
September 26, 2013 at 4:52 PM
Wonder how Becks is going to spin Jon's embarassing interview on TMZ.
Probably ignore it and pretend it never happened.
I wonder if Jon offered to share his scraps with Paul Petersen. Didn't Becks speculate that Jon was out there to meet up with him about child filming.
I think Jon really wants to live in LA. He and TMZ can be wingmen together at the Pink Taco. TMZ has a new video of Jon up at the LA airport. It was really making fun of him, and it went way over Jon's head.
Kate has a couple of gigs, Jon doesn't have a job, who would you live with?
Jon gave up his legal rights because he was behind in cs and owed back taxes. He should be grateful to Kate, he would have been in jail. Gee, wonder what law school she went to. Must not have taken any courses in basic divorce law which is pretty standard in most state. When challenged, she deletes the truth posts, she is nothing but a big coward. ino
Can you see Paul and Jon at the Pink Taco Sage? Maybe it would be good for Paul to see how Jon really lives. Did Paul share his frequent flyer miles with Jon, so he could have another vacation away from a job and his kids that he swears everything he does everything for them.
Law School,
The truth is never deleted here. In fact, all views are welcome.
Lol, I await Bl's spin on the TMZ video. They glossed over Jon's interview wanting Kate to go on Couples Therapy. They were too busy ragging on Kate not being involved enough with her charity of choice for CA. In their judgment, Kate never does it right.
I know... Becks will say Jon was doing a charity event to raise awareness for kids in reality tv.
Thank you BL (Rebecca). Because of you, I'm now a fan of Kate's.
Smugly announcing he will for sure watch the CA epi when Kate gets fired...ewwww. Is it possible for him to become any smarmier?
Jon's the top hater out there, he's the hater who can get the media's attention, even if it's the people on TMZ who end up mocking him. Does Jon say any more or less than any other hater out there? He says basically what they say, I think he reads their comments for clues on hot button Kate issues and then spews them.
BL should be thinking of how to explain what her life has become and why. Years and years of hating Kate Gosselin and wanting the worst for her while wanting great things for's that working out for BL? Not so great. Maybe she should finally realize that the opposite of what she wants is what always ends up happening. :)
Jon's the top hater out there, he's the hater who can get the media's attention, even if it's the people on TMZ who end up mocking him. Does Jon say any more or less than any other hater out there? He says basically what they say, I think he reads their comments for clues on hot button Kate issues and then spews them.
Micha...agree 100% with this!
MamaC has left a new comment on the post "Celebrity Apprentice to air Jan. 4; Rep. Tom Murt ...":
Off topic: It's really strange the way Kate's half dozen fans mock Jon's physical appearance regularly. They sure must hate the Gosselin kids. Kate is a very attractive woman beyond the artificialness :P and yet none of those kids look like her. I am thinking none of them will appreciate their "support".
So is what MamaC is saying here is that since none of the kids look like Kate it is okay to mock her looks?
News Flash: Some of the kids do look like Kate, some look like Jon, some look a combination of both, and some look like no one but themselves.
Take the twins for instance. I think Cara looks like Kate and Mady looks like Jon. Does that mean the fans hate Mady because she looks like Jon...of course not. Only in haterville are people so shallow would they judge kids for how they look.
Looks like the bleeps are ignoring Jon's kind gesture of offering to share his 'scraps' with the TMZ reporter at the Pink Taco.
LMAO! If it had been Kate, the video would have been posted within seconds. Then, the listing of how something that was said threw Jon under the bus and scarred the children. There would be many comments of zooming in to examine Kate's boobs, face and choice of clothing. Ntm, the outrage if Kate was in LA making plans to dine and hang out w/a pap to pick up men.
It cracks me up they are ignoring Jon's latest antic. Can't Bl wave her magic wand of excuses?
Maybe she is left speechless. LOL Love it!
All they have been talking about over there is how to get skunk smell off of their pets.
LOL the posters over there are the ones who have been skunked by Jon and Becks. Can they not believe it? Afterall Jon brought coffee to Kate and gave the kids baths 9 years ago.
In memory of my Father today and all vets, I salute you all. Miss you Dad.
LOL... Yup, if that is what you want to beleive...clueless.
rainbowsandunicorns has left a new comment on the post "Celebrity Apprentice to air Jan. 4; Rep. Tom Murt ...":
Julianna, 26...
Did I watch the right video? TMZ approached him at the airport and he was kind, respectable, talked to them, said nothing that could be misinterpreted on any level, nothing about Kate or the kids. What was he supposed to do -- be rude and tell them to get away, that he's not talking, and to mind their own business?
Come on Bl, how many "real" celebs walk through LAX and ignore the paps? Not Jon, he can't wait to talk. No mention of how arrogant he sounds or demeaning to women. Jon's always a saint in the eyes of the bleeple.
Does Jon want his girls to someday be referred to as scraps?
How convenient the video wouldn't play for Bl. It played just fine for me.
xxxxxx (Administrator) said... 47
The page opens but the video won't play for me but sounds like just friendly joking around to me. For goodness sakes the pearl clutching. Even my girlfriends joke about wingmen. Or in our case wing women!
November 12, 2014 at 3:21 PM
So the BL has wingwomen, would this be her exploited friends on her birth site, or would this be her socks on her blog? Just asking for a friend.
The TMZ people mocked and laughed at Jon. Jon was not just being friendly. If it were Kate they would be calling her a whore.
StopStealingMyIDs has left a new comment on the post "Celebrity Apprentice to air Jan. 4; Rep. Tom Murt ...":
The page opens but the video won't play for me but sounds like just friendly joking around to me. For goodness sakes the pearl clutching. Even my girlfriends joke about wingmen. Or in our case wing women!
Thank goodness you said that, I thought it was funny. The TMZ dude said scraps, Jon just repeated it. Again it just shows what a friendly guy he is, dang, how did he ever end up with the snobby, stick up the butt Katie?
Jon said himself that he never finishes a job. He gets bored or gets fired.They seem to overlook this and it's coming from St. Jons own mouth.
I remember Kate being shocked when Jon brought her breakfast in bed or when he helped the kids with things without being asked.I do believe he did get the kids bathed in the morning but he stopped at that. The rest of the day was Kate's responsibility....including homework, meals, playing with them and getting them ready for bed. The Jon we see now...the never finishing things is probably the Jon that Kate knew and that's why she came off frustrated on TV.IMO, Jon loses Interest very easily.
redbirdsings said... 61
Jon was just fine in that video. I think what he meant by the good scraps, he repeated scraps from tmz guy, that he has had kind, good decent women who didn't scream, curse and slap him in the face whenever they wanted too after TFW.
And they were good to the kids. TFW is a terror!
Here that. His revolving door of women were good to the kids.Even the one who Jon moved in for a week or so when Jon and Liz had relationship problems. All those "Aunts" were good for the kids.They'll say anything to make Jon look good.
