Friday, November 7, 2014

Jon Gosselin Goes on a Kate Bashing Tour

He's baaaccckk! Sure enough, like clock work, Jon is back cashing in on Kate and the kids. Right off of being evicted, breaking up again with another sex partner girlfriend, bouncing checks, and abandoning a kitten, Jon shows up at Kate's yard sale. Strange that despite lots of local publicity that TLC would be filming the yard sale Jon states he did not know that the cameras would be there. Makes you go hmmm.

Jon has been giving print interviews stating that he wants Kate to do Couples Therapy to discuss  how to 'co-parent' the kids. (Personally, I think he just wants to masturbate on camera again). Strange, that is the golden on Makes you go hmmm.

Jon has also stated that he wishes Kate would fess up to having a relationship with Steve and finally admit to the boob job. Wow, that is what they (bleeps) are always hammering away at. Makes you go hmmm.

Jon states in the Extra clip that he is not in a relationship right now (other than with his hand) and needs to remain single for awhile. Again! what a cowinkiedink! they say the very same thing at bleepleland. Makes you go hmmm.

Jon's Kate bashing tour at hitting these points kind of reminds me of Hoffman's book which was just a regurgitation that the 'mentals' (that is what Hoffman called the bleeps in an email to me. Remember?) would spew day after day, month after month, year after year. Makes you go hmmm.

Jon is up to something. He wants something and Jon is bashing Kate and using the kids to get it...again.


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Sage said...

I want to wish everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving.

I enjoy and appreciate all of you.


Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families, everyone!


Micha said...

I hope everyone is having a great Thanksgiving!

bellefidele said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all

Sage said...

Jon bashes and trashes Kate again.

JON CALLS Chole and tells her he is not seeing the kids for Thanksgiving and sticks in a plug about him DJing.

They go into how Kate is keeping the kids away from him...

Shawn said...

Happy Belated Thanksgiving to all. Hope it was the best!

I see that Jon is still a slug.

Quiltart said...

Where does Jon live? Last I read, he doesn't have a place large enough to accommodate the kids. Perhaps that is why he doesn't have them? Of course it's easiest for him to blame it all on Kate, since he takes no responsibility for anything ... ever.

merryway said...

Once again, Bl wants to be all-knowing and is wrong. A couple of years ago, Kate said the children get to decide with which parent they spend the holidays.

You are right Quiltart, unless Jon has moved back to his cabin in the woods, he doesn't have a place to accommodate his children. He should have stayed put. At least the children that do see Jon had an established place to hang with their dad.

xxxxxx (Administrator) said... 193

I don't know what the deal is that program mentioning who has custody. If a parent doesn't have Thanksgiving, chances are that's because they are getting Christmas, because most family law orders set up the typical structure of even/odd years for holidays. Big deal, whoever was without this year will get their turn next year or over xmas. The only sad part about this is that Kate can NEVER admit when they are with their father whom they love.

The other system they could be following is to just stick to their normal schedule and if a holiday happens to fall on your custodial time that's your holiday no matter what. I'm not a fan of that arrangement because it's rarely fair but it's up to them how they want to work it.
November 28, 2014 at 8:12 PM

Farkle said...

A lawyer questioning other parents rights is just weird. In the real world (not her warped world) parents must provide a place for their kids to visit, meaning a driveway is not a proper place for kids to sleep and eat. Most parents split the holiday weekends, the law does not seem to punish either parent not to spend time with their kids. The not know it all, just wants to post some drivel so her socks can respond to her idiocy.

Hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving. :)

Christmas funds fail said...

Poor Robert is still trying to hawk his failed book. No one cares Hoffie, the G's have moved on in life, maybe you should try it also.

Nameless in LA said...

Christmas decorating...add that to the list of things that the bleeple do better than Kate. Tucker's Mom is such a holiday martyr.
Tucker's Mom said... 58

P.S. - I'm sorry for the screwed up links today. I swear, I'm not drinking any Rumspringa!
We're decorating the house straight on through the day. Two big trees and a mini, lots of knick knacks and then we tackle of outdoors.

Oh, if only I could decorate the trees like Kate. I'd have strung a couple sets of lights, thrown up a few ornaments, and called it a day.

I wonder if lights are still hard to come by...

Nameless in LA said...

Hmmm...criticizing children and calling out their parents is wrong, wrong, wrong suddenly. thIt's only December 1st, and I think we already have our top candidate for the monthly "No Self-Awareness" award.

Millicent said... 14
Lauten was wrong, wrong, wrong. I put myself into the shoes of the parent, and I would be so angry if someone publicly criticized my child and then, just for good measure, called me out on my parenting. How dare she? Disgraceful and I'm glad she resigned. What a jerk.

Sadie May said...

Yes, we have a winner.

merryway said...

