'As to an emerging frontrunner? Donald definitely had some thoughts.
“I think Kate [Gosselin] is very sharp. I think she’s very smart. I think she’s going to do great.”
I am sure there are spinning hater heads going on with that. I also, read at 'you know where' that Kate gave an interview with TMZ. The interview has Kate denying dating Jeff Prescott but does know him and has had meetings with him about a 'project'. Good for her! More spinning heads!
Kate Plus 8 returns to TLC Tuesday, January 13 for 5 episodes. Kate seems to be pretty busy for someone who is supposedly 'circling the drain'. Two different shows airing the same week.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 235 of 235Remember around the holidays; Kate tweeted something about picking up one of the girls from a weekend sleepover and all she could talk about was what present to get one of her brothers to make him happy? Well, Bl thought it was way over the top for it to be a weekend because "a normal mother would be embarrassed to impose on a family like that."
However, friends who live in Montana are supposed to be thrilled to come and babysit all at their own expense. If not, they're not really friends.
I'd guess, pay stubs are for expense reports and different costs. For instance, when Kate's sitters brought the kids to NCY to visit.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 34
Not even sure I believe that tweet. Maybe TFW just consulted her
chart and realized A hadn't gotten any good "press" lately.
Not sure I believe it either actually. And she goes for the double whammy see my kids have sleepovers see they're normal! Only in typical Kate fashion she has to go over the top with it and say the kid was on a sleepover for the WEEKEND. In 2014 there are very few families, stretched thin as we are with activities and other commitments, who would have the ability or want to take in another person's child all weekend. Unless of course they were taking that child in for reasons like an abusive home, mom just had a baby, etc. I just don't buy that the average parents hold marathon sleepovers like that at this age. A normal mother would be embarrassed to impose on a family like that. And during the busy holiday season with a million things to do no less. The last thing we need is little Johnny here all weekend too, bless his heart.
December 17, 2014 at 8:19 AM
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 79
Why is she paying close friends for a one-time thing, friends apparently so close they are almost family? For being so close apparently they wanted their fair wages, lol. Some friends. And I agree, paystubs don't prove anything. For all we know the paystub is to water the plants and watch Shoka and house sit.
January 30, 2015 at 12:45 PM
In spite of how Bl's blog wails on and about how hard "real" single mothers have it; Bl wants to know why a single mom needs charity.
How dare someone try to help someone! So much for being kind and reaching out.
According to Bl, the only thing a single mom requires to solve all of her problems is a court order for child support. If you're receiving child support, your worries are gone! (rolling my eyes). Plus, Bl acts as if deadbeats are a non-existent problem.
Btw, I have no idea about Kate starting a charity. I thought I read she was starting a business focused on single mothers. So,not sure if this is just Bleeple running w/what they imagine.
I remember Jon was going to start a charity. But, it's Jon so the minions don't bother.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 45
Kate already has a charity to serve single women raising kids.
Why do single moms need a charity? And why not single PARENTS? Does Kate understand if you are a single parent and you're struggling you can walk yourself down to court and get a child support order? You don't need a charity to do this. Help yourself, things are in place for you in every state in the union to make sure your children's father is contributing.
January 29, 2015 at 10:52 AM
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 47
If you don't know who the father of your child is, that's really on you, unless it was rape. If you don't know where the father is, a due diligence can be done. 90% of the time in my courts, that finds him. It's hard to disappear in the US. If the father is dead, you can collect death benefits.
Certainly there are a minority of women unsuccessful in collecting benefits, but I just hate the fact that she acts like I so identify so strongly with this cause. Gimme a break.
January 29, 2015 at 11:07 AM
And one more beautiful comment this morning.
BL is no kind of an attorney. She sucks. She wants to spin and bring up that it's illegal to bargain away child support. Which it is.
BL doesn't want to tell her minions how easy it is to agree to no child support and for a parent to give up legal custody. The judge needs to agree it's in the best interest and it's done.
Nope, Bl wants to hedge and deny the facts that:
Jon doesn't pay child support
Jon no longer has legal custody
Yep, the kids are filming because that decision is all on Kate since Jon gave up shared legal custody.