Kind, decent bed-hopping women who have potty mouths and look like they need a bath... and that's not even knowing how they treat the kids!
Wasn't it written by Hoffie that Ellen was cruel to the kids.
Yes, it was Hoffman who said he witnessed both Ellen and Jon being mean to one of the tups.
The bleeps are all about now how gross Mama June is and that she should have her kids taken away. Which I agree with by the way.
It wasn't all that long ago that they were singing June's praises. Remember? June was a better mother than Kate.
They also think Jon is a better parent and person than Kate is.
I see a pattern emerging. The bleeps really suck at seeing a person for what they really are.
Mama June is a POS. That is all!
Birth fetish sites are just as bad. The End!
It's definitely telling that Jon and all these "reality tv moms" that the bleeps have praised and said are so much better than Kate are all crumbling while Kate stands strong and remains focused on raising her kids. They still throw stones at Kate and conveniently "forget" that they loved June and thought she was such a great mama. Just shows how deluded they are.
And JON, who pays no child support, gave up having a say in his kids' lives, more recently was evicted, can't seem to hold down a job...he can still dare to do whatever he can to continue to throw stones at Kate, and go on a media tour on her coattails, practically begging Kate to do a show with him so that he can trash her directly to her face and continue to blame his not so great life on their marriage that ended over 5 years ago. Yet he's still great and such a better option than Kate.
This is the stuff that crazy is made of.
I seem to remember them going on and on about what a wonderful mom and family HBB had. I didn't see what they saw.
Obviously, they related to June more than they related to Kate.
Until the tides turned...
Perhaps the only reasonable person on 15mins is Ex Nurse:
Ex Nurse said... 131
As far as the issue of moving on, I guess that would apply to TFW too? I mean, the RV episodes are being rehashed yet again, but I sincerely doubt that anyone will try to shut that down.
The video was posted last night, right? And, according to the conventional wisdom of this blog, since Jon himself was in this video, this certainly is on topic.
Jon could shut down all discussion by not engaging. He can be polite, and say no comment, or, as another poster said, say he can't stop and talk. Instead he participates in a coversation that becomes increasingly crass and sexualized. He has 5 daughters--how would he like to hear them called scraps? How would he like to have them hear him refer to women as scraps? If he is the loving, consistent parent, then he needs to grow up and learn to set boundaries.
The fact that he continues to do this stupid stuff, makes him fair game as a topic of this blog. If people don't agree, then just scroll past. I don't find it particularly interesting to rehash old news, unless something new has come to light. Others disagree, and seem to never tire of picking apart events that are now 4-8 years ago. So be it--I just scroll by and don't comment and I assume others do the same with my post. Why is there this pressing need to suppress a reasonable opinion and discussion about something that happened within the last 24 hours? Most people have not yet weighed in on this yet, and they have every right to without being told to move on.
Paula said... 167
If some of you are so bothered by your assumption that Jon is "crass and immature" why do you continue to read articles and watch clips of said behavior? Seriously...too funny... As if that has anything to do with his parenting skills. Also, I am going to assume that Kim K's recent "photo session" really, really, really bothers you??
I could ask you the same regarding Kate.
They really are kinda dumb over there.
Would someone enlighten all of us about Jon's so called parenting skills. That man can't even keep a job, let alone pay any expenses for his children. It would be better to call Jon out for his bad Dad skills, instead of praising a loser over and over. Most women with kids would have kicked him to the curb years ago and had their deadbeats Dad's thrown in jail. That's the real world, not a fantasy child love relationship the BL seems to have with Jon.
Look at the crazy women who marry prisoners with life sentences, they can control their men from the outside. Maybe this is what those posters think, we can support a deadbeat from behind a computer, we have nothing else to do with our lives. So sad. imo
My God, the BL is truly insufferable. It's all good for Jon to refer to women as scraps (apparently expecting any more is an impossible standard), but of course she and HER friends/family would never behave in such a way, because they have much higher standards than "the general public."
Yes, someone who makes $ off genital mutilation victims is holding herself up to quite a high standard of morality. Riiiight.
************************ (Administrator) said... 162
I think I don't hold parents in general to such impossible high standards of morality and decorum. I simply ask that you be kind to your kids, not abuse them, and give them a childhood that is positive and happy. Maybe because I have seen some of the worst abuse you can imagine, my standards for the general population are not so strident. I just really don't care about such banter or think it makes somebody a bad parent.
Now, would I have different standards for myself, my immediate family, my significant other? Of course. But we're not the general population or some random parent I encounter. My circle is more intimate and the standards are higher. But Jon is not in my inner circle nor are the vast majority of parents.
If she gives everyone outside her immediate circle such leeway, why does she accuse Kate of doing things she can't possibly have knowledge of? What an idiot hypocrite!
LOL Jon does and will keep choosing the same woman over and that supports him financially. If he dated someone like him..who would support them? Kate?
Millicent said... 196
From watching CT Jon seems like he needs to work though alot of his issues be for he can seek long term healthy love.
IMO if he doesn't he keep on choosing the same woman like Kate and like Liz-(no offense to liz) But she was kind of like Kate.
Jon IMO needs to date someone like himself a woman who kind and loving also he doesn't want a door of gf's around the kids that not healthy for them.
Love how the bleeple skip over Jon squandering whatever money he made from his disgusting behavior on Couples Therapy. The kids wouldn't have a home or attend private school if it were left up to him. They'd be lucky to have clothes and food.
They also want to ignore that Jon deserted a fuzzy little kitten. That's cold.
I can see the nut from here, she just makes up stories about what she knows. What lawyer has time to spend hours and hours on a stupid blog everyday. Hidden in a back corner of a office would be my guess, as I was told that's what they do with people who are not well, and just do some simple research for real lawyers. If she has seen all this abuse, she better clean up her own door, can you imagine if her so called other life was outed for everyone to see nation wide. OMG, what would she do? Blame Kate? Blame her posters? Blame a failed author? Murt? Paul Peterson? Jane?
The list would be tremendous and the scandal would be HUGE!!!
merry you're right..if it wasn't for Kate the kids would be living in a 2 bedroom apartment with Jon. Is that what the bleeple want.A small apt, filled with smoke and the smell of stale beer.And random women every weekend.
Jon could always cook hotdogs for the kids from the old BBB engine, just a thought. :)
The bleeple would be thrilled if the kids lived with Jon even in a hovel. After all, Kate is not supposed to have anything as nice or nicer than they have. That's bleeple-jealousy-law.
I do think the bleeps want less for the kids as long as they are with Kate. I also think that if Jon did have the kids the bleepies would think it would be fine for Jon and the kids to film a reality TV show, and their reasoning would be that Jon has to take care of the kids somehow - he needs that income and the kids aren't "working" they're just being filmed living life. They would do a complete reversal if it was Jon alone who had custody and was responsible for raising the kids.