Absolutely no self awareness. Upthread, I posted one of Bl's comments trashing the children, calling them wild and immature. The bleeple look ridiculous calling someone out for what they do on a daily basis.

Quiltart said...

Just a few days ago they were blaming Kate for "letting" those online criticize the children. How do they explain all the evil comments they have regularly made over the past seven years? I'm sure the BL will come up with one of her creative rationalizations IF it ever dawns on her that they are no different.

Sage said...

Didn't the BL when she was posting on GWoP wish that Hannah would get head lice?

Merry, I am sure you remember that.

merryway said...

Yes, Bl aka Dew of GWOP wished lice upon Hannah because she found her annoying. What an awful thing for a supposed child advocate attorney to say.

Sage said...

Why do these people feel so inferior to Kate that they have to keep reminding others...and themselves how wonderful they are?

We get all do everything better than Kate. Throw yourselves a party.


NJGal51 has left a new comment on the post "Rep. Fincher's staffer resigns after criticizing O...":

@Kateplusmy8: From Turkey overload to Christmas cheer... This happened fun... #MerryChristmas2All
Well Hell's bells. I hung our stockings, decorated the tree, put up the outside lights/decorations AND finished everything with enough time to cook dinner and watch The Walking Dead. I am superwoman!

merryway said...

The bleeple are so mean. I bet they gossip about their friends the same way.


Anonymous said... 68

Good grief! What's with the anaemic-looking berries on the mantle? What a pathetic effort. And people are praising her for this hot mess? Two snowflakes and some letters? I wonder what she did with the other 23 hours and 55 minutes of her day. That's really a sad, sad sight.

December 1, 2014 at 6:47 PM

Quiltart said...

Merry, I doubt they have many friends.

merryway said...

LOL Quiltart

Sage said...

Really, could you imagine being friends with these judgmental witches?

They are so obsessed with everything Kate! Who even notices what color her mantle was or is???

Sherri has left a new comment on the post "Rep. Fincher's staffer resigns after criticizing O...":

@Kateplusmy8: From Turkey overload to Christmas cheer... This happened fun... #MerryChristmas2All

If the white painted fireplace mantle in the pic is any indication of changes made during the remodel/updating, it looks like TFW modernized and lightened things up and got rid of the natural wood on the trim in the house.

Micha said...

Kate tweets something, haters tear it apart and/to prop themselves up. In the process they once again succeed in revealing their jealousy and deep feelings of inferiority.

So, same ole same ole. :-/

HaHa said...

Tempers are flaring over there.The tweedle woman got snarky and admin shut her down. and of course admins boot lickers are backing her up. The veranda is all a flutter.

Quiltart said...

Tell us what tweedle said!!

Nameless in LA said...

Quiltart, She called them out on their hypocrisy, but beyond that we don't know what she said because the BL, true to form, got in a back and forth with her but wouldn't publish her comments, so you can only see one part of the conversation.

And of course, once someone dared to point out the obvious, the troops had to gather in support of their fearless leader with vomit-inducing comments like "Let's just say it. This veranda is a wonderful place. Thanks Admin and the posters here."


Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 101
localyocul said... 77
Why in the world would someone publicly blast the teenage girls of a sitting president for acting like teenagers when they themselves were ARRESTED as a teenager? That's just stupid.

I thought this was the blog that says ex-cons crimes should stay in the past, i.e., they did their time (even if they're committing more in the present). Didn't I read that here?? Surely a teenage misadventure should be considered to be in the past as well, not to ever be brought up.

Sage said...

I feel sometimes the posters tiptoe around Becks. They never know when she is changing her mind about something again. Sometimes in the same day.

It is really stupid for her to argue with someone publically when she doesn't post what they say.

What is she so afraid of?

Fetish site said...

So the BL is deflecting from herself about her birth fetish site, the conversation is always shut down when someone questions her about the law or prior convictions in life. Why isn't she posting her own site on her blog? The new year is coming, hopefully she is exposed for the REAL person she is. imo

Sage said...

Fetish site,

I have to admit your comment confuses me. Was the BL asked about her site?

If you are a reader here you know I don't encourage or want the REAL person exposed.

Besides, BL is already known and there is not much or anything not known about her.

fetish site said...

No it has not been talked about on her site Sage. Seems like whenever there is a law issues, she deflects from what the law reads. I get upset that she points her fingers at everybody who has never done a thing to her, yet when questioned, she shuts people down. This is my opinion, not stirring anything, just past history of how her blog has read for years. She wants the G's life exposed and many posters of Kate supporters, but she hides her own actions. Won't mention it again, all good here. :)

Sage said...

Fetish site,

all good here too. :)

BL is a hypocrite of the worst kind.
She flip flops and fabricates and gets angry if anyone points it out.

I would imagine a difficult person to be around in her real life.

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