Even if Bl and her bleeple ignore the child support issue; Have they ever asked what did it benefit Jon to give up legal custody? There is just no way a parent worried about their children would do such a thing. Jon is not concerned with Kate taking on full responsibility for his eight kids.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 77
Is there any proof that Jon exchanged no child support for allowing Kate to film the kids without objection?
Not only is there no proof, but it would be illegal to cook up such an arrangement according to PA's own laws. You cannot "bargain away" child support in the great state of PA and in most other states. It is calculated completely separate from everything else.
January 31, 2015 at 11:04 AM
It's not that easy to get child support for some. I don't know if it's the same in every state. In Pa (unless they changed it recently), if the other parent is on welfare you can't get them for child support.
Does anybody remember when Jon gave up parental rights? They didn't pass the law about giving up parental rights to get out of child support until 2011.
Boy BL has no idea about real life. Not every dad will pay support.That's why the term "dead beat" dads is around.The law may say they have to pay support but a lot of them don't.Some fathers are thousands of dollars behind on support.Becky, you don't have children so you really don't know what it's like to be a single mom.Don't embarrass yourself.
Dana, Jon gave up shared legal custody and now Kate is the sole legal custodian. Jon was on The View in Sept 2013 and said Kate had legal custody.
"Parental rights" is different.
You would give those up if you were willing to have your child adopted by someone else.
Jon is still the parent. A parent w/the right to visitation. If something were to happen to Kate, Jon retains his right as their father to obtain legal custody and care for his children. Probably, without any question.
You just have to laugh at these comments...they are so delusional.
Jumping In has left a new comment on the post "Kate on Wendy Williams, Jan. 28":
I often wonder if Kate's extended family get together to discuss what options they may still have left open to protect these children. Based on what we see ourselves, these relatives must see and feel so much more pain and be beside themselves watching this all play out. I picture everyone sitting around a table with Jon asking, "how can we stop her, save the kids, and end these lies?"
Kate seems to hold so much power over so many people who could possibly force her hand, yet nothing ever seems to filter to the forefront. And, when there is a rare negative comment made, the TFW shuts it down pretty quickly and worms out of any criticism. All she has to do is say, "I'm the single mother of 8 kids", and that seems to absolve her.
Has everyone she has cut out of her life that afraid of her, or are they all under a blanket gag order?
Jon damaged himself..period, by his behavior. One example of his behavior was Couples Therapy. Wonder what his family thought of his masturbation scene?
eader said... 77
Omg, her exaggerations are in overdrive now!
The locals do not love Kate, they tolerate her. Most have heard the stories. Many feel she was just down right dirty to Jon, did some serious damage to the once promising athletic son of a well liked dentist. And most agree the damage is done, and the media are interlopers with no concern for the well being of those children. Also the people she has treated like crap are locals too...and there are so many examples of that. No, absolutely the locals do not love Kate.
Merry, there are some who believe everything the BL says even tho she dodges and darts. That is why her site has to be moderated so she can control what they here. Yet, they call us stupid. LOL
They just don't get or refuse to get that Jon gave up legal custody in return for not having to pay child support.
If I remember correctly he had to pay what he owed because he was behind but did not have to pay from that day forward.
What these idiots can't through their thick heads is that Kate takes care of her children very well.. Her family has no reason to try to protect them. This family is ALWAYS under scrutiny. If Kate was harming her children, the authorities would have been on her in a flash.
Jon, a promising athletic son??? Gimme a break. Jon hasn't been able to hold a job since they were first married and that was his own doing. I'm sure Kate would have loved for him to be able to provide for his family. It just never happened.
Huh? I'm pretty it's not Kate who is on the slippery slope into the decent into madness...or who already has landed at the bottom.
redbirdsings said... 92
From that MJ interview, he asked her if Vivica would babysit her kids. I thought kate said that she had SEEN Vivica many times since CA, in a published article! The All Mighty Kate Kid Whisperer couldn't get Vivica to babysit on at least one of the many times she saw her since CA?
She is on the slippery slope into the decent of madness.
Why on earth would Kate want, ask or get Vivica Fox to babysit her kids? LOL
Blogger Quiltart said...
What these idiots can't through their thick heads is that Kate takes care of her children very well.. Her family has no reason to try to protect them. This family is ALWAYS under scrutiny. If Kate was harming her children, the authorities would have been on her in a flash.