But since it's Kate who is solely financially responsible while Jon gets them a few days a month for play time, then Kate should only be "allowed" to make money by working as a nurse and she should buy a much smaller house for the 9 of them to live in. Haters are such hypocrites and everybody knows it. They shouldn't think they fool anyone!
The bleeps call Steve the'flying monkey' why? I do not know. But why would you be so invested in all of this that every where you look you see something that reminds you of Kate and Steve? When I am away from this blog I don't think about it.
Tucker's Mom
9:22 AM (42 minutes ago)
to me
Tucker's Mom has left a new comment on the post "Celebrity Apprentice to air Jan. 4; Rep. Tom Murt ...":
DH and I took the puppies to the farmers market this morning, and DH said to me, "I saw the funniest bumper sticker. It said, 'don't make me release my flying monkeys on you'".
I've got to find one of those!
Is someone breeding puppies and selling them at a farmers market? How sad when shelters are over running with pets, people should be more responsible.
Thinking of Kate or anyone on TV is not a daily routine for most people. Other than reading here, I never click on any article pertaining to them. Jon is all over the news, he puts his own failed life out there.
I am going to enjoy the Thanksgiving and holiday season. Many organizations need volunteers, so our family will be busy.
Nooo the bleeps are never conspiracy minded. LMAO
Tucker's Mom has left a new comment on the post "Celebrity Apprentice to air Jan. 4; Rep. Tom Murt ...":
....Questioning Jon's paternity has never, ever, ever been an issue here.
I'm not sure how this subject got legs, but we've never wondered if Kate somehow got pregnant (twice) by anyone else but Jon.
As years-long poster here (on the veranda), I thought I'd just offer that to anyone who is newish ;-)
One think we are not is a conspriacy board.
It is time to award yet another "No Self-Awareness" trophy. Hearty congratulations, Tucker's Mom.
Tucker's Mom said... 96
Questioning Jon's paternity has never, ever, ever been an issue here.
I'm not sure how this subject got legs, but we've never wondered if Kate somehow got pregnant (twice) by anyone else but Jon.
As years-long poster here (on the veranda), I thought I'd just offer that to anyone who is newish ;-)
One think we are not is a conspriacy board.
November 16, 2014 at 6:46 AM
Tucker's Mom said... 83
There was a reason that Kate chose a nighttime marathon- so she could hop on the back of Steve's cycle.
Kate's training was nonsensical. She didn't eat correctly as she wasted away her muscles through poor nutrition.
Then, she bragged about wearing heels the next day and feeling great.
When she realized that made her sound like a big fat liar, she changed her story to how sore she was after.
There's more holes in her story than a block of Swiss cheese.
Mostly, she didn't look like she ran 10 miles, let alone 26.
If you've ever run distance, you know the injuries and pain you get, but there's Kate, telling people she ran 11 miles, then 18, and never ever a mention of injury.
Then, she breaks her pinky toe and her running career is over.
Makes no sense whatsoever.
November 13, 2014 at 9:11 AM
Oops, hadn't seen your post, Sage! Great minds...
we have done that on more than one occasion! :)
Here are a couple of posts from the crude, lewd hicks also known as bleeple or Jon the masturbater fans.
NJGal51 has left a new comment on the post "Celebrity Apprentice to air Jan. 4; Rep. Tom Murt ...":
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 16m16 minutes ago
@ConcernedChick @Kateplusmy8 Not playing games w/you. I don't approve of adultery or immoral sex...and neither does Kate. End of matter!
And just maybe they'll have to take back everything that they said about Jon. I somehow find it hard to believe that the relationship is purely platonic especially if they were sharing a room. I guess the sheeple will go the route that it was a suite and they had separate bedrooms. Well, if it walks like a monkey and screeches like a monkey...
Midnight Madness has left a new comment on the post "Celebrity Apprentice to air Jan. 4; Rep. Tom Murt ...":
"What a gullible hick" (41)...
An ignorant buffoon of a gullible hick. What in the world is wrong with her?
I remember several months ago when someone posted here (ID of something like Little Bird or Birdie) who claimed that Milo's identity would be known. Those drive-by posters are such teasers.. It never happened and we still don't know if Milo is an off-the-charts obsessed fan, or a 90 year old catfish male in a facility somewhere.
Regardless, she, he or it is nuts. Period. Oh, and hopelessly in love.
NJGal51 has left a new comment on the post "Celebrity Apprentice to air Jan. 4; Rep. Tom Murt ...":
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 16m16 minutes ago
@ConcernedChick @Kateplusmy8 Not playing games w/you. I don't approve of adultery or immoral sex...and neither does Kate.
chefsummer #Leh said... 49
"Always believe in what u know about me, and not in what u heard about me"
We know that you're a b***h who exploits her kids we know you abuse those kids and your dog we know you stole Jon.
She stole Jon? Sounds like chef thinks Kate took Jon from her.Another horny for Jon bleeple.
We don't know what is going on. I don't know who Kenya is but I've read that she's the bad girl of her RHW. Normally they hate her but now she'll chew Kate and spit her out. For all we know Steve and Gina have broken up or nothing is going on. I have no Idea. Adultery is wrong no matter who...*cough cough* JON. For now everything is an assumption.If Becks wants to believe this without any evidence, then she's a pretty bad lawyer.
Anything for a story.
The BL is spinning wildly again. I must say her spinning is quite often highly entertaining. (Administrator) said... 62
Perhaps Kenya's morals suggest that when asked about something, she should tell the truth.
Perhaps she also feels that if someone might be cheating on their wife, if anyone witnesses it they would say something. Or when someone has been known to be dishonest about a situation, it is Kenya's moral obligation to correct the record if she knows otherwise. These are all values too.
Here you go haters,I really don't give a flying fig if Kate and Steve are sleeping together or not. They wouldn't be the first or the last married folks to have an affair. If they are doing it everyday morning noon and night that still does not give you the right to stalk and bully her the way you do. She is taking care of her children and providing for them when no one else will. Any mother who makes her kids their first priority the way Kate does has my respect.If she and Steve have crossed the line that is for them and their families to deal with,that still does not qualify them as evil,only human!
I doubt that Kenya has many morals.
I have to admit that I am a RHW junkie and Kenya, by far, is probably the sleaziest of any of them... She wouldn't know the truth if it hit her in the head. During her first season on RHWOA, she HIRED a boyfriend for the season and then got upset when he wouldn't marry her.
That does not matter to the haters. ANYTHING negative about Kate has got to be true. No matter who delivers it.
They make excuses for Jon's immoral behavior by saying he is 'dim'. LOL
And they call us stupid.
Mel has left a new comment on the post "Celebrity Apprentice to air Jan. 4; Rep. Tom Murt ...":
Disgusting how some are really going after June, when not a word is said confronting Kate about her many trangressions. Nothing to do with thinner, blonder, richer. More "white". Ok to publicly harrass June, but say nothing to Kate. Have Kate on your show and hold the poor little dear's hand as you comfort her. Say nothing about her abusing her kids and the dogs, don't confront her about sharing sleeping arrangements with the body guard. Doesn't seem quite right.
June seems like she's not quite right in the head, kinda stupid. Kate is cunning and manipulative. Not smarter than June exactly, but certainly more cunning. Able to mask/hide the abuse better.
So, so stupid. Yep, the reason June is being skewered is because she's overweight and less attractive than Kate. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that she is dating the man who molested her daughter and Kate...isn't.
And how, exactly, is Kate more "white" than June? Mama June seems to be about as white as one can get to me.
"And how, exactly, is Kate more "white" than June? Mama June seems to be about as white as one can get to me."
Exactly. They have..
No self-awareness.
You have got to be kidding! They've been publicly harassing Kate for seven years... every day, 24/7... and nothing she has done holds a candle to what June has done to ALL of her children .. enabling a child molester.
Even a woman who has a history of dating child sex offenders and had one molest her child, is better than Kate in their book? They need to sit back and read what they write.That is just sick. Whoever this Mel person is, you have to wonder who she allows into her kids lives.
During her first season on RHWOA, she HIRED a boyfriend for the season and then got upset when he wouldn't marry her. ~ Quiltart
LMAO, that's funny. Thanks Quilt, I know nothing about the RHWs.
They are so clueless! LOL
Anonymous has left a new comment on the post "Celebrity Apprentice to air Jan. 4; Rep. Tom Murt ...":
Strange that the sheep are not commenting on the Radar article that TFW is putting the children in physical danger but are bent out of shape about Kenya Moore's comment. Reinforces my opinion they do not care about the welfare of the children only the reputation of their idol. So unlike those who post here.
Those people have no idea about country life.Kids from farm families have been working since they were very small. They had to get up with the sunrise and yes, they used machinery...much more dangerous than what Mady and Cara use.And these kids get paid next to nothing. That's how it is in the country. Our Country was made by these people. Yes, the bleeple are the ones who are stupid.Their kids probably never lift a hand to help out at home. They have their noses in their electronics and probably never go outside and play.The Gosselin kids get fresh air and exercise everyday. I'm sure the bleeple can't say the same about their spawns. They probably arrange "Play dates" for their special snowflakes. God I hate when ppl say their kids have play dates. What happened to just playing?
At ROL I see that the large majority of comments, once again, are supportive of Kate and think the article is nonsense and pointless. I
I think the crazy bleeps don't realize that most non haters know that Kate is in charge of her kids, she lets them do things at HER discretion, not the general public's. Fans care about the kids, and more importantly we know that their MOTHER and main care giver CARES and is THERE! Not sorry if that disappoints you, haters. Maybe one day you'll get a clue and realize the truth.
BL is completely rewriting history again.
Jon was living in Santa Barbara with Morgan when Kate was on DWTS. He was nowhere near the kids until Morgan pushed him off her couch and he went to PA to file for custody of the kids.
When Jon pulled this first custody stunt, Bl blamed Kate saying she wasn't letting Jon around the kids. But, Jon was shacked up far away and didn't show up until he needed a place to live.
Now, Bl says Jon watched the kids for weeks/months.
Also, Bl conveniently forgets that Kate had the kids in CA for one of those weeks. She and the kids went to Disney.
xxxxxx (Administrator) said... 30
Jon was still living in the garage apartment four months after the divorce was finalized? I didn't realize that.
I think that's right, because he took care of the kids for weeks at home, maybe even months, while she was off filming DWTS. He must have stayed at the house. That was when he made some statement about how WTF how does she have custody but I'm watching the kids the whole time maybe I should march myself back to court and fix this. I think that may have been what prompted a more firmer custody schedule being established. And Kate cried in the limo about that to Steve and Steve was like well I don't know what to tell you other than you're going to have to deal with this.
And here we are four years later and Jon's watching the kids again for weeks at a time while she goes and plays celebrity again. It's like Groundhog Day.
November 18, 2014 at 11:15 PM
merryway said...
BL is completely rewriting history again.
Jon was living in Santa Barbara with Morgan when Kate was on DWTS. He was nowhere near the kids until Morgan pushed him off her couch and he went to PA to file for custody of the kids.
When Jon pulled this first custody stunt, Bl blamed Kate saying she wasn't letting Jon around the kids. But, Jon was shacked up far away and didn't show up until he needed a place to live.
You accuse of her of rewriting history, but that's exactly what you've done.
Reports that Jon and Morgan broke up were published on Mar. 25, 2010. This article states "Now that Gosselin, 32, packed up and left on March 21, Christie is said to be "very relieved."
The first episode of DWTS aired on Mar.22, and Kate was voted off on Apr.20.
So Jon was not in Santa Barbara with Morgan when Kate was on DWTS.
I also don't think the kids were there for a full week--wouldn't they have missed school? They went to Disneyland on Saturday, April 17, according to this article, so most likely they went for an extended weekend.
Jon was not living above the garage at the time of DWTS.
He had spent the summer of 2009 living with Hailey in an apartment in NY until he was evicted in Dec. of 2009.
Jon did not watch the kids while Kate was on DWTS. She had various people staying with the kids including Jaime and Kate's sister at one time.
I believe Jon was sleeping on his brothers couch until he got an apartment locally. It was this time that Ellen entered the picture.
With various evictions and girlfriends it is hard to keep what Jon was doing straight.
I do know this...he was not staying with the kids.
For some reason some of my posts are double posting.
How did I rewrite history? I said Jon was in Santa Barbara til Morgan pushed him off her couch. Then, he showed up in PA calling Kate an absentee mom and saying he was going to file for custody. So, yes Jon was in CA when Kate was on DWTS, then he ran to PA to grab Kate's spotlight and use the kids.
Jon made a statement on April 6, that he was filing for custody. Very convenient since Morgan had just dumped him.
I'm pretty sure that when Kate was on DWTS, she said her kids had been in CA for the week. Not exactly sure on that one.
Not rewriting history here.
You amaze me always with your recall. :)
Lol Sage, if only there was a game show with nothing but Gosselin trivia.
You are right, Jon did land on his brother's couch in PA after Morgan dumped him.
He was with Ellen by May.
He'll be with a new/old GF by Christmas.
Who's rewriting history?,
I do hope that you go t Reality and ask about the rewriting history like you did here. I can understand if you are hesitant assuming that your comment would make it past moderation. I know some of you are fearful of upsetting Admin.
You know of course you are always welcome here for discussion. But, you all ready know that, don't you.
What's the complaint anyway? That Jon might have watched his own kids while Kate earns money to feed all of them?
My recall is that during DWTS Kate rehearsed in PA and there was a dance floor installed in the house so she and Tony could rehearse there. And haters made quite a fuss even though DWTS always accommodates the stars by rehearsing where they need to be - they didn't just do it for Kate. When Kate wasn't there she had her sister or Jamie there, but Jon still tried to create trouble for Kate even though she was EARNING a living without filming the kids.