On the last episode of Kate Plus 8 all the little ones were talking about how they didn't want to switch rooms because they didn't want to be farther away from their mom! Would kids who are being "harmed" by their mom be upset about switching rooms that would take them farther away from their mom, even though they are in the same house? How do the haters reconcile their crazy comments and theories with what the kids actually say about their mother? Oh, I know - they'll say the kids are lying when they say anything nice about their mom, in order to make her happy. But the kids also make fun of Kate. Would kids who are scared of their mom tease her and mimic her and joke about her? Haters sure do have to work hard and edit reality a lot in order to keep painting that picture of Kate as he "bad mom."
A promising athletic career? That would take dedication and I doubt Jon could ever be that dedicated.
It's funny how this hate has snowballed.At first she was a grumpy mom of 8 kids.Now she's this psycho woman who is a danger to everyone.These women have believed every negative story about Kate and it's snowballed out of control.They've blurred the line. So Kate isn't the nicest person in the world.Doesn't mean she's not a bad parent.The women at 15mins are the ones who lost touch with reality.They can thank Becky for that.Sometimes I think 15mins is really a psychological experiment and Becky is playing them all.One day she'll tell them the results and heads will explode.
Sadie this made me laugh..
'It's funny how this hate has snowballed.At first she was a grumpy mom of 8 kids.Now she's this psycho woman who is a danger to everyone.'
When put like that it really does show how ridiculous these haters are.
Kate is a very pretty woman but you have to wonder what makes a bleeping hater see her this way....hmmm
Tucker's Mom has left a new comment on the post "Kate on Wendy Williams, Jan. 28":
OMG, Kate Coyne tapped Vivica for an article on how someone stuffs in their face over the course of a day? Not Organic Kate?
Vivica looks much, much healthier than Kate. She's got natural curves that she embraces, her skin looks great and she just looks so much brighter.
Kate's skin looks dull, her hair dry (the real stuff), her face sunken, her eyes tired. Sure, she can turn it on for the camera, when the shutters are clicking, but she looks like she doesn't get enough nourishment (a far more likely reason for her shingles).
I am sure the bleeps will wring their hands all day over this. What? Jon isn't the most sexiest man alive!!? This Prescott guy is going to be ripped apart.
Sadie May said..."I think 15mins is really a psychological experiment and Becky is playing them all."
Scary, isn't it? But, this all seems more as if it's an internet gang stalking experiment than a simple psychological experiment.
This BL is the same chick who had the birth fetish site? Wasn't she also the one who said very mean things about little Hannah on the GWOP site, years ago? And, Jon Gosselin has fed her info and called this woman a friend? Disgusting. I always thought that Jon Gosselin seemed like a really nice man. How can a nice man allow someone to type/post about his little daughter in such an abusive manner? I hope Jon realizes that she is the person who wrote nasty things about his family and puts that woman in her place. This is all so sordid and sick.
~ Laurel
Not only does the BL fetish site, she refuses to post her own filth on her blog, could we say she is 2 faced. Her posters must be creepy knowing she makes money off this. She took down some of the nasty comments from old geezers once she was exposed, but I do think she has her many pairs of socks on her blog. No way there could be that many stupid people in this world to believe her drivel everyday.
As for her being a lawyer, doesn't look like she has a client list anywhere, maybe a backroom in a office doing some research for real lawyers. Never have seen anything published from her great work about her thinking she exposed the G family. She is just scary, hopefully she is not around children, not alone having to deal in a adult world.
I think that BL's minions and the other haters should be thanked for making Kate the reality star that she is. When you look at ROL and other sites that post articles about Kate, the haters make a LOT of comments...more than most other articles. That is keeping Kate relevant. A fan is a fan.
I've noticed a lot more positive comments and tweets since Kate was on CA. Several people have said they have changed their mind about her and like her!
Hooray! They finally fired Kenya. She is evil and toxic!
Why are tweeters saying to boycott Kate, just because CA is on. She was fired, did they miss something?
It's amazing they tell Kate to get a real job to support her kids, but their Father doesn't have to pay any bills concerning his children. Unreal how women think this way, are they single, have no kids, divorced, or husbands who support them? Just asking?