And for CA Jon didn't take the kids for any more time than he would have anyway.
I know the haters need to constantly obsess over the past, the present and what is yet to be, but in the meantime their hero Jon is the same go nowhere guy he was in 2009 and Kate still has the kids and the house and she's still raising the kids in that house with no financial help from their daddy.
Actually, I guess I did rewrite history a little bit. Because I'd forgotten that Jon's brother's house is in Maryland, not PA. So, even after Jon got dumped by Morgan in CA, he hadn't returned to PA when he suddenly decided to file for full custody.
He did get an apartment in PA pretty quick. I remember some tabloid making fun of him moving and using garbage bags. Jon had already fired the attorney he had hired to file. The one that appeared on Nancy Grace.
That was such a low down thing for Jon to do.
Lol, firing the attorney was not what I meant as a low down thing for Jon to do.
I meant the whole scenario that Jon pulled w/filing for custody after blowing off visitations and giving Kate no warning.
Why do the bleeple make a big deal out of Jon having the kids for more than a week? That's something any normal dad. God, Kate does it all the time.
They must hate women in the military. Being gone months on end away from their families.
Lol Sadie, Jon is a saint to the bleeple cause he sometimes sees his kids and gave them baths when they were little.
I see they are at Kate for having Steve with her when she filmed Celebrity Apprentice. According to them, no other players have anyone around. They are acting as if Steve was an assistant to Kate. The bleeple are sure the other players are going to resent Kate and hate her for having him there. I guess that will be their new fall-back rant until the show airs. I haven't seen them mention cupcakes for awhile.
If Star rag mag is to be believed, Kenya had an entourage and is the most hated. The bleeple so want it to be Kate.
Wow, I had no idea Kenya had been arrested for dragging some rh by the hair.
"Star Magazine has already called Kenya 'The Most Hated Apprentice, citing a show insider who claimed 'Kenya is rude and a holy terror to the crew. She demands special treatment and extra days off and refuses to use the show’s stylists. Instead, she brings in a huge entourage, and they’ve completely taken over the set."
The insider sure screws her dates and times up according to her own posts. No matter how you try to spin it, Jon is a deadbeat who pays no support and I doubt he even has the kids on weekends now. It's really sad that after 5 years, the rant continues, yet the same solution always comes out in the end, Kate has full and legal custody of the kids.
I do question why Steve was in NY with Kate, didn't they all stay at the same hotel for the show? Hotels have security, it's time Kate goes forward on her own, Steve should be checking on the kids when Kate is gone. imo.
I think Steve has been Kate's manager more than a bodyguard for a long time now.
I find it amusing that the bleeps just love the idea of Kate and Steve having an affair. Maybe they are living vicariously through her. hmmm
Whereas, Jon is just dim and has one night stands.
I wonder what Trump thinks of Kate's ardent bleeple/haters? I'm sure they harassed him non-stop when he announced Kate was on CA.
Sage, your post is just as sick and full of innuendos as you would have everyone believe about the BL. Why the need to include that Jon and his hand are in a relationship? I know why because you are just as full of it as you claim the BL is. You are no better. Why not write a blog post that doesn't sound like a freaking 12 year old?
Oh what will you and your sheep do when the tide changes and more people believe that Kate is screwing her "manager". Kate is a liar and a manipulator and believes her own self importance. Who cares about make up or stylist? Why in the world does Kate think she needs a manager or bodyguard when she is filming CA?
Milo is doing her best to dispel any rumors that Kate & Steve were together, but she only makes Kate look even more foolish.
What would you do if there was no BL? Your blog posts would be 2 paragraphs and you would have nothing to say.
Seems to me that you spend more time copying and pasting what the posters at BL say instead of just supporting your favorite narcissist.
Simon, I would like to know why it is so terrible that someone wholeheartedly supports Kate. I guess it's okay for everyone to bash Kate, but it's not okay for anyone to express support.
Also, I wasn't aware that having a narcissistic personality was a crime. Believe it or not, most everyone has a bit of narcissism in their personality, none moreso that the BL who you seem to admire so much.
Would love to know where you get your info and how you feel you can come here and tell others what to think and post? The BL posts about things that happened 5-6 years ago, just another 12 year old mentality, huh?
I don't know Milo, don't care who she is, none of my business. You know damm well, if Kate and Steve were together like the BL says, their would be photo's published for the world to see.
A better question is, what would the BL and all of you do if there was no Kate?
Oh my. The BL might actually have to work when she is at work.
OK, if there is no photo it didn't happen...yea right. Unless you are saying that people who witnessed the "manager" in the hotel are liars then that would be the source. The source was right there filming along side Kate. Why should she have extra help or security follow her around? She is nothing. A mother of 8 is not as special as she tries to make out. There are a lot of mothers with MANY kids and they get it done. I never said it wasn't OK to support your queen, just how is it support when you bash Jon and try to be crude with the post? I don't cherish or love the BL.
Kate gets it all done, too, and gets criticized by all who have NO idea what she does and doesn't do.
Simon, it was Jon who went on TV and did a show and tell about his masturbating habits. Did you consider that crude? Besides, we are just snarking. Isn't that what the bleeps say when writing about Kate?
You seem to always want to protect Jon. Do you know him personally? It kind of comes across that way.
You also appear to have some personal vendetta against Sage.
Why are you so angry?
If YOU think Kate is "nothing" then why have any interest in her at all? You take interest in people who you think are "nothing?" Odd.
Why not admit the truth about yourself? Not only is Kate not "nothing" to you (and to those at BL's blog) she is EVERYTHING to you all. You think about her, talk about her, hate her, envy her, want bad things for her and why? Because she's "nothing?" Nope. It's too bad you just don't realize how foolish you sound when you make these comments. Why does Kate need security? It's because of you angry haters who rant about her online daily. Why wouldn't she think she might be confronted by one of you crazies out on the street one day? Is it because she should be thinking that you all are locked up somewhere and therefore unable to meet her on the street? Better safe than sorry. :)
I don't think Kate is "nothing." I think she's what she actually is. A mother of 8 who had and will once again have a reality TV show. She's raising her kids and people are interested in her. That's that.
As for Steve - I don't care if Kate is "dating" him or not. They are adults, Steve's wife is an adult. If it doesn't bother Steve's wife, it certainly isn't going to bother me!
OMG! I am so tired of being accused of knowing Jon or something just because I ask questions that seem defensive for him. Jon is by far no perfect person. Kate has done and said her share of things that bash him (just as he is accused of). Remember the mediocre comment she made or that she waits by the phone for the kids to call to come home?
I'm not bashing Sage. I ask and (snark) about crude comments (3 times) about his masturbating.
Kate was so rude and condescending when she was on Wife swap. That was the biggest Joke. Why was she even on there? Her assistant Dianna was the "husband"?
I will say that it will be interesting to watch the train wreck of CA when it airs. Its all about ratings and we don't see anything the networks don't want us to see. If there are any opinions about Kate & Steve Expressed on CA and they air, it will clearly be for ratings. I think Donald is a JOKE. He thinks that because people go on his show, they revive their careers. They would be nothing if not for him!
Oh please. Steve is her Security because of the haters? If that was true than every celeb should have someone following them around. If someone was going to hurt Kate, Steve wouldn't be very effective when he is holding her purse or shipping bags, like he has been photographed doing.
If she were so nice in person, then people would see that and the need for a "manager" would be limited.
Simon, take a deep breath and relax. If Kate and Jon fall off the face of the earth your life will continue and so will everyone else's. It's not worth getting so upset about. Too much anger for people you do not know or will never know.
Wait a minute Simon. "Crude" comments about masturbating are only being made because....can you guess...JON chose to masturbate in a room with a film crew filming him. If you have any complaints about people making comments, well, only Jon is to blame for opening that ugly door on a tv show he was filming!
I remember the "mediocre." Oh how offensive it is to not want your kids to be "mediocre!" Yeah, that's only offensive to the mediocre, dear. Yes, how dare anyone tell you that mediocre isn't good enough when your mediocre life is plenty good enough for YOU? If it's good enough for YOU it should be good enough for Kate! LOL
Who wants average and mediocre for their kids? My guess is that Jon might, but most GOOD parents want GREAT things for their kids and want their kids to have fabulous life experiences!
"Oh please?" LOL Just because you don't want to believe it, Simon, doesn't mean it isn't the absolute truth. :)
Follow Sage's advice, Simon. Take a breath. It's okay now. Kate's just a person. There, there. :)
Who cares why Kate has Steve in her life? Why is that so important to you? And why is that any of your business how someone else lives their life?
I watched Wife Swap. IMO, Kate was most certainly not rude and condescending to anyone, except in the minds of those who think NOTHING she does is right. You need to watch that show again.
The first thing Kate did was act like the house was "clutterish" or some word she made up. Acting like having help in the house is not something she does. Who is she kidding? Whatever, the show sucked and kate got her some more face time to continue her "career". Lets see how many shows she is asked onto to promote the CA appearance.
And what was different about Kendra criticizing the kids' schedule...? Only Kate is made out to be the bad guy. The two them behaved EXACTLY the same way.
Both Kendra and Kate behaved how they were hired to behave. It's a TV show/entertainment. Simon, you. Are still talking about it. In tV land that is a success.
Simon said...
Lets see how many shows she is asked onto to promote the CA appearance.
Yeah, let's. Will you watch every single appearance and whine about all of them and say she wasn't that good or she was mean or that her 15 minutes are up as soon as the last interview airs?
Kate has got you, and she has got you good, Simon. LOL
Ah, therein lies the rub. It just kills you, the BL and her minions that Kate has managed to sustain a television career. Apparently a reality show appearance now and then is all it takes to sustain a lifestyle that includes a lovely home and private school for eight children. And how has she managed to do it? Well, I'd say she has the Simons of the world to thank, those whose obsession drives them to watch every show, comment on every blog and keep her name alive.
Meanwhile, Saint Jon can't manage to pay his rent or keep a restaurant job.
Anonymous said...
The first thing Kate did was act like the house was "clutterish" or some word she made up. Acting like having help in the house is not something she does. Who is she kidding? Whatever, the show sucked and kate got her some more face time to continue her "career". Lets see how many shows she is asked onto to promote the CA appearance.
The fact is Jon pleasured himself on TV. Had that been Kate they would have banded together with their pitchforks and charged her gates to hang her from the highest tree. Look how much they bring up a guy who kissed her foot at a bar.You would have thought that Kate was having sex right there in the bar.
As for Kate and Steve...I don't know what's going on between them. And neither does BL and her sheep.And until the main party's come forward and tell what's going on, it's all speculation.
Please prove to us about the hotel stuff that was posted on a hate twitter line. Sounds like you may be a tad jealous that Kate might find happiness in life, which would not include any of us here. If they are together, so be it, if he is her manager, so be it. Not for me to tell grown adults what to do.
Why aren't you questioning any of Jon's action over the past few years. The blog has hung on to a slow drain defending a Father who doesn't pay support and never has had a stable place for his children to feel safe. How many times has he moved in 5 years? Guns, booze, eviction, fired from jobs, etc. Why hasn't the blog sent money to help poor Jon out, provide him with a home or job? She seems to have all the answers, but Jon ignores her, she over stepped the line, and Jon cut her off. She seemed to give bad advice to Jon and a few others, Jon lost every time he went to court. Maybe it's time she does her own job, clean her own doorstep, and leave a single Mom with 8 kids alone. Would you agree? Of course, this is my opinion only.
I am again experiencing computer problems. I am off work a couple days next week and hopefully I can get this fixed.
One of their own's thoughts on the 15 min blog as found on Twitter...
Jane @ellamenopea · Nov 8
15 Mins blog is great but lately some of the posters are over-the-top self-righteous and nasty.
Finally got my computer problems fixed! Hopefully for good.
Hope everyone is doing well!
Twitter Reader,
I think there are a lot of people who post at Reality that cannot stand BL but other than twitter there is no where else to go to spew inaccuracies, rumors and innuendoes.
I quite enjoyed this scintillating weather report from PA Dutch Mom with a casual mention of her selfless act of volunteering woven in.
This one is constantly rambling on about the weather. Does she really believe people are oh-so-interested because it's the same weather as Kate experiences? Fascinating insider info there, PA Dutch Mom.
PA Dutch Mom said... 88
I just got home from volunteering at one of the local shelters, packing Thanksgiving food donations. I stopped at the grocery store to pick up a few things. Everyone is out and about in short-sleeved tee shirts and sandals, stocking up on food in preparation for the winter storm on Wednesday. It is so bizarre. It's 72 degrees, bright sunshine, and the forecast is calling for 6-10 inches all day Wednesday. Maintenance snow crews are getting the plows ready. My air conditioner just kicked on. If all goes as they think it will, it will be the most snow to fall in mid November since the 1800s.It's going to be a mess for those with Thanksgiving travel plans. We're in the heaviest band of snow zone.
Kate will be tweeting about using her new snow blower, lamenting about being snowed in, shoveling, and the damage to her trees. Get ready for it!
I think what the bleeps need to get ready for is reading all the volunteering PA does and the rest of the self-absorbed narcissists that seem to congregate there.
Happy Thanksgiving peeps!
Enjoy what ever you are going to do. We are thankful for another blessed year and wish everyone the same.
Have a good one Sage!
Sleepless knows this isn't true but just wants to start it up again.
Sleepless In Seattle said... 109
I am convinced Kate and her bodyguard, (I thought he was hired to protect the chldren) have been intimate for years. I wonder what Gina believes.