I cannot believe how toxic that Kenya is. Liar and devious.
It is ridiculous to boycott CA. Firing is the premise of the show.
I would love to hear what Donald Trump thinks if he sees the hate towards Kate. He didnn't hate her at all.
Do these Bleeple not understand that Kate works. She runs her house with little help. She is the one who gets the opptys to support her family WITHOUT her children. CA was completely without the kids and they still slammed her. No matter what she does, be it entertainment or nursing, they have made their life mission to destroy her. It's illegal to block someone's employment. I've said it before. They are going to send their hate to the wrong person and it's going to backfire on THEM, while Kate keeps on supporting her kids by herself!
This never was about the kids. The bleeps and the rest of the haters use the kids as an excuse to attack Kate. They couldn't care less about them. If they did they would not attack everything she does to support the kids.
I believe and always have believed these are a bunch of women with low self esteem who with the internet have found like minded people. People with low self esteem attack (bully) those that they see as being more successful, superior or privileged.
These people are really delusional. They really think that the Gosselin kids are going to be thankful to them for writing day after day what a drunken, ugly, mentally ill whore they think their mother is.
Instead of telling Kate to 'get help' for her issues they should be addressing their own.
To the G kids: If, someday you find this blog, please know that the people here cared for you kids and wanted nothing more than to never have had your lives exposed to us. We want peace and joy and love for all of you but we don't want to witness it. I hope someday that you all have wonderful relationships with each other. Please know that you are children and are not responsible for the things that happened.
You beat me to it, Sage! That post KILLED me. That blog is populated by some seriously sick puppies.
The problem with a hate blog telling the kids that they cared about them is so funny. Those kids are well adjusted, typical kids who will care less about internet loons who spent hours and hours posting hate on their on their Mom. OMG, where do these people live?/ backwards thinking folks who try to one up each other on a blog that wanted their Mom shot with a arrow.
The Brown family and the Leann Rimes stories are more interesting at the moment. Divorced poly and stalker step-mom is scary. I will always support single Mom's and good Dad's that try to help support their kids.
To the non fans, give your time and $ to help some single Mom's who struggle every day instead of blowing your mouths and fingers on a hate failed blog. We know you won't, it's better for you to tell others how to parent, spend their money, raise their kids than to be part of the problem that many have. I can't feel sorry for the losers anymore, education level tell us what this people are really like who post on hate blogs, you go ahead while the REAL world moves on without you.
They act like Kate has had the kids filmed every single day, 24/7, since the divorce and that is absolutely not true!
The kids seemed so bright, so normal and grounded on the TV show.. I wonder if these idiots have children of their own.
Virginia Pen Mom said... 131
How long can she continue to isolate these kids from outside influences? She can continue to keep people out, but her days of keeping them so isolated is coming sooner than later, especially with the twins.
Did Vanessa just admit that Jon is NOT a positive male influence? Oopsie.
Not to mention they have to get through their REAL teen years. 14? yeah, just wait.
Parties start happening, boys, sneaking out, booze, drugs...NOT saying this will be their path, but we just don't know, and neither does SHE.
Without a positive male influence???
"Without a positive male influence?"
That's funny, Nameless in LA. Oopsie. I wonder does this person realize what she's saying about Jon? Jon is their father, he's a male, but yes, I agree, he doesn't appear to BE a positive male influence. The kids that choose not to see him have probably already realized that, and if so, that's a good thing. Maybe even the ones who do see him know. Kids can see who's living a good and decent life and who's not.
How do they know what Kate allows her children to do? She has said over and over that they have friends. The twins had a bunch of kids at their party. These people love to create drama with absolutely NO proof of anything.
Because no one that goes to Walmart and eats fast food would dare post on Beck's blog.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) has left a new comment on the post "Kate Plus 8 "Plus More: The Room Project": Discuss...":
I agree with the comments about TLC"s strategy. I think they are aiming for the Walmart crowd as someone else said, for lack of a better description. Or perhaps the fast food crowd. You don't land on TLC anymore and expect to be challenged or intellectually stimulated. You're there for side shows and sludge and guilty pleasures. They've cornered that market fairly well.
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