I could be wrong because it's been so long ago, but I think that Steve said in an interview that he was hired because of a female stalking fanatical fan who would show up at Kate's appearances and Kate was the one who needed protection from this obsessed fan, and probably other fans...not the kids.
I don't know if the identify of this fan was ever disclosed.
And of course you know who they're hinting at. They're as obsessed with Milo as they are Kate.
This just makes me wonder what Beck's and her people think they are to Kate.
They are nothing to her. Despite the writing about her everyday for years. I don't think Kate knows they exist and that what burns them.
/////////////////////////// (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post ""They actually shared a room"":
...I think as others have speculated Milo is desperate to be one of the girls. She probably watches a lot of TV and sees what bestie girlfriends look like, but doesn't have that in her own life. Thus she chimes in with the besties she invented, Kate and Jamie, as if this is her crew. Hey girl, awww what a cute puppy puppy! Let's get Starbucks!
It's just sad. The reality is Kate and Jamie don't exist. Not in the form she imagines. They are not her besties, her friends, or anything to her. They're nothing.
Meanwhile, the BL seems so desperate for friends that she has become the cult leader of a group of primarily middle aged women who hate Kate Gosselin. And her imaginary "Hey Girl" conversation just makes her sound ridiculous.
Let's say it together...NO. SELF. AWARENESS.
********************* (Administrator) said... 119
I think as others have speculated Milo is desperate to be one of the girls. She probably watches a lot of TV and sees what bestie girlfriends look like, but doesn't have that in her own life. Thus she chimes in with the besties she invented, Kate and Jamie, as if this is her crew. Hey girl, awww what a cute puppy puppy! Let's get Starbucks!
Sleepless knows this isn't true but just wants to start it up again. ~Sage
Yes, they know it's one of their hater rumors but they love to ignore the truth. The haters and Bl's minions have been saying this for years. They used to accuse BabyMama of being the fan. But, that's not at all what Steve said.
Steve said:
I've had threats left in her mailbox, threats left on the front doorstep -- so there's a lot of stuff that members of the public don't know. There's stuff Kate doesn't even know, the contents of these emails, that haven't been shared with her. From a security perspective, we look at all that.
People either love her to bits or they hate her. Sometimes it's almost just as tricky to deal with an overzealous fan who loves her as it is to deal with somebody that doesn't like her so much.
I knew you would have that. :) That blog is so irresponsible for allowing rumors and nontruths be made without proof or reason other than to further their sense of superiority.
Will repeat the truth here again.
Steve said:
I've had threats left in her mailbox, threats left on the front doorstep -- so there's a lot of stuff that members of the public don't know. There's stuff Kate doesn't even know, the contents of these emails, that haven't been shared with her. From a security perspective, we look at all that.
People either love her to bits or they hate her. Sometimes it's almost just as tricky to deal with an overzealous fan who loves her as it is to deal with somebody that doesn't like her so much.
I know Simon is reading here. This is why I have this blog and I have said it since the beginning....
We are not a Kate fan blog but one that shines a light on those that lie and invent.
We are a truth blog.
Auntie is one bitter woman. Why would she even write this? Does not make sense.
They project their feelings and lackings onto Kate.
AuntieAnn has left a new comment on the post ""They actually shared a room"":
"Hear me very clearly," the star of the TLC special Kate Plus 8: Sextuples Turn 10 said in an interview with E! News this week. "If there was another way to singly support eight children, you would not know this name and I would be on an island, and so would they. You would never hear from us again."
Maybe Kate is jealous of Celine Dion's $72.5M house on Jupiter Island. She'd better start taking singing lessons if she wants to live like this:
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Anyone finished with Christmas shopping? I haven't even started. My little boy has the flu, we'll be just resting on Thanksgiving.
Sage said...
We are not a Kate fan blog but one that shines a light on those that lie and invent.
We are a truth blog.
November 25, 2014 11:46 AM
Then why do you defend Milo? She invents so many scenarios that she has gone from stupid to ridiculous. Maybe you should "shine a light" on her.
What's wrong with defending Milo? The fact that she likes Kate and is a friend of Kate's makes you crazy, doesn't it? Milo has hurt no one. Her tweets shouldn't matter to you at all.
There are nice people in the world who do not need an explanation. How sad that you and your followers don't get it.
I don't defend Milo. Milo is an over the top fan. She hurts no one.
The people at Reality have wanted her identity revealed...have pleaded with Hoffman to reveal her.
No one here has ever wanted any of the bleeps real identities revealed and never will.
You know Anon, I get you don't like Kate and may even hate her.
What I don't get is why do you all have to rewrite history and recreate it?
Why do you follow everything she does? Her twitter line..her show? You do this everyday for years now.
There are plenty of celebrities that I don't like and some I loathe. I do not watch what their movies or tv appearances. I certainly do not follow their twitter or read anything about them.
There are other reality shows that have kids in them and nothing is ever said.
I wish you would answer this. I really am curious.
Sage said...
You know Anon, I get you don't like Kate and may even hate her.
What I don't get is why do you all have to rewrite history and recreate it?
Why do you follow everything she does? Her twitter line..her show? You do this everyday for years now.
There are plenty of celebrities that I don't like and some I loathe. I do not watch what their movies or tv appearances. I certainly do not follow their twitter or read anything about them.
I don't hate Kate, I just hate how she is using her children to have a "career".
You say that you don't follow celebrities you don't like, yet you subscribe to a blog that doesn't like Kate. Most of the posts on your site are about that blog.
So, isn't that being a bit hypocritical? Don't follow someone you don't like--but yet that is exactly what you do.
To quote you:
"Why do you follow everything she does? Her twitter line..her show? You do this everyday for years now."
Why do you follow everything said at 15? You do this every day for years now? You not only read there, you subscribe to the posts there. Why?
The 15 minutes blog is your Kate. Without them you wouldn't have a blog, just like you say that 15 is all about Kate, your blog is all about 15.
BTW, I see that nobody on here has even mentioned the Bill Cosby scandal. Must have bummed you all out that that was the major discussion at 15.
Trust me, we weren't bummed about the discussion about Bill Cosby. Who cares what you talk about...I did find it interesting that the usual suspects had to find a way to include Kate in the discussion.
Why did you avoid responding this question from Sage: What I don't get is why do you all have to rewrite history and recreate it?
Why is it an issue that the BC scandal hasn't been a focus of discussion here? As the for the 15 Minutes discussion, I found several of the comments woefully ignorant. BC is a "horn dog" according to your beloved Administrator. Um, no, he's a predator. Rape isn't about sex.
We also don't discuss war, the state of education in this country, poverty, etc., etc. here I'm pretty sure that doesn't mean that people here don't care about major issues.
I don't see you 15 Minutes folk discussing Ferguson. I guess your conversation is not quite as socially relevant as you seem to think.
BL must have been such a wonderful nanny. Wonder if she trash talked the kids she watched. She sure trashes the G kids.
xxxx (Administrator) said... 171
The older the G kids get, the more controversial filming them gets. At this point, it looks forced to make 8 kids film like they're still 5 and 8-year olds.
Yes. It's not cute to watch Cara not speak. It's uncomfortable. It's not adorable the way the kids walk all over their mother and act immature and wild. It's awkward.
I think TLC darn well knows this, but they just sort of looked the other way before. The HBB issue may have caused them to rethink their position on this and many other shows. It will be interesting to see how December shakes out.
November 25, 2014 at 7:03 PM
Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I have admitted before that I subscribe to big reveal there. I work and do not have time to go over there to read.
You say I wouldn't have a blog without BL's. Who knows? What would I lose? Look around ads like at BL's. Also, no moderation. Not afraid here like there. You and I both know you would never get to post there like you do here.
Why do I read there? Not because I hate Becks, messed up as she is. Because I hate to see what is done to Kate.
Everyone gets to make there own choice on how they live their lives. What about her kids you ask? They are her kids and like it or not that is the reality.
I believe Kate does not film her kids to further her 'career'. Like it or not it is up to her to see that her kids have the essentials in life. Jon does not contribute as you well know.
Where could Kate go and get a job that would support 8 kids? Back to nursing? that is unrealistic.
If Kate wants to have extensions down to her ankles or boobs implanted on her is not for you or anyone else to judge.
As long as Becks puts out garbage we will shine a light on it. Besides Becks loves it otherwise she would go private. Right?
I think we all know who the celebrity is that she nannied for. She talks about those boys. According to her the school had to be bought off for their admittance.
For all her talk of being the expert on child rearing I think it is obvious she does not like kids. Period.
She trash talks their mother. This is someone she knows.
I think the BL likes her ideal of what a child should be. Real children? Not so much.
So if I have the story straight...Kate is an abusive mother who beats her children, who in turn walk all over her. Yeah, that makes perfect sense.
So if I have the story straight...Kate is an abusive mother who beats her children, who in turn walk all over her. Yeah, that makes perfect sense.
Yeah, I can't figure that one out either.
When you post (which you are always welcome to) here I would like you to pick a name and stick with it.
I think the BL likes her ideal of what a child should be. Real children? Not so much. ~Nameless
Yep, I think you nailed it.
Yes, makes no sense. The children walk all over Kate but are abused. Lol, What happened to the beaten down children being forced to film for their supper? Also, they go on about how TLC knew all about the abuse and covered it up but St. Jon had no clue his children were in such peril. #idiots
I would love to see the magic goggles that let the bleeple know exactly what they G kids think and how Kate manages the family's finances. Must be pretty powerful lenses...
It wasn't that long ago that Jon said Kate was good handling money.
I have never felt that Kate was comfortable with being a 'celebrity'. She wants to make enough money to give her kids a comfortable life and a good education. I believe her when she says she will be gone then.
Sage said...
It wasn't that long ago that Jon said Kate was good handling money.
I have never felt that Kate was comfortable with being a 'celebrity'. She wants to make enough money to give her kids a comfortable life and a good education. I believe her when she says she will be gone then.
Are you serious? I think you wrote that just to see who would comment. No matter what side you fall on regarding love/hate of Kate, CLEARLY she is in LOVE with Celebrity and all that it entails.
Yes, I am serious. That is my opinion and I have voiced that before.
Funny that it's Jon who does his best to court the press any way that he can, and most of the time that means riding on the coattails of whatever Kate happens to be doing (most recently the yard sale that Jon showed up at and the interviews JON did after the date and press involving CA was announced - Jon's not ON CA, but Kate is so it's time for Jon to go to California to talk about it, right? Of course - lol. Remember how thrilled he was to have the TMZ guy want to go pick up girls with him? ) yet to the haters it's KATE who LOVES "celebrity."
Kate does press for whatever she is promoting and then goes back to raising her family. She doesn't go looking for press to follow her every move just for the sake of "celebrity." She knows she's been blessed with the opportunity to make money because "J&K Plus 8" gave her the opportunity, but she's far from being "in LOVE with celebrity an all that in entails." Simon and his/her fellow haters just hate any press Kate gets for anything and it makes them seethe with anger, and of course they have to think she LOVES it so they can SEETHE even more thinking that something is making her HAPPY. LOL It's very comical.
I must have missed when Kate ever acted like this. Getofftwitter has some issues.
getofftwitter said... 2
I just love how Kate acts as if, she is the only person in the world that things happen to, she does things or makes things, that she is sooo special and everyone has to follow and praise her. In a God like manner. That everything she does is perfect.
It's the mind of the hater. It's part of the hater disease to think that Kate making a simple statement about anything is actually Kate saying she's the best and "sooo special." They think it's a dig against them because they're crazy and have really low self esteem.
Like if Kate says something about "picking up her kids from school" the haters go wild saying things like "I pick my kids up from school every day and lots of people do that and what's the big deal you act like you're such a HERO for picking your kids up!" LOL All she said was that she picked her kids up from school!
So much paranoia and low self esteem comes out of those haters whenever they make any comment about Kate and they just don't see it.
Good grief, for all the "she's lying, back on October 26, 1892 she said this and NOW she says that" games that they play at the BL's, the fearless leader can't keep her story straight from one post to the next on a completely mundane topic.
I couldn't care less whether her family paid for snow removal or did it themselves, but telling two completely contradictory tales in the span of six minutes is just...bizarre.
******************************** (Administrator) said... 36
When I grew up everyone did their own snow removal and people with long driveways would even buy expensive equipment to do it. That's changed now. Snow removal is very quick and affordable. You can pay al la carte or a flat rate for the season.
November 26, 2014 at 1:55 PM (Administrator) said... 37
Not unless she's recently started to do it. In the past. someone with a pickup truck with a plow on the front has done it for her.
That's what we had back home, and it was completely reasonable. I think we paid a couple hundred bucks tops for the entire season. It amounted to far less than the cost of buying, maintaining and fueling a snowblower.
A guy with a pick up would go up and down the driveways in the wee hours of the morning after a storm. The whole neighborhood would be done by 7am and it's off to work, no fuss.
So that blog continues to rant about Kate, snow, food, etc. None of them talk about volunteering during this week to help others in need.
My Thanksgiving Day will not be the same this year, spending the day at the hospital with a family member who fell on the ice/snow and broke her shoulder in two places. Surgery this am, everything fixed, but being alone on a holiday is not what anyone of my family would want. My family will and can do for themselves, it may not be perfect, but they don't care.
Have a safe and wonderful day, that goes for anyone who is hating on a family that didn't do a thing to any of them.
From your neighbor to the North, I hope you all have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving.
Hope everyone has a happy and blessed Thanksgiving.
What Puff said... Happy Thanksgiving to all of my SageWay friends! Happy to be with family and friends today!
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